11/01/06 The English Names Revelation Begins, + PBR

Ladies and gentlemen, we have the English name of Shinou. Apparently, it is Sinnoh. It will take some getting used to, but hey. Now that we have the name of the region we're really getting into the whole English name deal, aren't we? Whoo. Name guessing time.

Well, we know this because Ranger is out in the US and mentions the region. Which brings us to the great news: Mew, Celebi, Deoxys and Manafi are all available without going to events in the US version! Let's all worship Pokémon USA, and hope that they don't take this awesome-w00t-yay-finally-did-something-right feature out in the European version.

And, as observant readers will have noticed, this means that inevitably, Manafi's English name would have to have been revealed as well, and so it has: it is Manaphy. No surprises there; it just retains its "official" romanization.

Source: Serebii.net

For those interested, yes, I updated Manaphy and Sinnoh's names in the Pokémon List Generator.

Additionally, we have three new Pokémon Battle Revolution videos on the official Japanese site, showing the three final-form starters attacking one another. Each one is very short - one attack and then it's done - but they do tell us a few things, most notably (and happily) that full contact is definitely in - we see Goukazaru physically attacking Dodaitosu. I admittedly don't like the way Goukazaru moves at all (it looks very awkward in my opinion), but the actual models look very smooth, and Dodaitosu and Enperuto's movement looks fine.

I'm trying to figure out that announcer we hear speaking in between. There are four possibilities:

  1. It's just somebody talking on the videos afterwards as an advertisement narrator thingy.
  2. It's an in-game announcer, but he only speaks when there is something noteworthy to report (i.e. a critical hit or a super effective hit - he doesn't appear to be speaking after super effective hits in the videos, but critical hits would be a possibility; I wouldn't know, since I don't understand Japanese).
  3. It's an in-game announcer, but he speaks for random attacks, not after all of them.
  4. It's an in-game announcer, but they simply haven't finished recording him saying the names of all the attacks yet, so he is only actually heard talking for the attacks they've finished putting in.

I think most people are leaning towards the first possibility, and I am as well. He seems to be speaking louder than the battle music and sound effects, implying he's not actually part of the game. The way he talks sounds like an in-game announcer, though. (If anybody reading this knows Japanese and knows what he's saying, by all means tell me.)


(Comments are closed.)

...And that officialy clinchs the deal. I'm getting ranger. Now, If only I could find another DS so I can transfer...

Anyway, the new region name isn't quite as good as Shinou, but i'll due. And I liked Manaphy's name anyway.
But...will Fione retain it's name?
haha, I knew it'd be Manaphy. They have no imagination. xD

I want ranger. o_O

also wtf sinnoh? Shinou sounds cooler. :/
Man, good thing I have Ranger. XD Finally, having a spin-off game is worth it. But be warned people, Ranger is as hard as sin. D:
Sinnoh eh? Shinou IS better, but I bet within a month I'll be used to it.
And I bet $500 that they'll name Fione Phyon. Or maybe Phion.
Thhe Unown Trainer
I accept that bet, and multiply it by 0.01! Anyway, Ranger seems ausome. I might get it. Will we be able to trade the pokemon we catch to D/P? If so, Nintendo did TWO things right! Gasp! Horror! I haven't seen this much contriversy over pokemon since R/S was first released . Oh boy, Oh joy.
Malachite Treecko
Then I'm gonna preorder american rangers. Preordered Pearl recetly.
Sinnoh, wtf? Shinou IS BETTER. So much.
The Unown Trainer
Houston, we have a problem. It's name-guessing time. Run away FAST before Game Freak comes along and tells us that we were SO FRIGGIN WRONG! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Manaphy... Lucario... Is it just me, or is Nintendo getting less and less creative? So far they've been romanizing every D/P
name. Next thing you know, they'll re-create R/S/E for the DS!
Yay Ranger!!!!!!!!! I've always wanted a mew! Can't wait till Christmas! ^_^
Mr. Pelipper
Lol, first name guesses:

Neatoru: Sproutle (Sprout + Turtle)

Pochama: Pingua (Penguin + Aqua)

Erekiburu: Elekable (Electricity + Cable)

Rioru: Ora (Shortening of Oracle that sounds like "Aura")

ANybody got any others? Personally, I think Pingua sucks, but I like the others.

