Rulers of the Universe

The following people have survived horrible trials and earned themselves the title of Rulers of the Universe:

Original Rulers

  1. Crystylla
  2. AthenaChrome
  3. Gameace
  4. Kamon
  5. Jolty
  6. uncchris
  7. Nightling
  8. Dannichu
  9. Mikey
  10. sapphire_legend
  11. Ferret
  12. Zizzo
  13. Geneevee
  14. Sarah
  15. Mike6426
  16. Aaron
  17. Aldo
  18. Gigamelon
  19. Dareon
  20. Seth
  21. Chris
  22. Mew Trainer Rose
  23. Kuragari
  24. Annoyingman
  25. Squirt the Squirtle
  26. Liz/Lyf
  27. Cobalt Dragon
  28. Furiianda
  29. Comrade X
  30. Shayla
  31. Tim C
  32. Darkdog
  33. Articunomew
  34. Sato-shi
  35. Alethea
  36. Matt
  37. Alderon
  38. Quait
  39. Compguru03
  40. Andrew
  41. Steven Kent Alvarez
  42. Jona41
  43. flying
  44. Aerostorm
  45. SeraphimWarrior13
  46. Mouse Tourmaline aka Rainbow Daydreamer
  47. BlueMew
  48. Paulina
  49. Mr.Mime
  50. Typhlosion
  51. Hallie Sampson
  52. Pokefan
  53. Flameow
  54. Alpha
  55. AuroraKing
  56. Robert The Small
  57. DNA
  58. Bradley
  59. Chaoschao94
  60. MetalBlueKirby
  61. Dark Deoxys
  62. Adriel
  63. Spideyjvc
  64. SolarWolf
  65. stephen griffiths
  66. EspeonKitty
  67. joe
  68. Rayquaza Conquistador
  69. Jennifer/Emi
  70. Raven
  71. Jake Van Straten
  72. Pikagirl
  73. Arcanine7
  74. Johans
  76. Onimusha
  77. Marc van der Gaag
  78. Nick Gray
  79. Bobby Olsen
  80. CORE_X
  81. cody towner
  82. tpg1989
  83. Sankyuu LancET
  84. Todd Vega
  85. Derek
  86. Scott
  87. Eric the Lesser
  88. GeeTeeOne
  89. Michael Leslie
  90. Merlijn van der Kleijn
  91. Kurai Osoro
  92. Gian-Sama
  93. MadBull
  94. Missingno the Pokemaniac
  95. GriffinFire
  96. EleScizor
  97. Emerson Morse Millard
  98. @shrimpy@!
  99. Champma
  100. Sheila "Ho"
  101. Latioslover
  102. Cody
  103. Joseph
  104. Snowy
  105. Edward
  106. Sam
  107. Bulbafreak9000
  108. wizgarcia
  109. Larissa
  110. PokéCma
  111. Crystallugia
  112. NitroTcko341
  113. Bannanabemo371
  114. HotBlaziken325
  115. ChronaMew
  116. Archangel
  117. Shadow
  118. Denise
  119. Justin
  120. Insane Scyther
  121. Celebi
  122. Shadow Nat
  123. Klozo
  124. Dark_Merlyn
  125. eeveechan
  126. Chikorita02
  127. Lil Espeon
  128. Pokemad12
  129. Suzzi Ward
  130. Charteon
  131. Comrade Rath
  132. Chaosmew
  133. LugiaDoom
  134. foxsundance
  135. BlackScizor
  136. Peter B.
  137. Bart Verweij
  138. Tom Smith
  139. Soul
  140. PokéJungle
  141. Gunnar Baldursson
  142. Zagequar
  143. Mario

New Rulers

  1. Lord Nidokingu
  2. Cameron
  3. Otaku-Kitsune
  4. Ball
  5. Keczilla
  6. Omar Zapata
  7. Stingerano
  8. Dale Marcon
  9. Flora
  10. Dragonpika
  11. Zach Hays
  12. Gygados
  13. Zcade0
  14. Shadow_Fusion
  15. Shinin
  16. Tod-the Online Devil
  17. Watergod
  18. Twigg
  19. Espeon
  20. Specopswing
  21. Veb
  22. Albert Hohenstein
  23. MissingNo
  24. Unown King
  25. "Tim"
  26. opaltiger
  27. Larissa
  28. Mop
  30. Jackson The Enigma
  31. ShadowDancer
  32. Michael(deatihsimmortal)
  33. Aubrey
  34. Mamoru
  35. anthony graves ben
  36. jack martian
  37. John Ray
  38. Sam
  39. Danielle
  40. vong
  41. magnetflygon
  42. Master Mew
  43. Gwydion Marandahir
  44. Caitlin LaBrie
  45. Mewbiraxys
  46. Pokefan Aldo
  47. blaziken13fire
  48. Hoseki
  49. badkidx1
  50. Diljabar
  51. agentgamma
  52. Keruri
  53. James Pratt
  54. Crystylla
  55. Ainsley
  57. Golde
  58. Meghan
  59. Missingnomaster
  60. Olga
  61. Golden_umbreon
  62. GameAW
  64. A-chana
  65. Huntress
  66. John Beak, the Nearly Ultimate One
  67. Sonny
  68. bomboy02
  69. Zoole
  70. Sudoku G. Chess
  71. Hazel
  72. Happy Hoppip
  73. Raven
  74. Lunachu
  75. Crazytails
  76. Salazard
  77. Kaya
  78. Shirika
  79. Ammiee
  80. Kronakitty
  81. Laura
  82. Magmabuzz
  83. Chiaman280
  84. Dan 9410
  85. BlackChaosMew
  86. Murgatroid99
  87. NotHuman
  88. Angelia
  89. Umbreons shadow
  90. Nia Nyovia
  91. Josh
  92. Jenvy
  93. Maye
  94. azkhiri
  95. UnkNown
  96. m190049
  97. Joshua Bishop
  98. CharMaster006
  99. Andreas
  100. NyteMair
  101. Naruga
  102. Poketoa
  103. Shadow148
  104. Darkness
  105. mew_hunter53
  106. ShinyMagikarp93
  107. Don
  108. Vertigo
  109. MythicalMoltres
  110. ppaaccoojrf
  111. Y Jedimaster
  112. Eddie
  113. Richard
  114. MG55 sunrise
  115. Tina
  116. layze
  117. Storm the Red
  118. Cody the Master
  119. Dohyun
  120. Andrew Gunkle
  121. Shyan
  122. Aki
  123. KrazyMudkipKid
  124. Sashin
  125. Cat333Pokémon
  126. Pokedude333
  127. Maria
  128. obsessdwthcows
  129. Jared
  130. Johanaire
  131. Inverted Smeargle
  132. Draco
  133. Torrie
  134. Ancodi
  135. Veritas
  136. Alastair Hampton
  137. ~Kaito~
  138. Jodi
  139. [Felix]
  140. Shadowcat
  141. Truthful Whitefoot
  142. ???
  143. Outscisor
  144. Wynaut
  145. Tweetor
  146. Astropanda
  147. J.T.
  148. Rex
  149. Crystal
  150. crazysk8er
  151. The Wee Axolotl
  152. Bobbyjkl
  153. Jared.k
  154. ShadowLugia222
  155. Reeses2150
  156. Graf Saecula
  157. Pokemaster
  158. Shady
  159. Keep
  160. ~Airi
  161. Jake
  162. Janssen Kotah
  163. Walker
  164. Watsonica
  165. ~*OliverTwist*~
  166. Ethan Rott
  167. nightmare of the twerps
  168. Hani
  169. Tora
  170. [Tori]
  171. [KhaoS]
  172. RB
  173. [Raphaella "ryoku chan" Mair]
  174. Ben333
  175. Spikefish
  176. Mike Haas
  177. Rutger
  178. LunarGryffin
  179. Sam Gamgee
  180. Robin and Snirpy
  181. Teddyz
  182. seth
  183. Pikastar7
  184. Minty-san
  185. Nickyn00
  186. G-Dawg
  187. Arcanine Royale
  188. [Charley]
  189. Saphire
  190. marillbuddy
  191. Conner
  192. WeavileLord
  193. theresa shaw
  194. Crazy Weavile
  195. Catie
  196. Gonga909
  197. umbreon
  198. Pwnsome
  199. Mistyeyedreamer
  200. Jarrheadd
  201. Ari Spiegel
  202. halfbreedfox
  203. [boomer]
  204. Psycopath425
  205. Dark Kyotoa
  206. Chi Arden Walker Inuyoukai
  207. Star Flareon
  208. Trickmaster
  209. Torchflame
  210. Angua
  211. SGDV
  212. T-man
  213. Eagle
  214. Matt
  215. Flameow
  216. [Rena]
  217. [Joanna]
  218. Dan von Doom
  219. Matt
  220. TVTMaster
  221. Artix709
  222. KaiKat
  223. King of Katamari
  224. Mew-Mix
  225. Chary
  226. [ApolloTG1]
  227. sinjin
  228. Sasukefan8992
  229. Paul
  230. RJ
  231. TMDR
  232. Nightshadow
  233. Lexinad
  234. Dr.Jono
  235. Proto
  236. Silvereye
  237. Ben, the Pokemon Master
  238. Eclipse
  239. @lex
  240. Shadow
  241. Hakura
  242. T.A. Dragonair
  243. T.A. Dragonair
  244. Sapphire Flame
  245. XFire
  246. Kelwin
  247. ME
  248. MEWMASTA9
  249. Ienzo
  250. Raine
  251. Zant
  252. Bubbalova
  253. Michiyo Sakaki
  254. Pineapple Princess
  255. ~Spirit
  256. Yoshi-chu
  257. Shinyho-ho
  258. scharfy
  259. Anderling
  260. Wolf-Queen
  261. Kiria
  262. PT
  263. Rory
  264. Sy
  265. Aaron Sham
  266. Shirosaki
  267. Albinobird
  268. [NekomimiJeffrey]
  269. Pinkmew
  270. Arceus
  271. [Red]
  272. Kendoman
  273. Karin
  274. Pseudonymous
  275. Ezparanzae
  276. Deathfire234
  277. The Mythical Dr. Popcorn Wizard, Palkia
  278. SirPainalot
  279. SirPainsalot*
  280. Laura
  281. Alex the charmander
  282. 28weirdo
  283. lil' T
  284. Eggspert1
  285. schugs
  286. Nightfly
  287. Wediwraith/Neon Duskull
  288. LunarLullaby
  289. [Crystal Ice Arceus]
  290. ashlee
  291. Magnus
  292. Light Mightyena
  293. Alexandra
  294. Zen
  295. [Maren]
  296. Ikaras
  297. Sharra Kat
  298. AJV
  299. Hydro_Flame XZ18
  300. The naruto master
  301. Roei
  302. Furret
  303. [remou12]
  304. [Zepher]
  305. [EvilGengar]
  306. zexion789
  307. Automatistic
  308. Wackimind
  309. Sam Herring
  310. Karasu
  311. Eevee
  312. Trainer of Shadows
  313. Kat
  314. Strangy
  315. TBS - The Silver Suicune
  316. Evilklonoaking
  317. Lefthand
  318. Ryguy
  319. tails183
  320. Furutsune
  321. Peanut the Destroyer
  322. IrkSplee
  323. Patrick
  324. Latiaslord
  325. K. Kadabra
  326. Lucario
  327. Eric
  328. B-RY
  329. Vulpixgirl
  330. David
  331. Lord Snot Goo
  332. HobbesI
  333. Pikaoshi
  334. n4ru70h4x0r
  335. PikachuGoddess
  336. Red Tyraniar
  337. Yami
  338. Apokemaster
  339. Lastron
  340. Soup with Noodles
  341. Draconic Espeon
  342. PurpleDrake
  343. Kayden-San
  344. Libie
  345. Darkclaw
  346. Dialkia
  347. Upsided0wn7
  348. sammich the dominator
  349. Kitty Shinju
  350. Christine
  351. arkanik
  352. Sophocles
  353. Nikki
  354. Thomaqua
  355. Daashi
  356. Oranius
  357. mr.person
  358. Beth
  359. DannyLomas
  360. Jzdino
  361. Dio
  362. triforcepokeball
  363. Drennan
  364. Mz.Pikachu
  365. Unidentifiedkiwi
  366. jess
  367. Mei
  368. Articuno426
  369. Toogeh
  370. Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac
  371. Momoko
  372. CrazyRatty
  373. Blaztro
  374. Ghostsanora
  375. IQmew
  376. Will
  377. Wooty McWoot
  378. Mage Johnny
  379. Xelada
  380. Meolu
  381. Shumari
  382. Dragon_night
  383. Gryphon
  384. Typhlosion Caterpie
  385. Beenachu
  386. Mastersword94
  387. Zorachan
  388. NinjatasticNolan
  389. Sympathy
  390. Pikapower
  391. Never-Fading Star
  392. Vman
  393. leo
  394. Jonathanelliotjamespinches
  395. Zata
  396. Rich Kid Harry
  397. Alex
  398. Dialgrai
  399. Amy
  400. Soccerplayuh
  401. Roxas
  402. Rayquaza2007
  403. Neosierra
  404. Keys
  405. Hannah
  406. Tara Nightreader
  407. Emerald Espeon
  408. Chaos
  409. Xary
  410. Kelsey
  411. Me
  412. Piplup-chan
  413. Erika
  414. Schizzy
  415. GardevoirGirl
  416. Marty
  417. DarkAngel
  418. tipin
  419. Concert Chatot
  420. Janis
  421. Blaziken & Scizor Luver
  422. MissingnoHunter
  423. Casey
  424. Ryuinfinity
  425. Dexter
  426. Seaking
  427. Bidoof
  428. Mudkip
  429. Derp
  430. lolwut
  431. Starly
  432. HSOWA
  433. ABSOLute
  434. Zero
  435. Blastkoopa6
  436. ACC
  437. Jomama
  438. Spiker Man
  439. Forums
  440. mynunzym
  441. Demonsinc
  442. DanZe
  443. Moss
  444. Lullelulle
  445. FMAPhantomWolf
  446. Dragon01
  447. Swift_Articuno
  448. Jenn
  449. Frozen Weta
  450. Ren the crazy demonic wolf
  451. Airuku
  452. ProudPiplup
  453. MarqueeOfDoomArceus
  454. Blaziken
  455. mat8913
  456. Glen
  457. Rebekah + Sam
  458. Pidgeot
  459. Dude-sama
  460. AMP'd
  461. Catarre
  462. Jack Frost
  463. awk7
  464. Shiny Salamence
  465. DragonFire
  466. Shiny Umbreon a.k.a. Silverstorm
  467. yuginick
  468. DragonHax
  469. mitch
  470. fireblaze
  471. Jade Dragonair
  472. Islander Jon
  473. drksky_light
  474. Anna Claus
  475. pokecheese
  476. Miguel
  477. auto13rulez
  478. Kurai no Hikari
  479. Ana-chan
  480. Pokeaddict-0927
  481. Daniella
  482. Ragnarok
  483. KookyKoopa12
  484. Some Wierd Person Who Likes Marshmallows
  485. crispboy
  486. Deilos
  487. Ayame
  488. Magik
  489. A rabid lemur
  490. Kyrto, the sceptile addict
  491. Arc: The Raven's Apprentice
  492. Anubhav Chattoraj
  493. Teleporterer
  494. lone_badger
  495. Rarrylol
  496. PhaRaoH
  497. Xumahare
  498. chandler
  499. Chandler J Eigner
  500. pkmn
  501. Michelle
  502. Paul_Hutchings
  503. Kira
  504. Ali Moonlight
  505. LordofLugias
  506. Lordofpikachu's'
  507. keyblader09
  508. Kinghtkirby9
  509. Johnny Nguyen
  510. 1985
  511. Bekah_The_Pikachu
  512. Dragon of Fire
  513. dan1248
  514. pandaboy52
  515. Silver Rampardos
  516. SamuelKPeter
  517. Rackik
  518. Gagy the gag bunny/kid nino
  519. Latias
  520. Lucario
  521. Typhlosion009
  522. Irefe
  523. Angel celebi
  524. EvilCrazyMonkey
  525. locololo
  526. Smartguy
  527. The Wishing Person
  528. Japi-chan
  529. Mudskipper
  530. Kunai Queen The Strange
  531. Maron
  532. Miksu
  533. Myokai
  534. SkyBlitz
  535. Bob the Flygon tamer
  536. Bluecharizard
  537. Duncan
  538. Magikarpruler
  539. Aqua059
  540. Tinlion
  541. Tre0n
  542. duncan
  543. Verdalux
  544. Me..h
  545. Talli
  546. Poe
  547. DroxSorcerer
  548. Draconic Ace
  549. Yo Shee
  550. HMNISGwahahaha
  551. Jatyu
  552. Whatshername
  553. Gabria
  554. Stephi
  555. Yuri
  556. Felix the Eevee Trainer
  557. insert your name here
  558. Reesman22
  559. Stewman o war
  560. Gav
  561. Shayd
  562. shadow_lugia
  563. Lindy-azuril
  564. pokefan0234
  565. JacOak
  566. Springachu
  567. Glacia Neko
  568. Darkrai229
  569. Untamed
  570. Maple
  571. Conman
  572. Whew123
  573. Blazikendude
  574. CY
  575. Psyblade
  576. FlamingNinetails
  577. Chrom
  578. Marina
  579. Sird
  580. Sora Bedini
  581. Jethro_XD
  582. BarkAtTheMoon
  583. Cash
  584. Moonlight
  585. Drift
  586. Minty
  587. Markku
  588. Shiny-kins
  589. jixx
  590. Dragonclaw
  591. Lea
  592. Harley205
  593. Tom
  594. blax8192
  595. RaikouX
  596. Solar
  597. chaostres
  598. Emma
  599. turaku: barraki warlord
  600. k
  601. Karen
  602. Carol
  603. Dragonfree Admierer
  604. Jamie Shumacher
  605. elementalpenguin
  606. Olivia
  607. Jaxen
  608. Jirachi17
  609. Mhals
  610. Nostalgia
  611. Big Guy
  612. Ice the frosty cat
  613. The Eevster
  614. Eeveon1x
  615. Nazurin
  616. Shadow Eevee
  617. Nozomi
  618. RozenKitty20
  619. Ciosho The Tainted
  620. Cyprus131313
  621. Dracojosh
  622. Nerox
  623. Jaxen, if you're reading this, Nerox = Sean
  624. Nerox = Sean
  625. Abbie.E.L
  626. ChikoritasGarden
  627. Gustav
  628. Saphireflygon
  629. Fireflame
  630. Consindo
  631. Sean is Cool
  632. Sean
  633. Jaxen II
  635. Coolness
  636. CoolGuy
  637. Jaxen III
  638. 87
  639. DarkLugiaMaster Gir
  640. Jaxen IV
  641. Umbreon Ruler
  642. Tahir
  643. Gecko
  644. Shin Asuka
  645. Asuran Zala
  646. Kira Yamato
  647. Lacus Clyne
  648. Ian Hecox
  649. Anthony Deluca
  650. Lord Shyguy
  651. lank-e-
  652. Hyper~Piplup
  653. One who proved to be one of the most patient (wo)men
  654. and no one else.
  655. your name here
  656. Shadow-In-The-Night
  657. Nintendude61
  658. Megan W.
  659. Ginny
  660. aaron
  661. infernapexd
  662. Sprite Killer
  663. Nightmare
  664. Forest Destroyer
  665. Chaos2106
  666. Charizard Morph
  667. Pig_catapult
  668. xl443
  669. aqwaneo
  670. Natalia R.
  671. Scizor King
  672. Fisa
  673. SchweetnessGenius44
  674. Meririn
  675. Herr Käse
  676. Porygon-Z_Rulez
  677. Shpewn
  678. Ashlover
  679. Spodee
  680. Darkrai
  681. Silver Dragon
  682. KingRawkHawk64
  683. absol
  684. Star
  685. Jay
  686. ShinyVibrava
  687. Erick
  688. Roxxor
  689. Dragonite Master
  690. kichithewolf
  691. Samayoru
  692. Bil
  693. CosmosSage
  694. Aaron vien
  695. cyndiquilyain draganoid
  696. Becky
  697. [Mini Minun
  698. ~Max~
  699. NotMe
  700. Mageslayer99
  701. Christian
  703. Shelly
  704. Tim-ah
  705. Cooltrainer Andrew
  706. Jooce
  707. Bellossom Dancer
  708. Thom747
  709. Stanley64
  710. Stanley
  711. Pikaboo
  712. Gilesbrand
  713. littostarr
  714. Aero ron
  715. Excalibur¿
  716. Sike Saner
  717. Ariel D.
  718. Estelien
  719. finalwonder
  720. Tim
  721. Sary
  722. Grifstar
  723. sami
  724. thedude27
  725. Tessa
  726. C/MCPO Fugate
  727. Valefor
  728. Remaix
  729. Epiphany
  730. MizuEon
  731. Nakashime
  732. Kay
  733. Brandon
  734. Blizz
  735. Elna
  736. Lucas
  737. Riku
  738. Shoal
  739. Jeffrey
  740. kathy
  741. yell.o.blazeiken
  742. AZ
  743. Kayla
  744. Rachel M. Hagen
  745. Luis
  746. PapaLuLu27
  747. Superyoshi888
  748. NOP
  749. Dragonair Blizzard
  750. Fillet-O-Fish
  751. Lowe
  752. Luigi
  753. 251-Celebi
  754. Aaron Casagrande
  755. Tess
  756. Shiny_skydragon
  757. missingno.
  758. Ramprage
  759. Skyler Cherry
  760. Tyler Maple
  761. Lucas Willow
  762. Strong Glad
  763. Vashack
  764. Falco Lombardi
  765. Charizard_Girl
  766. Teh Pwnzorz
  767. Yes
  768. Wow I Won This
  769. elyvorg
  770. Huh?
  771. BigSnake
  772. Wow, this achievement is so puny...
  773. No one will ever remember this...
  774. I'll just be washed away into the endless sea of names...
  775. ur mom Nah just kidding its SirPainsalot again!
  776. Girapvisu
  777. Midna (I wanna be in another game! Come on, you KNOW I'm cuute...!)
  778. Chloe
  779. FunnyBunny
  780. Why is this thing caokabodrf;duf
  781. Kai
  782. Sanky
  783. Mustardear
  784. Nyorg
  785. Ned
  786. NedBlah
  787. Wolfwings
  788. TorterraOats
  789. Blitzer
  790. Brahdilleone95
  791. Kittenchild
  792. Chibi Pika
  793. The Big W
  794. LynxRunner (who has sat through this Marquee back when it was a marquee and was still called 'Do Not Click Here')
  795. Dark Typhlosion
  796. Nicholas A Chung
  797. Nicholas E/Nichi
  798. Wes
  799. Spookyghost
  800. Arutoa
  801. alex
  802. Miazzy
  803. Clinton K.
  804. Murkrowfeather
  805. Kiev
  806. Lord of Cookies
  807. Jun Wen
  808. J
  809. D-Trogh
  810. KittyKat
  811. Devon
  812. Azurill
  813. Fisher
  814. Oceanfur
  815. Nitrogen
  816. Ivysaur
  817. Anonyman
  818. SwinubCakes
  819. Ito
  820. Ino
  821. Rapidash
  822. Myriam
  823. Rayquarian
  824. Dark_Pikachu
  825. Chamilia
  826. Animetriplicate
  827. Blastoise428
  828. Cirrus
  829. Ptereagle
  830. PokedrawerZ
  831. Ahnni
  832. Kree-osh
  833. Innocence
  834. Eraser
  835. Tbyrd11
  836. SilverSonata
  837. ShadowDragon
  838. Mineral Rabbit
  839. Gaurav
  840. Antipathic Zora
  841. Oathblivion
  842. Guiliant
  843. Charem
  844. mada
  845. Zahara
  846. Mosswhisker
  847. Flo
  848. Keilly
  849. Snowstar
  850. Kapeesh
  851. Patrick S.
  852. Wolfeh, the ruler of muffins
  853. Erindor the Espeon
  854. Jessie Turner
  855. jfox
  856. Kirbydudealp
  857. JamBot
  858. Code4242
  859. Azalil
  860. Blastoise Ownz YOU... here too! nice huh?
  861. Mika Chan
  862. ~BLAZE~
  863. Cepheus
  865. Israel Tordoya
  866. I
  867. Mew_of_Aura
  868. Meggie
  869. Icebreath
  870. Melissa
  871. Relicanth
  872. Pichu Pokegeek
  874. MisterSmeargle
  875. Sparky
  876. bookworm917
  877. Dreampaw
  878. Schmitty
  879. Kentuckyfriedtorchic
  880. Farther1
  881. Farther2
  882. Farther3
  883. Dark Tyranitar
  884. Dagger
  885. shadowrouge99
  886. CrazyAipom
  887. Alliniere
  888. Xenalith
  889. Dragonologest
  890. ShadowGamma
  891. Novaix
  894. Exo-Raikou
  895. Gastrodon101
  896. Burnie
  897. Amanda
  898. TeamLeafeon
  899. ilovePussy
  900. Bloom-Andrea Sakura-Misao Momomiya
  901. AlexbutIneedtoputloadsofwordssoIcanseemyselfonthepadeIamsosmart
  902. Owlstar
  903. Nobody
  904. The cheater
  905. The extreme manipulator
  906. The person who has way, way too much time on his hands
  907. Shiny Eevee
  908. Bakuphoon
  909. Hikari-chan
  910. Colby
  911. Fluffy the Eevee
  912. Antipathic Zora again, who happens to agree with lotsa-dots up there about the forum being down. If you ain't figured out that this is also Zora of Termina there, now you know and you know why I'm so bored. FIX IIIIIIIIIIIIIT
  913. Lili
  914. Eevee, who is bored without the forum...
  915. Jam707
  916. Eevee... again.. I've been here before I joined the forums. So, I'm listed here a few times, but not as Eevee. Why I'm I saying this? I'm still bored without the forum.
  917. Arylett Dawnsborough
  918. Dragon Fan 02
  919. EeveeSkitty
  920. elonkudden
  921. darkjigglypuff
  922. Indragon
  923. AASSIA
  924. Evilgenius106
  925. Dialga111
  926. DoshaKenkan
  927. Kevin
  928. Skippie
  929. Ayra
  930. Numoko the Dragonite Princess
  931. starkaat
  932. Patcheresu
  933. Vrai Espoir
  934. jack
  935. Jerichi
  936. Flash Fire ZX
  937. Scott TM
  938. percy JR.
  939. Riah
  940. a boy with way to much time on his hands who wanted to torture his friend so he clicked on that page, and it SUCKED!
  941. i didn't read i just typed my name in the type thingy
  942. Raulaun
  943. Fern
  944. Nobody loves Zero, because he's weird.
  945. cecil
  946. Lufia the Awesome
  947. Seniko
  948. Migas
  949. Belmont
  950. Rayquaza7996
  951. boy who spelled his name wrong whos best freind whith pateince tortured
  952. boy named tevor whos best freind whith pateince tortured
  953. i am tevor's friend, I tortured him, hi t-vor
  954. eevee_em
  955. im bean, hey luke beat this im a ruler of the universe so ha!
  956. monster truck freak!!!
  957. Spencer, AKA PikaBlu the Pokemaster
  958. ShadowMew
  959. Sebastian
  960. take this ethan im a ruler of the universe
  961. i like cows!
  962. i'm luke, go cows!
