
You all know what Babelfish is, right? Well, if not, it's AltaVista's translation program which can translate between some common languages. The thing is, translation programs are ridiculously flawed, which becomes very clear when you take some text and run it through the program to another language and back. The results are often interesting, amusing or downright hilarious.

When a part of this page is inside a box, everything inside that box is directly quoting what some other person sent me, including all comments on the Babelfishions within. I might also just note that the comments are theirs, but then if I had something to add, my comments will be prefixed by "Butterfree:". Otherwise, the comments are mine.

Quick Jump

The Quest for the Legends, Babelfished

Here is a Babelfished version of chapter six of the Ultra-Mega-Revised version (which is quite old) of The Quest for the Legends, translated back and forth through Spanish.

For those who can't be bothered to read through the whole thing with all of its question marks instead of quotation marks, I've extracted some of the most interesting things it tells us from it and put together in a list:

  • The main character in the story is a mark that makes faces.
  • When a Pokémon uses Extremespeed, it turns into a lack of definition.
  • Arcanine don't bark, they scrape.
  • Arcanine are very vulnerable to "grind the type" attacks.
  • Charmeleon can throw a burst of the fire in the Zapdos of his mouth.
  • Trainers say "It goes!" when they send their Pokémon out of the Pokéballs and "Becomes!" when they recall them.
  • Gyarados is "immovable level 22".
  • Entei opened the door.
  • Sandshrew like to stir themselves up.
  • The junior trainers are competing about which of them is the smallest.
  • Jolteon can ignite a certain electricity in a Moltres.
  • Suicune ruined the water in Jolteon. (So if Jolteon is 65% water, ouch.)
  • The explanation for legendaries fainting in one hit is about odd numbers.
  • Entei remembered the junior trainer and opened the door.
  • When a Gyarados is hit by an Electric attack, it is obtained fried to a potato to the English.
  • Earthquake describes itself in that the Pokémon that uses it breaks its own leg.
  • All orders given to Pokémon are in fact questions.
  • The mark created Ho-oh. (Guess he was a Gary-Stu after all.)
  • The second junior trainer is easy, according to himself.
  • When using Psychic attacks, Celebi shine their opponents intensely purple.
  • Celebi is weak to "biiiii del".
  • Apparently, May fought the mark IN the Lake of Purity.
  • Pokémon develop rather than evolve.
  • May smiles "in" the mark.
  • Rick addresses May as "happiness smiling girl".
  • Rick's Ho-oh plunged and down broken in the Earth.
  • Jolteon has "fatigue for above" (air fatigue?) and that stops him from fainting when hit by Ho-oh's Earthquake.
  • Ho-oh is also a Pokémon rainbow-colored arc.
  • You use Metronome by shaking your leg.
  • A smile separated through Rick's face.
  • The water in the swimming pool flooded through the floor. (What will happen to the basement?)
  • Mew floated in half-full the of-air.
  • That was also the reason why the situation was just as pretty as when the mark told Gyarados to use "I wade".
  • The mark can shout with the noise of rocks of the balance that Sandshrew should shut himself down.
  • Mew was used completely towards outside.
  • The mark spoiled Mew by doubling down, but then happened to the nurse.
  • There is suddenly a prisoner in the gym when the mark congratulates Charmeleon for defeating Articuno.
  • Articuno turns into a swimming pool of pens when it faints.
  • Mew is actually Maúlle.
  • The pile of rocks Mew got buried under was really a battery.
  • Ho-oh is actually a Ho-ho-oh.
  • Celebi is a "Pokémon of fairies green".
  • To say what type a Pokémon is, you say "It is a Pokémon of the grass" or "a Pokémon of the fire", etc. (hey, that actually sounds kinda cool).
  • May wants the mark to beware of the aerodynamic interceptors.
  • By radically reducing it, Sandshrew managed to extinguish Suicune.
  • Rick impelled his ignited Articuno that looked like desperate.
  • The sun suddenly exploded.
  • When the mark wins a battle, it likes to shout, "Cattle! Win! Gain!"
  • Charmeleon uses a "sunned substitute of the day".
  • Gym leaders give currencies to Pokémon trainers, rather than badges.

But look what happens when I take THAT and Babelfish it into French and back to English... Now it is, among other things, revealed that:

  • Trainers have to check if their Pokémon are any worms the line.
  • This time, the Arcanine is very vulnerable to "rectify the attacks" type.
  • This time, trainers say "It Disappears!" when they're sending out a Pokémon and "turned over" when they're recalling them.
  • The mark always remembered the research between Sandshrew and Zapdos.
  • This time, Charmeleon can use an attack called "Glare of the Fire". (Ooh, that sounds cool.)
  • The mark shouts at Charmeleon to attempt to be useful just this once. (Nothing of the sort ever happened in the fic...)
  • There's some doubt whether the mark created Articuno or not.
  • The mark talks formally and says things such as, "Yeah, I thus conjecture".
  • Gyarados was, naturally, the real level 22.
  • Raikou ploughed up, and thus shall become.
  • Jolteon was apparently on the left of Thundershock and the wire of water.
  • The junior trainer sends out "Suicune wall".
  • This time, it is specifically emphasized that neither the junior trainer nor Entei opened the door, but the mark still got through it.
  • The next junior trainer will, apparently, "posterora of wine part del".
  • This time, Ho-oh is called Ho-ho-OH.
  • Sacred Fire is Crowned Fire. (That's a cool name too.)
  • It is a checkmate, although the stats are raised.
  • The junior trainer with Celebi is a smaller past of himself. (Oddly, that makes some sense. His past self traveled to the future with Celebi?)
  • When you're really amazed, you say "How in the ground can this happen?"
  • Celebi didn't faint, like it obviously would if it were anywhere near the new level.
  • Celebi also finishes polishing Charmeleon intensely crimson.
  • The reason why Charmeleon missed the Celebi was actually not that it teleported away; it was that he lacked clear sight. (There was nothing about clear sight in there, but somehow the Babelfish put it in anyway, in a context that actually makes some sense.)
  • Rick was a "fair-haired young person of a man".
  • Ah, the romance: "Marks with happiness, girl to smile."
  • It was cold requested of Rick that his Ho-oh always handled to hang the interior earthquake.
  • Now Ho-oh is the arc arc-in-sky-colored by Pokémon.
  • This time, Gyarados obtained in fact fried with a potato to turned over English.
  • Also, the situation was pretty as when the Gyarados mark indicated employ me go in water, but a principal thing was different.
  • This time, the smallest rocks have a romantic flight in the sky.
  • This time, Mew was used completely towards the external thing and of unconscious.
  • "And I of don't!" is a still noisier howl of Rick's.
  • Apparently, and this is probably the very most interesting thing here, the computer room managers of gymnastics have the Pokémon generally more fort than their junior trainers.
  • The mark says it strongly must change its teeth, but Sandshrew is also weak to sprinkle.
  • This time, Sandshrew is determined to radically reduce Suicune to extinction.
  • Charmeleon blew with a glare of fire in the cattle of Raikou.

That is some nonsensical battling, I tell you.

Babelfished Blastoff

Indeed, Sapphire_legend has revealed that when Team Rocket looks like it's blasting off again, strange things may happen if the Babelfish gets into it.

In English: Looks like Team rocket's blasting off again!

Through Spanish: To seem the rocket of the equipment that ruins again dull!

Through Japanese: For the second time like the team rocket which applies blast it is visible!

Through German: Look like the crew rocket, which starts away again!

VERY Babelfished blastoff

Cytruson i co. did more and ran it through every language at least once, and look at the result...

"The inside square must do, but, the rocket thu the intension of destruction order Thursday of the supos on the internal which this order is similar is in inside."

Babelfished Theme Song

Uncchris Babelfished the Pokémon theme song through Spanish. It's creepy... o.O

Pokemon Theme Song
Desire to very better
as nobody had to always take them
I am my true test
to train to them I am my cause
I will travel far through the Earth
looking for ' wide,
each Pokemon, to understand,
the energy that is inside
Pokemon! (been able to take them all)
You are ' I that I know that it is my Pokemon destiny!
Ooh, you are my better friend
of a world that we must defend
Pokemon! (been able to take to command post ' everything)
the heart of A truth
so our value will throw of us through
you you teach to me that ' I will teach Pokemon to him!
Obtained catch'em everything
(been able to take them all) POKEMON!
Each challenge throughout the way,
with value that I will do in front,
I will fight daily,
to demand my legitimate place,
Come with me, the correct time,
is better equipment,
arm and no arm,
we will gain the fight that is always our dream
Was able to take them all, Pokemon!

Babelfished Motto

Cytruson i co. Babelfished the site's motto, "Where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons," through some different languages. Comments mine.

Through Spanish: Where the smallest insects live next to the strongest dragoons

Next to them. Not too bad.

Through German: Where the smallest bugs beside the strongest kites live

o.o Kites?

Through Italian: Where the smallest bugs live beside dredge more forts

Okay, that just does not make sense.

Through Japanese: The place where you have lived on side of the dragon where the smallest insect is strongest

So apparently, on one side of the dragon, the smallest insect is strongest.

Through Korean: The most small insect is strong most, in the place which lives in line

It seems more like a rewording of the motto in more of a wise-saying style...

Through Portuguese: Where the errors the minors live to the side of dragons strongest

Minors? Who got minors involved? Minors shouldn't be around dragons!

Through Chinese: There smallest stinking insect lives along the strongest dragon

;-; They think bugs stink...

Through all the languages at least once: The line is bad in the place and the offensive odor which shoots from the small insect good intention energy, it was complete spreads out little more and here it lived

Offensive odor which shoots from the small insect good intention energy? o.O, I say, just o.O

The TRUTH, Babelfished

Mike6426 Babelfished this sentence from my old Red/Blue truth section: "When doing the Missingno. duplicate items trick, the number of the item you duplicated is 129 EXACTLY. It's not 99, not 100, not 120, it's 129." And this is what came out:

"When the Missingno. the artimaa the duplicate sharpens of tips that in the quantity does, that they reproduced, is 129, that they REQUIRED they BECOME. Not not 99, 100, 120 do not they be 129 saints"

...the saints do this one for me. xD;


Zei sent these, Babelfished through Japanese into some true pieces of Engrish. Comments mine:

  • "Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold, Silver, Crystal" becomes "It is red, Pokemon it is blue, yellow, the sapphire of green, the gold and the silver, crystal ruby color." Okay, apparently it isn't satisfied with just a comma-separated list. This is something one would really think it couldn't possibly mess up.
  • "Pikachu is really cool! I mean, sheesh, he's yellow and cute! And he can shock people! Tell me that's not cool" becomes "Pikachu is cool really! I mean sheesh, he yellow, it is lovely! And as for him it is possible to give impact to the people,! It is not cool, but it is not, call to sea urchin me." Call to sea urchin me... oh, dear. And he has impact on people.
  • "The Cave of Dragonflies is on my favorites list. The motto is my favorite part" becomes "As for the cave of the dragonfly there is a list of my taste. That is the part of my taste which is motto." So the favorite list is actually on The Cave of Dragonflies, not the other way around... and the motto is part of his taste, whatever that means.
  • "First there was one hundred fifty-one, then two hundred fifty-one, then three hundred eighty-six! What is the Pokemon world coming to?!?!??!" becomes "First there were 151, and 200 51, and 300 86! ? ! ? ! ? ? ! The world of Pokemon which comes is what." That just makes no sense. Why does it recognize "one hundred fifty-one" as being the number 151, but write "two hundred fifty-one" as two numbers, 200 and 51?

Babelfished Fanmail

From Emerald Milotic, with her comments:

Hay! an innocent pokemon fan thinks, Let's send Gamefreak fan mail! I can use Babelfish translation guides so it's in japanese. OK- first let's type up the letter.


Dear Mr S Tajiri and the Gamefreak company

I really like your pokemon (or pocket mosters, as you say) games and the animated series... and everything else pocket monster. There are millions of children and non-children who really enjoy your games too. You're very popular. I wish I was that popular. I sent this through a translation thing beacuse I can't write or speak Japanese. Not much, anyway.

Well, I just wrote (or typed) To say how much I like pocket monsters. Since I've said how much I love pocket monsters and everything, I'd better stop this letter. Or e-mail.

Please don't stop creating pocket monster stuff. I don't think that you were going to, but don't anyway. Please. And thank you.

From a random pocket monster fan, me.


Very nice, you think, after it's put in japanese. But just to check, what does it look like in English again? You never know. Here goes-


Person I who become the company S love of Tajiri and Gamefreak like really your pokemon (small size, the way, speech) the series which is full in the game and life... and all other small-sized monsters. Many 1000000 your game is enjoyed is a non child and a child really. It has spread very. I desire the fact that that I have spread it is. I me write Japanese, or sent this through beacuse of the translation thing which cannot speak. In any case it is not, it is many. Rank in the angle where I like the small-sized monster it was good in order to say, I wrote exactly (or typed). Because I said the monster of small-size and rank me in the angle which loves everything, I should stop this letter. Or E-mail. The fact that the raw materials of the small-sized monster are drawn up you do not have to stop. My range it had gone, but you do not think, with in any case. And thank you. From optional small-sized monster fan, me.


No wonder the Japanese think we're strange. According to this trustworthy letter:

  • Non-children love small-sized monsters.
  • The series is full in the game of life. Is that like chess?
  • "I" want to be spread.
  • The translation thing cannot speak (really?).
  • Nobody has to stop drawing these small-sized monsters.

Babelfished Life Story

Again from Emerald Milotic:

Let's translate my life story!

Original: Emerald Milotic is a milotic which is probably related to the jolly green giant. Or a cucumber. Who knows?

After French:

Green Milotic is a milotic which is probably related to the merry green giant. Or a cucumber. Who knows?

No longer emerald, just seasick. And the giant has had too much to drink.


After Spanish:

Milotic emerald is milotic that is probably related to the glad green giant. Or a cucumber. Who knows?

Yes, I am a milotic. Thank you for noticing. At least the giant is sober again.


After Portuguese:

Milotic emerald is one milotic that it is related probably the glad green giant. Or a cucumber. Who knows?

Just one milotic. I feel so lone.


After German:

Smaragdmilotic is milotic, which is probably connected with the merry green giant. Or a cucumber. Who knows?

What's a Smaragdmilotic?


After Italian:

Green Milotic emerald is a milotic that probably allegro is connected with the green giant. Or a cetriolo. Who knows?

I wouldn't like to find a cetriolo in my salad.


After Japanese:

Milotic of the emerald is milotic which it is related with the pleasant green giant perhaps. Or cucumber. Someone has known?

Someone knows about the cucumber. And I'm now an "it".


After everything above:

Milotic of green is that milotic perhaps that is made the fortunate green giant in reference. Or cetriolo. Someone has known?

The giant is fortunate, and has been refered to by the milotic of green. Who is this milotic of green? Someone has known about it...

Babelfished Type Chart

I Babelfished a paragraph of a chapter of the original version of my Pokémon/The Matrix crossover, The Type Chart. It turned out very interesting...

Original English Text

"You will never win," I snarled as Morpheus leapt up and spat a huge fireball at Smith's tail. I grabbed the opportunity and broke out of the Type Chart, reforming in the C.A.T.C.H. Trinity sat in front of the computers with a pizza and a bottle of coke. She barely glanced at me before taking a big bite with lots of cheese. I had no idea how she got the pizza. But what I was more concerned about was that Morpheus hadn't followed.

Translated through Japanese

" You does not win under any condition " I jumped the way, Smith' The enormous fire ball Morpheus which was spat it groaned with the tail of s. I sneaked away from the opportunity from the type diagram which is improved with clamp and C.A.T.C.H. Triune sat down in the pizza of the coke and before the computer where 1 has been attached. As for her me before taking the large biting scar where many of the cheese have been attached it made at last at first glance. I did not possess thought she how obtained the pizza. But I from approximately having related, in something Morpheus hadn' T has continued.

