Reality Show!

By Aero Absol

Author’s note: Inspired by Dannichu’s Pokemon Survivor, but very different.

Author’s warning: May cause hair loss in rare *cough* cases. WAY too much insanity.

Starring: Ryan Seacrest, Pikachu, Jeff the Croconaw, and ( even though he isn’t real) Pikablu!

Ryan Seacrest: Hello I’m Ryan Seacrest. I was fired by American that dirty little...anyway, now I’m the host of: Pokemon Room-mates!

Pikachu: Hi, I’m Pikachu. I like playing Gamecube, sky diving, Canadian bacon....

Ryan Seacrest: Anyway, I’m the host! I rule! I’m the best! My ego-

Pikachu: SHUT UP! Introduce Jeff!

Jeff: Hi, I’m Jeff and I’m a Croconaw! I-

Ryan Seacrest: Anyway, my ego-

Jeff: I’m ready for the reality show now!

....................................................................Day 1

Jeff: Were is my toothpaste!?

Pikachu: ( mouth covered in toothpaste) No idea!

Jeff: Were is my @#$% toothpaste!

Jeff: ( in an interview) Okay, I went to far. But still, it was my toothpaste!

( Back to the show)

Pikachu: It is in Utah!

Jeff: We live in the @% Pokemon World! It’s a mystery how Ryan Seacrest even got here! Hey, you got my toothpaste!

Pikachu: No, I swear I didn’t!

Jeff: Enough @#$% I wanna kill you!

Pikachu: (in interview) I was so scared that Jeff would kill me. He was cursing so much!

(Back to the show)

Pikachu: You won’t get a chance to hurt me! Pi...ka....CHU!! (electrocutes Jeff)

............................................After Day 1

Ryan Seacrest: It seems Jeff is in a hospital. Therefor, the season is over and so is my career. (Cries)

Pikablu: Not like I give a rat’s butt about your career, but I’ll do it.

Ryan Seacrest: You don’t exist! You’re as fake as Nido-God!

Pikablu: You want a show or not?

...............................................Day 2

Pikachu and Pikablu are drinking coffee.

Pikachu: Do you exist?

Pikablu: Not in the games, no.

Pikachu: Are you Marril?

Pikablu: No! Look at me!

Pikachu: Do you watch Superman?

Pikablu: No!

Pikachu: Do you watch Knight Rider?

Pikablu: What the heck is that?!

Pikachu: Who are you?!? Do you like The Who?

Pikablu: You—

..................................After Day 2

Ryan Seacrest: I don’t have the exact details, but it seems as if Pikablu committed suicide. We are so screwed!

Director (Drunken Hobo): Yer FIRED Ryan! All three of you!

Ryan Seacrest: Is there not a Pokemon that can stop this annoying monster!

Hippie: It’s Pocket Monster, dude! Lets protest calling them Pokemon! They’re Pocket Monsters!

Ryan Seacrest: Well that was random!

Totodile: I didn’t buy digital cable to see this show be this bad! Or good, I don’t know how these reality shows work. How about you bring William Hung on!

Ryan Seacrest: Enough references to American Idol!

.....................Day 3

William Hung: Ooh Pokemon. (Singing horribly) Ppoookkkeeeemmmoonn....

5 horrific minutes later

William Hung: Hey Pokemon, how you guys doing?

Hippie: It’s Pocket Monster, man!

Pikachu: I can’t live with this dude! No one can. PI....

.............After Day 3

Ryan Seacrest: I have no idea how one Pokemon can be so annoying!

Jeff: Then you try living with him!

Ryan Seacrest: No, I’m too..... important.

Pikablu’s ghost: Yeah, try to survive it! I didn’t, Jeff barely did, and neither did William Hung.

Hung’s ghost: She-

Pikablu: He’s gonna sing! To the bomb shelter!

Jeff: Or you could depart to the afterlife.

Pikablu: You’re right! See you suckers later!

Jeff: Good thing my ears are burned.

...........Day 4

*Okay, I ran out of Pokemon, so I started annoying humans, mainly people on American Idol. Now to make fun of George W. Bush!*

Bush: Hey, Pokemons!

Hippie: Pocket Monsters! Attack Bush! With a sing a long!

Audience Member: Well, at least they were wise enough to be mad at Bush.

Pikachu: So Bush, why did you declare war in Iraq?

Bush: To see if they had nuculer weapons.

Pikachu: You mean NUCLEAR weapons?

Bush: What did I say?

Pikachu: You said NUCULER.

Bush: Do I sound like that? Everyone in America must be laughing at me!

Pikachu: Basically. Although this is in another dimension.

Bush: So aliens are laughing at me?

Pikachu: Yeah. They’re also making fun of Ryan Seacrest too.

Bush: I’m a guy that says nuculer! (Jumps out of window)

..............After Day 4

Hippie 1: Pocket Monsters!

Hippie 2: Right on, brother! Gotta save ‘em all!

Director: I give up! In four days my show was ruined! WHY ME?!?

Hippie 3: Brother!

Hippie 2: You are now a brother!

Pikachu: Geez, how annoying are those guys?


Until season 2....