Hikozaru: Pyrokey (Pyro + Monkey)
Bippa: Beavuff (Beaver + Puff)
Dotaitos: Tortree (Tortoise + Tree)
Enperuto: Pengtune (Penguin + Neptune)

Lol, I'll be so wrong. ^_^
Rentora: Libolt (lion + thunderbolt)

PorygonZ: Porygon3 [how original]

Glacia: Arcteon (Arctic + eon)

Booburn: Magnnon (magma + cannon)

Yes, these names suck. And I bet $100 they'll be wrong, but I had to try.
I'm excited! I wonder when D/P will come out in the US? A website called PokemonMillenium (or something like that) said it will come out on March 10, 2007. But that sounds too good to be true.
And Mr Pelipper, the name you guessed for Rioru is COOL SOUNDING. Nice idea.
Unknown Force (Website)
Ha,Tortree reminds me of Tortillas for some reason xD

In my opinion,I actually don't care whether it's Sinnoh or Shinou,both are okay in my book :)

Hrmm,for the names:
Jibacoil: Magnetron (...?)
Dootakun: Donbell (Dong+bell)

I know,very dumb names xD
Jughead Mk 2
Hmmmm, I think Booburn's name will be Magmax ( magma+max)
I saw that someone thought of "Sproutle." You wouldn't believe what I saw on a forum:
Naetoru's name seems pretty dub-obvious.
Le Unown Trainer
Oh boy.

Erudio: Gardight (Gard + Knight)
Masukippa: Venusoat (Venus + Float)
Parukia: Wateron (Water + Dragon)

I'm terrible. Oh, has anyone seen my new pokemon, Exeggcutioner, anywhere around here?
I have worse.

PorygonZ: PorygonZ (No Duh)
Mukkubird: Dawnird (Dawn/Bird)
Diaruga: Dragiron (Dragon/Iron)
Hashiagame: Bushtle (Bush/Turtle)

Oh Nos! The Unown Trainer! See Ya!
Parukia: Pearlagon (pearl-dragon) Or Pearlace (Pearl- space)
Diaruga: Diaragon (Diamond- dragon) or Diairon (diamond- iron)
Enperuto: Arlusion (artic- illusion)
These are probably wrong XD
Oh, well! ^v^
Tortillas o_0?? lol.

Hmmm, I'll guess some more!

Rozureido: Roselero (Roselia + hero)
Subomi: Robudd (Rosebud)
Parchirisu: Squnder(lol) (Squirrel + Thunder)
Cherinbo: Cherreaf (Cherry + Leaf)
Nyaruma: Catwirl (Cat + Swirl)
Mikaruge: Miraghost (Mirage + Ghost)

That's all for now. ^_^
Er... you may want to look at Serebii again, apparently they made a mistake and the Mana mission IS just a stupid special event.

Manafi's English shall be: Ha-ha-you-still-can't-get-me.
The Annon Trainer
I like changing my name. I also like guessing new pokemon names.

Aruses: Creagod (Create/God)
Doiatos: Valtoise (Vally/Tortoise)
Enpuruto: Penporer (Penguin/Enporer)
Etebossu: Pomrilla (Palm/Gorilla)
Leafia/Glacia: Leaf/Glaceon (Leaf[Glacier]/Eon)
Regigigas: Regigiant (Regi/Giant)
Korobooshi: Dumbeetle (Dumb/Beetle)

P.S. If the Mana Mission WAS event only, It would be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get the national pokedex! PLEASE put the Mana mission in, Game Freak! Let's also hope that Battle Revelution isn't a shadow pokemon game!
Uz the Zee the Ah the Oh the Eh the Orgh
I belive these pokemon names will be the same in the english version:


That is all.
*The in any language* *Variation of Unown* *occupation*
Guessing the names is just like how I wrote my name. You just gotta fill in the blanks.

Korotokko: Slashtis (slash/mantis)
Mitsuhoney: Combey (honeycomb/honey)
Beequeen: Beequeen (bee/queen)

As you can see, I'm feeling quite buggy today. Maybe I should train that Beedrill I ditched at Brock. I DID keep Pidgeot and Charizard...
i have some!
enperuto=empeuroeur(intentional misspelling of emperor(enperuto means emperor))
legerdarys+porygonZ=unchanged(most legendarys' names don't change and porygonZ is engish enoph already)
The Unown Coach
How many are left?