So let's see here... "You does not win under any condition" just seems like pretty ordinary Engrish. Now the fireball apparently "groaned with the tail of s"... wha? It is actually surprisingly sensical to put "I sneaked away", but unfortunately the opportunity is not what he was supposed to be sneaking away from. No idea what the clamp thing is about. Trinity has turned into Triune and actually sits in the "pizza of the coke" and somebody appears to have been attached to the computer. The slice of pizza turns into a "large biting scar"... it seems to like attachment. Having no idea is apparently "not possessing thought"... very Engrishlike. And apparently it can't decide whether Morpheus hadn't or had continued.

Translated through Chinese

" You have not won under any situation " I jump the way, Smith' Is spat its enormous fireball Morpheus to groan and the s tail. I secretly walked from was improved from the opportunity and the clamp and C.A.T.C.H the chart. Triune sits down in the coke pizza and in front of 1 enclosed computer. In adopts in front of many cheese enclosed its greatly acrid scar as for her me did finally as soon as looked for the first time. How haven't I had the idea she to obtain the pizza. But I from approximately relates, in something Morpheus hadn' T continued.

So let's see here... "You have not won under any situation" does make more sense than the Japanese version, although it's not quite what it should be. So far, so good. Again, it's Neo (I) who jumps instead of Morpheus. Smith apparently spat the fireball now to make Morpheus groan "and the s tail", which I have no idea what means. Interesting how Babelfish is turning the tables, don't you think? Neo being "improved from the opportunity and the clamp and C.A.T.C.H the chart" baffles me. Trinity, as Triune, again sits down in the coke pizza, but now it's the computer that is enclosed. Something "in adopts" in front of many cheese apparently encloses its "greatly acrid scar" as if for her... that has to mean something. Then apparently Neo did something finally as soon as he looked at her for the first time, but otherwise it's rather unclear. This time he appears to make some sort of rhetorical question statement of sorts: "How haven't I had the idea she to obtain the pizza!" I think he's trying to say something in the direction of, "I knew she had the pizza!" Hmm. And he can relate with something Morpheus hadn't continued. This is all gaining a deep meaning.

Translated through Korean

" The what kind of situation which spreads out " it did not win in the lower part,; I spring up a method and the Smith',; As the ball of fire Morpheus which it will moan is enormous and the s tail spit out. Me the silver wheat it did from chance and from it was improved and the iron which it tighten and the C.A.T.C.H chart it walked. Three place all noses khu inside the pizza and 1 it sits from before the computer which it besieges. Inside it searches in the first and regarding her as soon as it goes out and it does it company which is cheese besieging Ass from the many front it does and and and Ul Ul one fault it sprouts and and and it adopts in the last and and. The haven' which gets the pizza; To the t or her there was an idea as to peel. The I the silence inside, the Morpheushadn' relates but from summary; The T continued.

Whoa, boy. "The what kind of situation which spreads out" is just not what that said, dear. The part about not winning is now part of the narration... in the lower part seems to suggest sexual innuendo of some sort. o.o Now it's Neo who springs up. Morpheus appears to be a ball of fire now. Which moans. And is enormous. And was spat out by that mysterious "s tail". I have NO idea what this deal about silver wheat is about or the iron which it tightened, and I really don't think the C.A.T.C.H. chart walked. Trinity has turned into just "Three" and apparently places "all noses khu" inside the pizza. And some "one" is apparently besieging the computer. However, it is the next sentence which disturbs me most: the Babelfish has decided to insert random swearing into this perfectly G-rated passage. A company which is cheese (like how the moon is made of cheese? o.o) apparently besieges somebody's backside from the many front. It really does. Then the last of that sentence just makes no sense at all, what with all the "and and and". All in all, how the Babelfish managed to get that monster of a sentence ("Inside it searches in the first and regarding her as soon as it goes out and it does it company which is cheese besieging Ass from the many front it does and and and Ul Ul one fault it sprouts and and and it adopts in the last and and") out of a sentence as simple as "She barely glanced at me before taking a big bite with lots of cheese" deeply disturbs me. And the T apparently continued. I don't get it. This will be difficult to top...

Translated through French

" Which kind of situation which extends the " it n'a not gained in the lower part,; I occurs a method and Smith',; as the qu'elle ball of fire Morpheus will groan is enormous and stitches tail of S out of. I it corn silver plated qu'il made chance and of him was improved and iron qu'il tighten and the diagram of C.A.T.C.H it went. Three place all the khu of nose with l interior from the pizza pie and 1 qu'il rests from before l ordinator qu'elle besieges. To l interior d'elle research the first and while considering it as of qu'il will leave and it does it the company which is made cheese ass besieging of many before qu'il and and and defect of l'UL a d'UL it pushes and and and it adopts in the end and and. The haven' which obtains the pizza pie; With T or it there was an idea as for the skin. I silence with l interior, Morpheushadn' is connected but synopsis; T continued.

Okay, now it's not silver wheat anymore, but silver-plated corn. Suddenly "qu'il" and "qu'elle" have a large role: Three (Trinity) places all the "khu of nose" that has "l interior" (is l supposed to be an adjective?) which is from the "pizza pie" and which one "qu'il" rests before some "l ordinator" that this "qu'elle" besieges. Now the company is made of, wait for it, "cheese ass" besieges many. And then it goes into this random bundle of "and"s that make absolutely no sense. And now a haven obtains this pizza pie they speak of. It looks like there is some idea for the skin of T... o.o

Translated through German

" Which kind of the situation, which " it n'a extended, which is not won in the lower part,; I steps a method and a Smith' up,; there the qu'elle ball of the fire Morpheus is enormous and sews end piece from S aechzt. I covered it for corn silver qu'il formed probability and from it was improved and to iron qu'il to pull firmly and the diagram of C.A.T.C.H went it. Place three that whole khu the nose with l interior of the Pizzatorte and of 1 qu'il stands still of, before l ordinator qu'elle besieges. L interior d'elle for research goes first and during in consideration it starting from qu'il and it does it the company, the cheese donkeys besieging many before qu'il is formed and and and to defect of l'UL a d'UL it impacts and and and it in the end and assumes and. The haven', which receives the Pizzatorte; With T or it there was an idea which the skin concerns. I bring Synopse with l interior, Morpheushadn' attached however to the silence; T continued.

Now Neo is asking a desperate question: "Which kind of the situation? Which?" Morpheus is a "qu'elle ball of the fire" who is enormous and sews the "end piece" from "S aechzt". Interesting. And Neo covers it for corn silver qu'il. Which formed probability. Trinity is now "place three" and appears to be the whole khu of the nose thing, with that aforementioned "l interior" of the Pizzatorte. Now the l ordinator appears to be besieging qu'elle... it did have the politeness to change the "cheese ass" to cheese donkeys. (Oh, that kind of ass... I feel much better now.) Qu'il appears to be an organization, as the cheese donkeys are besieging many before qu'il is formed. With T or the haven which receives the Pizzatorte there was an idea which the skin concerns, apparently. And it is looking more and more like this mysterious T character is speaking: "I bring synopse with l interior! Morpheus hadn't attached, however, to the silence."

Translated through Italian

" Which kind of the situation, than " it n'a it has extended, than it is not won in the more inferior part,; points of a method and a Smith' in on,; here the sphere of qu'elle of the Morpheus fire is enormous and sews the part of extremity from the aechzt of S. covered Glie l'ho for the formed probability qu'il dell'argento of the cereal and has been improved and to cover of iron qu'il in order to pull saldamente and the C.A.T.C.H outline has gone it. Place three of that khu entire the nose with l interior of the Pizzatorte and the bases of 1 qu'il still, before l ordinator qu'elle besieges. L interior d'elle for search goes in the first place and during in the consideration it beginning from qu'il and it they make it l'azienda, the asses of the cheese that besieging much before that qu'il it is formed and and and to the defect of l'UL d'UL that has effect on and and and it to the end and that presupposes and. The haven', that it receives the Pizzatorte; With the T or it there was un'idea that the skin interests. Port Synopse with l interior, fixed Morpheushadn' however to Hush; Continued T.

The more inferior part... apparently with the abolition of the butt from the previous passage, it's getting in at the beginning instead. Only here, apparently, is the sphere of qu'elle of the Morpheus fire enormous and sews the part of extremity from the aechzt of S. Well, that clarifies things; I thought it would do that anywhere. There is some formed probability "qu'il dell'argento" of the cereal that has been improved to an iron qu'il cover in order to pull saldamente and the C.A.T.C.H. outline... the asses are back, apparently, and this time it's the cheeses that have them. And they're besieging much before that qu'il organization thing is formed. This is getting too absurd even for me.

Translated through Portuguese

" That type of the situation, of that " n'a it extended, of whom it is not gained in the part most inferior,; points of a method and a Smith' inside on,; the sphere of qu'elle of the fire of Morpheus is enormous and sews the part of the extremity of aechzt of Glie covered S. l'ho for the given probability dell'argento qu'il form of the cereal and was improved here and the cover of the qu'il iron the end to pull saldamente and the sketch of C.A.T.C.H was it. The place three of this khu entire the nose with the l interior of the Pizzatorte and the bases of 1 qu'il still, before l ordinator qu'elle besieges. L interior d'elle for the search goes in the first place and during in the consideration it that qu'il and it start of it makes l'azienda to it, the donkeys of the cheese that besieging very before qu'il it is given to form and and and to the defect of l'UL d'UL that they have the effect on and and and it to the extremity and that presupposes e. Haven', that one receives the Pizzatorte; With the T or it the interests of the skin had un'idea these. Port Synopse with l interior, fixed Morpheushadn' however to hush; Continued T.

The bits I can make something of get increasingly rarer. The sphere of qu'elle of the fire of Morpheus is enormous, yes, and it sews the part of the extremity of aechzt of Glie covered S. We keep getting more detail about that. The "place three of this khu" (khu being some sort of an area, perhaps...?) seems to equate the nose with the l interior of the Pizzatorte (I've got to find out what l interior is, anyway) and the bases of 1 qu'il before the l ordinator besieges qu'elle... Now it's just donkeys of the cheese, which I guess is better, but they're besieging too. (Incidentally, what's with all this besieging?) The effect appears to presuppose e (the number?).

Translated to Spanish

" That type of the situation, of that " n'a extended, of which it does not gain in the most inferior piece,; the points of a method and a Smith' inside ignited,; the sphere of qu'elle of the fire of Morpheus is enormous and sews the part of the extremity of aechzt of S. covered Glie l'ho for the given form with the qu'il probability dell'argento of the cereal and was improved here and the cover of the qu'il iron the end to throw of saldamente and the C.A.T.C.H sketch was he. Place three of this khu whole the nose with the l interior of the Pizzatorte and the bases of 1 still qu'il one, before l ordinator qu'elle surrounds. L interior d'elle for the search enters the first place and during in the consideration he who qu'il and he begins of him it does l'azienda to him, the donkeys of the cheese that surrounding very before qu'il it occurs to the form and and and to the defect of l'UL d'UL who it has the ignited effect and and and to the extremity and that one estimates and Haven', that one receives the Pizzatorte; With the T or he I interest them of the skin had un'idea these. Harbor Synopse with l interior, fixed Morpheushadn' nevertheless to silence; Continued T.

So overall, it managed to turn "You will never win" into "That type of the situation, of that", "Trinity sat in front of the computers with a pizza and a bottle of coke" into "Place three of this khu whole the nose with the l interior of the Pizzatorte and the bases of 1 still qu'il one, before l ordinator qu'elle surrounds", and the rest into some generally creepy stuff that has absolutely nothing in common with what used to be there except the word "cheese" which managed to make it through the whole thing. Otherwise it's just pure nonsense. Nice work, Babelfish.

Babelfished Pokédex

Dannichu Babelfished some Pokédex entries, first through French, then again through German, and then again through Italian.


Raises its tail to check its surroundings. Its tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.

It raises its tail to check its surroundings. Its tail is sometimes struck while in this installation.

It inflates its end piece, in order to examine its surroundings. Sometimes its end piece is fastened during in this installation.

It raises the relative part of extremity, in order to examine the relati ones to you suroundings. To times the relative part of extremity is fixed during the s'allumant in this installation.


Obviously prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail.

Prefer obviously the hot places. When it rains, it is said that the vapor spouts out end of its tail.

Prefer obviously the hot places. If it rains, it is said that steam from end of its end piece sprays.

It prefers the warm places obviously. If piove, one says that the vapor dall'estremit of the relative part of extremity sprays.


As the flower on its back blooms, this Pokémon appears to lose the ability to stand on its back legs.

Like flower on its back flowers, this Pokémon seems to lose the capacity to be held on its back legs.

Like flower on its back flowers this Pokémon seems to lose the capacity on its back legs to be held.

As the flower on the relati to you flowers of the posterior part this Pokémon seems to lose the ability on the posterior relati ones to you piedini of being held.


Sceptile has seeds growing on its back. They are said to be bursting with nutrients that revitalize trees. This Pokémon raises trees in a forest with loving care.

Sceptile has seeds to increase on its back. They would be bright with the food which revitalizes trees. This Pokémon raises the trees in a forest carefully affectionate.

Sceptile has the seeds to increase to itself on its back. They were revived with the food brightly to be, the trees. This Pokémon raises the trees in an affectionate forest carefully.

Sceptile has seeds to increase if on the relative posterior part. They have been made to live again shiningly with l'alimento for being, the trees. This Pokémon raises with attention the affectionate trees in one forest.

Prepare for Babelfish

This was sent by Drackozard.


Make for problem preparations and make it double! To protect the world against devestastion to unite our nation all people to put truth and love the kwaden of to the jaw! To extend our range to the stars above! Jessie! James! The deflagration of the rocket of the team gone at the speed of lifts! Dispossession now or makes to fight preparations! Meowth! That's correctly!


You with trouble prepare and return doubles it! To protect the world the devestastion counters to link all the people in our nation denounce the evils of the truth and love! To prolong our extension to stars above! Jessy! James! Blow of rocket with far at the speed of the light! Return now or prepare to fight! Meowth! That's rectify!


Prepare for trouble and form you doubly them! Around the world forwards devestastion to protect around all people within our nation to combine you quit the evils of the truth and the love! Our range to the stars above extend! Jessie! James! Crew rocket bang away with the speed of light! Hand over or prepare you now before itself to fight! Meowth! That's correct!


Be prepared for the problem and him you render double! In order to it protects the world from devestastion in order to links all the persons in in our nation in order to it denounces badly the truth and the love! In order to they extend reach our in the stars above! Jessie! James! Blow of rockets of team far with the speed of light! The delivery or is now prepared to fight! Meowth! That's right!


It is prepared for difficulty and it renders it double! In order protect the world from the devestastion in order to join all people all of our nation denounce the evils of the truth and love! In order to extend our fine extension the stars here over! Jessie! James! Explosion of the rocket of the square outside to the light speed! Hour you yield or you are prepared in order to fight! Meowth! That's correctly!


Prepare for being troubled, make that double! In order the world people everyone inside our nations to connect in order open to criticize the badness of truth and love, in order to protect from devestastion! In order on to expand our ranges in the star,! Jessie! James! The team rocket applies blast with luminous flux! Now hand, or prepare the fact that it fights! Meowth! That's corrects!


Hazard will prepare a trouble and ten bedspreads which will make it in dotted decimal notations! Inside our nations in order to criticize the evil of truth and love all people from atlas devestastion under combining it protected to respect, the world! On up of our scope it expanded in the star to respect,! Jessie! James! The team rocket falls to a beam and it demolishes! Prepare the fact that one surrender it fights now! Meowth! That' s compensates!


It prepares for the problem and it makes it double! To protect the world of devestastion to join all inside the peoples of our nation denounce evils of the truth and the love! To extend our reach above to the stars! Jessie! James! Explosion of the rocket of the team is in the light speed! Income now or prepares to fight! Meowth! That's straightens!


