12/02/06 New Pokémon Battle Revolution info (+ Manaphy correction)

So I'm back after NaNoWriMo with updates.

Firstly, as Serebii reported a month ago *cough*, it appears that the Manaphy mission in Ranger is in fact event-only. So much for that. At least we still get our Mew/Celebi/Deoxys without events, so that's a good thing.

Secondly, there is a whole bunch of new Pokémon Battle Revolution info, the most noteworthy of which I'll go over briefly:

Honestly, this game looks awesome, even though there is no story mode. The graphics are great from what I've seen of them, and they've got an awful lot of things we've been wishing for for years. Niiice. Now let's just hope they FIXED THE OLD POKÉMON 3D MODELS...


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Mr. Pelipper
I...am...shocked. (Or I was when I first found this out, :P )

This information makes me want to get a Wii even more now! In fact, I think I would be content if I only had three Wii games at all (PBR, Spiderman 3 (if it does come out on Wii), and Super Smash Bros. Brawl).

I like the fact that it doesn't have a story mode. It's 100% geared to the training of pokemon, and battling pokemon with your friends, which I think rocks.

I also like how you can store teams on your Wiimote. Instead of having to use MY pokemon (which my friends don't really like to do... XP), they can just bring their Wiimotes, and we can actually have a fun, fair, challenging pokemon battle!

Different colloseums = different playing modes. UBER-FUN! My favorite mode so far is when each player picks pokemon, and then they are both given a random set out of the give ones. Sounds awesome!

Character customization just rocks. I can actually make my character look like me/how I want to look! Yay!

And wi-fi is always entertaining, nothing wrong with that. I'd be dissapointed if they didn't have it.

I absolutely love this game so far. I WANT IT SO BADLY!
I wonder how many kinds of clothes/hair they have? I'll need long brown curly hair for a trainer who looks like me. And I wonder if they have clothes that trainers from rs/frlg had? I like the frlg girl's shirt.

And to comment on Mr. Pelliper, I could live with 3 Wii games too. PBR, Brawl, and Wario Ware. Awesome.
Malachite Treecko
I'm very disappointed that it isn't Story Mode... When will they do a full 3D game for Gamecube/Wii with Gym Leaders etc? Stadium, rental POkémon and no Stroy Mode = boooooring. But it sounds awesome any way, and the graphics are GREAT so I'll buy it sometime anyway. Good we don't have Shadow Pokémon, though.
Dumb Eevee
Yeah, I wanted a story mode. And Shadow Pokémon. And Gyms. And new 3D models for Charizard/Flaaffy. The Pokétopia place is awesome looking, I can't wait to see it for real!
Since they've remade the models for Pikachu and the Hoenn legends we've seen (and Wailord!), there's a good chance that the other Kanto/Johto/Hoenn pokemon's models will be revamped too. If they aren't... well, it'd just look kinda silly with the new style they're using and all.

And, umm, am I one of the only ones who actually liked Colosseum? Sure, purifying shadows might be boring for some people (which doesn't include me, unfortunately. O:), but the prettyful free Ho-oh you get at the end of it all (once you complete Mt. Battle at least) it totally worth it. Because some people can't go to NintyEvents and have no other way of getting it. D:
Yes. Charizard and Mew need new 3D models. I am disappointed there isn't a story mode, though. On the other hand, I'm already designing custom trainers to use over Wi-fi (why oh why did Nintendo ban my Latios?).
Yay for PBR! Well, by the time I get a Wii, It'll be out in canada, so..yay?
Character cutomisation is great, But WiFi is the clincher for me to get it.

By the way, pity theres no story mode.
This sounds like it'll be a pretty good game! ^_^ It's slightly too bad there isn't a story mode. Like many, I really, really want a story mode with gyms and stuff. But oh well. I'm SO glad that they aren't using the ugly 3D models any more. The graphics for this game looks SO good!

But rental Pokemon = YES! I LOVE rental Pokemon! XD
And I'm thinking of all the custom trainers I'll be able to make. *drool*
Mr. Pelipper
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I REALLY REALLY hope the rentals don't have craptastic movesets. Mediocre is fine, but the ones before were 100% crappy, useless, and embarassing. Maybe they can have more than one of each pokemon in a mode so you can have a more diverse selection?
Butterfree (Website)
*shrugs* Personally, I liked Colosseum and XD and would have wanted a Story Mode. But this looks nice as well.
Jirachi Girl
Hey,Blazepert!Don't copy off my fake pokemon names(I am talking about the name you used!)