  963. cow vs. monkey in boxing cow would win
  964. 2lala
  965. King of Blue
  966. liamh
  967. Odin of Hammerfest
  968. Kaitlin
  969. Caaz
  970. Squirtle
  971. Raytwo, like Mewtwo only a clone of Rayquaza who Squirtle ~no. 1008~ made up
  972. Pikachu_Master
  973. vgamer164
  974. phantombailey
  975. Mercenarylight
  976. Mercenary of light
  977. Who's
  978. The
  979. Ruler
  980. Now?
  981. I am
  982. The Master
  983. Of Light
  984. And Darkness
  985. Fear me
  986. For I am me
  987. Shadowlight me
  988. For I am both Light and Darkness
  989. I rule!
  990. Shade Hero
  991. <(o•:•o)>
  992. Icefire
  993. Shadow Queen
  994. Lucas755
  995. Calsan
  996. Evilempire22
  997. ultiomos
  998. Nicholas
  999. Apdaman
  1000. Anikari
  1001. death909198
  1002. majicfrog
  1003. Ice Fenrir
  1004. Rainleaf
  1005. Lantur
  1006. Qaxis
  1007. Feather: Wajas 74146
  1008. Makayla (aka CharmanderandTotodile- or CaT for short)
  1009. Haunter
  1010. Mouseyhcu
  1011. Ben King
  1012. Copper
  1013. Halcyon
  1014. the_red_one1223
  1015. Xinnamin
  1016. Alex Sammon
  1017. HyperLugia
  1018. Marx
  1019. Carambola
  1020. Rayquazia
  1021. Josh Webb
  1022. Phoenix Wright
  1023. Syrus
  1024. Hellmonkey500
  1025. Zeca
  1026. Brian
  1027. Vanesa
  1028. GabberGon
  1029. Ivan
  1030. Sunny
  1031. Bethan AKA Daughter of Mew
  1032. aquaticd
  1033. AquaticD
  1034. An-chan
  1035. Shadow Lucario
  1036. Mahalo
  1037. Fire
  1038. Andy
  1039. Mima
  1040. Fairysong
  1041. Shimmermon
  1042. Pwootage
  1043. Ruffledfeathers
  1044. Nic
  1045. Echo
  1046. foxfangs
  1047. PurpleKOGA
  1048. Haru
  1049. Newspring
  1050. apex155(joey)
