
This section contains various basic information about The Cave of Dragonflies.

The Name

The site is called "The Cave of Dragonflies". Its name is not Dragonflycave or any variation thereof (Dragonfly Cave, Dragon Fly Cave, etc.), and it ticks me personally off very much when people call it that. The "the" is at the beginning of the name (so it's not "Cave of the Dragonflies", either), and is only to be omitted when another definite or indefinite article is placed before it when it stands with another word (such as when talking about "the Cave of Dragonflies forums", "the Cave of Dragonflies Zodiac" or "a Cave of Dragonflies section".

If linking to the site on a sidebar or some other place where space might be limited, the only official abbreviation for the site's name is TCoD, note the case. Following the same rules as the full name, the T can be removed for another definite or indefinite article (such as on my own sidebar where it says "The CoD Zodiac"). However, the abbreviation should only be used when space does not allow usage of the full name; if you for example are accepted as an affiliate and decide to make an update about it, you should say you affiliated with The Cave of Dragonflies, not with TCoD, and if you ever mention the site on your own website you should refer to it as The Cave of Draognflies - not everybody knows what the abbreviation means.

The Cave of Dragonflies strictly refers to the site and not the forums; the forums are the Cave of Dragonflies forums or, if abbreviated, TCoDf.


This site is very heavy on the principle of providing accurate information, hence its trademark "TRUTH" sections and the emphasized request for everybody who finds an error to report it.

I do not put up any cheats unless I think I have a very good reason to believe they are going to work, preferrably after having tested them myself.

As much of the site as possible should work in all modern browsers.

This site's aim is not to provide you with the newest Pokémon game information, episode titles or new fourth generation Pokémon; there are many other sites that already do that better than I ever could. I do my best to make it interesting and original, however.

The site is made for my own enjoyment, so I would not feel right to place advertisements on it, despite how money-hungry I am in general.


This site is created with (X)HTML, CSS, ASP and ASP.NET, with a slight touch of Javascript here and there. However, Javascript usage is kept minimal and insignificant to the navigation and usability of the site.

The markup and stylesheets of the site should all be valid.

The site is made in Notepad for the most part, but also minorly in VisualStudio.

I strive to keep as many site features as possible strictly on-site, keeping use of remotely hosted scripts to a minimum.

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC


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031 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.