Prepare for the anxiety and make it dually! In order to protect peace from devestastion in order to connect all people in the limits of our nation denounce the evils of truth and love! To prolong our attainability to the stars it is above! Jessie! James! Explosion of the rocket of command at the speed of light! Transmit now or prepare to war! Meowth! That's straighten!


Prepare for the double hardship and trouble! In order to protect the world against devestastion to unite to all people within our nation denounce the evils of the truth and the love! In order to prolong our reach to stars above! Jessie! James! Burst of the rocket of the equipment extinguished to the speed of the light! Now it ends or it prepare to fight! Meowth! That's straightens!

More Babelfished Pokédex

Drackozard writes: I ran some pokedex entries through Babelfish, first through French, next through German, then through Italian and finally through French, German and Italian.


GASTLY is largely composed of gaseous matter. When exposed to a strong wind, the gaseous body quickly dwindles away. Groups of this POKEMON cluster under the eaves of houses to escape the ravages of wind.

GASTLY is composed mainly of gas matter. Once exposed to a strong wind, the gas body decreases quickly far. The groups of this POKEMON group under the eaves houses to escape from the devastations from the wind.

GASTLY consists mainly of affair of gas. Once put out a strong wind, the gas body is reduced fast far. The groups of these POKEMON group under the Eaveshaeusern to escape to of devastations from the wind to.

GASTLY is made up pricipalmente of more opaque gas. The tons once exposed of gale of To, the body of the gas diminishes quickly far away. The groups of this POKEMON group more under the ton of the houses of the eaves of escape from the devastations from the wind


HAUNTER is a dangerous POKEMON. If one beckons you while floating in darkness, you must never approach it. This POKEMON will try to lick you with its tongue and steal your life away.

HAUNTER is a dangerous POKEMON. If one shows you finger while floating in l obscurity, you never owe l'approcher. This POKEMON will try to lick you with his language and to steal your life far.

HAUNTER is a dangerous POKEMON. If one shows you fingers with swimming in L Obscurity, never owe to l'approcher. This POKEMON tried to lick it with its language and to steal your life far.

HAUNTER is a dangerous POKEMON. If one you extension the barrette with the swim in the L obscurity, never does not have l'approcher. This POKEMON has tried to leccarlo with the relative language and stealing your life far away.


Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow thrown by a streetlight will suddenly and startlingly overtake you. It is actually a GENGAR running past you, pretending to be your shadow.

Sometimes, a sunk night, your shade thrown by a streetlight catches up with you suddenly and startlingly. C'est really a GENGAR functioning after you, pretending to be your shade.

Sometimes a sunk night, gets caught your colour, which is streetlight thrown by, above with you suddenly and startlingly. C'est really, which works to be after you, deceptively, before your colour.

To times a sunk night, obtains interfered with your color, that streetlight it is thrown near, over with you without warning and startlingly. C'est, that it works for being after you, really deceptive, before your color.


If your nose becomes itchy while you are sleeping, it's a sure sign that one of these POKEMON is standing above your pillow and trying to eat your dream through your nostrils.

If your nose becomes irritating while you sleep, it's a sure sign qu'un of these POKEMON is held above your pillow and tries to eat your dream by your nostrils.

If your nose becomes irritating, while you sleep, it's a safe indication qu'un of these POKEMON over your cushion is held and tried to eat your dream by your nostrils.

If your nose becomes annoying, while slept, it's sure un'indicazione qu'un of these POKEMON over your shock-absorber is held and tried in order to eat your dream from your narici.


HYPNO holds a pendulum in its hand. The arcing movement and glitter of the pendulum lull the foe into a deep state of hypnosis. While this POKEMON searches for prey, it polishes the pendulum.

HYPNO holds a pendulum in its hand. The curving movement and the flutter of the pendulum alleviate l'ennemi in a major state d'hypnose. While this POKEMON seeks the prey, it polishes the pendulum.

HYPNO holds a pendulum in its hand. The curve movement and the tonhoehenschwankung of the pendulum decrease l'ennemi in a main condition d'hypnose. While this POKEMON looks for the victim, it polishes the pendulum.

HYPNO holds hangs it in relative hand. The movement of the curve and the tonhoehenschwankung of I hang make it to diminish l'ennemi in one be main d'hypnose. While this POKEMON tries the victim, it polishes I hang it.


KRABBY live on beaches, burrowed inside holes dug into the sand. On sandy beaches with little in the way of food, these POKEMON can be seen squabbling with each other over territory.

KRABBY live on beaches, interior holes dug dug in sand. On the sandy beaches with little the manner of food, these POKEMON can be squabbles seen with l'un l'autre territory d'excdent.

KRABBY live the interior drillings on beaches, dug dug in the sand. On the sandigen beaches with few the way of the food, this POKEMON the Kabbeleien, can be which is seen with l'un l'autre area d'excdent.

KRABBY live the drillings inner on the spiagge, dug dug in the sand. On the sandigen it pulls with little the sense in dry dell'alimento, this POKEMON the Kabbeleien, can be which it is seen with zone d'excdent of l'un l'autre.


KINGLER has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because the claw is so heavy, the POKEMON quickly tires.

KINGLER has enormous, oversize claw. It undulates this enormous claw in the sky to communicate with d'autres. However, because the claw is so heavy, the POKEMON tires quickly.

KINGLER has enormous, oversize grip arm. It undulates this enormous grip arm in the sky to inform to with d'autres. However because the grip arm is so heavy, the POKEMON fatigues fast.

KINGLER has enormous arm and of great measure of the taken one. It undulates this enormous arm of the taken one in the sky to inform with to d'autres. However because the arm of the taken one is therefore heavy, the POKEMON tires fastly.


VOLTORB was first sighted at a company that manufactures POKEBALLS. The link between that sighting and the fact that this POKEMON looks very similar to a POKEBALL remains a mystery.

VOLTORB was seen the first time at a company which manufactures POKEBALLS. The bond between seeing that and the fact that this POKEMON looks at very similar to l'un mystery of the remainders of POKEBALL.

VOLTORB was seen first time at a company, which manufactures POKEBALLS. The connection between seeing that and the fact that this POKEMON l'un regards secret of the remainders of POKEBALL very similarly.

VOLTORB has been seen time to un'azienda before, that it produces POKEBALLS. The connection between seeing that one and the fact that this POKEMON l'un considers a lot similarly the secret of the POKEBALL rests.


ELECTRODE eats electricity in the atmosphere. On days when lightning strikes, you can see this POKEMON exploding all over the place from eating too much electricity.

ELECTRODE eats l electricity in l'atmosphre. Days when the lightning strikes, you can see this POKEMON bursting everywhere to eat d electricity too much.

ELECTRODE eats L electricity in l'atmosphre. Days, as the thunderbolts, you this POKEMON to see can to burst everywhere in order to eat D electricity too much.

ELECTRODE it eats the L electricity in l'atmosphre. Days, like the thunderbolts, you this POKEMON to see can burst everywhere in order to eat l'elettricit of D too much.

J.T. also Babelfished a few Pokédex entries, the most interesting one being these for Hoppip and Bulbasaur. Comments mine:

Original: This POKéMON drifts and floats with the wind. If it senses the approach of strong winds, HOPPIP links its leaves with other HOPPIP to prepare against being blown away.

Babelfishion: _ this motor POK_MON, fluctuation of the wind _ if est, sint hard of est of the wind of the method, conect of the pagination for systematic effect left HOPPIP of the part another red tape of HOPPIP

So Hoppip is a motor Pokémon that's also a fluctuation of the wind. And where did that red tape come from? Seriously. o_O

Original: BULBASAUR can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun's rays, the seed grows progressively larger.

BabelFishion: _ that interest BULBASAUR, when relative day t of the light of the screen of the conclusion of the system of illumination to consider the workstation of the hat, est. _ approached for the interior behind the section _ through light of impregn of est with Sunday, of that preocup you excit for general the gradual type desenvolv aument. _

I have no idea what the hell it's talking about, but it appears to be something having to do with Bulbasaur being interested in computers. "The light of the screen of the conclusion of the system of illumination to consider the workstation of the hat"? Whut? And then there's somebody impregnated on a Sunday too. Fun.

Babelfished Houndoom

Cattren sent this:

Let’s see if Babel Fish can mess up something as simple as:

Original: Houndoom is a dark – fire type.

Dutch and back: Houndoom are dark - twinge type in fire.

(It can! It can mess it up! Dark-twinge type? In fire? Is a “Twinge” type going to be released in the next game?)

French and back: Houndoom are dark - the twinge seize fire.

(I know that Houndoom are dark! I told you that in the first place! The twinge seize fire? It sounds like weird poetry…)

German and back: Houndoom are dark - the Twinge seize fires.

(The Twinge? Twinge is a proper noun? And now fire is plural!)

Greek and back: Houndoom are dark - the Twinge seize fires.

(Aww, come on! Stop siding with the Germans on this one! Be unique!)

Italian and back: Houndoom is dark - twinge grippa the fires

(Ah, good grammar once more: Houndoom IS dark! Uh… grippa? And where’s the punctuation?

Portuguese and back: Houndoom is dark - grippa of twinge the fogos

(Eh what? Grippa of what? And the punctuation is still gone!

Russian and back: Houndoom is dark - grippa twinge fogos

(I repeat. Eh what? No “of” or “the”?)

Spanish and back: Houndoom is dark - the fogos of the jab of grippa

(… When did we start jabbing? But we got “Of” and “The” back!)

Chinese and back: Houndoom is dark - grippa jab fogos

(Argh! Give me back my “The” and “Of”!)

Japanese and back: Houndoom is dark, - fogos of the sudden piercing of grippa

(… Sudden piercing?)

Korean and back: The Houndoom is dark, the fogos of the penetration which -grippa is sudden

(So it’s the Houndoom? Not any Houndoom? The fogos of the penetration which – grippa is sudden? The hyphen was moved! And penetration… ? No comment.)

The finished Babelfished sentence: The Houndoom is dark, the fogos of the penetration which -grippa is sudden

(“Houndoom” is “The Houndoom”, and “is a dark – fire type” is now “is dark, the fogos of the penetration which –grippa is sudden”. …Nice.)

Babelfished Pokédex Description

Drew666 Babelfished the innocent description of the Pokédex "The pokedex is used to record every Pokemon in a region. They vary in size and shape by region" through all the languages...

"Inside of the order horizontality enemy Pokemon is used already enters the Pokedex of the area. These peoples had given the form, with binnenkant of veterinarian that he opens one cut of the area and divided yourself."

Okay, so. Inside of the Horizontality Order (headquarters?), the Pokémon the enemies are using has already entered the Pokédex of the area (the Horizontality Order headquarters, presumably). And the people (the Order of the enemies?) have given the Pokémon its form by... having a veterinarian that has performed a surgery on the Pokémon? Or did he just cut up and divide the area? It is all very interesting and sounds like there is some major plot going on, but... does it have anything at all to do with the original sentence? I love it when the Babelfish produces almost-sensible results that have no relation to whatever it was made to translate...

Babelfished Welcome

AJCOOLJ sent in this delightful Babelfishion of a post of his at the old forums:

Original: Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies where the welcomes are illogical and the welcome mat is potentially lethal. And I wish my imagination was trained well enough to comprehend the Fire Power of Sacred Stone. Alas, it is not.

And here are the results:

Spanish: The reception to the cave of libélulas where the receptions are illogical and of the pleasant mat is potentially mortal. And desire that my imagination was trained well enough to include/understand the energy of the fire of the sagrada stone. Wings, are not.

Portuguese:Boa.vinda to the cave of the dragonflies where boas.vindas is illogical and of the welcome mat is potential lethal. E I desire that my imagination estêve trained well sufficiently to understand the power of the fire of the rock sacred. Sections, are not.

German: Welcomely to the cave of the spirit levels, in those the welcomes illogical are and the welcome mat is possibly lethal. And I wish that my fantasy was trained well enough, in order to understand the fire energy of the holy stone. Unfortunately, is not it.

Greek: The reception in the cave of dragonflies where it welcomes is absurd and the eypro'sdekto carpet is potentially leathal. And wish the imagination that my it was educated enough well to comprehend the force of fire of holy Stone. Alas, it is not.

Italian: The welcome to the cavern of the dragonflies in which the welcomes they are illogical and of the mat welcome potentially is died them. And I wish that my imagination has been trained in order to comprise the feeding of the fire of the stone enough well sacred. Alas, is not.

Japanese: As for welcome to the cave of the dragonfly which is fatal welcome illogical and as the mat possibility of being welcomed. And I you understand the fire power of the holy stone, desire the fact that my imagination was well trained sufficiently. In yes ? thought, it is not that.

Korean: In the place the illusion rain logic illusion be latent is fatal in the oyster of the dragonfly and the welcome mat. In order to understand the fire of the new star one pebble and my imagining being well trained enough me it wishes. sul phu All, it is not intelligence.

Russian: Good to grant to cave dragonflies where gostepriimsva illogically and the cordial mat of potentsial'n is lethal. And I desire my imagination was trained in the best way sufficiently in order to understand the force of the fire of the most sacred stone. Alas, it not.

French: The welcome with the cave of the dragonflies where the welcomes are illogical and of the welcome plait is potentially mortal. And I wish that my imagination be formed to include/understand rather well the power of the fire of the crowned stone. Alas, it is not.

Dutch: The onthaal to the hol of libellen where welcome is called is illogically and the welcome mat is potentially deadly. And I wish this my imagination well enough was trained to understand stone the power of the fire of saint. Unfortunately, it is not.

Chinese-trad: Welcome to the welcome is the illogical dragonfly and the gate pad hole latent lethal. And I wish my imagination to train the foot ? to comprehend very well the sacred stone the firepower. It is not.

Chinese-simp: Welcome to the welcome is the illogical dragonfly and the gate pad hole latent lethal. And I wish my imagination to train very well enough comprehend the sacred stone the firepower. It is not.

Translation of Fishes of Babel

(The above is "Babel Fish Translation" translated through Greek)

The following are Babelfished through Japanese by ultravioletj, with comments by the sender:


magikarp can only learn splash, tackle and flail, so how come feebas can learn many different attacks?


Magikarp only the spray, the tackle learning, the shell pole, so can learn the attack where why feebas differs many?

Shell pole, I'd like to see that...


meowth and persian are both based on cats, though persian seems to be based on a lioness or cougar.


Meowth and the Persian person have been based on the both cat, but Persian language seems that is based on female ?? or the cougar.

So the Persian person's language is based on female ?? or cougars.. okay... I hope ?? means lion...

(Butterfree: I like how it insists on making Persian into "Persian person" and then "Persian language".)


By DJMew.

Hello there, DJMew reporting for duty! I decided to try this whole 'Babelfished' thing and took a paragraph from one of my stories to Babelfish!

I translated the paragraph through 3 languages, Dutch, Japanese, Greek then all three!


There was a gasp, a gasp of happiness. If you were there in the dark, spooky forest of Gunsky, then you would know that the gasp came from Shincho, a young trainer of 9 or so. She was gasping at her Eevee, which was surrounded by a silver aura, slowly floating up into the air. "I...can't believe it! Eevee, you're evolving!" she gasped again as the Eevee was no longer visible because of the silver aura. She watched the Eevee float down, the silver mist slowly disapearing. "I can't believe it, Eevee! You're now a...meatball?"


There were pants, pant of luck. If you in this the dark, spooky bunch of Gunsky were, then you would know that Shincho ended up, a young coach of 9 or this way pants. They hijgde at its eevee, which were surrounded by zilveren aura, slowly omhoog floating in air. I... it cannot believe! Eevee, your evolving! they hijgde again since eevee were no longer visible because of the zilveren aura. She paid attention to the eeveevlotter, the zilveren miss those slow dissapearing. I am possible, Eevee do not believe! Your now... a flesh pellet?

OK, What is a hijgde, a zilveren, a omhoog, or a eveevlotter? And what's with the pants? Or the flesh pellet?! And I'm no coach!