  1051. Luxray Village HQ
  1052. Reventhas
  1053. Volbeatster
  1054. Eeveefan14
  1055. Enola
  1056. Raylax
  1057. 93gwen
  1058. Erin
  1059. SLNM
  1060. Vahe
  1061. Tails
  1062. Zephyra
  1063. Mimi
  1064. Zilpo The Armaldo
  1065. Yuki97
  1066. Lucky_Boom
  1067. Metaright
  1068. Spike
  1069. NaruHika
  1070. Lucaria
  1071. Luxray Village RULES (HQ)
  1072. Billy bob joe
  1073. Zzzzzzzzz480
  1074. Andrew
  1075. Grey
  1076. Hi
  1077. Noah, who likes to say "pie!" and "twenty-four!"
  1078. Greategret
  1079. Calvin
  1080. TMAmphoroz
  1081. Hulavuta
  1082. Susan
  1083. Firefox Alpha has joined the Brawl!
  1084. Samus and Meta Ridley
  1085. evolution666m
  1086. Luple
  1087. tehmariopwn3r
  1088. Lucariking
  1089. Maria C.
  1090. Turner
  1091. Ross Epling (aka NiGHtsBeta09)
  1092. John
  1093. Bluefox
  1094. Nat
  1095. houndour_lover
  1096. Rya
  1097. Shadow_Ninja431
  1098. Rose
  1099. Evoli
  1100. Pig Koopa
  1101. Jenna
  1102. Eevee (Sabrina)
  1103. James Lee King
  1104. Krash55
  1105. Lunar
  1106. eatanorange PWN3D Marquee of Doom
  1107. Dialgix
  1108. Cailean
  1109. s/he who is patient
  1110. secsec
  1111. Fredie175
  1112. The Emperor of Justice
  1113. Nytestryke24
  1114. Blodh Arget
  1115. Manaphy
  1116. Mattsna
  1117. Matthew
  1118. Haley
  1119. Jayce
  1120. Koori Renchuu
  1121. Mawile XD
  1122. Inunah
  1123. Weretemplar
  1124. Momo1204
  1125. Marcello
  1126. Ian of the Plusle
  1127. philippogiX
  1128. Lightkit
  1129. Izzy/rhi
  1130. Chikaka
  1131. Staraptor G
  1132. Candylicious
  1133. DarkeLourd
  1134. Krystal-Wingwolf
  1135. Flareth
  1136. Diamond
  1137. Number 100
  1138. Jason-Kun
  1139. Worst Username Ever
  1140. is now officially covered in awesomesauce
  1141. Toon Link
  1142. Pelipy
  1143. Raichao
  1144. Starlight the Pikakip
  1145. Darthjarjar
  1146. Arianwen
  1147. Again, Espeon
  1148. Devyn W
  1149. Denri
  1150. ShadowKnight
  1151. Rauthiss
  1152. poketrainerKenny
  1153. Umbreon Freak
  1154. Dust
  1155. Wizboy777
  1156. H20firefly
  1157. TrillianStorm
  1158. MidnightRoseDG
  1159. Ari His Royal Almightiness
  1160. Frogo
  1161. Catherine
  1162. Roxane-wolf
  1163. GG
  1164. Shinikiss
  1165. Rasrap Smurf
  1166. Jaketheultimate
  1167. scoodi
  1168. RenoLawliet
  1169. FlameHearts5472
  1170. 1996PokemonZachary
  1171. 3896
  1172. shadowkinggiritina101
  1173. the fork on the left
  1174. Nami
  1175. Indie
  1176. Tallest Indie
  1177. Sterling
  1178. Pancakeswordsman
  1179. DarkSuicune
  1180. Snoopy
  1181. BlazieAura
  1182. TeamJolteon
  1183. Cyndaquazy
  1184. Sarah
  1185. Seritinajii
  1186. Keoaratr
  1187. OrangeAipom
  1188. Samisthebestest
  1189. Trigger004
  1190. JimJam 707 is so bored...
  1191. Pokemon~pwnage
  1192. Tharm Bood
  1193. Gamelord
  1194. DrPepper42
  1195. Minka_Glameow
  1196. Metraxx of ShadxCorp
  1197. Mamaluigi
  1198. LOL
  1199. LOLclikz
  1200. LOLZ 3rd time
  1202. Invader Zorthok Durr... Durr...
  1204. LOL i do this too much LOLZ this is long
  1205. Do Do Do this is long lol
  1206. The dean of suds
  1207. Silverfinch
  1208. Kashie
  1209. Rumoki Kiraku
  1210. Ethan Aruseus
  1211. The Alimighty Brick
  1212. mewfairy
  1213. Sphenodonta
  1214. Lizardman974
  1215. Pichu
  1216. SatoHaru4Ever
  1217. SatoHaru4Everhasdoneitagain
  1218. Copy the message [insert your name here
  1219. Copy the message Pegir
  1220. Manaqua
  1221. Manaphy w/ green bands
  1222. Raibys
  1223. Shadownc
  1224. Jan
  1225. Tertle
  1226. Lord Crunch
  1227. Pitsch
  1228. Someone Else
  1229. X-Sanity
  1230. Hitaka
  1231. Pokésaur
  1232. Kara-sama
  1233. MEWNINE
  1234. yoni von baloni
  1235. Superbird
  1236. Anivla
  1237. Super Jack
  1238. TheSuicune
  1239. Blahblahbleh
  1240. Kairose
  1241. Pkmn Trainer Nick
  1242. CrystalSaurTower
  1243. Ume-Uzumaki
  1244. Danny
  1245. Greta
  1246. Holographic
  1247. NARFNra
  1248. This website
  1249. Rinoa
  1250. Kiwi
  1251. Jerilyn
  1252. Cloudrunner
  1253. Mawile pwns Billy and Cole :P
  1254. Blade
  1255. littleskitty
  1256. Salamence_747
  1257. ThePhantomCorrector
  1258. DecoAoreste
  1259. Dr. Dre
  1260. SiferTH
  1261. Jam_it
  1262. Lucario and Raikou's Den
  1263. I like pie
  1264. Unoraptormon the Forerunner
  1265. Makuta
  1266. Kieran121
  1267. Julia121
  1268. Chris
  1269. Christos M.
  1270. GuppyForce
  1271. Kandy
  1272. Monique
  1273. Vyo
  1274. ifellalseep
  1275. Typho
  1276. RandomTyphoon
  1277. Nintendude
  1278. Firestar
  1279. Joey
  1280. sreservoir
  1281. zeKieranator
  1282. Joe
  1283. RiddlemeThis
  1284. Water
  1285. Junglebook/Jessrox97
  1286. GonDiialga
  1287. GABBY:)
  1288. charlietheunicorn
  1289. Angel
  1290. Snashyle
  1291. LkM
  1292. Otis
  1293. Cookie Attak (hai peeps!)
  1294. Ayliakn
  1295. PIEDRAGON again
  1296. Rex II(same as the Rex in 148)
  1297. Anala
  1298. Man of Ariados
  1299. Mishatu
  1300. cnstrguonjcvotrnhv9clotnvio
  1301. Volt
  1302. Archaeic
  1303. Chizuru
  1304. Blueberry-Jamster
  1305. bobandbill
  1306. zeKieranator121
  1307. Phatlip
  1308. Ry
  1309. Elijah
  1310. Raven and Elijah Handley w00t
  1311. Legolas
  1312. Ignatious
  1313. Rogue Gamer
  1314. Miilydork
  1315. Your Mom
  1316. Tokyo Oranges
  1317. DialgiX
  1318. Lithe
  1319. Candella
  1320. Ferrikpm
  1321. YoshiLink
  1322. Brooke
  1323. Gabby
  1324. Adrian
  1325. AlexJanSolara
  1326. ANDY
  1327. Oceankirby
  1328. Kyarorain
  1329. MeerkatVWF026
  1330. Boy-O
  1331. Metagrosslover
  1332. hey you can do this more than once
  1333. AddedToTheList
  1334. Omega1095
  1335. Dragoness of Shadows
  1336. Ian
  1337. Leopardseal12
  1338. Voncsent
  1339. DeckuZora
  1340. Seth
  1341. Kieran
  1342. Super Trainer
  1343. Orilean
  1344. larry hardnett
  1345. LASL
  1346. Bella Delta
  1347. Elliekat
  1348. Dame Alex
  1349. Nakkura
  1350. xXOstenXx
  1351. Samantha
  1352. Piro Mae
  1353. LucesDarkness
  1354. Brainuts
  1355. Sweep
  1356. Daikyu
  1357. iwuvmydraggy
  1358. Marski
  1359. YZorker
  1360. PinkPanda
  1361. benjpalmer
  1362. Kitti
  1363. Liz Stokes
  1364. I Are Hates Eternal Flowers
  1365. Ragredon(Kino)
  1366. Sierra
  1367. Giratar
  1368. JosJuice
  1369. bluesilver
  1370. Magnemite
  1371. ReiXMinako
  1372. Pokeman493
  1373. The Marquee Itself
  1374. ~1400!!!!~
  1375. Patrick Garner
  1376. Regice
  1377. Sinnoh Champion
  1378. Shiny
  1379. Midget
  1380. Waffersforever
  1381. Scim
  1382. KiwiShade
  1383. Skippy Electrochomp
  1384. Aethelstan
  1385. Skiar
  1386. Kudra
  1387. Ialosara's Dragon Rider
  1388. Turtwigpal
  1389. Flaafo
  1390. xparasite9
  1391. Noel
  1392. forrest4493
  1393. Kevin Johnson
  1394. Bani
  1395. Persian
  1396. Rachez
  1397. CloudNine
  1398. Aether
  1399. Claudster
  1400. Tom Nook
  1401. Will0fD
  1402. aruseusu7
  1403. Lady-Leelah
  1404. Rebecca
  1405. Calico
  1406. HikariYami
  1407. Steve Jimmy Brian Michael
  1408. Raven Kouryuu
  1409. Ovenman
  1410. Zackrinian
  1411. hammerbro888
  1412. Jordan Sanders
  1413. Dame Celebi
  1414. Sajun
  1415. Insane_Physicist
  1416. WALL-E
  1417. Platin
  1418. Sydnee T.
  1419. The Unicorn of Destiny
  1420. Shadragon
  1421. wyomon
  1422. Zorloc
  1423. Rayne
  1424. randi
  1425. Fullmetalfan
  1426. Olivia (Kat)
  1427. Firefunbro
  1428. EvilPenguin
  1429. Mark
  1430. Wizsonic
  1431. Zoltea
  1432. EnvoyoftheSword
  1433. Snowy
  1434. Team Draco Rob
  1435. kirbyking
  1436. Cranky Kong
  1437. Kasaraki
  1438. Superbirdman
  1439. AceSpade
  1440. Martia
  1441. Wabby
  1442. Nightwolf117
  1443. [Arkanik
  1444. Smaragd Paen
  1445. Rick
  1446. Umbreon-dana
  1447. Spaz
  1448. Shrugger
  1449. Marcus
  1450. NeverOddOreveN
  1451. Zemie
  1452. Malena
  1453. JGW
  1454. Psychic master Platin
  1455. Firestorm95
  1456. Kyozion
  1457. Neel
  1458. Pandameg199630
  1459. Hanabi
  1460. abs
  1461. MusicGlitch
  1462. Dr Frank
  1463. Crazyboy99
  1464. MagicCupcake
  1465. Shade
  1466. Ponx
  1467. Shade FalconTalon
  1468. Bob
  1469. Zendude
  1470. Layla
  1471. AlphaBravo
  1472. Maxxey
  1473. Lemetia
  1474. Nick
  1475. VakamaTK
  1476. XCV
  1477. Lisa
  1478. Rukario
  1479. Melody
  1480. Jackie, Master Of Firebreathing Chinchillas
  1481. Pokemonzoe
  1482. HotTorchic
  1483. Tomahna
  1484. Chika
  1485. MasterADJ
  1486. Isaac Shaw Stiltz
  1487. Sarion56
  1488. Chilliporridge
  1489. Audrey/Kittyauds14
  1490. Jamal22
  1491. MadMoose
  1492. Crystal Talian
  1493. Acedia
  1494. Hugofowl
  1495. Jeff
  1496. Une Cuppy
  1497. Ianflowforever
  1498. Kitra
  1499. KYLE
  1500. Nintendo_6444
  1501. Mr.C
  1502. Naomi
  1503. Julien
  1504. Littlefox
  1505. Sesstria
  1506. Ezlo Minish
  1507. Nixoth
  1508. Stormshine
  1509. The guy called Senpo
  1510. Krutnasse
  1511. ShirouChi
  1512. Bartskate
  1513. Hpkelly
  1514. kiddy
  1515. The Only Overlord Shinkouhyou
  1516. Ry-13-Dota-PokeAurA
  1517. Runey676
  1518. BrainpanSonata
  1519. Stephen Collbert
  1520. eevee
  1521. Jacob
  1522. Z Master L, Lord of the Dance
  1523. Crazy Linoone
  1524. Colton O'Weekly
  1525. Darrren
  1526. Vermilion
  1527. Your conscience
  1528. Decon082
  1529. Stormshine's_Tancats
  1530. TheDoomThing
  1531. TirUnit
  1532. Tamah
  1533. Kayla-san
  1534. Dragon Queen
  1535. Felix
  1536. Alex Cane
  1537. Samuel_Smith
  1538. Togekiss fan
  1539. Pikachu (of Pikachu's Plaza)
  1540. Kitsune
  1541. Energetic
  1542. Qs.
  1543. Kirbunny431
  1544. ProgMetal_64
  1545. mollie/dragonair
  1546. mollie/dragonair/mawiledragonair
  1547. lex288
  1548. Boots and Static
  1549. Lrmaster132
  1550. 0uch
  1551. Krasy10
  1552. Stefan
  1553. dieter
  1554. Shaina
  1555. eevee prince
  1556. Acromion
  1557. nXz
  1558. nairnine
  1559. Stormshine_Again
  1560. Moonman190
  1561. ExxManiac
  1562. Strawberry
  1563. Drufle
  1564. [Ruincreater
  1565. Fuzzle
  1566. Moltres-wrangler
  1567. Matt and his sister
  1568. Demented Darkness
  1569. Donpatch
  1570. Sapphire
  1571. CCKip
  1572. Marisol
  1573. Nathan Rounsville(aka Aziki)
  1574. Starheart
  1575. demon king roxas
  1576. Carrie Clawz
  1577. ERROR
  1578. Dragom master Tryce
  1579. Miles_Latias
  1580. Heather2
  1581. Joko
  1582. SineCosineTangent
  1583. Sammi Somara
  1584. Red_Headphones
  1585. PikaPunk
  1586. Rin P.
  1587. Drakkeon
  1588. Alan Freeman
  1589. Lumine
  1590. Leafy Greens
  1591. Bibliomanzer
  1592. Nataki
  1593. JS
  1594. Rotomotor
  1595. Jigglenubis
  1596. Iguruwashi
