01/28/07 ...and another name

Okay, so now Serebii says Buizeru's English name is Buizel. The interesting thing is that it's a romanization, but closer to the Japanese name than the commonly-used Buoysel.

However, he does appear to be a little less certain on this one than on Mantyke and Chatot, so take it with a grain of salt.


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Mr. Pelipper
Meh, it's decent. However, the quality varies depending on how you pronounce it (I only pronounce about 1/2 of all pokemon names correctly. XD). So let's see:

Boo-E-zul is good.

Boo-i-ZUL is good to, but Boo-E-zul is better.

Bwee-zul is awesome.

Bwee-ZOOL is weird, I've never actually heard of anyone pronouncing it this way, I just thought it up just now. XD But it sounds kool.

Bu-e-ZOOL sucks. Good thing I just made that one up. ^_^

I like the first and third ones best, which is semi-good because Chris from Serebii said that Boo-E-zul was the official translation. But the third one just rocks, and I really couldn't care less if I mispronounce yet ANOTHER [English] name. XD
I still called it Buizeru, so the new name fits in nicely (with me). I pronouce it Bwee-zul, wich I agree, sounds awesome. If it changes, I wont really care unless it changes to Buoyzel or something. Thank goodness for nicknames.
I prefer Bouysel, much like I preferred Perap over Chatot. Still, either one goes coz they're all awesome names. =D
I pronounce it Boy-zul, but after going over all those random pronounciations Mr. Pelipper thought up, I think Bu-E-zul sounds cooler. X3
I thought it was pronounced like boy-sell. =P

At least they left the "Buoy" part in it. After all, it Is a Water type. Oh yea, the sell-ish part too. o_o
I prefered Buoysel; Buoy just seemed obvious. Still, Buizel isn't too bad.