There was panting and the panting of happiness. When to being dark, the feeling of Gunsky it is bad forest there, you know that or so it comes from the trainer whose panting the 9 of Shincho is young. As for with her her eevee which is surrounded floats slowly in the air by the aura of the silver make which, you panted. "Cannot believe I... that! As for your development of Eevee! "She panted it meaning that eevee because of the aura of the silver make discernibly already for the second time. She the fog of the dissapearing silver make looked at the suspended matter of eevee, slowly. "I Eevee cannot believe that,! Your now... the meat ball? "

Suspended matter of Eevee? What? And...panting of happiness? *is disturbed* O.O And talk about Grammar 101! But then again, this is Babelfish.


It existed it is out of breath, you are out of breath the happiness. If i'saste there in the dark, spooky forest Gunsky, then you would know that you are out of breath it emanated from Shincho, a new instructor 9 or thus. Were out of breath in eevee her, that was surrounded by a asime'nja breeze, floating late above in air. "The I... cannot him consider! Eevee, we develop you!" it was again out of breath since eevee he was not more visible because the asime'njas breeze. Was careful the additional body eevee under, the asime'nja ydrone'fwsi where late. "I cannot him believe, Eevee! You now a... meatball "

OK, what the heck is a asime'nja breeze, or a i'saste? And, "floating late above in air?" Or, "Eevee, we develop you!" Or a asime'nja ydrone'fwsi?! Also, if you read this a couple times, if you read sentences 3-6, it's just...wrong.


Existed a beat of heart of underwears and chance. When this thus this is dark, the sentiment Gunsky the bad beam that is, the nine or bus where these methodological underwears she is new you it knows that Shincho finishes. With regard to in those that are hijgde eevee, the breeze, omhoog that floats late with air. I... that it cannot consider! Your growth Eevee! What means that eevee thanks to discernibly already that hijgde for the second time the breeze. It marks that argon paid those failures in eeveevlotter. Possibility, Eevee without faith, exists I! You now... the food of meat?

OK...just...WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?! "A beat of heart of underwears and chance?" "The sentiment Gunsky the bad beam that is?!" "The nine or bus where these methodological underwears she is new you it knows that Shincho finishes?!" And there's the omhoog again! And the hijgde! AND THE BREEZE! I like the "Food of meat?" part though ^-^

Well, class, what have we learned?

  • That people mistake gasps for pants.
  • That asime'nja breezes make people develop mews.
  • Sometimes you can have a beat of heart of underwears and chance.
  • Oomhoogses float late with air.
  • Babelfish is weird.

Well, that's all for now. That was amusing! DJMew, signing out.

Babelfished Mews

By Sarah.

I took a part from my story, Mew and Mewtwo, and put it through Babelfish. Here's what I found out!


Humming cheerfully to himself, he clutched the green apple in his tiny pink paws as though afraid someone would steal it from him. Nibbling slowly, Mew saved the sweet juice as it trickled down his throat.

(This is how it /should/ be)


Whirring merrily with, it seized green apple in its tiny pink legs as frightened somebody would steal it of him. Nibbling slowly, miaulent saved the soft juice as it ran out drop by drop in bottom of its throat.

(Mew can whir? And who the heck is miaulent? What does 'in bottom of its throat' mean?)


Friendly humming too, he seized the green apple in his small rosafarbenen paws, as if fearfully someone would steal him from him. Slowly abnagend, stored Mew the sweet juice, as it troepfelte down its throat.

(Great, now Mew's paws are rosafarbenen! Brilliant, really! Why did abnagend store Mew, and since when was Mew sweet juice? I do hope troepfelte isn't some kind of sharp thing, cause it went down his throat)


Glad Tarareando, he took hold the green apple in its very small pink legs as if somebody is scared would rob it of him. Mordiscando slowly, maúlla saved the sweet juice as it dripped under his throat.

(What's Tarareando, and why is he glad? Since when could Mew hold an apple with his legs? Who's Mordiscando, why is he slowly, and why did maúlla save the sweet juice? Have some weird fetish or something?)


Humming cheerfully himself, embreou the green apple in rose its paws very small as if distrustful somebody would steal it of it. Mordiscando slowly, mew conserved the juice candy as trickled below its throat.

(embreou the green I should make a character called that! And there's Mordiscando again! What's up with him? Since when did apple's have juice candy? And why is it trickling below Mew's throat?)


Joyfully hums to he, he held the green apple to look like in his small pink claw is afraid some person to be able to steal it from him. Gnaws slowly, meow meow called to preserve the sweet juice to be similar to it to trickle under his throat.

(Who's Mew humming to? What does the apple look like? Mew has a claw? Meow Meow?? The sweet juice is similiar to him? Wow, who woulda thunk it? And why does the juice keep trickling under his throat? He must be really bad at swallowing)


Who it will fear from him it Hoom seven theyn like the place was cheerful and in that oneself the wing wing well! lye from, he caught the green apple certainly in pink color initiating an idea which him is small. Lower part of his throat mewing and the broad way which dawns slowly fortune week su it will store with the mouth quality printed style of writing and sweetness it will be it is a n which will cry.

(....Wow. There's a lot of things wrong with this. I can't even begin to point them out)


Cheerfully buzzing itself, clutched he the green apple in its extremely small roze paws as if frightened someone would steal it of him. Slowly to gnawing, kept Mew the sweet juice since it dripped below its throat.

(Great, now he can buzz!? And why does it say he then refer to mew as an it? And I never said his paws were extremly small, or roze! And Mew's a sweet juice again.)


Pripevayushch is cheerful to itself, it gripped green apple in its tiny pink paws as if someone it would frightened steal it from it. Obgryzayushch is slow, mews after it it is preserved sweet juice in proportion to it trickled downward from its throat.

(Good for Pripevayushch, glad it's cheerful! But this is about Mew dang it! And what does 'if someone it would frightened steal it from it' mean? Why is Obgryzayushch slow, or more to the point, why do we care? Why did Mew preserve sweet juice in proportion? Is that some kind of new liquid I'm not away of?)

Signed ~Sarah =o The end, by-bye


By Raicune, comments mine.


Act one, Scene two.

Littleroot. In front of a house.

Enter Brendan and Brendan's mom.

Brendan's Mom: I guess it's pretty small, but you get your own room.

Brendan: I had one back in Johto.

Brendan's Mom: umm... Goseetheneighborsby!

Brendan: Okay...

Through German

Did one, scene two.

Littleroot. Before a house.

Announce Brendan and Brendans Mamma.

Mamma Brendans: I estimate that it is quite small, but you your own area receive.

Brendan: I had a back in Johto.

Mamma Brendans: umm... Pass to see the neighbours!

Brendan: O.K....

"Mamma Brendans" is exactly how you'd say "Brendan's mom" in Icelandic, interestingly enough. o.o The fact that Brendan apparently had a back in Johto but doesn't anymore is probably the best part of this. I'm surprised it actually managed to decode "Goseetheneighborsby"...

Through Italian

Action one, scene two.

Littleroot. One house.

It enters in the mom of the Brendan and Brendan.

Mom Of The Brendan: Fortune teller who is enough small, but you obtain your own room.

Brendan: I have had a posterior part in Johto.

Mom Of The Brendan: umm... It goes see the vicinoi close!

Brendan: Approval...

The mom of the Brendan and Brendan! Brendan has a twin brother now? o.o Mom Of The Brendan sounds weird. And the fortune teller thing is just random... "I have had a posterior part in Johto" is just plain xD. And "Approval..." is a funny way of saying "okay", don't you think?

Through French

Act one, scene two.

Littleroot. In front of a house.

Introduce the mom of Brendan and Brendan.

The Mom De Brendan: I guess that it is rather small, but you obtain your own part.

Brendan: I had a back in Johto.

The Mom De Brendan: umm... Go see the neighbors near!

Brendan: Ok...

Again, Brendan has a twin brother, but this time his mom is The Mom De Brendan, just to add a little exotic spice. And yet again, he had a back in Johto but doesn't anymore. One has got to wonder what a person without a back looks like. o.o

Through all three

It did one, the scene two.

Littleroot. Before a house.

Advertisements the mother of Brendans and Brendan.

Mother De Brendans: I estimate that it is rather small, but you that your own zone receives.

Brendan: I had a posterior part in Johto.

Mother De Brendans: umm... Stages in order to see the neighbors!

Brendan: IT APPROVES....

IT APPROVES... any reason to yell there, Brendan? What is up with the advertisements? o.o

Babelfished Spriting Guide

T Lord Babelfished the introduction to my spriting guide. Let's see what it says. Comments mine.


Learn to sprite here with this guide! All examples in it are mine and are not to be taken off this page without appropriate credit. Well, I'm not going to do anything if you steal the finished recolor examples because recoloring is the simplest thing in the world and you could as well have made it yourself. But yeah, if you take anything else you'll have to face dire consequences. Mwahahaha.


Academic society to (Chinese symbols) here by this guide! All examples will be I and not leave in it this page of not suitable credit. Very good, I do not make any if you steal the recolor example which completes because recoloring was the simplest matter and you can make its you in the world. But, if you will adopt other you to have to face the fearful consequence. Mwahahaha.


Leathers here to SPRITE with this guide! All examples in this its mine and does not have be removed from this page without suitable credit. Well, I do not will do no matter what if you steal the concluded recolorvoorbeelden because the recoloring are the simple thing in the world and you could have also made it itself. But yes, if you take something else you depriving of impact will have under eyes see. Mwahahaha.


Learn with the sprite here with this guide! All the examples in him are mine and do not have to be removed this page without suitable credit rating. Well, I will not do anything if you steal the finished examples of recolor because recoloring is the simplest thing in the world and you could as well have done it yourself. But ouais, if you take anything else you will have to face great consequences. Mwahahaha.


Learn here to sprite with this leader! All examples in it are my and are not to be removed this side without suitable credit note. Well I will do not nothing, if you steal the finished recolor examples, because the Recoloring is the simplest thing in the world and you could yourselves have formed her in addition. But yeah, if you take still somewhat, you must confront terrible consequences. Mwahahaha.


Learn sprite here with this driver! All the examples in are mine and it is not vgalcoy'n from this page without suitable credit. Well, I am not to make nothing if you steal the finished examples recolor because it is the simpler thing in the world and could also him have made the himself. But yes, if you take tj'pot' other that it will be supposed you face the terrible consequences. Mwahahaha.


It learns to sprite here with this guide! All the examples in it are mines and they do not have to be removed this page without accreditation adapted. , I am not going well to make qualche.cosa if the rifiniti examples of recolor stolen because recoloring it is the simpler thing in the world and you could also make them you same. But yeah, if you take to nothing other you will have to face the consequences to say. Mwahahaha.


Learn here in this guide and sprite! That example everything should not remove my ones, this page TJ0 0N which does not have appropriate confidence. It was good, I recoloring was the simplest thing of the world, being perhaps, and it made your yourself that, if you steal the example of recolor which is finished with something, you do not think uninformed. But if something other ones you take, it can obtain, the tremendous result must face. Mwahahaha.


Here learn into sprXX U in this guide! Inside it all it sees my thing and the trust which is suitable as this page taking off without intelligence it is not. The recoloring most being simple and the recolor which you end because is the possibility flag you making it with your oneself sameness sees inside the world, Hoom it hits well, me anyone it hangs but in order description below it is not going. To have the something else you but it will go and,, it will spread out and and and the result must confront. Mwahahaha.


It learns here to the sprite with this guide! All the examples in are mine and they do not have to be made examination it are of this page without appropriate credit. Well, I am not going to make any thing if you to steal the examples finished recolor it because recoloring is the simplest thing in the world and you having could also done you yourselves. But yeah, if you another thing to make examination of any you will have that to face consequences dire. Mwahahaha.


Learn to sprite here with this guide lug! All examples in I eat with my and not to be taken from this page without the sootvestvuyushchego credit. In the best way, 4 not to the ides to make that -nibyd6 if you steal the final examples, then recolor because recoloring will be simple thing in the world and you yourselves could also make them. But yeah, if you assume also anything, then you look to dire consequences. Mwahahaha.


Learn here to sprite with this guide! All the examples in her are mine and they do not have to be removed this page without appropriate credit. , I am not going well to make any thing if you rob the finished examples of the recolor because recoloring is the simplest thing of the world and you could also have made it you same. But, if you take any thing you you will have to face calamitous consequences. Mwahahaha.


this head of the company of the member of the academy here! It sees e, he will be a question of the globe there nonsuitable that, he will not be the valuation where you you do not play after they separate to him alongside. It obtains by thing of the head for the respect and will be the company of the member of the Joh academy much or left, it sees everything and by a question of the globe where everything, you do not play after he is separated not secondly by the valuation or the svedeniyey nonsuitable., the thing model, considers recolor he Hoom 7 that is chronometer, like much thing when of La Paz getanes internally that, is which he is connected because the silence that he does not obtain well, there will be bereiftes that he simply Recoloring. that but, to be possibility something the adoption is another one, that one that arranges, the result of the characteristic of the alcohol of the inflexible method. Mwahahaha.

Okay, that is just disturbing. Just how the hell is it getting "this head of the company of the member of the academy here" out of "Learn to sprite here with this guide"? This is almost as bad as the computer room managers of gymnastics. In general it just has absolutely nothing to do with what the paragraph originally said. o.O Seriously, can you find a single word in there from the original other than "Recoloring" and "Mwahahaha"?

Team Rocket's BabelRocking

By Eagle - comments mine.

Original English text

Team Rocket’s rocking.
Talking trouble, walking trouble.
Double trouble, big trouble’s gonna follow you.
Team Rocket’s rocking.
Talking trouble, walking trouble.
Double trouble, big trouble’s gonna follow you.
We're gonna capture Ash-y too!.


Concerning it had one swum one, because a problem can be used, there was thu of the rocket of the posporena of the remuneration for the remuneration in relation to of the problem. in relatively the dotted decimal notation of the problems, in thu of the rocket of the place that the remuneration the remuneration was not important nothing they, it was which those difficult and posporeno, they were important 12 pesos and its his of the SPUR of the hook of the problem of the package it continues totally with the work of the problem that continues the problems whom it updated with the difficult one,

Just plain o_O;;; That has got to be the most messed-up Babelfishion I've ever seen.

Babelfished Shorts

We all remember that Youngster in R/B/Y who uttered the immortal line, "Hey! I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!" Well, I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before, but now I Babelfished that, and the results are highly disturbing.


Hey! I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!

Through Japanese

Just a little! I like shortage! Feeling it is good, is easy to attach those to the body!

He... likes shortage? o_O; And um, it is beyond me how it can translate "Hey!" into something that means "Just a little!", seriously.

Through Chinese

_ is small! _ I look like short! _ felt it is good, is easily to attaches these to this organism! _

This looks like a fill-in-the-blanks now. Apparently the Youngster just looks like he's short, and the good thing about shorts is actually that they can be easily attached to this organism. I assume "this organism" is that Youngster's bizarre way of referring humbly to himself.

Through French

_ is small! _ I resemble the shorts! _ judged that it is good, is easily with the fasteners those with this organization! _

Okay, so something is still small. This time the Youngster is not quite so humble anymore, since he is apparently now convinced that he very much resembles those wonderful shorts of his. And some blank judged that it is good (the shorts, presumably?) and that they are "easily with the fasteners those with this organization"... sorry, but even I don't get that part.

Through German

_ is small! _ resemble I the short-circuits! _ judged that it is good, is easy with the attachment tigers with this organization! _

XDDD SHORT-CIRCUITS! It turned shorts into short-circuits! And those "fasteners" have turned into "attachment tigers". Interesting.

Through Italian

_ it is small! _ it is similar the short circuits! _ it has judged that it is good, is easy with Tigris of the connection with this organization! _

Now it sounds like an advertisement. "It is small! It is similar to short circuits! It has judged that it is good!" The organization that apparently has some connection with tigers only helps with that.