  1597. eshlie
  1598. Sovriin
  1599. PrinceLucario
  1600. Psymon
  1601. Emi-chan
  1602. Starfire
  1603. Zulo =
  1604. Time Psyduck
  1605. itinii
  1606. Gaarafan of acanthite
  1607. Brandman1996
  1608. Kitsu
  1609. KarayanK
  1610. 9volt
  1611. Austin A.
  1612. Lucario251
  1613. Liz
  1614. Deadude
  1615. Dean
  1616. sillymokona
  1617. Yamiska
  1618. Tyler Hussey
  1619. Jackduffybailey_The_Cheese_Lord
  1620. Whitney
  1621. UltimateBlaziken
  1622. Lizzy
  1623. M&M
  1624. Marcus Kendal Banks Morrow
  1625. Jae
  1626. Jeremiah
  1627. Artemis
  1628. Rubes
  1629. Koma
  1630. Rayoku
  1631. Speedblader03
  1632. Rebecca Christine Stenholm
  1633. Chris The Walrus
  1634. Andrewdude78
  1635. MelMelody
  1636. Ariaria
  1637. mikeyb
  1638. Munchy
  1639. XxDawn LightxX
  1640. costerboster
  1641. Stormshine's_Letaligon
  1642. Sage_owl
  1643. GardevoirRoxs
  1644. TheZombieMurlocMudkipKnight
  1645. Baka-Mel
  1646. DarkMazer
  1647. Shayminluver
  1648. WiiGi
  1649. Willowspark
  1650. Teribane
  1651. Snowbella
  1652. Alzador
  1653. Lisa the Dark Vulpix
  1654. Bethany
  1655. Andy/Speed
  1656. Puredragon222
  1657. Mystr22
  1658. Jeston
  1659. Scorpio
  1660. Chocolate Chicken
  1661. Terri-lynn
  1662. Growlachu
  1663. Sundavr Baen
  1664. Minto
  1665. Rhys
  1666. ~*Starfire*~ The Wishmaker
  1667. R0-S3
  1668. sabrinix
  1669. Liliana
  1670. I'm the best ruler of the Universe
  1671. No, I'm the best Ruler of the Universe
  1672. No, me
  1673. Lychee the Hedgehog
  1674. mike
  1675. [Pi
  1676. [Onucitra
  1677. NBA
  1678. kellllly
  1679. Layren
  1680. Pokemaniac Erika
  1681. adamantdiamond
  1682. platinumlucario
  1683. ninjapenguin981
  1684. Maplewolf
  1685. EmeraldRayquaza
  1686. Shadowclaw
  1687. CyrusEmerald13
  1688. Dimenticus
  1689. DarknezzUnleazed
  1690. WalnutCream
  1691. Necro
  1692. cookie
  1693. Pikochu
  1694. pokemaster345
  1695. Rairukka
  1696. Kaida
  1697. Mateus
  1698. Prof. S
  1699. Unicornfoal
  1700. Dogs8345
  1701. MissingNoiscool
  1702. Helagon
  1703. Frostagin
  1704. Bettadude
  1705. A. Pearson
  1706. geekyfreek
  1707. CHUKLAE
  1708. Silvermoonlight
  1709. Dragonmage
  1710. dbz3
  1711. thehuw
  1712. Calista
  1713. ClumsyD
  1714. Foxie Girl Vixee
  1715. Spherical Ice
  1716. Kazmad
  1717. SexyHarry/Manipulation/Goodies
  1718. SolarAaron
  1719. Pinkpanda x2
  1720. Angelo Ryan Tianco
  1721. Nat and Jewlz
  1722. Jelly
  1723. Pururu
  1724. Ange
  1725. 1337M4573R
  1726. Luna
  1727. Mr Chao
  1728. Atman
  1729. Sarah Mahan
  1730. Awesome Sauce
  1731. Stelios
  1732. rederci939
  1733. Golbez_743
  1734. Joshua
  1735. Darcy
  1736. VVB
  1737. Jordyn (Jojo or Jojoleopard)
  1738. Chaowzee
  1739. veronica the golduck
  1740. Talonos
  1741. KuroV
  1742. CherryBeast of DEATH
  1743. HaishaHime
  1744. Tamway
  1745. Orchidbreeze of FireClan
  1746. Mike Tancak Jr
  1747. Purplemew12
  1748. VelvetEspeon
  1749. Zyxyz
  1750. TobyTse99
  1751. Mighdas
  1752. Tazgirl18992
  1753. Marquee Vanquisher
  1754. <Joseph: Night SHADE>
  1755. bbbbbbbbba
  1756. Vocabulations
  1757. Tyranitoast
  1758. Emperor Gombessa
  1759. Silverwolf42
  1760. Malik D.
  1761. bookauthor1123
  1762. Ghrowl
  1763. Manticore
  1764. Theresa
  1765. Taliax
  1766. OmenOfDeath
  1767. eleMENTAL55
  1768. Arana the Rhinosaur
  1769. Espeonna
  1770. Simplysatisfiedwithlife
  1771. FerretFox41
  1772. Parakeet13
  1773. arceus
  1774. Josh and Deborah
  1775. Tom the 1337
  1776. What do I put here?
  1777. Goldenrod
  1778. Espeonna (again!)
  1779. Fitzy boy
  1780. ^__^
  1781. Espeonna (for the third time!)
  1782. Alexis Thompson
  1783. Sonja
  1784. Elizabeth
  1785. Lucas666
  1786. Saiki
  1787. Feather
  1788. insert rant here
  1789. Madde
  1790. insert your nMei
  1791. Jonathon D
  1792. Sean Pnaude
  1793. Sean is pretty great
  1794. Froggiecool
  1795. P_Denton
  1796. hunters225
  1797. Darknessmans
  1798. Rubellite Tigris
  1799. Silverblaze
  1800. MysticFirelizard
  1801. SatiricalPsyduck
  1802. Tate Michael VunCannon
  1803. Sira Nightfyre
  1804. Neverine
  1805. Wingman11
  1806. zephyrdragoon
  1807. ImpyGirl
  1808. Cathy
  1809. Xenp
  1810. Loopy
  1811. Risa
  1812. Kyle
  1813. Burntlee
  1814. Hekutaa Matata
  1815. insert name here
  1816. darkerarceus
  1817. ALANA
  1818. Kitsune Kyukon
  1819. Kitsune Foxx
  1820. darkerarceus (it's fun)
  1821. Adam
  1822. PokemonStar
  1823. Turles
  1824. ThePokeloadguy
  1825. darkerarceus (third time lucky!)
  1826. Puppys
  1827. Chrismonster
  1828. the muddy treecko or TMT for short
  1829. Gidgette123
  1830. Panda of Doom
  1831. Just Ice
  1832. felix,ilikeyou:Oyou'llneverseethis:x
  1833. Stormy
  1834. IanKAwesomeness
  1835. RedShark
  1836. Balloons
  1837. Aibodax
  1838. Blazi
  1839. Marg0t
  1840. Copy the message [mew4EX
  1842. Nicko
  1843. Tex Dodectron
  1844. orinthol gun-gi
  1845. Lord Crash
  1846. The Lord Crash
  1847. Lord Crash's Servant
  1848. Lord Crash ( again ) ruler of the universe
  1849. Aurora Elemtal
  1850. AndrezZ
  1851. o.O;;
  1852. And no one else.
  1853. But there's me!
  1854. HEY!
  1855. What?
  1856. I said there was no one else!
  1857. Oh. Sorry... o.O;;
  1858. And no one else..
  1859. LunaticWulf
  1860. Shadow Absol
  1861. Crystallize
  1862. Atma
  1863. Chatot55
  1864. apophys
  1865. SilverSapphireStarfireEpiccheese26keekercatt57
  1866. nadia
  1867. Arella
  1868. Yoshord
  1869. Amethyst Princess 27
  1870. Eric Smith
  1871. Chickenhound
  1872. LAME! I want a cookie insted
  1873. Jon
  1874. Kiri
  1875. King of the Kittens
  1876. is awesome!!!
  1877. PDO
  1878. Lunar_Absol
  1879. Im all alone down here....
  1880. Striker82z
  1881. Is... is it over now? Yaaaaaay! - Rose
  1882. ilikecookies
  1883. Talyn
  1884. chased by fruitcakes
  1885. Taydbear
  1886. Palidrome123
  1887. palindrome123- again!
  1888. StopHanded
  1889. Sprevoic
  1890. Anthony
  1891. Schott
  1892. Flareon is the best eeveelution
  1893. Holy effing crap I did it
  1894. mudkipz
  1895. Jish
  1896. BikdipOnABus
  1897. zeKieranator12121
  1898. Kieran W.
  1899. Kat H
  1900. nin10do_gamer
  1901. Super X
  1902. Matt Seevers
  1903. Fangy
  1904. Jymaru
  1906. TrogdorRunner
  1907. azSpriter
  1908. Terra
  1909. Mxlexrd
  1910. Chaotic
  1911. Meow, a cat has survived
  1912. Where is my cookie? has survived
  1913. Klokateer #216!!
  1914. Buzz
  1915. Corey
  1916. adam
  1917. PhanpyLover
  1918. IceFireDrago
  1919. Skitty and Kirara
  1920. Grant
  1921. Pratyush
  1922. Tarukryl
  1923. Bara_no_Uta
  1924. Stormingphoenix
  1925. Killemgoood
  1926. Mystic Illusions
  1927. Ruby and sapphire pwnz
  1928. Sunnie
  1929. OMG! Sunnie wants to be the millionth!!
  1930. OwO
  1931. NOT QUITE...
  1932. Getting closer...
  1933. ...
  1934. SO CLOSE
  1935. 4 MORE..
  1936. Wait wut? I can't count.
  1937. Wait yes I can.
  1938. 8D
  1939. Sunnie pwns your face!!!!!
  1940. Waiiiiit... That's only 1000. Crap.
  1941. D8
  1942. ...End Sunnie. Who fails. Epically.
  1944. Rachel
  1945. Tyler
  1946. Dragonair907
  1947. Queen_Islanzadi
  1948. Dragonlady97
  1949. Audrey
  1950. celebi63
  1951. Shika1929
  1952. Paul The Panda
  1953. Spannar
  1954. M the Gate
  1955. And no one else
  1956. ShinyRedEon
  1957. asdf
  1958. You know, I just love being able to talk here.
  1959. PinkDinoLeafeonMetagrossGrass
  1960. PinkDinoLeafeonMetagrossGrassPokemonMaster
  1961. chimchar1
  1962. Isaac
  1963. Mylo
  1964. Doombringer
  1965. Blissey
  1966. Link3710
  1967. NOTHING
  1968. ilikepie1
  1969. Chiyo
  1970. Venaf
  1971. Raitora Kuro Yamiraku
  1972. Boys
  1973. Boys Will Be Boys,
  1974. Hiding In Estrogen
  1975. And Wearing
  1976. Aubergine Dreams
  1978. IS
  1979. SEXY! YES. HE IS.
  1980. Slyakin
  1981. The Game o.0
  1982. Jared Pike
  1983. Oczek
  1984. scott
  1985. D0T
  1986. Shadowmere
  1988. IcyDestrucT
  1989. Overlord Laharl
  1990. Asome Man
  1991. Jethro T. and Erise R. has ruled the universe :)
  1992. Erise R. I love you. Will you marry me? :)
  1993. Why isn't this working?
  1994. Oh, nevermind.
  1995. ANYHOO. This is Clefspeare!
  1996. That marquee was pretty interesting!
  1997. Seriously, it was.
  1998. VirgoMay
  1999. SaiphCharon
  2000. Cyramal
  2001. Crescent Umbreon
  2002. Xtreme boredness
  2003. SnapDragin
  2004. Geodude
  2005. Jory123
  2006. VIII: Axel, the Flurry of Dancing Flames
  2007. XIII: Roxas, the Key of Destiny
  2008. Btw, has anyone played 358/2 Days, by chance? :D
  2009. Kyaserin
  2010. Fxcking Tatertots
  2011. Nick999
  2012. Daring7894
  2013. Bubble
  2014. HellHoundoom
  2015. eah
  2016. Ellie
  2017. OracleLink
  2018. Bleached
  2019. Bluestar
  2020. Meg
  2021. I am not 1337
  2022. LolitaDoll who loves HellsingerAngel
  2023. Gke
  2024. savannah
  2025. person who likes 3.14159265359879
  2026. Mike Caron
  2027. GhettoRanger
  2028. Padraic
  2029. Taylor
  2030. Dari Ryusei
  2031. Fullmetal
  2032. Thonnen
  2033. Tortellini Court Road
  2034. StateOfDep
  2035. Crunchy
  2036. Scott Place
  2037. Kieran Woodcock
  2038. lololBladeh
  2039. Dirk Longwood
  2040. M'
  2041. rose the magicat
  2042. Suicune
  2043. I'm no spam robot. Eevee. Boop.
  2044. luxrayqueen
  2045. Jessica Morgan
  2046. Ben
  2047. Katie
  2048. Pichu-the-Menace
  2049. Professor Daniel
  2050. Chrystal Liena
  2051. Ms. L
  2052. Youngster Joey
  2053. Hazem The Latios Master
  2054. Ulises
  2055. Wnerg
  2056. Wire Mouse
  2057. TDBynum is awesome
  2058. @
  2059. Milia (Emily)
  2060. Ranamon
  2061. Chuck Norris
  2062. Run. Because Chuck Norris is watching you.
  2063. Deinonychus
  2064. NightDaemon aka Miss Lili Riley
  2065. Shadow Techie
  2066. Tornado Lava
  2067. Chrisirhc
  2068. Kittykat kid/ AIP
  2069. Ringmaster10
  2070. King Lei 798
  2071. Overlord of Pie
  2072. 007manyo
  2073. Zachzab
  2074. Jakjak
  2075. Corey Karato
  2076. Rijuku
  2077. Light17
  2078. Dragonair
  2079. Bereft
  2080. Matt Crawford
  2081. Arlyn Palmer
  2082. Uber CB
  2083. Zorva
  2084. Frijolero_92
  2085. Sairi~♥
  2086. teehee~~
  2087. wooot!! go ricky! lol
  2089. ~Sairi Raven Lockheart~
  2090. Ricardo Rendon-SuperSmashChamp
  2091. Amphy54
  2092. Wickeddude
  2093. LeginLegends
  2094. Quirtynerd 42
  2095. Metagross376
  2096. Alakazam123
  2097. Nathan
  2098. Dragon33x5
  2099. tillman45
  2100. Ghost
  2101. Helenoodle
  2102. alpha0mega
  2103. you suck. what kind of reward is this anyway!
