09/29/06 Where I Was Right
The fourth generation has given rise to various rumours and theories which were later proven wrong.
I have before said that I seem to be psychic or Satoshi Tajiri in disguise, and this has only gained further evidence in the discussion of Diamond and Pearl.
The first example is probably the famed supposed pure Flying-type of Perappu. I never trusted it; I got a bunch of e-mails "informing" me that there was a pure Flying-type and I needed to update the Fun Facts page, but I always insisted on keeping that Fun Fact there, arguing that until the game was actually out, nobody knew if that was really the case - I liked to point out Volbeat's supposed Bug/Electric type that was later found to be pure Bug. You can imagine how "HAHAHA I TOLD YOU SO" I was when they revealed that in fact it was Normal/Flying.
The starters of Diamond and Pearl turned out not to be Dark/Psychic/Fighting despite the misleading comment in the Pokémon Garden site about that. I never really believed in the editing of such a fundamental thing as the starter trio, but theorized that this might mean, similarly to the case of Perappu, that Dark, Psychic and Fighting were just the final evolutions' additional types, mostly based on the grounds that I really got the feeling from Hikozaru that it would evolve into a part-Fighting-type - and guess what Hikozaru's types turn out to be. I was wrong about the others, sure, but hey.
Lucario, as it turns out, is not a legendary. I had been arguing the non-legendary side of the debate for a while; I always had the feeling from it that it was a little unlegendarylike. It's somehow the wrong size. And the evidence against it just piled up, first with the abilities, then the gender, then the pre-evolution, then the stats... It's actually funny how long people resisted with the "But it was the star of a movie!" argument. From the looks of it (at least the way I understand Serebii's discovery thread), Lucario is a one-off Pokémon, similar to Tyrogue but given to you in egg form and without the split evolution. Rioru (its pre-evolved form) is cute. :3
Now it's just to see if we were all wrong about Manaphy being a legendary or if the weird confusion with its supposed pre-evolved form is just a misunderstanding.
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