Through Portuguese

_ _ est small! _ _ est similar short circuit! _ _ t julg that est good, est easy with Tigris connection with this organization! _ _

Now apparently there is some special type of connection called a "Tigris connection" which the shorts apparently have with the organization... o_O

Through Spanish

_ _ est small! _ _ similar short circuit of est! _ _ julg of t that est good, est easy with the connection of Tigris with this organization! _ _

A similar short circuit, eh? And now it's Tigris that has a connection with the organization. All in all, I don't see what this has to do with being comfy and easy to wear anymore, sorry.

Babelfished Shorts, Redux!

Andrew Leppard sent this (comments mine):

Original English Text

I like shorts! They're comfy and east to wear! Want a battle? Go, Eevee! Tackle!

Andrew apparently made a mistake and wrote "east" instead of "easy", but that just makes the result more interesting, since it deviates from the above.

Through Japanese

I like shortage! Those feeling are good in order to learn, is an east! Think that we want fight? Eevee goes! Tackle!

Again, he likes shortage; that was to be expected. What we didn't know, however, is that liking shortage is good for learning, due to something having to do with the east.

Through Chinese

I like short! These feelings are good for the academic society, is eastern part! Believed that, we want to fight? Eevee is! Pulley!

Now he just likes short things, and that is good for the academic society in the east. This is all becoming clearer. Oh, and Eevee might or might not be a pulley.

Through French

I like soon! These feelings are good for the company of academic, left Eastern! Do vintage that, we want to fight? Eevee is! Pulley!

He likes soon, which I'm not entirely sure what means, but that's apparently great for the left Eastern academic company. You know, I think the Chinese Communist Party must have gotten into this somehow, since it's trying to get us east and left.

Through German

I like soon! These feelings are good for the company of academic, left eastern! this wine reading, we would like to fight? Eevee is! Wheel!

He's not quite sure whether he would like to fight that wine reading or not. And Eevee is a wheel now.

Through Italian

I will appreciate soon! This sensibility is good for the company of orients them academic and of left! this reading of the wine, we would want to fight? Eevee is! Small wheel!

Now he's just being grateful, or assuring us that he will be soon. And that's good for the oriental academic company, and for the left. He really is getting political. And Eevee is now a small wheel.

Through Portuguese

I will appreciate soon! This sensibility is good for the company of guides them academic and of the left! this reading of the wine, us we would want to fight? Eevee is! Small wheel!

Now the company is no longer oriental, and instead it's just guiding academics.

Through Spanish

I will appreciate soon! This sensitivity is good for the company of guides academic they and the left! this reading of the wine, we who we would wish to fight? Eevee is! Small wheel!

Now it's sensitivity that's good for the company. And he would wish to fight himself.


Okay, this one is just WEIRD. I ran "Tail Whip" through Babelfish. Just that, "Tail Whip". Look what happened to it.

  1. English: Tail Whip
  2. That through Japanese: Tail rod
  3. That through Chinese: Tail rod
  4. That through French: Stem of tail
  5. That through German: Trunk of the end piece
  6. That through Italian: Log of the extremity part
  7. That through Portuguese: register extremity has asked for
  8. That through Spanish: the extremity of the registry has requested


Babelfished Attacks

Because of the great results with Tail Whip, I put a few other attack names through Babelfish. I'll just tell you the most interesting bits for them.

  • After a few languages, "Will-o-wisp" becomes "O o small bunch" and later "Or or small groups".
  • "False Swipe" becomes "Hard blow of fake", then "The imitation item hardly moves", then "Of element movements of imitation hardly", then "Of the item movements of the imitation hardly", then "Of the movements of the article of the imitation hardly", then "movement hard article imitation" and finally "hard imitation of the article of the movement".
  • "Slash" through Chinese becomes "The depth chops", and that put through French becomes "Blows of axe of depth". After a couple of more languages, it becomes "effect axe depth". o.o
  • However, if we leave Chinese and Japanese out of the matter, Slash becomes "Bar fraction" through French, which then becomes "Staff break" through German, which becomes "Breach of the staff" through Italian, "romp team of employees" through Portuguese and "equipment of the paying of employees" through Spanish. Who knew that Scyther's signature move was really about employees' pay day?
  • Disturbingly enough, Fly becomes Moscow. o_O;; As in the capital city of Russia. How the hell did that happen?
  • Splash becomes "Syringe". o.o
  • Leaf Blade becomes "Blade of sheet", then "page of the page" and later "pagination of the pagination".
  • If translated with Chinese, Japanese and Korean included, however, it just becomes "bit".
  • Bullet Seed becomes "Kind of bullet", then "Type project symbol", later "Write the symbol of the project" and then "The symbol of the plan writes". o.O
  • However, if you don't include Chinese, Japanese and Korean in that, it just becomes "The sphere granulates".
  • Surf, poetically, becomes "Vagueness" and "Uncertainty" if Chinese, Japanese and Korean are included; through just French, however, it becomes "Vague beachcomber".
  • Blast Burn becomes "Distribution of the crust" (or, a little earlier in the process, "Crusts of distribution" or "Ventilation scabs").
  • From The Ninja Pikachu: Blaze Kick through Spanish becomes "Backward Movement of Brilliance". XDDDD
  • Also from The Ninja Pikachu, Defog through Spanish becomes "Cloudy Llama", and Drain Punch through Japanese becomes "Punch of sewage tube". o.o;;
  • From Eddie: Psycho Boost becomes "Psychopathe Exerted Pressure On", and Seed Flare becomes "The Value Begins Them for the Rocket of the Generator of the Accidental Number". o_O
  • From "a dedicated fan": Roar of Time eventually becomes "The Time of Urli", Psychic becomes "Heart", and Psycho Cut becomes "Ardently the mouth of psychoanalysis", "Psychoanalysis warm-hearted mouth", "Cordial mouth of psycho-analyzes" and "The warm one of the mouth of psico analyzes". What were we talking about again?
  • From Lucas755: "Fake Tears" becomes "It pulls the forgery and tears", "It pulls fabricated and tears", "It draws factory and tears", "It draws factory and tears up violently" (well, that's a random addition), "It dissipates the factory and it is torn in on violentemente", and "It wastes the plant and it is torn inside in violentemente". o.O
  • From Smartguy: "Light Screen" becomes "Casually Display" and "With indifferent visualization".
  • From Yelloweye: "Giga Drain" becomes "Download of the giga" and later "Transference of the great basket".

I could probably try more, but my curiosity has been satisfied for now. You can try some.

Babelfished Horoscopes

SONICKID01 Babelfished a few of my horoscopes through Dutch, French and finally Portuguese. The results are interesting:


Original: You will get hit by a Sand-Attack, run inside and reach for a towel, only to realize that it was a Ninetales' tail and it put you under a 1000-year curse.

Babelfishion: ENTEI: You in the pressure for zand-Aanval get, in the operation you dispatch by post and for a towel, she will only reach this with carries through for it it was the tail of Ninetales and she put to it under 1000-jaar one vloek.

SONICKID01: Zand-aanval... (Sand anvil?)... We get pressured by sand anvils? In the middle of and operation? Who she? And I thought NINETALES was the one who gave CURSES, not jaar-one-vloeks, whatever that means. EVERYHTING I KNOW IS A LIE!

Butterfree: In the operation you dispatch by post? Haha, where did that come from?


Original: A Persian will ambush you in a dark alley and beat you over the head with large sacks of money.

Babelfishion: HO-HO-OH: Perzisch attracts it in one ambush in a dark track and you it will invent the money on the head with great pockets.

SONICKID01: Invent money? With a Perzisch? SWEET! That’s awesome! But do we really have to create in on our head, which apparently has big holes? We’re rich! Also, check the name. Santa’s in town early (or if you’re reading this in December, right on time).

Butterfree: Ooh, inventing money. :3 Sounds fun. But inventing it on somebody's head? With great pockets? o.o


Original: A man dressed as a woman and a woman dressed as a man will approach and tell you to prepare for trouble and make it double.

Babelfishion: MEWTWO: A man started dress as a woman and a woman started dressed since that the peoples and you will say for the approach of the problem that if relates to the base of the establishment to make and to fold to make.

SONICKID01: Wait a second… some guy first started dressing as a girl? Talk about messed up in the head. And, umm… what peoples? What, is this lady Eden or something, but I highly doubt that for some reason. Maybe she’s just old. But anywho, we’re gonna say something to fix a problem about a base that we have to fold…? BUT I DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER! Hmm… to!

Butterfree: So like... the woman started something, dressed, since some people and you will propose that a problem be approached? And I have no idea how Team Rocket's motto turned into something relating to the base of some sort of folding establishment. Is that paper-folding? Origami establishment? o.o


Original: You will notice a strange man holding a CD to his pet's forehead.

Babelfishion: KYOGRE: You funny peoples will write down to keep the COMPACT DISC with the face of its animal of the house.

SONICKID01: You’re telling use we’re gonna make a reminder to keep the CD with the picture of it’s animals? What else do compact discs own? Yeah, and we’re funny.

Butterfree: You funny peoples? XD This is so scarily nearly-grammatically-correct that it's disturbing.

Babelfished Salamence

One Nick submitted the following. Comments mine.

Original: Salmence is a great Dragon type Pokemon

Dutch: Salmence are a large type of Pokemon van Draak

(So apparently, Salamence is a type now. And there is a special kind of Pokémon called Pokémon van Draak.)

French: Salmence is a great Pokemon type of dragon

(Yes, Salamence clearly is a type.)

German: Salmence is a large Dracheart Pokemon

(Dracheart? That sounds like it's a dragon heart Pokémon or something... o.O)

Greek: The Salmence is a big type Pokemon dra'kwn.

(Ah, so now it's a big-type Pokémon. Dra'kwn must be an adverb of some sort - I'm pronouncing it "Dra-coon" in my head.)

Italian: Salmence is a type great Pokemon of dredges.

(Of... dredges?)

Japanese: It is type Pokemon of dragon which Salmence helix seems

(o.o I knew the DNA molecule was in the shape of a double helix, but Salamence?)

Korean: The Salmence is company grudge shedding of blood Pokemon

(...That's disturbing. Company grudge shedding of blood... it commits murders motivated by business-related grudges...)

All of the above: The Salmence the van where his Pokemon is good is the big Draak

(Now it's more of a feel-good sentence... a nice ol' family van where the Salamence's Pokémon is good. And the van apparently is the big Draak. Whatever that's supposed to mean. That in fact vans are the biggest dragons of all? Ooh, symbolism.)

Gotta Babelfish 'em All

Sent in by magnetflygon, with my comments.

Original: Gotta catch them all

Chinese simple/Chinese traditional: Obtains seizes them completely

(...not exactly.)

Dutch: Gotta catch them all

(o.o Babelfish actually translated something to a language and back and got it right! Gasp!)

French: Obtained to catch them all

(Close enough.)

German: Received to get caught it all

(Aww, poor things are received only to get caught.)

Greek: The gotta to them touches all

(This sounds really like the beginning of a poem or something. o.o But I'd rather not touch them all, thanks.)

Italian: It has obtained to interfere with it all

(...xD That's grammatically correct, but nonsensical and completely different from the original. I love those.)

Japanese: The fact that those are caught entirely was obtained

(Ah, so not only do we catch them entirely, but we obtain that fact as well. Nice.)

Korean: It got the fact that all it seizes them

(Now it's more like a horror movie. Suddenly, it realized that something was seizing it from under the table...)

Portuguese: It started to stop them all

(...well, not quite. XD)

Russian: Gotta recovers their everything

(Nice to know.)

Spanish: It was able to take them all


All: The fact that they are them it sets the handle of the examination against and it, is them, which they presuppose



This was sent in by Seraphim.

I was hanging around in the humour section, and I decided to Babelfish a passage of me fic, describing the magnificent Ninetales. Here would be my adventures with this complex art.

Original English Version

It was a wonder, therefore, that something of great consequence occurred here, of all places. At exactly mid-noon, a flash of fire burst out from the topmost turret of the sandstone castle, and a creature of the most extraordinary regality graced the unworthy ground. A fine-boned snout was raised in the air, supported by a head containing a pair of fiery saffron eyes. A long, jagged mane curved downwards from between its two raised ears; nine majestic tails billowed in the desert air, protruding from a canine torso. A brilliant gold suffused the figure of this queenly vixen, glowing spectacularly in the sun.

The ground itself would have to make way.

Queen Tryst had arrived.

Not bad, eh? But what if we translate it through French?

It was a wonder, therefore, which something of great consequence occurred here, of all the places. Exactly at semi-midday, a flash of the fire burst outside of the turret highest of the sandstone castle, and a creature of the most extraordinary regality honoured the unworthy ground. A end-boned muzzle was increased in the sky, supported by a head containing a pair of burning eyes of saffron. Long, jagged a mane curved in bottom of between its two increased ears; nine majestic tails were raised with the air of desert, exceeding of a canine chest. A gold shining spread the figure of it of queen vixen, rougeoyant spectacularly with the sun.

The ground even should make the manner.

The Tryst Queen Had arrived.

The fine-boned snout is an end-boned muzzle, now, is it? *bares fangs* And someone decided to increase its ears, poor thing. But what I consider most interesting is the fact that the wind was strong enough to raise nine full tails, and it exceeded that of a canine chest. Hmmm...

Portuguese, maybe?

It was a wonder, consequently, that something of the great consequence occurred here, of all the places. Accurately in the mid-half-day, a flash of the fire blown up for is of the turret topmost of the castle of sandstone, and a creature of regality extraordinariest graced the land unworthy. One snout finish-finishes-boned was raised in the air, supported for a head that will count a pair of the impetuous eyes of saffron. One flows long, jagged was bent over for low enters of its two raised ears; nine majestical tails billowed in the air of the desert, projecting itself of a torso canine. A shining gold suffused the figure of this queenly vixen, becoming incandescent spectacular in the sun.

The proper land would have that to make the way.

Tryst queen had fond.

I never knew finish-finishes-boned was an adjective! *opens dictionary* Come to think of it, "torso" doesn't really describe "canine", either. What dialect are they using, anyway? My dictionary is out of date.

... The Queen of the Tryst had a fond? o.O

Spanish, of course, was the next one.

It was a wonder, therefore, that happened something of great consequence here, of all the places. In exactly half-full the of-noon, a flash of the fire exploded towards outside the small tower topmost of the castle of the arenaceous stone, and a creature of the most extraordinary sovereignty graced the Earth infuriates. A fine-deshuesado snout was raised in the air, supported by a head that contained a pair of ardent eyes of saffron. A long melena, teethed curved downwards between of its two raised ears; nine majestic tails billowed in the air of the desert, standing out of a canine torso. A shining gold covered the figure with this queenly vixen, shining intensely spectacularly in the sun.

The Earth itself would have to make way.

Queen Tryst had arrived.

What time of day is half-full the of-noon? Looks like the QftL spirit got into this. And, apparently, when Tryst graced the Earth (what planet did she come from, then?) it got exceedingly angry. I'm blown away by their logic. Then again, it says that the Earth would have to make way, so maybe it's supremely annoyed by that. It seems to be that melena have teeth, though what exactly a melena is still beats me.

But this, out of everything else, tops the cake.

Seemingly, something gold and shiny took this very queenly vixen and covered a random figure with it. What, did it melt the Ninetales or something?

And last of all, because I know you saw this coming, Japanese:

Therefore with something of the large result of all places which happen here was wonder. Exactly, at intermediate noon, destruction intensity it did the flash of the fire from the best turret of the sandstone castle, it gave any creative things of most abnormal regality to the land which does not have value. It is good, the bone as for snout which it can make a foolish mistake it rose with the air which is supported by the head which includes the eye of the saffron whose group is extreme. As for the long, sharp mane between the ear where two was lifted and others it bent hugely in the lower part; As for nine impressive tails with the air of the desert which protruding comes out from the torso of the dog billowed. The gorgeous gold filled up the figure of vixen like this queen who shines luxuriously with the sun.