  2104. hi
  2105. Lexx
  2106. TanTanTanuki-chan
  2107. TyranitarusRex
  2108. Ghostofduke
  2109. MegaTorterra
  2110. Stephen
  2111. Knightgirl
  2112. space lord
  2114. MrsHen1066
  2115. SonicShadowBoy
  2116. The Marvyle Rogue
  2117. Auracle
  2118. Remmihs
  2119. Shimmer--the "Legend Hunter" as they call me
  2120. SpamCat
  2121. Culex77
  2122. Jordan
  2123. did this work for once?
  2124. Yay!!this worked!...and its about time
  2125. Chronicle2
  2126. xXIsanemaXx
  2127. Ketsueki Kyukon
  2128. Josh R
  2129. Piplup1206
  2131. Hogia
  2132. justthedoctor
  2133. Christopher Pander
  2134. Firestripe77
  2135. Lady Gaga
  2136. ^ not really
  2137. Dusk252
  2138. Lexi
  2139. Lunarz
  2140. akrog_27
  2141. `Dreams
  2142. Sage
  2143. C.Olimar788
  2144. Jirachi'sBFF
  2145. Pandora42
  2146. Zerina
  2147. Jacky
  2148. I AM AN IDIOT
  2149. ShySkymin
  2150. I should have gotten a free internet
  2151. narkatopalipticus
  2152. Si6x12
  2153. Mario Gonsalves
  2154. Mabo the Great, Eccentric, and Eternally Freakish
  2155. Alura
  2156. KingKairos
  2157. Nozomi Myst
  2158. Sawyer
  2159. BoyangFriday
  2160. Kitty-chan
  2161. Tigger
  2162. Shadow Jirachi
  2163. AlpahaMarine
  2164. Marcia45
  2165. Barubu
  2166. Aren the Spriter
  2167. Kate (aka Rayquaza)
  2168. Blake Legacy
  2169. Jacob the Pokemon Trainer
  2170. Demotei
  2171. Pichu Chris
  2172. Mr. Dude
  2173. wants a pwny
  2174. Squornshellous Beta
  2176. Aaron Quaykos
  2177. Sugar
  2178. Waffledude
  2179. Maddy
  2180. Saytis of Deviantart
  2181. tomato205
  2182. Zenigame26
  2183. XWorldApocalypseX
  2184. Xx-Tatsuki-Emo-xX
  2185. Pahft
  2186. Kodkod98
  2187. Teacher9985
  2188. shiny eevee
  2189. Teacher9986
  2190. Teacher9987
  2191. Teacher9988
  2192. D & B
  2193. Alex the Shiny Poochyena
  2194. Larry34728
  2195. Forkster, the One who Burnt the Toast
  2196. X The Apocaliptic
  2197. Dark the Hedgehog
  2198. Capri
  2199. Porygonfan
  2200. Lihlipp
  2201. Tavros Nitram
  2202. Evil Link
  2203. Anna Bella
  2204. Holcat27
  2205. Twilight k. Solomon
  2206. Demyx
  2207. Tyreasus
  2208. Tubahero
  2209. River
  2210. aXl
  2211. Maxine Coleman
  2212. Tracy Alsop
  2213. Drake Robinson
  2214. Gabe
  2215. Adam, King of Plishes
  2216. Mawile of the TCoD forums
  2217. Fluffydoodle
  2218. videogmer314
  2219. Rraska
  2220. Steelfinmeleon
  2221. Hoppyfred
  2222. ero98
  2223. The_Smash
  2224. PkmnGod
  2225. ^___________________________^
  2226. Tom Cruise is here to sex you
  2227. insert my name here
  2228. and no one else
  2229. Smackdoodle
  2230. penis
  2231. poopcicle
  2232. Spaghettification
  2233. And No One Else
  2234. Lets get go looting
  2235. Lets go looting
  2236. This is the same person getting in
  2237. Pulshie King
  2238. All above PkmnGod suck....NOT NO ONE HERE SUCKS
  2239. Shigeru Miyamoto
  2240. Hiro Nakamura
  2241. Cat333Pokémon
  2242. PokémonGod
  2243. go for 3000
  2245. /_\XX/_\X/_\X
  2246. That Luma spoke playstation!...FANBOY LUMA!
  2247. Playstation Network
  2248. The above is a Fanboy
  2249. I solved a rubix cube
  2250. Yukoranski vs Articuno
  2251. WHO WILL WIN?
  2252. Almost
  2253. I am no spam robo, boop, beep, bop
  2254. has proven to be among the most patient of men
  2255. The counting is wrong, hey where is my taco?
  2256. Mudkipz
  2257. Swampert who is PkmnGod
  2258. Swampert
  2259. I herd u liek Mudkipz?
  2260. You
  2261. I did it by heart XD ééé
  2262. Bargo the Bikdip
  2263. HADHAD
  2264. GreenLanturn
  2265. Atomabob
  2266. Small Woodland Creature
  2267. SPP
  2268. Serebii
  2269. Lisardess
  2270. Yo Mama
  2271. Still the same person
  2273. Ugly Piano
  2274. PINGAS!
  2275. all 493 and many more
  2276. TopHatDunsparce
  2277. Roz
  2278. TheFish
  2279. Furrtwo
  2280. KiwiBasket
  2281. ZoruaTheAether
  2282. Naviy
  2283. PikaSkies
  2284. Aerygon
  2285. Josephine
  2286. Pimanrules
  2287. Why does Adrian get to be 1337
  2288. Gwen
  2289. ShinyRayquaza2012
  2290. Lugia8420
  2291. Quest For The Legends Lover
  2292. Luna Lovegood
  2293. nuge
  2294. Kitsune Riiyu-Ohku
  2295. Robert Brown + Zoe Kaw
  2296. Loldog
  2297. kenniky
  2298. Charmeleon
  2299. cool kid master555
  2300. Karl
  2301. Michael Auty
  2302. its been a month
  2303. Just type da Pokemon names
  2304. Marshtomp
  2305. Bulbasaur
  2306. Tyranitar
  2307. Metagross
  2308. Skymin
  2309. Origintina(Origin Giratina)
  2310. Kamehameha
  2311. /\ FAIL this is not DbZ
  2312. Justin Beiber
  2313. Rick Astley
  2314. FRED
  2315. FRED Figglehorn
  2316. Tay Zonday
  2317. aeroblast
  2318. S.A.N.
  2319. nickthequick2312
  2320. Jkittycat-Charizardlover
  2321. Harue
  2322. Saba
  2323. raisengen
  2324. Timpeni
  2325. Ellipsis
  2326. Grimoire
  2327. Charizard
  2328. Tal
  2329. rabbit153
  2330. Ying Yang
  2331. Hikari
  2332. urgh
  2333. Kawaii Cathy
  2334. Lipa Ula (pawpaw)
  2335. Asami Nakata and the Pocket-Sized Kitsune AZN
  2336. Aria
  2337. 493pkmns
  2338. russellsrage
  2339. Daniel Nightstalker
  2340. Spiritkeeper
  2341. Spiritkeeper - I look up to Theik and Dragonfree!
  2342. Legend_of_Kanto
  2343. Tabitha Anne LaSalle
  2344. Gigi
  2345. Cyberglass
  2346. Bunny86
  2347. Raschy
  2348. Surfing Pikachu
  2349. Stephey
  2350. Lizziecat1279
  2351. TheK
  2352. Aeona
  2353. Kisuke
  2354. Kitten
  2355. Glaceon
  2356. Vincent
  2357. Nommer of the Mew
  2358. Floonspark
  2359. Bry-sizzle McSwanson
  2360. Enkoe
  2361. Maiumaora
  2362. Inei
  2363. SkyAngel
  2364. Starreh-chan
  2365. is awesome and stuff
  2366. HellDemiRose
  2367. Malph
  2368. Caroline
  2369. Daski
  2370. wolfshadowxd
  2371. Gustav Reibo
  2372. Ammy
  2373. Joyce
  2374. TheMultigamer
  2375. Reall? 2524? Wow.
  2376. Rachel <3
  2377. Cirque
  2378. Jayla Curtis
  2379. Aditya
  2380. Miles Tails Prower
  2381. Chu Chu
  2382. Rayka
  2383. Harper Dunnagie
  2384. Seth the Shoe Slayer
  2385. Mew Man54
  2386. is AWESOME
  2387. Jackalope
  2388. Crylena
  2389. BellaNoriji
  2390. Legacy
  2391. Christina
  2392. Tezmara
  2393. PipenPopaloPilas
  2394. MegaMan the Man
  2395. Person
  2396. LCI09
  2397. Betariolu
  2398. EJ
  2399. Matt B
  2400. sv_01
  2401. Osthato
  2402. Viridescere
  2403. L
  2404. McMoots
  2405. pachipachi6
  2406. Dragonfang
  2407. Kalala
  2408. Tora aka The Sad Hairbrush
  2409. Catty
  2410. NinjaEspy
  2411. Kumori Mistress
  2412. Dragonfanghasdoneitagain
  2413. Doomer
  2414. brendan beard
  2415. Palamecia
  2416. Mitesla
  2417. The Grammar Nazi
  2418. charmander1241
  2419. i dunno
  2420. Eli
  2421. Lamartian
  2422. Crescune
  2423. DeathRose9
  2424. Darkmekmon
  2425. YdNa_
  2426. Wen
  2427. NuXj
  2428. Edward I. M.
  2429. NinjaSecrets
  2430. Who?
  2431. Chibi_Muffin
  2432. Maze-la
  2433. danielk1502
  2434. Darkius (JCW)
  2435. Karaktakus
  2436. Hélio
  2437. Fyra Flare
  2438. Blaze the Cat
  2439. Ice Empress
  2440. Soulblade
  2441. Miles Dark
  2442. PokemonGod777
  2443. doominic77
  2444. Totochu
  2445. bojangle387
  2446. tigerm98
  2447. MinhL98
  2448. Senor Anti-Sequitur
  2449. Lazuli
  2450. gabluey05
  2451. Oldenmw
  2452. Missingno
  2453. Josie
  2454. Hykura
  2455. BliBBloB
  2456. Heyhey1546
  2457. Hooray lalala 1234imsoboredurrgh
  2458. Pokemonplatinum and pikachuempoleonheHEY1256
  2459. amusedandconfused
  2460. Elliot Mitchell
  2461. Dave and Mia
  2462. Ayla
  2463. !EMILY!
  2464. Xlthuathopec
  2465. Emeraldis
  2466. Neozone
  2467. Another Kevin
  2468. Ledabot
  2469. Warlord
  2470. PINGAS Lord
  2471. AlecGW
  2472. OperaGhost
  2473. zx75
  2474. Iceguppie
  2475. XRader
  2476. Kalex
  2477. Tako(That was painful to sit through D: )
  2478. Scott Pilgrim
  2479. Rui
  2480. Veryxes
  2481. SHKA
  2482. Mew
  2483. Weomur
  2484. Soccer Angel
  2485. Kamil
  2486. King Jelly
  2487. That was NOTHING!!!!!! MWAHAHA
  2488. Rachel M.
  2489. chuggaaconroy
  2490. Woof, A dog has survived
  2491. Bacaw! A chicken has survived
  2492. Kaikookoo
  2493. flygon344
  2494. Crystalmew9
  2495. Dcn3
  2496. Malaputek
  2497. ZonkySocks
  2498. Little Jay
  2499. Dis - it was a good read!
  2500. Excellenntt~<3
  2501. Ice Dragon
  2502. The Cookie Networker
  2503. MothMask
  2504. Jay Quez
  2505. Souldevourer man
  2506. james
  2507. Cosmo
  2508. Silver
  2509. absol24
  2510. Nexta
  2511. Mari
  2512. enigmalinsanity
  2513. TehProHoboSlurpy
  2514. cel_07
  2515. Raksha the amazing YL :)
  2516. Liggy
  2517. Aura Master Neal
  2518. gigosaurus
  2519. Kurisutiina Icarus
  2520. bioniclego
  2521. Metman
  2522. Meebtamazard
  2523. zaydamad
  2524. Simber
  2525. Starfire_028
  2526. SilverNinetales
  2527. Dream of Nox
  2528. Mgmassie
  2529. Xovvo
  2530. CHR1597
  2531. Dark Spark
  2532. らっちゃ
  2533. Nae Näätendo
  2534. Nae Nintendo
  2535. Andrijor
  2536. Zane
  2537. Myuu
  2538. DG_Yagami
  2539. Draco SL
  2540. {naiYin}
  2541. roxaslord13
  2542. Six
  2543. iiKali
  2544. Rika
  2545. uking94
  2546. Raze
  2547. Nicole {aka Taco}
  2548. Myki
  2549. Cooltrainer Andrew (#706) March 24, 2011
  2550. rocketj
  2551. Seagull
  2552. Liam
  2553. pachipachi6 (2)