Miroppu: Funnie (Funny, misspelled/ bunny)
Jikocoil: Magnebot (Magnet/robot)
Doonaresu: Gyronose (Gyroscope/Nose)

Wait until more names are released!
Dumb Eevee
These are gret guesses! I like cricketeer! It's funny!
Speaking of funny, lol at Funnie. XD
Lesse what I can come up with....
PorigonZ: PorygonZ
Glacia: Glacion
Leafia: Leafeon
Diaruga: Diarine (diamond+time)
Parukia: (some combo of pearl and space. Can't think of any good way to combine them, though.)
Enpureto: Empengiun (emperor+pengiun)
Rejigigasu: Regigias
So now what?
Whoops. o.o "Regigias" is supposed to be "Regigigas". Sorry for the double comment.
Korinku = Cubolt (cub + bolt)

that's all I could think of, though... but I don't think 'cubolt' is a good name for Korinku. :P
The Unown Trainer (and Mr. Shiney)
Mr. Shiney:Oh! Tell the Pubblic I said Hi!
TUT: Whatever.
New Unown Period(?)
Rotomu: Eleghost (Electric/Ghost)
Yukionooh: Evereeze (Evergreen/Freeze)
Doriopon: Monstorpian (Monster/Scorpian)
Floatsel: Floating (Float/Floating/King)
Doomirra: Doomirror (Doom/Mirror)(Duh)
Manmuu: Mammoking: (Mammoth/King)

Mr. Shiney: Hi! *Hidden Powers*
TUT: Whatever. *Shoves Mr.Shiney* Actullaly, If it wasn't for Mr. Shiney, I wouldn't be called this. He's, well, shiney. Not just any shiney, a shiney Unown. WooHoo!!!!!
Mr. Shiney: He's raised me 25 levels and still doessn't know my HP type.
TUT: Shut Up.
Mr. Shiney
Well, I thought I would say some myself.
Dookiton: Doomtiki (Doom/Tiki)
Hiidoran: Heatave (Heat/Wave)
Yonuwarru: Spiritking (Duh/Duh)

Terrible, I know, But what do you expect from a Unown?!

The Unown Trainer
Um... Hello? Anybody?
Okay. No-one will hear my stupid guesses.

Fione: Prinsea (Prince/Sea)

Or... guess. Oh Well.
Um... Where's Butterfree? It's been a looong time. She needs to come back now.
Korwatis Ricky (Website)
Just so you know, they usually romanize legendary names, like what they did with Manaphy. So in fact, Pokémon such as Diaruga, Parukia, and Regigigasu will probably be Dialga, Palkia, and Regigiga(s).
Bah, it's fun to guess name possiblilities anyways. :P

lets-a see...

Naetoru - Nettort (Nettle+tortoise)
Hikozaru - Charkee (Char+monkey/cheeky, and have you noticed the similarity between Charmander's Japname?[Hitokage])
Pochama - Poshun (Posh+penguin, cus those 'guins are pretty pompous apparently. XD;)
Diaruga - Diamont(Diamond+dragon/monster/demon+month)
Parukia - Pearlua (Pearl+aqua)
Giratina - Girasin (Girasol+sin)
Donkarasu - Darkrow (Dark+crow)
Kureseria - Creseria

Well, that's pretty much all I can think of. XD; Fear my crappy naming skillz.
Blaziboy (Website)
waaah! I want some D/P names to stay and others to go-ho-hoo..
Moukuzaru and Goukuzaru's English names will probably be similar, as their Japaese names are practically the same.

Also-*IMPORTANT STUFF!* in the last part of theBattle Revolution video, the guy said "Blah blah blah Parukia!" He was probably saying, like, use attack , Parukia!
And since Parukia is a Japanese name it migh have to do with advertising! Or something else! I should calm down! Like right now!

Sorry for the double post, but I just noticed what the website thing was for. I didn't think it was important, so I just typed in "whaaat?" So, that link won't take you anywhere.
Red scyther
Isn't korinku an elephant?
YamiiDenryuu (Website)
Umm, no. Click my website link for a picture of it. It's more like a dog or something.