The land itself must make method.

The promise where the queen meets arrived.

Hoo, boy. As you can see, Babelfish corrected me on many counts, but the most monumental mistakes I made were these:

After a flash of fire, a creature did not grace the unworthy ground; the fire gave any creative, abnormally regal things with no value to the land.

I incorrectly described Queen Tryst's head to the extreme. Though the bone was good, the snout itself made a foolish mistake. (Don't know where it got that from.)The head supported the air - including the eye of saffron with a very extreme group - not the snout itself, and the snout rose along with the air.

Apparently, the figure itself was not the Queen who shone spectacularly in the sun; it was simply like the Queen, as it was filled with gorgeous gold. What the figure actually is is beyond me.

The proper earth forges new paths and methods of doing things. It never follows the beaten track.

Ah, but the whole thing would be incomplete without the grand finale:

Babelfished through all languages once

Therefore of all places where something of large consequ4encia was created here was wonder. Exactly, in semimeio day, gr2es of the electric lanthanum castle of the fire, and from the earth many parts of estoirou of the small tower where any creative things of sovereignty rise to extraordinarier which can give reputation it reaches the point where you rage. Snout of the edge of deshuesado increased the sky, being supported by capita which counts group in order to burn the eye whose ???? is hot. Between two ears which increase it was inferior it redoubled crini2ere of length and d3echiquet3ee; Being able to appear in nine majestueuses of the tail, the air of the desert where he exceeds the torso of the dog it was. The gold which shines vixen this 1, divided the luxurious rougeoyant figure of the queen to the sun.

The appropriate earth must make method.

There was encari6nado in the queen of the promise which meets.

Babelfish learnt 1337 speak!

I don't believe I need to dissect this, it's quite clear by itself. (Or is it? *mysterious music*)


Hello. My name is Quanyails, and Babelfish is, well, weird...

See for yourself:

Regular English: Ninetales quickly darted over the ledges, escaping the mysterious shadow behind her.

Chinese: Ninetales has rapidly thrown in the ledge, escapes the mysterious shadow after her.

Alright, but "Thrown in the ledge?" Ninetales must be strong!

Japanese: The mysterious shadow it shot Ninetales to the shelf which escapes directly with her rear.

The mysterious shadow now shot Ninetales and escaped with her rear. O.o;;

Korean: The Ninetales thu threw quickly all in the shelf which escapes the mysterious one shadow after her.

What is a Thu? She threw herself IN the shelf?

Dutch: Ninetales threw rapidly concerning the richels, which escape to the mysterious shade behind her.

Okay, now Ninetales is concerned. Escape to the mysterious shade behind her?

German: Ninetales shot fast over the borders and escaped the mysterious shade behind it.

Border? What border?

Greek: The Ninetales ejected fast beyond the ledges, that escape mystery shade behind.

Okay, now Ninetales "Ejected" herself. O.o

Italian: Ninetales has darted quickly over shelves, fuoriuscenti the shadow mysterious behind she.

What's a fuoriuscenti?

Portuguese: Ninetales darted quickly on the edges, escaping of the mysterious shade behind dela.

What's a dela? Babelfish has some weird words!

Spanish: Ninetales quickly sent on the shelves, escaping the mysterious shade behind her.

So, now Ninetales sent on the shelves, perhaps as a defence?

Babelfished Thunder

Sent in by PichuPi:

Let's see what happens to what somebody might say to a Pikachu in a battle... (I'm going to stack the translations.)

English: Pikachu! I choose you! Use Thunder!

German Babelfish: Pikachu! I select you! Use thunder!

Nothing seems TOO bad.

Now through French: Pikachu! I choose you! Employ the thunder!

Thunder is apparantly an employee of Pikachu now. Good thing the "choose" got fixed...

Through Spanish: Pikachu! I choose to him! Use the thunderclap!

Now Pikachu is using THE Thunderclap, and the trainer is no longer choosing Pikachu-- it's choosing to him.

Italian: Pikachu! I choose he! It uses the thunderclap!

Babelfish has gender issues.

Japanese: Pikachu! I choose him! That uses thunderclap!

STOP WITH THE THUNDERCLAP! And there's that he-to-it thing again. Seriously, can't Pikachu be a female?! O_o

Dutch: Pikachu! I choose him! That uses thunderclap!

Wow. Babelfish actually did something RIGHT!

Simplified Chinese: Pikachu! I choose him! That use is thunderous!

The use of the [stereotypical gender] male Pikachu is thunderous! HUZZAH!

Traditional Chinese: Pikachu! I choose him! That use rumble sound!

(Trainer: Pikachu! Use Rumble Sound!) XD

Korean: Pikachu! Me it will be wrong and it selects! That use the rumble sound!

BEEP. BEEP. GRAMMAR ERROR. It seems that the trainer/it (Pikachu? O_o) is wrong but will select anyway to make Pikachu use Rumble Sound.

Portuguese: Pikachu! Me it will be made a mistake and it selects! This use the sound of rumble!

The Me It will make a mistake and select. Now it appears the trainer is attacking. o.O

Russian: Pikachu! 4 it will be made an error and it selects! This benefit is the sound of rumble!


Final: Pikachu! 4 it will be made an error and it selects! This benefit is the sound of rumble!

Overview: Remember, everyone, Pikachu no longer uses Thunder. Pikachu now learn Sound of Rumble while making an error and selecting! Oh, yes, all humans are now called 4. Good day!

Babelfished Ariana

Shockwave34 writes:

I have decided to Babelfish Picnicker Ariana's quote from FR/LG. One of the most awkward quotes in the game when you play as the girl. >_>

Original: Ew! Don't try anything funny in the dark!

French: Ew! Do not test anything funny in the darkness!

(Close enough. But it sounds like she doesn't want you doing any science experiments on laughter.)

German: Ew! Do not check nothing, which is merry in the density!

(Double negative! So being dense makes things happy?)

Italian: Ew! Not controls nothing, that it is allegro in the density!

(Huh. Double negative again. And Allegro sounds like a kind of allergy medicine... I looked in an Italian dictionary and it does mean "merry".)

Portuguese: Ew! It does not control nothing, that one that is allegro in the density!

(Similar to the one above. But now it is "that one")

Spanish: Electronic war! It does not control anything, that one that is allegro in the density!

(W-WHAT?! Electronic War?! Maybe that's what they think "E.W." stands for? But no double negatives this time. So, happy dense objects cannot control anything?)

With Chinese and Japanese included: Electronic war! Disowned of the density does not have bed to control,

(Ah. So now it is beds that cannot be controlled?)

Babelfished Turtwig

Shockwave34 also sent this:

Original: Go Turtwig! Use Razor Leaf!

Japanese: Turtwig goes! Leaf of use razor!

Chinese: Turtwig is! Use shaving cutter leaf!

French: Turtwig is! Use to shave the sheet of cutter!

(Now here's where it gets good)

German/Italian: Turtwig is! Use to shave the page of the scherblockes!

(THOSE PAGES NEED SHAVING! They need to be removed of...whatever "scherblockes" are)

Portuguese: Turtwig is! Use to scrape the page of scherblockes!

Spanish: Turtwig is! Use to scrape the pagination of scherblockes!

If you leave out Chinese and Japanese:

Turtwig Desaparece! The E.E.U.U. the pagination of the machine to shave!

(Turtwig Disappeared! How did the United States get involved? O_o It also happens if you replace Turtwig and Razor Leaf with Piplup/Bubble Beam and Chimchar/Flame Wheel.)

Babelfished Tootsie Pop

SneaselSoldier submitted this:

The Milotic gracefully dove to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean so it can lick its lollipop in privacy. It then asked itself, “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?” The Milotic then began to slowly lick the orange candy and counts each lick, “One. Two. Three…” But before the Milotic can continue, a Wooper swam up from below and ate the Tootsie Pop in one bite and sang, “The world may never know!”

I couldn’t think of anything to say so I thought of the Tootsie Pop commercials. Sue me, Ok?

The elegant stud Milotic to the floor of the peaceful ocean so that it can lick its lollipop in privacy. It asked himself then, "how much lick it to the centre of a headstock Tootsie takes to get?" Milotic started then the oranje lick suikergoed slowly and count each lik. Two. Three... "but before Milotic can continue, swam Wooper omhoog of below and ate Tootsie headstock in one bit and sang," the world can know never!

Now the Milotic’s a stud, that’s something you can’t easily imagine. “”It asked itself then”” still kind of makes sense. Center’s now centre, a word no one uses anymore. And now the Tootsies a headstock (a headstock is a part in a machine that holds up a revolving part. We have names for everything, don’t we?). Instead of the Milotic licking the tootsie it now started but then the ‘oranje lick suikergoed’. Orange is spelled wrong and I don’t even know what ‘suikergoed’ means or is. Then ‘lick’ is spelled wrong and they omitted the ‘one’. And then I think the ‘omhoog of below’ is a compound adjective so the Wooper, omhoog of below, ate the tootsie head stock (That can’t be healthy), in one bit(e) and sang ‘The world can know never!’ So now the wooper’s like some evil thing trying to keep the world from knowing how many licks it takes to get to the center of the tootsie headstock. Only they made it grammatically incorrect.

Milotic with elegance plunged at the peaceful ocean floor thus it can lick its lucette in the intimacy. It then wondered that, "how much licks it takes to obtain in the center of a noise of tootsy?" Milotic started then to lick the orange sugar refinery slowly and counts each one lick, "one. Two. Three... "But before Milotic can continue, Wooper swam to the top of lower part and ate the noise of tootsy in a bite and sang," the world can never know!"

This time the Milotic is plunging itself at the ocean floor. I guess it’s trying to hurt itself. So it can ‘lick its lucette in the intimacy’… ‘In the intimacy’? O_o I don’t think I want to know what a ‘lucette’ is. Then the Milotic wonders how much licks it takes to obtain in the center of a noise of tootsy. So, apparently, you can get to the center of a sound made by a tootsy by licking it. Do tootsies make noises? Then the Milotic started licking the orange sugar refinery. I don’t think that’s a good idea. The workers might stare at you and yell at you to leave. They kept the ‘one’ this time, but it wasn’t capitalized. The Wooper somehow swam the top of the lower part (how could you tell) and ate the noise of tootsy. Oh, so now you can eat noises. The wooper’s still evil, but this time the wrote it right.

The Milotic dipped willful to the lower surface of the Pacific ocean, therefore it can lick its lutscher in the private life. It asked itself then the fact that, "to arrive how many licks it takes, over at the center of a Tootsie bang?" The Milotic then began to lick the orange sweet slowly and counts each leaking, "one. Two. Three... "however, before the Milotic can continue, a Wooper swam above from below and ate the Tootsie bang in bites and sang," the world can never know!"

So now the Milotic ‘dipped’ to the lower surface of the Pacific Ocean. I didn’t know the ocean had another surface. That must be where the fishes fish. Then is licks it ‘lutscher’ in the private life, whatever that means. “It asked itself then the fact that” that almost makes sense, compared to “to arrive how many licks it takes, over at the center of a tootsie bang?” which probably means to come up with a number of how many licks are at the center, which of course makes absolutely no sense. And what’s a tootsie bang. Is it like the bangs on your head? Milotics can grow bangs? And now it’s licking its bangs? That are orange and sweet? I don’t understand this paragraph. Now the evil wooper. The wooper swam above from below. Well, Duh! Where else would it come from? And then it ate the tootsie bang in bites. So now it looks like the wooper is eating the sweet, orange bangs of a Milotic. That’s a weird image.

The Milotic is dived with garbo to the inferior part of the pacific ocean so as to the relative one lollipop in the segretezza can leccare. Then it has been asked that, "quant0 leccano they take in order to obtain to the center of one I crack of the tootsie" The Milotic then has begun to leccare the orange candy slowly and counts everyone lecca, "one. Two. Three... "But before that the Milotic could continue, a Wooper has swum in on gives under and has eaten cracks it of the tootsie in a bite and has sung," the world can never not know!"

Let’s see…the Milotic is now diving with someone named ‘garbo’. Maybe the Milotic got tired of being alone. And they dove to the inferior part of the ocean. I didn’t know certain parts of the ocean are inferior to others. I guess it depends on the weather. So they’re there to find the relative of a lollipop in something called a ‘segretezza’ so they can ‘leccare’ it. All righty then… Then the relative of the lollipop has been asked “quant0 leccano they take in order to obtain to the center of one I crack of the tootsie.” I guess they’re plotting to take something called a ‘quant0 leccano’ so they can obtain the center of an ‘I crack’ and the ‘I crack’ is somewhere inside the tootsie. Then, for some reason, the Milotic begins to leccare the orange candy, which could be either the relative of the lollipop or some tootsie pop that appeared out of nowhere and counts every ‘lecca’. I think it means ‘lick’. Then the evil wooper has swum in on gives under, which looks more like random words than a real sentence. And then it ate ‘cracks it’ which must be another part of the tootsie in a bite. It must’ve been pretty small. If the wooper can get the cracks it so easily why does the Milotic, Garbo, and the relative of the lollipop need a quant0 leccano to get to the I crack. If that sentence made any sense whatsoever, than you’re either really smart or really weird.

Milotic dived into the Pacific Ocean bottom elegantly and it is possible therefore to lick lollipop of privacy. As for that then you take? "It licks, or thing Milotic which asks that itself and it starts licking the orange candy slowly in order to obtain on the center of the explosion sound of some Tootsie", each one licks, "1 quantity you obtain. 2. As for 3..."but before Milotic can continue, as for Wooper you swam from description below, you ate the explosion sound of Tootsie of one biting scar, and sang," perhaps the world never you know,! "

Hmmm…this requires a little bit more thinking than usual. So this time the Milotic dives to the bottom of the ocean so it can be possible to lick a ‘lollipop of privacy’. Then it seems the narrator is asking you a question about taking something. And that something is licking or ‘thinging’ the Milotic, who asks the something to lick an orange candy with him in order to be on the center of an explosion sound made by a tootsie. Each one licks while saying “1 quantity that you obtain. 2. As for three.” Which I’m not sure what it means. But then the Milotic stops licking when wooper (who apparently is not evil anymore) swims from a description of itself that was below the Milotic and eats the explosion sound the came from the tootsie that came from something called a ‘biting scar’. Then the wooper says something about the Milotic not knowing the world. The ‘something’ that was licking with Milotic was either eaten by the wooper or still there with the Milotic. The End. Did you get any of that? Because I didn’t.

Milotic gracefully dived to the bottom of Pacific Ocean therefore it it can lick its lollipop in the solitude. It after this asked, "lick it they assume in order to obtain to to center pops Tootsie?" Milotic after this beginning to slowly lick orange candy calculates each it licks, "one. 2. 3. "but before Milotic will be able continuing, Wooper had a swim upward from below and ate pop Tootsie in one bite and it is ripe," peace can ever not know!"

Now there are two ‘it’s for some reason. And privacy is now solitude. Nothing wrong there. So after diving Milotic asked someone “lick it they assume in order to obtain to to center pops Tootsie?” Apparently, ‘they’ assume in order to get to the center of someone called pops Tootsie one must lick him. I’m not too fond of licking people, even if the person’s name is ‘pop Tootsie’. Milotic then ‘calculates’ each lick it does on the orange candy. What was so wrong with ‘counts’ that it had to be changed to ‘calculates’? And it writes out ‘one’ but it writes the others ‘2, 3’ for some reason. Wooper then swam upward (duh) from below (duh) and ate pop Tootsie in one bite and it seems pop Tootsie was ripe. Was he a fruit person? It’s not the same evil wooper but instead it’s his cousin somewhat-evil wooper, who says “peace can ever not know”. So now somewhat-evil wooper is trying to keep ‘peace’ from knowing, instead of the whole world. That was weird… to say the least.