  2554. Charmander
  2555. Fracus
  2556. Jake Hood
  2557. Mechagoomba
  2558. Dobbs
  2559. Justin S Kwak
  2560. Justin S Kwak, who is also known as IdiotMan
  2561. Arc
  2562. Joshua Walton
  2563. Firestrip77(2x!)
  2564. Serperior Human
  2565. Kieros
  2566. Vli64li
  2567. ButteredToast12
  2568. Vic
  2569. Vic, who was the original Idiotman
  2570. Vic for the 3rd time
  2571. Mai
  2572. Vari
  2573. Neuro (a bit late)
  2574. Satoshi Tajiri in disguise
  2575. You Suck
  2576. Vic again...
  2577. Irako of the Desert
  2578. Esoteric Shadow
  2579. xion52998
  2580. Shadow Ninjask
  2581. Lianne
  2582. Lianne(again)
  2583. Lianne(once more)
  2584. Aquil
  2585. Digita_Wolff
  2586. Digital_Wolff (Can't believe I typo'd)
  2587. DancinBee the most epic guy is the universe lawl
  2588. Magic Magicarp
  2589. Ryan the Reuniclus Obsesser
  2590. What am I fighting fooooooooor!
  2591. Ke$ha
  2592. ^No seriously
  2593. ^JK
  2594. Jason
  2595. ziberoo
  2596. Etsuko Morumeru (Jhuyu26 on
  2597. Hailz
  2598. Benedict Arnold
  2599. Red Samus
  2600. Cyndaquil
  2601. Lesumai
  2602. RyuuKagi
  2603. Diaglio
  2604. Shravyanga
  2605. kiwi
  2606. Combusken11
  2607. Metagrosslord
  2608. Twister Trickster
  2609. Pikachu - Torchic
  2610. Namimoro
  2611. xxgonggongxx
  2612. Vendidurt
  2613. Josepossum
  2614. NightFlame
  2615. AWESOMENESS!!!
  2616. Dockstar
  2617. TR Delilah
  2618. Ultragamer
  2619. Suck it!!!
  2620. Shit!!!
  2621. NickEzioAuditore
  2622. n
  2623. Dr. Gregory House
  2624. wave14
  2625. Rainbowie
  2626. Kenneth William Broughton
  2627. BlazeGirl
  2628. Mikawa
  2629. Mocking Jay
  2630. Hastymage
  2631. who one day will rule you all
  2632. but you will not realize it
  2633. dree12
  2634. Emeraldspark
  2635. The real Matt
  2636. Spam robot
  2637. Oops I did it again! charmander1241
  2638. Espeonite
  2639. Infinity
  2640. Everglider225
  2641. Ever, because she has no life,
  2642. Kiri Abgiaw
  2643. K. Abgiaw (Ab-gee-awh)
  2644. Everglider, who STILL has no life
  2645. Giratwo
  2646. Jasper&Helena
  2647. Sare
  2648. Takashi2000
  2649. Reshiram
  2650. Feowe
  2651. Tabbii
  2652. Jói
  2653. JoiandAsta
  2654. Eg er lika Islendingur
  2655. Og mer leiddist ekkert
  2656. A medan eg var ad lesa tetta
  2657. Kv Johann Jorgen
  2658. Holly
  2659. Icerobin
  2660. King of Awesomesauce.
  2661. insert your names here
  2662. Mr Amacrobie Fizzwidgit
  2663. DarkAura
  2664. Zam
  2665. Wobbles
  2666. people
  2667. facebook
  2668. Micky mouse
  2669. HaLoFReaK
  2670. James Buster
  2671. sv_01 again
  2672. ikkyblob
  2673. Darkrai's Shadow
  2674. hotanddangerous
  2675. Zubblewu
  2676. Sky moon77
  2677. Cresta
  2678. James
  2679. Bucket
  2680. Legin
  2681. JC, AKA TheBoyWhoCriedWalrus
  2682. grassownsu
  2683. Dylan Ramey
  2684. Flare Fireheart
  2685. LuisKcBoss
  2686. White and Black
  2687. Iceflow
  2688. is an idiot
  2689. Hikaru64
  2690. Lupe
  2691. Melon
  2692. Lionhart
  2693. SavannahC.
  2694. TroubleSquared
  2695. Lolkittenz5
  2696. Ethen/jazz14456
  2697. Sarahg
  2698. Nanashi
  2699. Roak
  2700. LegendCallerL
  2701. siggi
  2702. harelros
  2703. i"m here because i was bored
  2704. Kaltho
  2705. Sapph
  2706. Rose99280
  2707. Plushi
  2708. Kathira Narae
  2709. Tyler Puryear
  2710. Gavin
  2711. Gardevoir AKA Courtney
  2712. J-Ca$h649
  2713. GameMaster
  2714. Fosh
  2715. Mii
  2716. Pikachu, the Steel Lightning Alchemist
  2717. Bubbadoo
  2718. Dalton Burlingame
  2719. Watashi wa sore o yatta
  2720. Shadowlucario64
  2721. LotionFairy
  2722. Darkdialga
  2723. Gabriel Hedgiehog
  2724. AudinoHunter
  2725. Eythan Porter
  2726. Yingyang
  2727. Trunks: The Ultimate Future Warrior
  2728. Kristen: 1/2 Wolf, 1/2 Sayian
  2729. supergotenks667
  2730. Wakako
  2731. Tane
  2732. Paul Frost
  2733. Most Magnificent Mustache
  2734. Oshawott97
  2735. dylan
  2736. Rubitora117
  2737. ARTethia
  2738. Anthony T
  2739. Katarina
  2740. Kenocka
  2741. the guy standing behind you
  2742. TThat marquee was fun :D
  2743. Rinne
  2744. Tara Doyle
  2745. Ariana
  2746. None of Many
  2747. Rainbow Dash
  2748. Rico
  2749. Catzeye
  2750. Professor
  2751. Deoxor
  2752. KakinoVulpix
  2753. Spark Eletran
  2754. Yoshi of Earth
  2755. Runescape: Maturity
  2756. I wonder... (Will give everyone this code)
  2757. 2946 ^, your an ass
  2758. Sikko
  2759. Joonasm
  2760. Cyn
  2761. Zebu051
  2762. serpand3
  2763. ScytherGirl
  2764. Kaaduguy
  2765. Toxic Storm
  2766. A cloud of Drifblim
  2767. The Last of the Time Lords
  2768. H.D. (not a TV)
  2769. Red
  2770. Blue, that one girl
  2771. Did I mention Toxic?
  2772. Runner
  2773. Why does cyndiquil have ice?
  2774. Latsta
  2775. Zalia
  2776. HollowSelf
  2777. Erin H.
  2778. Pink Ferret
  2779. TheTimeofDying
  2780. Jason Lee Blake Belles
  2781. Alces
  2782. Sappire
  2783. Shadow000
  2784. Raintalon
  2785. I LIKE TRAINS. O_O
  2786. CHEESE.
  2787. Sedoriku
  2788. Kit Carruthers
  2789. Eriko
  2790. SeerWalker
  2791. Mayako
  2792. Arekisanda
  2793. Atori
  2794. T.K
  2795. han2
  2796. CharizardHammer
  2797. FyrebugMudkip
  2798. Zach Carlson
  2799. 66mc
  2800. ShadowD
  2801. Woohoo!
  2802. MC RB
  2803. Zaicon
  2804. Motb777
  2805. A Greek Man
  2806. Gamma the Beheeyem
  2807. Care Bear
  2808. Carmen
  2809. MewtwoTheMythbuster
  2810. Ken
  2811. Meowth of Epicness
  2812. Eagadactyl
  2813. Audrey (1502) lured Egadactyl here
  2814. Focus58
  2815. Mor'ranr
  2816. Mikayla
  2817. ArtemisX
  2818. Jackm
  2819. Lady Blackwing
  2820. Zakom
  2821. Zakompool
  2822. Zakomtfpool
  2823. Zakomttfpool
  2824. Zakodmttfpool
  2825. Jessica Zhong
  2826. Nasha
  2827. bbgirl1299
  2828. NightWings
  2829. Evanlyn
  2830. PandoraChaser
  2831. Glidget
  2832. Haruka
  2833. Pikablu
  2834. 3135.
  2835. National Pokédex No. 650
  2836. Lol, I always say that as, like, Poke-a-c-dex
  2837. Nyan Cat
  2838. My Little Pony (Keldeo)
  2839. TheChosenOne
  2840. *facepalm*
  2841. The Highest Order of Ninjas
  2842. Invisible Shiny Bubasaur
  2843. Bulbasaur* :D
  2844. Shiny Gyarados is a gimmick
  2845. I don't like it anymore
  2846. Having one isn't cool
  2847. You know for the longest time...
  2848. I thought Noctowl had red wings
  2849. And a light brown body
  2850. But then I found out, it's all brown
  2851. Now I really want a shiny Noctowl
  2852. Cuz that's the colors I'm used to
  2853. Prinnies and Pookas
  2854. SkyFrog
  2855. i have no life
  2856. MissingNo. That's how it's spelled, dammit.
  2857. Shadow Rush
  2858. fufufufufufu
  2859. 1337% of 3.14 is 42.
  2860. I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!
  2861. These aren't shorts! These are half-pants!
  2862. inseShinyLugia
  2863. Vamp-loid
  2864. Justin Mundall
  2865. Lina
  2866. KawaiiHitode
  2867. BjarneRiis
  2868. Jessica Zhong 2
  2869. Jessica Zhong 3
  2870. NightShade101
  2871. Saffronriolu
  2872. IIIIIz
  2873. Hanna B
  2874. zygs
  2875. HeeCawRoo
  2876. I actually enjoyed reading that
  2877. norblarchoop
  2878. -good health
  2879. I sat through it several times now
  2880. and I am norblarchoop
  2881. DarkFireDX
  2882. Sigma
  2883. Missy Griffith
  2884. hyrulemaru
  2885. Catstorm
  2886. Your Master
  2887. K'yoril
  2888. Daniela
  2889. Jake Todd
  2890. FlameTrainer13
  2891. Slick
  2892. Bulbamew
  2894. clue!
  2895. Vixen the Ninetales
  2896. bioniclescool
  2897. Sepulcher64
  2898. "22pandrew"
  2899. SheepSlayer
  2900. Reshiram Ex.
  2901. Black Kyruem? Nah... White rules!!! XD
  2902. MisterBadguy
  2903. Kyndy
  2904. Sparrowfeather
  2905. Mr.Piccolo-Big Green Uncle
  2906. Emily
  2907. Axolotl
  2908. No One
  2909. rif
  2910. PokeKirbyDeluxe
  2911. Kaibo
  2912. [Name
  2913. Álvaro
  2914. SuperAwesomeTwin
  2915. Nicole
  2916. Akinai
  2917. Dalo2953
  2918. CharizardMaster
  2919. Reina
  2920. Kayla.
  2921. Arianna
  2922. Mewsiica
  2923. "22pandrew" (again!)
  2924. Polaris
  2925. ShadowKaiserin
  2926. Fracus.
  2927. Fracus,
  2928. Fracus!
  2929. Fracus~
  2930. Fracus?
  2931. Fracus-
  2932. Fracus–
  2933. Fracus=
  2934. Fracus+
  2935. Fracus'
  2936. Fracus/
  2937. Fracus the spammer
  2938. 3239
  2939. 3240
  2940. 3241 :D
  2941. (3242 is also Fracus)
  2942. Codex Alera
  2943. Pinkie Pie
  2944. Rarity
  2945. Twilight Sparkle
  2946. Applejack
  2947. Fluttershy
  2948. Discord
  2949. Princess Celestia
  2950. Princess Luna (AKA Nightmare Moon)
  2951. Rainbow Dash
  2952. Vinyl Scratch (AKA DJ-PON3)
  2953. Masahiro Sakurai
  2954. Gyara
  2955. Kiyohime
  2956. Refaey ....Pronounced(REF-A-EE)
  2957. username_not_found
  2958. TheEvilBunneh
  2959. Friendly Friend
  2960. Coroxn
  2961. Nemo Montoya
  2962. Cloudkitty
  2963. Houndoom
  2964. Empoleon
  2965. Meowthgirl
  2966. Limanya
  2967. LuckyLapras
  2968. Yami No Kaabii
  2969. Charles
  2970. JT
  2971. Jackie
  2972. HetalianHeart83
  2973. BirdNerd
  2974. Lolbas
  2975. ElectricTogetic
  2976. Denton
  2978. Firepanda
  2979. Fang~Ardere
  2980. Raivee
  2981. MetaFawful
  2982. Fire-Ice Fighter
  2983. DemonRaikou
  2984. inserAndré
  2985. inserDrifblimy Chandelure
  2986. Drifblimy Chandelure
  2987. Cobalt
  2988. HaPoZa
  2989. starnewshq
  2990. Larryturbo
  2991. Reid
  2992. Wizact
  2993. Amy Havok
  2994. Lily
  2995. StarlightLily
  2996. Noob
  2997. Noob Again
  2998. A
  2999. B
  3000. C
  3001. D
  3002. E
  3003. F
  3004. G
  3005. H
  3006. K
  3007. M
  3008. N
  3009. O
  3010. P
  3011. Q
  3012. R
  3013. S
  3014. T
  3015. U
  3016. V
  3017. W
  3018. X
  3019. Z
  3020. Now i know my ABCs
  3021. Next time wont you sing with me?
  3022. 17/8/2012 =)
