10/03/06 Aruseusu and Daakurai

I could technically have commented on this yesterday, but I was too busy whining about continuity to care.

If you click the button for the Pokémon spoiler on Serebii.net's index page, it will uncover five new Pokémon. Two are just the Nosepass and Mangeton evolutions (both of which keep continuity, by the way, as they evolve when levelled up at specific locations in Shinou), one is Sheimi which is the "other" Mew/Celebi/Jirachi of D/P with Manaphy from the looks of it, and then there are the two this article concerns: Aruseusu and Daakurai.

Hehehe, they're pretty unique, to say the least. Without knowing anything about what Japanese words might be derived from, Aruseusu's name makes me think of Zeus, the chief god of Greek mythology, and also of "Artheus" or "Altheus", then hinting at the Greek word theo, meaning God, but that may just be me. In any case, its Pokédex entry supposedly confirms its identity as a god Pokémon which created the world...

Getting a little religious here, aren't we? I sense some fundamentalist Christians taking this as a challenge on their God... Of course, they may never learn about its existence, and their lenses are not exactly turned on Pokémon anymore since it's not as popular as it once was, but this is a bit of a dangerous game, né? It doesn't help that Daakurai has similar implications of being a "devil" Pokémon, given its type, the "Daaku" part of its name being the Japanese way to write "Dark", its colors being purplish-black and red and the overall form looking ghostly/devilish. (As a neat little bit, Daakurai is quite a bit less powerful than Aruseusu - I guess good really does prevail over evil.)

Heh, this will get interesting.

As a matter of fact, Eevee tells me the sprites are nearly ripped, so watch this space today.


(Comments are closed.)

KorwatisRicky (Website)
Doesn't this "god" thing cause confliction with Mew supposedly being the ancestor of all Pokémon? I mean, hello, all TMs and HMs and XD moves and stuff. P:
Just a bit of a personal complaint, I rather dislike the all-powerful god Pokemon. It seems to signal this is the final Pokemon ever, and it seems soooo fan-made. "Omg, this is supermegaultramon and aaaall its stats are perfect and it can change its type!!"
Butterfree (Website)
Mew maybe created all Pokémon, but Aruseusu created the universe. :P

It seems a BIT fan-made, but hey, a real fan-made God Pokémon would have 255 base in all of its stats. Or 999, actually, because they don't know about the hexadecimal system.
Negrek (Website)
I agree with Iveechan... it's like, okay, so you have the ultimate creator-god-pokémon-thing with huge stats and all that junk, so how are you going to top that when the next gen comes out? Come up with some even more ridiculous stat total for it? It almost looks like jumping the shark... because after this ultra-supreme legendary, there's really nowhere to go but down.
Butterfree (Website)
What's wrong with going down, though? Why does every generation need to top the previous one stat-wise? I don't really have a problem with that. What I'm worried about is more that it will be too powerplayed in canon.
Floop (Website)
I'd like a generation with few record-setting Pokemon, please. Like what did Johto have that pwnt everything else? Shuckle may have set a few records, but that's about it. o_____o; Ridiculous stats suck.
Negrek (Website)
Not specifically stats, but the idea of the whole uber-god like thing; you can't get much more "legendary" than that.

Game Freak has to do something to keep each generation of pokémon interesting, whether it be adding new types of pokémon or introducing pokémon with higher stats or somehow changing the way that the new pokémon work. They believe, and to an extent it's true, that if they just keep offering new pokémon without anything significantly "new" about them, aside from the fact that they're different from extant ones, that people will become bored with the franchise. If they're resorting to huge stat hikes (and across the board, many of the new D/P pogeys show quite the climb in statistical value, not just Mr. Uber) in order to differentiate generations, it would seem to me that they're starting to hit the ceiling of what they can accomplish with the series.

Going down isn't necessarily a bad thing, but as the old sayings go if you're not going forward you're going backward. It means that you've already reached the series' climax and don't know that whatever comes after can't compare. Which is rather depressing, really.
I'm going to laugh my sexy little head off when Aruseusu's only move is Tackle. :P

I like how Negrek can put thoughts into such fluent, coherant words. Or something. Der.
Butterfree (Website)
Hmm, true, although technically Mew was very legendary already back in R/B/Y, with all the creator-of-Pokémon fanon and all, and that didn't make the successive generations worse.

Its moves actually don't look that awesome... o.o Although we don't know what the fourth generation moves it learns do, we don't know how its ability works, and we don't know what TMs it can learn. (Watch it be able to learn every TM like Mew...)
I bet movewise, it's just like Mew. As for stats, I can't wait to see people complain because Nintendo banned it from competetive play. ^^
Jake Commentor
Heh, I bet you're right. the demonic thing looks like an evil, undead llama to me.:D
Artheus is awesome, but I think I'll leave the EVs to the rest of my soon-to-be team.
Daaku is a romanization of "dark".

Kuroi is "dark" or "black".

Negrek (Website)
True; fanon really latched onto Mew and made her into some sort of creator-goddess figure in most cases. However, that's not really the evident intention of Mew in the games and even the animé--it's presented as powerful and rare, sure, and possibly the ancestor of all pokémon, but not really a goddess figure. Especially in the latest movie, Mew doesn't seem like the profound deity sort.

However, with what has been revealed about this new pokémon (which, admittedly, is not complete and possibly not entirely accurate) seems to suggest that the designers have thrown down a pokémon with huge stats and said, "Here. It's the creator of the universe. Roll with that." And while it would be hilarious if it got a totally crap movepool (and indeed, what I've seen of it doesn't look terribly awesome), at least its trait isn't really hindering (unless you count the fact that if you want to give it a utilitarian held item it's going to have to be normal-type) and it's still got massive stats.
Dragonclaw (Website)
I agree, God of all pokemon does sound like it aint getting better.
But in the entry on serebii, it says it is SAID to be a god pokemon. It might not actually be a god. It might have been a Pokemon chosen by the gods or something. It their ever is a Pokemon movie released with it in it, it is going to probably be related to Mew.

Dakurai seems like a Dark pokemon with steam coming out of its head. It probably had a huge battle with Araseus.

If they plan on adding new Pokemon, how on EARTH would they?
Jake Commentor
I know! It's a physical entity or servant of the said creator, with it's own will, but serves the creator to the letter, and has been around long enough to have done enough things for him to earn his "blessing" giving him extra power and the ability to change type when he comes in contact with certain substances. I better go write this down and elaborate upon it...
Malachite Treecko
I hate that bad god PKMN... I can't wait until I beat it with a Whismur... But as a god, it just has the best overall stats but several PKMN are better than it in separate stats, so I guess it's just /-\-like. Now, there's enough legendaries for a lifetime.
Butterfree (Website)
I'm talking in fan terms, though - Mew became a deity in fanon, and nonetheless fans didn't find the second and third generation legendaries "anticlimatic" or "uninteresting" after Mew. I don't think Aruseusu will be a problem, really...
Negrek (Website)
Ah, we're talking about different things, then. Never mind.
O.O whoa. I'm confused. If Mew is the ancestor of all pokemon... how does Aruseusu fit into all this?
Red scyther
Maybe they'll censor Aresusu or change its classification. Or maybe it isn't a god but people worship it. Anyways Daakuri is AWESOME.