The Milotic was plunged attractive to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean so lollipop in isolation can lick his. Then it was requested that, "how many they are licked they take to obtain to the center of an outbreak of the tootsie" The Milotic later began to lick the orange caramel slowly and counts each one is licked, "one. Two. Three... "But before the Milotic can continue, a Wooper swam for above of down and ate the outbreak of the tootsie in a mordedura and sang," the world can never know "

“The Milotic was plunged attractive to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean” So now the Milotic is attractive. I mean, it always was, but now it’s saying it. Continues to “so lollipop in isolation can lick his.” The Milotic is meeting an isolated lollipop so the lollipop can lick his. His what? His lollipop, his face, his…moving on. So then someone requests that “how many they are licked they take to obtain to the center of an outbreak of the tootsie.” This talks about people being licked and an outbreak of ‘the tootsie’. So I’m guessing it’s like an outbreak of ‘the black plague’ or ‘the flu’, only ‘the tootsie’ is obviously more desirable. So later the Milotic licks the orange caramel. I thought this was about Tootsie Pops, and how can caramel taste like an orange? Evil wooper is back (fan girls scream and crowd around). The evil wooper for something called ‘the above of down’ which must be some kind of mystical, paradoxical object or something. And then the evil wooper eats the tootsie outbreak in a ‘mordedura’. ‘Mordedura’ must mean like a really big bite or a restaurant. And then the Evil Wooper says those famous words, “The world can never know!” (The crowd goes wild!).

So, class, what have we learned today?

  • Evil Woopers don’t want us to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop.
  • Milotics can grow orange bangs.
  • Tootsie Pops can make exploding sounds the have centers and that you can lick and eat.
  • Relatives of Lollipops live in segretezzas that are located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
  • The Pacific Ocean has two surfaces.
  • Certain parts of the Pacific Ocean are inferior to those of other parts.
  • There are specific parts in a Tootsie Pop called the I crack and the Cracks it, one of which needs something called a quant0 leccano in order to reach it.
  • Woopers can eat just about anything, especially the evil ones.
  • Never trust online translators


TVTMaster sent this in.

In celebration of 1,000,000 front page hits on The Cave of Dragonflies, Magikarp is back, while Charizard and Butterfree are getting drunk with a group of Spinda. Uh... splash?
*All participants are of legal age and will, of course, not be driving a car until they're sober.

Through French:

In the celebration of 1.000.000 blows of front page on the cave of the dragonflies, Magikarp is back, whereas Charizard and Butterfree obtain are drank with a group of Spinda. Splash of Uh...? * All the participants are of lawful age and, naturally, will not drive a car until they are sober.

Okay, suddenly it's only one hit. And why two decimal points with the zeroes? Is that some wacky French thing? And now the hits are "blows". And Spinda are DRINKING Charizard and Butterfree? Save them! Magikarp now makes the splash of Uh. Can we see the splash of Wow? Or the splash of Yay? Anything? At least the Spindas won't crash into anyone on the road..

That through Dutch:

In the celebration of 1,000,000 battles of voorpagina on the hol of the libellen, Magikarp are behind, whereas Charizard and Butterfree drank a group of Spinda obtain. Plons of Uh...? * All participants are of legitimate age and, natural, to they will float no car moderated to be.

...Excuse me? Battles of voorpagina? We're talking about front page hits, here. And it's on the front page opf the site, not the hol of the libellen. What are those voorpaginamon thingies anyway? "Voorpagichu! Use Thunderpagina!" There are Magikarp behind, and they do plons of uh. And wow and yay. Charizard and Butterfree are alive now, but now they're drinking the poor Spinda. BAD BUTTERFREE! The bloated duo are natural, and... okay, good. Don't float any moderator's car. Thems would ban you.

That through Italian:

In the celebration of 1.000.000 it battles of the voorpagina on the hol of libellen, the Magikarp is behind, while Charizard and Butterfree have drunk with a group that Spinda obtains. Plons di Uh... * all the participants are of the legitimate age and, natural, they will make to float moderate automobile for being.

Again with the voor pagent! Now it's only one Magikarp again, and now it's plons di uh that he does. Charizard and Butterfree are drinking with a group that Spinda obtained for them. Good thing it's "with" again. Eeeew. Again, they're old and natural... and hey! Put that moderate car down! What's it ever done to you? So it helps you being? TOUGH LUCK, MISTER! There. Down nice and easy.


Sent in by Kiria, who Babelfished a Pokédex entry for a fake Pokémon named Kizi...

Original: Kizi is an amazing creature. Though small, it can reach up to the sky with three spins of its four fox-like tails.

Dutch: Kizi are an astonishing creature. Although small, it can reach the sky with three rotaties of its four fox-like tails.

o_O what are rotaties?

Spanish: Kizi is an amazing creature. Although he is small, can reach the sky with three rotaties of his four fox-like the tails.

KIZI IS A GIRL!!!!!!!!! Now the fox-like the tails.

German: Kizi is an amazing creature. Although it is small, rotaties of its four Fuchs-wie the end pieces can reach the sky with three.

Apparently, now rotaties of its four Fuchs-wie the end pieces can reach the sky with three. Weird.

Korean: The Kizi is the magnificent creature. It is small, but it 4Fuchs-wie rotaties sky it will can arrive on end department 3.

Yay!! Kizi is magnificent!!! But end department 3 sounds like a Wal-Mart or something.

Portuguese: The Kizi is the magnificent creature. He is small, but it sky that of rotaties 4Fuchs-wie will tin arrives in department 3 of the end.

Again, Kizi is FEmale. Yes, Thank you for noticing shopping at Wal-Mart is the end.

Italian: The Kizi is the magnificent creature. It is small, but sky that of rotaties the inscatolerà 4Fuchs-wie arrives in unit 3 of the extremity.

How extreme is Unit 3? XDD

Japanese: Kizi is magnificent creative ones. Is small, inscatoler2a of rotaties 4Fuchs-wie is the sky which arrives at unit 3 of the point, but.

Kizi is creative, thanks. But what?

Russian: Kizi by magnificent creative some. Is small, inscatoler?.a rotaties, 4Fuchs-wie will be which sky which it arrives into the block of 3 points, but.

Where did sports with blocks come in?

French: Kizi by splendid creator some. Is small, the rotaties of inscatoler2?.a, 4Fuchs-wie will be which sky which it arrives in the block of 3 points, but.

Pretty good, at least from the last one.

Greek: Kizi from the marvellous author certain. He is small, rotaties inscatoler2?.a, 4Fuchs-wie it will be who sky that reaches in the barrier of 3 points, but.

Kizi is a GIRL for crying out loud! Author? A barrier of 3 points wouldn't be hard to break.

Chinese-simp: Kizi determined from the marvelous author. He is young, rotaties inscatoler2? A, it will be 4Fuchs-wie who arrives in 3 o'clock barriers sky, but.

3 o'clock barriers sky? Weird.

Chinese-trad: Kizi is determined from the marvelous author. He is young, rotaties inscatoler2? A, this will be arrives in 3 o'clock barrier sky 4Fuchs-wie, but.

Butterfree: I find it amusing how it turns "is an amazing creature" into "is determined from the marvelous author". It's almost as if it realizes that it's made-up.


Negai Boshi wanted to see what happened if the Babelfish found out what Ash's mom said before he started his journey. It needs no commentary. Just watch as the sense slowly evaporates from the text.


I packed your sneakers and jeans, nice clean shirts and underwear, and your favorite snacks, and some hot chocolate incase you want something hot, but be careful not to burn yourself, and a pair of rubber gloves to do your laundry, and a new clothesline to hang it out to dry, and

Through Japanese:

I justify the sneaker and the jeans, the clean outing shirt and the underwear, and the taste the food splendidly lightly, that way the time is passed, in order the laundry and to do new clothesline the cocoa thinks and that we want in order to dry hot something pays attention and in order you yourself of the rubber make glove, and not to bake pair, wraps, but

Through Chinese:

I argue the athletic shoes and the jeans, the clean hike shirt and the underwear, and taste food is brilliantly slight, the mode time passes, and makes newly built clothesline in the systematic laundry which the cocoa thought and we to want in order to dry dry heat something to give the notice and to make the glove in orderly your you rubber, with does not bake pairs, line feeds, but

Through French:

I discuss the sporting shoes and the jeans, the clean shirt of rise and the underclothing, and the food of taste is brilliantly light, the passages of time of mode, and clothes line lately built of marks in the systematic laundry with which the thought and we of cocoa to want in order to dry heat dry something to give the notification and to make you the glove in the orderly your rubber, does not make pairs cook with the furnace, return to the line, but

Through German:

I treat sporting the shoes and the Jeans, which are clean shirt of the rise and the Underclothing, and the food of the taste, which draw passages of the time of the mode shining brightly, and for clothes recently structured from the markings in the systematic laundry, with which the thought and we dry the cocoa to for the dry heat to require something, which message to give and you into the Ordonanz form your rubber, not pairs cook the glove with the furnace, return to the line, but do not form

Through Italian:

Drawn sport of ice-skates and jeans, that is casing clean of increase and Underclothing and food of taste, that passages dissipate of period of way that polishes shiningly and for the dressed ones recently structured from the marcature in the systematic laundry, with which the thought and we they dry the cacao affinchè to the dry heat demand something, than message to give and you in the shape of Ordonanz your rubber, connections does not cook the glove with the furnace, return to the line, but I do not form

Through Portuguese:

Sport drawn of ice-skids and of pants of coarse linen cloth, that one is to box clean of increase and of Underclothing and food of taste, that the passes waste of the period in the way that polishers shiningly and for dresses structuralized recently it marcature in the systematic laundry, with that the thought and us they we dry affinchè of cacao to the demand dries of the heat something, of that the message giving and you in the form of Ordonanz its rubber, connections not kitchen the glove with the furnace, rollback the string, but I do not give form

Through Spanish:

Exhausted Diviértase of ice-slides and trousers of the heavy linen cloth, that one must box clean of the increase and Underclothing and of the food of the taste, that the loss of the period passages of the way that the polishers shiningly and for aligned structuralized recently marcature in the systematic laundry, with that the thought and we dry he we affinchè of the cacao to the dry demand of the heat something, of that giving and you of the message in the form of Ordonanz its rubber, cooks of the connections not the glove with the furnace, restoration nonupdated the chain, but I do not give the form

Dutch Team Rocket Motto, Babelfished

Gwen Babelfished the Dutch Team Rocket motto to French and then to English, resulting in this:

Jessy: You to prepare but for!
James: We are here hear!
Jessy: To preserve the world for the later decline!
James: For people of our nation can beinvloeden!
Jessy: To show the kwaadaardigheid love!
James: For the poet capacity to come at the time of stars!
Jessy: Jessy!
James: And James!
Jessy: The Rocket team is slightly increasingly faster than him!
James: One fights like a man or give you and yields!
Meowth: Meowth! To appear near!

My favorite line is "The Rocket team is slightly increasingly faster than him!" Not quite the degree of confidence implied in "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!", huh?

Then she proceeded to translate the Dutch motto to English herself and then Babelfish that to Dutch, that to French and that to English. Her translation looks like this:

Jessie: You’d better prepare yourself!
James: We’re back again!
Jessie: To protect the world from further devestation!
James: To influence the people from our nation!
Jessie: To prove the wickedness of love.
James: To come closer to the stars!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket is still faster than the speed of light!
James: Fight like a man or surrender and give in!
Meowth: Meowth! Close your eyes!

And the result, after the triple Babelfishing, looks like this:

Jessy: You' D prepares better for!
James: We are again behind!
Jessy: To protect the world devestation counters later!
James: To influence people of our nation!
Jessy: To prove the verdorvenheid love.
James: To come the poet to stars!
Jessy: Jessy!
James: James!
Jessy: The rocket of the team is slightly even faster than speed!
James: And the fight like a man or rendering admits!
Meowth: Meowth! Firm your eyes!

This time, it looks like James is all for admitting that they're behind (Babelfish clearly likes to reveal their confidence issues) and has a passion for poetry. And the team's rocket is slightly even faster than speed. Don't ask me just what being faster than speed entails.

Babelfished Abilities

Sprite Killer Babelfished some ability names, and they are sometimes even better than the attack names:

  • Clear Body becomes "Free Agency".
  • Lightning Rod becomes "Registry of the screw of the lightning".
  • Storm Drain becomes "Stormy tbe of waters of the refusal".
  • Suction Cups becomes "Crystal of absorption".
  • Tinted Lens becomes "Space of the training, that tones". Whut. o.o
  • Vital Spirit becomes "Serious Brains". XD
  • Truant becomes "The permission of the absence does not have". o.O
  • Skill Link becomes "In the left of the technology".
  • Scrappy becomes "Meetings of miscelazione". o_O
  • Reckless becomes "MASER". Huh?
  • Wonder Guard becomes "Verification and control of the miracle".
  • Torrent becomes "Branch of dulled".

Babelfished Nap Room

Lunar Espeon Babelfished the text on the sign in the Team Galactic Nap Room in Diamond and Pearl. The most interesting parts of them tend to be the strange translations of the phrase "Team Galactic Nap Room", but they also have some nice bits:

Chinese: "Team outer space star cluster restroom: Guaranteed the bed is nobody lives in enters in front of it!"

Dutch: "Galactic bowl of the team room: Insure the bed in the onbezet to get is!" (Bowl of the team room?)

French: "Galactic part Of Small nap Of Team: Ensure the bed is unoccupied before entering him!" (We can interpret this as the bed being male, or "entering him" in the sense more commonly used in, ahem, yaoi literature. Either way, it's... interesting.)

German: "Crew-galactic hair area: Place the bed are vacantly safe, before you receive into it!" (Hair area? XD)

Greek: "Galaxjako' room NAP of team: Ensure that the bed is not occupied before takes in!"

Italian: "Galactic Room Of The Hair Of The Square: It assesses the base is free before entering in it!"

Japanese: "Team Milky Way nap room: The bed is not monopolized before entering into that it is, but guarantee!"

Korean: "Team low nap room: The bed with it it gets be a false report all it is before and defend!"

Portuguese: "Galactic Room Of The Nap Of The Team: It assures the bed is vacated before starting in it!"

Russian: "The room Of the nap Of command Is galactic: Ensure bed it will unoccupied before obtain in it!"

Spanish: "Galactic site Of the Siesta Of the Equipment: Assure the bed is vacant before obtaining in him!"

The Cave of Babelfishes

Eddie sent in the following:

Original: The Cave of Dragonflies

This is how it should be.

Through Japanese: Cave of dragonfly

Okay. Cave of dragonfly. There's only one, but it works.

Through Chinese: Dragonfly hole

No longer a cave, but a hole, I see.

Through French: Hole of dragonfly

And now it's back to the hole of dragonfly.

Through German: Drilling of the spirit level

o_O Where did that come from? That is just messed up.

Through Italian: Perforating of the level of spirit

So now we're not drilling the spirit, we're perforating it.

Through Portuguese: To punch of the level of the spirit

And now we're punching it.

Through Spanish: To the sacador of the level of the alcohol

Hmm. Now it appears the spirit is alcohol. And we're taking it to the sacador, whatever that means.

Overview: The Cave of Dragonflies is actually all just a cover-up for a drug dealing company! Who knew?

Babelfished Favorites

Taylor sent this.

Original English Text:
My favorite pokemon are vaporeon, the best water type pokemon, and dragonite, the best dragon type pokemon. Together they are unbeatable.

Translated back to English From French:
My pokemon preferred is vaporeon, the pokemon type of the water of well, and dragonite, the best pokemon type of dragon. Together they are unbeatable.

(pretty close)

Translated back to English from German:
My preferential pokemon is vaporeon, that pokemon type of the water of good and dragonite, the best pokemon type kites. Together they are unbeatable.

(there's a kite type?)

Translated back to English from Italian:
Preferential mine pokemon it is vaporeon, that type of the pokemon of the water of good and dragonite, the type flying red deers of the pokemon better. They are entirety unbeatable.