  3023. MaudQuickpaw
  3024. Mrdemolisher
  3025. Fierra Star
  3026. Baron Felk
  3027. August
  3028. Bx
  3029. Frost
  3030. Awesome Dialga Master
  3031. XatuRalist
  3032. Elentir
  3033. Chelsea
  3034. lucyfiddle
  3037. Y THERE NO OVER 9000 HERE?
  3039. Kira Narcissism
  3040. Derpy Hooves
  3041. Doctor Whooves
  3042. DarkNova181
  3043. xenon
  3044. MurillionBlue
  3045. Mr.Jolteon
  3046. Kirin
  3047. Kimberly "Lumina Akari" Illumise
  3048. Ethan
  3049. SCH
  3050. Epic Dragonite
  3051. Youtwo
  3052. Dawn
  3053. Phantom
  3054. Totoquil
  3055. M-Pen
  3056. Navy
  3057. James .W.
  3058. Azavier Pitts
  3059. ZoeRhine
  3060. Anna
  3061. Sh4dowShinx (James Redfearn)
  3062. Col
  3063. Zucriy Amsuna, Keeper of Secrets
  3064. Jaffa
  3065. In the Shadow of Zoroark
  3066. Nejaru
  3067. Paige the Blessed
  3068. ReallyGouda
  3069. Shadowblaze
  3070. Cloudcat
  3071. CloudKitten
  3072. Bishard
  3073. Serefin
  3074. Eevix
  3075. Starlake
  3076. Heavenly Super Sonic
  3077. Zoey
  3078. ZoruaNS
  3079. pokegirl302
  3080. "Ryu-Kage" Joey
  3081. Ptroxsora
  3082. Jack The Conquering Gallade
  3083. Tommy "Mizraboy" Vogel
  3084. R3dw1ng
  3085. Morgan Lynn
  3086. turntech
  3087. Ari
  3088. IceyPinkLemons
  3089. ACDragonMaster
  3090. Look, Miles! I'm on the list! :D
  3091. derpieguy
  3092. Michelle ;-;
  3093. Arthur Diep-Nguyen
  3094. We love you, Butterfree! :D
  3095. MysticFlygon
  3096. Jack
  3097. FallenUrsa
  3098. dragonair907
  3099. Joshywooful
  3100. Tutimetzel
  3101. Chickensabi
  3102. I should be working
  3103. Álvaro
  3104. Entei999
  3105. Nepeta Leijon
  3106. TordenOfItami
  3107. Dirk De Jong
  3108. dirkac
  3109. FrostyChinchou
  3110. Rawrkat
  3111. Cycloneblaze
  3112. Kirbymon78
  3113. Sparrow
  3114. wild luxray
  3115. Wigglytuff Rocks
  3116. ChocolateCat
  3117. Deadman White
  3118. kucho29
  3119. Kariachi
  3120. I hope your having a fantastic day
  3121. Wondermndjr
  3122. skissors
  3123. Daniel
  3124. Firepiplup
  3125. BlueShellBeast
  3126. GracefuGardevoir
  3127. BASE_SEVEN
  3128. Animorte
  3129. Nalamall Jarek
  3130. Ninscycadather
  3131. Requiem For A Dream
  3132. Lux Aeterna
  3133. Shucask
  3134. Charikachu
  3135. SPAMBOT-3005
  3136. donotlookatdiagram
  3137. Cookierobber
  3138. Lucas Comoletti
  3139. Katherine the Great
  3140. Matkat
  3141. Condesce
  3142. Majafi
  3143. 3493
  3144. Panda
  3145. Revolver
  3146. zapeleepl
  3147. Waffle
  3148. Zowayix
  3149. Esper13
  3150. AngelKato
  3151. inseDevlan J
  3152. Dillon
  3153. Hacker280
  3154. Merri
  3155. Mercerenies
  3156. Relex
  3157. blackthorn_city
  3158. Mercy's Wrath
  3159. EeveeMaster
  3160. Hisa-Ai
  3161. G-O Dude
  3162. Ankaa
  3163. Linkziken
  3164. Ladala
  3165. KittyEspeon
  3166. PurpleShinx
  3167. Hygbnju
  3168. Max
  3169. MewtwoInfinity, AKA SamurottRazor
  3170. supersmew
  3171. Pika
  3172. Taylor K. Teague
  3173. dewotter
  3174. Kittyliu
  3175. Yoshayzzle
  3176. Soapster
  3177. Lupinequeen13
  3178. Minerva
  3179. Extant
  3180. PiHydreigon
  3181. Similight
  3182. PINGAS
  3183. Rucka Rucka ALI
  3184. inserVeriama
  3185. DaMaster
  3186. BerRGP
  3187. The NinjaTrainer
  3188. Eclipsesilver
  3189. Aes
  3190. Negative Space
  3191. Nicholas1024
  3192. Da Bunny
  3193. Undertaker the Legendary Grim Reaper
  3194. Voldemort
  3195. you know,
  3196. i'm surprised no one
  3197. wrote
  3198. voldemort
  3199. finn
  3200. Majora95
  3201. Gaben the Shroomish
  3202. DetachedOwl
  3203. IntrovertCreeper
  3204. Hobusu
  3205. Mia C
  3206. Dzonewolf
  3207. Ppotdot1
  3208. The Luxray Trainer
  3209. awesomeguy914
  3210. Mirkwood579
  3211. Scraggy
  3212. Clement Bordereau
  3213. steffanie smith
  3214. Andrmedea
  3215. a shiny shinx
  3216. McMarkle
  3217. ICI
  3218. Cappy the Koopa
  3219. God-King Thomas the Venerable
  3220. Kokara
  3221. Aquella
  3222. Kayelii
  3223. Laiani
  3224. Marta
  3225. Nobutsuna
  3226. Sydney The Awesome
  3227. noah3510
  3228. Yoshi Magamoshi Hayaboshi
  3229. Bree213
  3230. Joshua U.
  3231. Nigel Thornberry
  3232. Walt Disney
  3233. Magikarp
  3234. Phantom812
  3235. Shymain
  3236. SketchedPhilo
  3237. Shymain (again)
  3238. Toothy
  3239. Wait... I sat through this before? xD
  3240. INSANITY
  3241. Sara Law
  3242. Ziggmond4
  3243. Kozlov
  3244. Faggins
  3245. liambeeblebrox
  3246. Deiniol
  3247. Billy Quiffin
  3248. A Cow
  3249. Ginger Jam
  3250. A name or nickname
  3251. Another cow
  3252. Xander de Souza
  3253. Peregrine777
  3254. Perk
  3255. Ha
  3256. Cleo the Cat is not amused
  3257. MooMoo
  3258. Gondolus
  3259. PyrotheFlareon
  3260. Bruss
  3261. Red the Mudkip
  3262. Silverheart
  3263. thehoove
  3264. Artemis (Dammit, somebody already used that name)
  3265. I Like Trains
  3266. Inferno Cop
  3267. epicrei
  3268. XS
  3269. J DOG
  3270. DarkMeow
  3271. Hydra
  3272. NatalinoXS
  3273. Alima
  3274. AnnaAdelmeister
  3275. Jaz
  3276. I gave myself a headache watching the marquee
  3277. and now i hate you for it
  3278. the end.
  3279. KaiserLugia
  3280. Willowsong
  3281. Uki Yakan
  3282. Star-chan
  3283. Todris052
  3284. Panfuuf
  3285. i think i forgot to blink
  3286. Easo
  3287. The Dark Lord Stan
  3288. 42aruaour
  3289. Katy
  3290. Josh Power
  3291. K. Liu
  3292. Golden
  3293. I died
  3294. C.J.B
  3295. Arare
  3296. Geoffery
  3297. wondermndjr(again)
  3298. Lairoflight
  3299. LeafAkemi
  3300. MintyPie
  3301. Ty Burns
  3302. n8
  3303. I didn't actually watch the marquee
  3304. floofytail
  3305. Gafigglethorp, hero of lore
  3306. Tsunambat
  3307. Later Before Sooner
  3308. Quincy0807
  3309. Electric Blue
  3310. Sunrise Yellow
  3311. Megan
  3312. BurningKarma
  3313. Did someone delete my last win?
  3314. Tacocat
  3315. Tacocat159
  3316. Tacocat159 Again
  3317. chickenpie
  3318. chickenpie/Tacocat/Tacocat159
  3319. Umbreon
  3320. Marquee Watcher
  3321. The last ten or so entries were mine
  3322. Too many names
  3323. Veronica
  3324. Purpletofucrate
  3325. Dipper Pines
  3326. Robert'); DROP TABLE RulerNames;--
  3327. Leo Lights
  3328. Miguel Á. Guillén H.
  3329. Jough Psmythe
  3330. Odie June 6 2016 again
  3332. Little Nonsense
  3333. ChaseTheProcrastinator
  3334. TabbyCat
  3335. YellowPie84
  3336. SuicuneTheMilotic
  3337. PKEndy
  3338. Yay
  3339. DragonFly
  3340. Boomanizard (Tyler)
  3341. Evan
  3342. Cilantro
  3343. PArkanian
  3344. Syron
  3345. Sohal Sudheer
  3346. Elin the Black Sheep
  3347. Funfun11
  3348. Muhaha
  3349. Tori
  3350. Who the heck cares
  3351. rari-teh
  3352. Auroshen
  3354. Benno
  3355. Megus
  3356. Silverclaw499
  3357. Nishiki - I FOUND CLUE 4
  3358. XaneRoddie
  3359. Vatio
  3360. Amakai
  3361. Emzilla97
  3362. celalec
  3363. Starly Belle
  3364. SuperStarly
  3365. Kisune
  3366. iotadart
  3367. Aurellem
  3368. Dena Nagy
  3369. Fluffy Fox Of Fate
  3370. Benjamin, slayer of carrots,
  3371. Suzie
  3372. JOHN CENA (ba-ba-ba-baaaaan)
  3373. I did it FINALLY yay
  3374. turtlelover98
  3375. RayneV
  3376. God its over with
  3377. some guy named krakcurr
  3378. Veloci
  3379. mercuriies
  3380. Blastermaster
  3381. dorkzilla
  3382. RedneckPhoenix
  3383. Gabe The Dog
  3384. It's easier if you put on a Gabe Remix
  3385. Miau
  3386. Digikitty21
  3387. GuilTheGrey
  3388. Frandapie
  3389. Rekano
  3390. KonKari
  3391. A Shiny Machamp
  3392. Butterfree
  3393. Oddish, formerly windzle
  3394. Zhiaynshyos
  3395. Sethington
  3396. EagleTsubasa
  3397. Atracious]
  3398. owentrousle
  3399. Z.L.
  3400. Standard Panda
  3401. Odie Dog read marquee before so not read this time
  3402. insert your name here]
  3403. Emile
  3404. Aaron Allen Jameson
  3405. DatBoi Brandank
  3406. Hussein]
  3407. DarkDragonfly
  3408. Nitra Ralts
  3409. Awesome Sauce
  3410. Audrey729
  3411. Last but not least, "Yvee" for my Yveltal
  3412. Auri
  3413. Nistoagaitr, the Gengar lover
  3414. TRAPINCH
  3415. Hectictude
  3416. Robwing
  3418. Silverclawzz
  3419. Mr. Labo of Pyroland
  3420. Xanthiosaurus
  3421. Zigs98
  3422. Satoshi Yamamoto
  3423. EpicMew333
  3424. Someone you (hopefully) don't care about
  3425. Gurglesmith
  3426. Gordon
  3427. TheOtherGordon
  3428. Abby
  3429. Ultrby
  3430. Kirby UltraSword
  3431. MisterMystery
  3432. Breloom
  3433. Odie Dog who again didn't read it
  3434. on oct 25, 2016 ruff woof roofus
  3435. RedSabre
  3436. Cyanide Jay
  3437. nice new marquee -Tackka]
  3438. Nashida Kyouko
  3439. Fauxfyre
  3440. Riley_Bittle
  3441. SHSL Fangirl, who actually found it interesting!]
  3442. A Danganronpa fanboy who really enjoyed reading it
  3443. KaiTynack
  3444. shydeer
  3445. Albino Darkrai (More like Marquee of Interest)
  3446. Raiden
  3447. Girly Number
  3448. Firen
  3449. Juniper
  3450. Katamaribob
  3451. DarkMorph
  3452. ganman2010
  3453. Hydragon51
  3454. Mulefa Telluri
  3455. Odie, who didn't read it on Dec 5, 2016
  3456. I read the original traveling pants version
  3457. and this one already, so...
  3458. testing character limit in 3, 2, 1... GO!
  3459. OdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdie
  3460. OdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdie
  3461. OdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOd
  3462. Yay, it's... 50 characters! Nice. :)
  3463. Garfield Monkey
  3464. has proven to be among the most patient of (wo)men
  3465. 3466
  3466. kpwbo
  3467. Disgusted DeDeDe
  3468. Kikoscar
  3469. Mada
  3470. Noto
  3471. Denton
  3472. GestaltMag
  3473. Anklefied
  3474. Daniel
  3475. Lmoamemesxd
  3476. Raven the Absol
  3477. The person right next to you
  3478. Jeffdallama
  3479. Aerogarde, who honestly liked the marquee.
  3480. Jill Jillington
  3481. Lucky
  3482. Clue!
  3483. Smol Nozomi
  3484. TJ "Henry" Yoshi
  3485. Shrek Is Love Shrek is Life
  3486. Griffin S.
  3487. Domy
  3488. Viktor Nikiforov
  3489. Miltom "since2009"
  3490. insert your name here
  3491. Jo
  3492. Azaquaz
  3493. MimiKyushu
  3494. Galazybunny
  3495. Brotherman Bill
  3496. KrazyCreeperKid
  3497. Jordan/JT
  3498. Spirit
  3499. A_H
  3500. Moonlith
  3501. Misa Ai
  3502. Probably nobody important
  3503. ACottontail
  3504. ZackEmerald777
  3505. MeWantCookie
  3506. pikscast
  3507. Chara
  3508. Ari
  3509. i wanted to finish it but i wanted the prize
  3510. Minxrod
  3511. Arcades the Omnipotent
  3512. OliviaBombastic
  3513. Zoruacrossing
  3514. nevasarini
  3515. Devin
  3516. Hawkdraft
  3517. Magicbree
  3518. Venus the Shiny Mawile
  3519. MCLife265
  3520. TheRealMCLife265
  3521. MandJTVPokevids
  3522. TyranitarTube
  3523. Peeko
  3524. Zaire
  3525. ThornWish
  3526. Nuclear Citrus
  3527. jerry519862
  3528. Gliscor885
  3529. Jacob Sujin
  3530. Conmh
  3531. Thrillagervk
  3532. Emily
  3533. LBK
  3534. Voidberry
  3535. Mia
  3536. Arvaid
  3537. Jay
  3538. Ahkrin_Bahyol
  3539. "DarkieBlack The Pokemaniac Otaku"
  3540. Bunnevee
  3541. Athor
  3542. Takumi
  3543. TACOCAT
  3544. TACOCAT 2
  3545. TACOCAT 3
  3546. TACOCAT 4
  3547. TACOCAT 5
  3548. TACOCAT 6
  3549. TACOCAT 7
  3550. TACOCAT 8
  3551. TACOCAT 9
  3552. TACOCAT 10
  3553. TACOCAT has too much time on his hands
  3554. TACOCAT Again
  3555. TACOCAT Again Again
  3556. TACOCAT Again Again Again
  3557. TACOCAT, Again Seriously?
  3558. TACOCAT, Why?
  3559. 3544 to now is all TACOCAT
  3560. TACOCAT is doing it again
  3561. TACOCAT!
  3562. TACOCAT!!
  3563. TACOCAT!!!
  3564. TACOCAT!!!!
  3565. TACOCAT!!!!!
  3566. TACOCAT!!!!!!
  3567. TACOCAT!!!!!!!
  3568. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!
  3569. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!
  3570. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!
  3571. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!