(flying red deers of the pokemon?)

Translated back to English from Portuguese:
Preferential Pokemon of the mine is vaporeon, of pokemon of the good dragonite and this type water, the red type that flies deers of pokemon more better. They are totality unbeatable.

(the red type that flies deers of pokemon more better?)

Translated back to English from Spanish:
Preferential Pokemon of the mine is vaporeon, of pokemon of good dragonite and this type water, better the red type that flies deers of pokemon. They are unbeatable totality.

(now the red type that flies deers of pokemon are better O.o)

Babelfished Roleplaying

Sent by emoemofire.

I started playing around with Babelfish, and took a couple small sentences from my character's roleplay post and babelfish'd them. Feel free to add any of your own comments! XD BTW, Harmona is my character (trainer) and Arnia is a Larvitar who had just got done arguing with a wild female totodile, who had turned her back on them. The marks in between were because yellow type on black is hard to divide and see, period. >_>


Original post:
"Harmona glanced at Arnia, who had also turned her back, and then at Totodile. "Hey, err... Totodile!!" she called out to it, what to say to it?"


Through Greek:
"Harmona looked at Arnia, that had behind turned him also, and then in Totodile. "? Hey, is mistaken… Totodile!! "? it required in, what it says in?"

Err, Harmona and Arnia are both females. ._. She looked in Totodile? o.0 And what does she mean by, "? Hey, is mistaken... Totodile!!" And then Harmona's an it... I don't even get that last bit. >_>


Through Korean:
"Harmona saw also Arnia where goes round her after and the intention which freezes Totodile after that. " Hollo, do wrongly… Totodile!! " Did she call in order to say to it in what of it?"

Did Arnia scare Totodile? o.0 I dun get it. Hollo, do wrongly!


Through Italian:
"Harmona has thrown a look to Beehive, than it had turned moreover it behind and then to Totodile. " Hey, erri… Totodile! " it has said to high voice to it, what to say to it?"

Now Arnia's a beehive. :[ In a high voice? Okay, I guess... ._.


Through Spanish:
"Harmona threw a look in Arnia, that had given back also it, and then in Totodile. " Hey, is mistaken… Totodile! " she said aloud to him, what to say to him?"

So now we can throw looks in pokémon? Great. o_o And this 'dile was actually a female, but, whatever. >_>


Through Dutch:
" Harmona looked in Arnia, which had twisted also her, and then in Totodile. " Hey, are mistaken themselves… Totodile!! " she called to, to what to say? "

Twisted also her? She called to what? Weirdos.


Through Japanese:
"In addition next as for Harmona that she was turned, Arnia which does Totodile at first glance. " Just a little, error do… Totodile!! " Whether she should have said to that and something to that it was dispatched"

o_O Arnia does Totodile at first glance? Umm... okay... ._. Just a little, error do? Okay. What. The. Crap. What was dispatched now? o_O No wonder the Japanese think we're crazy. >_>


Through French:
"Harmona threw a blow d' eye at Arnia, which l' had also turned behind, and then at Totodile. " ; He, wander… Totodile! ! " ; it required with him, what to say to him?"

o____________e Harmona threw a blow d' eye at Arnia? Doesn't sound very pleasant...


Through Russian:
"Harmona in passing looked at Arnia, which also turned it back, and after this to Totodile. " Hey, be in error… Totodile!! " it did cause outside to it, to what to say to it?"

Okay, a halfway decent first sentence. But what's it did cause outside to it, to what to say to it? s'posed to mean? o_O


Through all:
"[Gnezdy] of d' bees into Harmona, taste of this persona with the side have then they enter [v] for then and Totodile which you saw. " ; ? As for piercing of cry, l' inaccuracy which,… Totodile! " ; ? As for that it is necessary from l' interior thing which in the part after this of s' interns; divided [zvonoki]?"

Wow. Just wow. Somewhere in there, Arnia became the hive, Hollo became plural then they started making noise and became a scream. Yup. An inaccurate one, at that. Oh, Harmona also became a cannibal, and Arnia a person before becoming a beehive and being entirely removed from the sentence. Yeah. And I'm not sure who Gnezdy is or what exactly he's doing to Harmona, but yeah. o_O And divided [zvonoki] sound wonderful.


From Lucas755, comments mine.

Original English Text

Pikachu is my favorite pokemon. He is a mouse that can shoot lightning from his cheeks! He even follows you in yellow version!

Through Japanese

Pikachu is pokemon of my taste. As for him it is the mouse which can shoot the electric light from that cheek! He continues yellow version!

There are many mice in the world, but only one who can shoot electric lights from that cheek.

Through Chinese

Pikachu is my taste pokemon. Is can fire at the electric lamp as for his this from that cheek mouse! He continues the decadent version!

Pikachu is a taste Pokémon. And it can fire at electric lamps. And continues the decadent version.

Through French

Pikachu is my pokemon of taste. East can put fire at the flashlight as for his it of this mouse of cheek! It continues the declining version!

Pikachu is a Pokémon of great taste, it seems. And east can put flashlights on fire. Sadly, the Yellow version seems to be declining, and Pikachu is not helping to stop that.

Through German

Pikachu is mine pokemon the taste. The east knows fires at the flashlight which seins concerns sets it this mouse of the cheek! It continues the sloping version!

Ah, Pikachu is a mine Pokémon now. The east now knows some fires, which are on a flashlight. And now Yellow is sloping. Oh my.

Through Italian

Pikachu is pokemon of the mine the taste. The east knows fires to the battery that the seins it interests insiemi this mouse of the guancica! The slanted version continues!

Maybe Pikachu just tastes like a mine after all. Now it's batteries that are on fire... might want to do something about that. And Yellow is slanted. Is this racism? :o

Through Portuguese

Pikachu is pokemon of the mine the taste. The east knows fogos to the battery this seins that it interests insiemi this rat of the guancica! The inclined version continues!

Now the east just knows fogos to the battery, and Yellow is inclined.

Through Spanish

Pikachu is pokemon of the mine the pleasure. The east knows to the battery this fogos seins that interests insiemi this rate of the guancica! The inclined version continues!

Pikachu is apparently a Pokémon of my pleasure. Nice.

Babelfished Girafarig

WhiteGold sent this in:

I was reading the Babelfish section, and I decided it would be fun to see for myself how badly they can mess things up.
After trying out some phrases, I finally did this one. It was hysterical. (I layered the languages.)

Original: Wow! Girafarig's name is a palindrome! Who knew?

Chinese: Ha! Girafarig' the s name is a dispatch in reply! Who knew?

Dutch: Ha! Girafarig' the snaam are a bulletin in answer! WHO knew it?

French: Ha! Girafarig' ; the snaam are a bulletin in the answer! L' WHO l' knew?

German: Ha! Girafarig' ; snaam a message is in the answer! L' WHO l' knew?

Greek: Hectare! Girafarig'? snaam a message is in the answer! L'? CWho l'? it knew?

Italian: Hectare! Girafarig'? snaam a message is in the answer! L'? CWho l'? it has known?

Japanese: Hectare! Girafarig' ? As for snaam there is a message in answering! L' ? CWho l' ? You knew that?

Korean: Hectare! Girafarig' ? About snaam there is a message which is to answer back! where L' ? CWho l' ? Were you knowing it?

Portuguese: Hectare! Girafarig' They snaam on it has a message that it is to answer stops backwards! where L? CWho l? You wise person it?

Russian: Hectare! Girafarig' They snaam on eat they have a communication that it to answer feet IT back! where l? CWho l? You are wise persona it?

Spanish: Hectare! Girafarig' Snaam eats ignited them have a communication that he stops to answer feet HE behind! where? Who l? You are wise person he?

Well, at least it still has Girafarig...

Babelfished Drowzee

Alex Trulock sent this, comments mine:

Original English Text

Drowzee can eat dreams

Through Japanese

Can Drowzee eat dream

(It's a question now.)

Through Chinese

Canned food Drowzee eats the dream

(Drowzee are canned food!)

Through French

Food out of Drowzee box eats the dream

(...and now they're boxes.)

Through German

Food from Drowzee box eats the dream out

(...oh, God, that's an image I will never be able to wash off my brain. @_@ If you're too young to get why, just... don't worry about it.)

Through Italian

The food from the case of Drowzee eats the dream outside

(Drowzee is a case again, and apparently the food inside it eats dreams. Outside.)

Through Portuguese/Spanish

The food of the example of Drowzee eats the ideal external part

(Now it's just one example of a Drowzee that has food. And it no longer eats dreams, but ideal external parts. I will stop before I start reading something dirty into that.)

Babelfished Pop Star

Mima-san Babelfished the following, "Pop-star" being her Empoleon. Comments mine.

Original: Pop-star! I choose you! Use Bubble Beam!

Japanese: Plunk the ringing and others star! I select! Bubble beam of use!

("Pop-star" becomes a whole new sentence. About plunking a ringing.)

Chinese: The sound of something being struck or falling to the ground lays down sounds with other person of stars! I select! Use bubble beam!

(...oh my. This actually makes sense. You know, the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground is laying down other sounds with an alien.)

French: The noise of something which is struck or which falls to the ground establishes noises with the other person of holds the first role! I choose! Use the beam of bubble!

(Now the sound is establishing noises with yet another person. Who holds the first role. I wonder what role that is.)

German: The noises of something, which is fastened, or which cases to soil of noises with the other person of the influences the first role manufactures! I select! Use the light beam of the bubble!

(Now it's the noise of something that's fastened, or a noise which... cases to the soil of other noises? o_O Along with the other person that influences first role manufacturers. You know, the ones that make the person in the French version.)

Italian: It disturbs of something, that it is fixed, or that the cases to land of disturb with the other person of the infuences the first role produces! I select! It uses the beam of light of the bubble!

(There is no noise anymore; there's just "It". Which disturbs something in order to fix itself, or to make the disturbing cases land with that person who influences the first role producers. And it also uses the beam of light of the bubble.)

Portuguese: It disturbs of something, this is fixed, or this that the cases to the land of disturb with the other person of infuences the first paper produces! I select! The USA the beam of light of the bubble!

(It disturbs something that's fixed, or something whose cases to the disturbed land are with the other person who influences the first paper produces... or in other words, this is all about environmentalism and how the land is disturbed by paper production. Who would've thought? And naturally, the disturbed land is the USA.)

Spanish: Disturba something, this is fixed, or the one of which the cases to the track disturban with the other person of infuences the first paper produces! I select! The E.E.U.U. the beam of light of the bubble!

(It is fixed that you should disturb something. Or the one whose track cases disturb another person who influences the first paper produces. But now it's the E.E.U.U.)

Babelfished New Bark

DesiGamer2005 Babelfished "New Bark Town" and got some interesting results... His comments in italics, mine in (parentheses).

Original: New Bark Town

Japanese and back: Town of new barking voice

Okay... Wrong king of bark, but I guess it's understandable...

(Oh, dear, it's interpreting "bark" as the dog kind of bark. Things can only go downhill from here.)

Chinese and back: Newly built roars the sound cities

Again with the cities? On top of that this makes absolutely no sense.

(So the newly built roars at sound cities. Nice.)

French and back: Lately established howls healthy cities

o_O Sounds like a news report. Healthy cites? Funny personification there. Still makes little to no sense.

(...and now the lately established howls at healthy cities. Seems like it has some issues.)

German and back: Recently manufactured healthy cities of howling

Huh? Who recently manufactured these healthy howling cities? What does that have to do with New Bark Town?

(Now it's back to deciding that this is the name of one concept rather than a sentence, so we have many cities of howling which are healthy and recently manufactured. Nice. I wonder how New Bark Town turned into that.)

Italian and back: City recently knows some manufactured of urlo

Another news report? What the heck is urlo? The context makes urlo seem illegal.

(So it knows some manufactured urlos, whatever those are. It is a mystery.)

Portuguese and back: The city recently knows some manufactured of urlo

This news report is in Portuguese too, huh? o_O Word travels fast. How did New Bark Town turn into this?

(Now it's the city.)

Spanish and back: The city knows some made of urlo recently

Okay... Again with this urlo... o_O Should I be concerned? All I did was name a town and I get this? o_O

(Now it's apparently gotten to know somebody who is made of urlo. Somehow I'm thinking urlo is some sort of a canned meat product. You know, like spam...)

Babelfished Slogans

Eddie Babelfished some of the modified slogans in a couple of the styles on this site, with interesting results. Comments mine.

Scyther Slash Style

Original: Where the bugs do not slash up the dragons... that much.

Through Japanese: Bug on dragon... the place where it does not cut mainly.

(Hot bug-on-dragon action! But that's not a very exciting place, it seems, if the most noteworthy thing about it is that it does not cut.)

Through Chinese: Bothering in dragon... its not mainly cutting arrangement.

(Now it sounds like an advertisement. "Bothering dragons... it's not just about cutting arrangements.")

Through French: Worrying in the dragon... its step mainly layout of cut.

(So if you have been eaten by a dragon, you should worry. Because it has some serious walking issues.)

Through German: In the kite… its plan of the jobstepps mainly the cut worry themselves.

(The kite has a plan revolving around making jobsteps cut worries themselves. Doesn't sound too bad...)

Through Italian: In the north wind... its plan of the jobstepps pricipalmente the cut is worried.

(But now, with the wind blowing from the north, even the plan starts to worry.)

Through Portuguese: In the north wind... its plant of pricipalmente of jobstepps cuts is worried.

(Now its pet plant is worried.)

Through Spanish: In the wind of the north... its plant of pricipalmente of the cuts of jobstepps is worrisome.

(And now the plant is worrisome. Probably because it involves job cuts.)

Bouncy Mew Style

Original: Where, like, everybody is nice to each other and stuff. ^_^

Through Japanese: Everyone is splendid mutually and it seems like raw materials somewhere? ^_^

(I love how it always keeps the smilie at the end. It seems to keep up the same mood. Or like the translator is a thinking being who misunderstood this completely and is trying to smile her sweetest in the hope that we won't notice. Yes, everybody is mutually splendid, but I'm not sure where those raw materials are, dear.)

Through Chinese: Everybody mutually is brilliant, and its as if inverse image material somewhere? ^_^

(Yes. Yes, it is just like there is inverse image material somewhere. You're brilliant, just like everybody else.)

Through French: Is everyone mutually brilliant, and its like so material of image does some share reverse? ^_^

(It's like, soooo material of image!)

Through German: Are everyone and its same mutual shining, therefore material of the picture does any proportion rear side? ^_^

(Shining? Oh, dear, that got me thinking of The Shining. I don't think everybody has the Shining. I'm not even going to ask where it's going with the proportions of rear sides in pictures.)

Through Italian: They are everyone and its same one to shine mutual, therefore material of the mask it makes all the posterior side of proportion? ^_^

(Everyone should get their chance to shine! And you make posterior sides of proportion out of masks!)

Through Portuguese: They are all and its exactly to shine mutual, consequently material of the mask that all makes the side of the posterior one of the ratio? ^_^

(...oh, wow. Now it's starting to sound really scientific until it gets to the smilie.)

Through Spanish: They are all and his exactly to shine mutual, therefore material of the mask that it makes all the face of the later one of the processing relation? ^_^

(So... the stuff that masks are made of can make the entire face of the last processing relation? Nice to... know?)

Babelfished... Heroin?


Caleb Babelfished Omanyte's D/P Pokédex entry, "A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil using modern science. It swam in ancient seas," through Chinese.

The result is, "Use modern science, from fossil reactivating Pokémon. It in ancient heroin swimming."

Yes. Omanyte swims in ancient heroin. Oh, Babelfish, I love you.

Your Own Babelfishions

I'm afraid I am no longer accepting any submissions into this section; it is getting really painfully long. However, if you find this amusing, go play with it yourself - Google Translate even does far more languages than Babelfish ever did. Happy fishing.

Page last modified January 5 2023 at 18:23 UTC


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