  3572. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3573. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3574. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3575. TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3576. TACOCAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3577. TACOCAT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3578. TACOCAT???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3579. TACOCAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3580. TACOCAT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3581. TACOCAT??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3582. TACOCAT???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3583. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3584. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3585. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3586. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3587. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!
  3588. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!
  3589. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!
  3590. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!
  3591. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!
  3592. TACOCAT????????!!!!!!
  3593. TACOCAT????????!!!!!
  3594. TACOCAT????????!!!!
  3595. TACOCAT????????!!!
  3596. TACOCAT????????!!
  3597. TACOCAT????????!
  3598. TACOCAT????????
  3599. TACOCAT???????
  3600. Elena
  3601. Tuzieuivei36
  3602. foreveralice97
  3603. David
  3604. yoshi
  3605. shaymin
  3606. SharkinaTank
  3607. Die
  3608. This site sucks
  3610. Bulbasaur the Derp
  3611. Charmander Sucks
  3612. Staropikmin
  3613. Dr. Fré
  3614. Lux
  3615. Vicky
  3616. UncleFlacco
  3617. PyroWyvern
  3618. Ilanomous
  3619. Neo
  3620. PieGuy73
  3621. The Juggler
  3622. ThunderboltNonsense
  3623. Moonstorm
  3624. Sentarou
  3625. $eraphim
  3626. Quinn
  3627. The MagnificentSans
  3628. shinymegaaltaria
  3629. (X_X)
  3630. payton
  3631. elly
  3632. Rooster
  3633. lynn☆
  3634. Jesus-Man
  3635. MWPuppire
  3636. Rho
  3637. Does this still work
  3638. Bowenamc (aka Slythe)
  3639. StrangeJellybeans
  3640. musicsinger
  3641. Chiknluvr
  3642. Bill Nye
  3643. Sol
  3644. solunareclipse1
  3645. Juan Benjamin
  3646. DJ Khari
  3647. Seal
  3648. Shadowed_Dreams
  3649. LazrElectric
  3650. InterstellarAzurite
  3651. Goomba
  3652. Swifteye
  3653. Mini Bill Cipher
  3654. Is Really Impressed
  3655. That You Managed To Beat
  3656. This Challenging Test
  3657. Screenshot This Page
  3658. And This Clever Rhyme
  3659. Hurry Up Now
  3660. It's Almost Time
  3661. SoggyWaffle97
  3662. SrKomodo
  3663. Spartango
  3664. MiraSofiaK
  3665. MiraSofiaK imitates TACOCAT
  3666. Arceus
  3667. CAPS LOCK ON
  3668. sesquatch
  3669. lilacponylover125
  3670. Pyukumuku
  3671. Kameron
  3672. Fudgiiibarred
  3673. BlazinDelphox
  3674. Matthew
  3675. sp@ce
  3676. Alex Faewave
  3677. Robin Clearwater
  3678. Thanas
  3679. BrofistKittycat
  3680. LuckyKitsune
  3681. Mr.Pkmn
  3682. Shisei
  3683. Craig
  3684. courtex
  3685. Liana Camille
  3686. Lonely Dog Song
  3687. kegnor the grand
  3688. Ryan McGlothlen
  3689. Darksselia
  3690. SammyTheBullH
  3691. Kete Husky
  3692. CupcakKe is my President
  3693. SavagePansage
  3694. Donsian
  3695. *+. Kyrin .+*
  3696. HeroponTotoro
  3697. Tyren
  3698. StormyTheEpic
  3699. Dat1Porkchop
  3701. Ryan
  3702. Snarguffle
  3703. Rossy2004
  3704. Eevee Trickster
  3705. QuakeOoze
  3706. ZackSapphire
  3707. Punkslime
  3708. Pokenom08
  3709. Cloudpie
  3710. Jesús
  3711. Nmaster1345
  3712. Fearancesca
  3713. JazzaDawg
  3714. GoldFish
  3715. Wooftydog
  3716. OMG!!!!!!! I DID IT! YEAH!
  3717. EthanCilfreu
  3718. Fight
  3719. The Fun Police
  3720. NetImmerse
  3721. Pufferfish Gaming
  3722. Super cool guy 2
  3723. An uncreative individual
  3724. KB
  3725. Ravenwing109
  3726. Franziska von Karma
  3727. Bela Rae
  3728. Fang
  3729. FangTheWolf
  3730. SkySwirlCake
  3731. Sebasti
  3732. Zorua Luhansk
  3733. dputz99
  3734. Rannoch
  3735. Julia
  3736. Jabob
  3737. Homo Homo Desu
  3738. Jessi
  3739. Jessi Stegall
  3740. PokeJoey
  3741. Vania
  3742. LucarioRockz
  3743. Macblur
  3744. No Windows
  3745. Crocophant
  3746. IRLPinkiePie
  3747. Wes13
  3748. Hooman2004
  3749. Kyosim
  3750. PixelGlitch
  3751. LordBumbo
  3752. 27Volts
  3753. UltraGamerYT
  3754. Brian D.C.
  3755. Devon Rex
  3756. The World
  3757. Lonely Bird
  3758. Rockruff
  3759. Galaxsci
  3760. Joseph
  3761. Pensi
  3762. Odie again 2018
  3763. Jan 18, 2018
  3764. Pinkie Pie is best pony
  3765. The marquee is pretty cool
  3766. Pinkie Pie
  3767. Pinkie Pie 2
  3768. Spike
  3769. 2944 & 3767, two Pinkies
  3770. Pinkie Pie 3
  3771. Pinkie Pie 4
  3772. Pinkie Pie 5
  3773. Pinkie Pie 6
  3774. Pinkamena
  3775. Pinkie Pie 7
  3776. Pinkie Pie 8
  3777. Pinkie Pie 9
  3778. Pinkie Pie 10
  3779. Q
  3780. Luz
  3781. Alex J.
  3782. ChrisFroakie
  3783. HeptapodOne
  3784. TogepiMax
  3785. Big Boy
  3786. Toraion
  3787. Far to Obsessed with Pokemon
  3788. Princess Togezo
  3789. Aaronthesplegger
  3790. MegaNoob123
  3791. DragonMan101
  3792. HTM
  3793. Luna
  3794. Morticia
  3795. Oddstevie
  3796. JonicHedgepig
  3797. nyaanyaaowo
  3798. LordCuskus
  3799. Cruxin
  3800. nooblyaf
  3801. Filipe Costa
  3802. Lincoln
  3803. andrew a.d
  3804. Huskies
  3805. reg
  3806. Gamer 757
  3807. Zane
  3808. Jeffrey
  3809. Mez
  3810. ViewedSourceUsedJavascriptConsoleFunChallenge:)
  3811. Brady
  3812. Great_Boricua_Sage
  3813. skatecar
  3814. Elsen Crowe
  3815. Reddit
  3816. April 1 2018
  3817. Emar
  3818. BanMonster
  3819. G
  3820. Shpleebz
  3821. Frubble_Froakie
  3822. JackalopeJack
  3823. Joshua Law
  3824. TheQuakifier
  3825. A. Person
  3826. David Dudovitz (Divodd)
  3827. Conman861
  3828. Ephoxian Blader
  3829. SunSquash
  3830. Ponyshment
  3831. Jack
  3832. Esper
  3833. anotherbeaver
  3834. WitheredPhoenix
  3835. DoW
  3836. Trazel Apeally
  3837. Leopold
  3838. Propane Nightmare
  3839. Mirari
  3840. name
  3841. sazandora
  3842. Star
  3843. Ashe
  3844. Michaela Melody
  3845. Latris
  3846. ThatOneEnder
  3847. Avi
  3848. CosmicGhostZ
  3849. Amber
  3850. theKINGdra01
  3851. Forty-two hippos in America
  3852. Selki
  3853. Elliot
  3854. floof
  3855. wreien
  3856. randomforever
  3857. Orange
  3858. DevilBal
  3859. Conner Rice
  3860. Rebel
  3861. KainWill
  3862. Gamptrak
  3863. Zig
  3864. João Morais
  3865. Mitsuhide
  3866. Mr Blob (second time doing this)
  3867. DJtrainer
  3868. Skye was bored and is still bored
  3869. Volca
  3870. Leviathan
  3871. Wow
  3872. KrazyK
  3873. misc20
  3874. Robert "Mr. Sux" Valdez
  3875. Jessie H
  3876. vgpharaoh
  3877. Timataio
  3878. awesomecat42
  3879. Blue Christmas
  3880. bruh I literally just looked at the javascript
  3881. Batagini
  3882. Miaaka
  3883. Boris
  3884. the0fromtheflag
  3885. krek
  3886. artichokecat
  3887. Grizou88
  3888. Wazz
  3889. ArceusMaster106
  3890. Master Hydra
  3891. Princess Starburst
  3892. Silverloft
  3893. Hunt Down the Fundie
  3894. ro_blaze
  3895. EduX007
  3896. Kerosene
  3897. Maple
  3898. Termigator69
  3899. RyuKageChroma
  3900. Rånare
  3901. luccasluba
  3902. Azim
  3903. is
  3904. the
  3905. greatest
  3906. like
  3907. no-one
  3908. ever
  3909. was.
  3910. Hero
  3911. PrimaAria
  3912. Bionic
  3913. Disco
  3914. Dragonmastergod
  3915. send help
  3916. Nibba
  3917. Renmei
  3918. ShadySpiritomb
  3919. SgvSth
  3920. Sam
  3921. Abananapie
  3922. Jolt
  3923. Leader Arceus
  3924. Cattafang Hydroxi
  3925. Fyren
  3926. Storm
  3927. Firey
  3928. Brightclaw
  3929. Sean
  3930. Slowking
  3931. Dragoncake
  3932. Spoons
  3933. Cosmo
  3934. Ceonn
  3935. Sebastian
  3936. Verydarklord09
  3937. Jeff Goldblume
  3938. Cobaltic
  3939. Language fan, really enjoyed this :)
  3941. Rivenix
  3942. Bret Ladrie
  3943. wjwjia
  3944. Humble_Dragon
  3945. Ewen
  3946. Haefy
  3947. BatterymanAAA
  3948. The Exuberant Eevee
  3949. Saergi Alachon
  3950. Krentle
  3951. Lord_Scroob
  3952. Koyei
  3953. LimeSlime
  3954. We were expecting you
  3955. Feel free to enter your name again below:
  3956. CarlTheLime
  3957. Shane Templemann
  3958. Meepity Meep
  3959. clue!
  3960. Kila The Kitty
  3961. Wiimonkey2
  3962. Microte
  3963. lmaothisisgood
  3964. Diamond
  3965. Ravenwing
  3966. MarioFan64
  3967. ushacorn
  3968. Izzyaac
  3969. Jucatorul
  3970. Logan
  3971. CrazyGuy108
  3972. nooblyaf_again
  3973. frostg170
  3974. Ashwing-O-SC/StormLight2861
  3975. The_Jango
  3976. Kai
  3977. jodevan
  3978. King Boo
  3979. I really enjoyed the Icelandic stuff!
  3980. shiningRay123
  3981. Cody SB
  3982. Pink Vaporeon
  3983. MarbleSwan666
  3984. Agent
  3985. Crow
  3986. GuardianAngelfish
  3987. IsHere Pho
  3988. NDR
  3989. Reshiram5875
  3990. Halois Iris
  3991. FangtheXth
  3992. TheTakenBacon
  3993. Minisora
  3994. Layleh
  3995. No one
  3996. Steve P
  3997. Parker Morgan
  3998. BlueNinty
  3999. Parker Morgan (again)
  4000. Michen
  4001. Some weirdo who has way too much spare time
  4002. Eeve3
  4003. Y
  4004. Previous entry belongs to Odie
  4005. March 25, 2019 has proven to be
  4006. among the most patient of women
  4007. 1
  4008. 2
  4009. 3
  4010. 4
  4011. 5
  4012. 6
  4013. 7
  4014. 8
  4015. 9
  4016. 0
  4017. 10
  4018. oops
  4019. I am a
  4020. Paul Stephens
  4021. Xrosfyre
  4022. nova25
  4023. Odie actually did it again :P
  4024. Blomma
  4025. MaxSchnell42
  4026. Acinaces
  4027. Subscribe to PewDiePie
  4028. MicahMew
  4029. The Great Pukalonius
  4030. pikip726
  4031. mincerafter42
  4032. TilaniTaliarin
  4033. Siragon
  4034. sky puddle
  4035. SunstonePhoenix
  4036. Ipfil
  4037. (See what I did there?)
  4038. EternityAether
  4039. I am a PikaGirl, Pikagirl
  4040. NoirB
  4041. The slow but inevitable decline of privacy
  4042. wjwjwj
  4043. SweetWindMusic
  4044. PixelNecrozma
  4045. Sneaker
  4046. Jess
  4047. WhimsicalWanderer
  4048. LittleUmbreon01
  4049. Samantha C
  4050. Bel
  4051. Elias Rondou
  4052. Beau
  4053. Nintendom
  4054. Charbomber
  4055. Dave Strider
  4056. Omkey
  4057. zizzfizz
  4058. Nedge
  4059. Rainman
  4060. FuzzyFoe
  4061. Marowakfu
  4062. Nixtarma
  4063. ryin
  4064. Subglacious
  4065. ScurviedPirate
  4066. Chevy
  4067. Galeem (Aka lovedragons888)
  4068. Indecisive_Mocha_Floofer
  4069. Awa356
  4070. Leo James W
  4071. Runegentleman
  4072. Mystery Joe
  4073. Luke Foreman
  4074. Ocaji
  4075. LunaKara
  4076. Germs
  4077. Poke
  4078. yado47
  4079. Ghostlypups
  4080. Superfan2018
  4081. you owe me $20
  4082. no, you owe me $20
  4083. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4084. AstroSnail
  4085. Raptor
  4086. Lukina
  4087. ArcaneArgonian
  4088. papiliodemoleus
  4089. Astico
  4090. Venison
  4091. Milo
  4092. Rachel_RSEN
  4093. A Paranoid Insomniac
  4094. Sushichu
  4095. Kembo
  4096. Joshua G.
  4097. Monkeydsukandaru
  4098. Someone
  4099. Toni Kensa
  4100. Cosmic Deoxys
  4101. JPT79
  4102. Whitefeather
  4103. MathTurtle
  4104. PunMistress
  4105. formuoli
  4106. A wild YouTuber MrMeowTV
  4107. HydreigonOxide
  4108. Darsh
  4109. dint
  4110. MaxAR
  4111. FreshCrispyLettuce
  4112. SixteenYellowFurredMonkeys
  4113. QuiesQwerty
  4114. ILoveCalamari
  4115. ShellyTheSheep
  4116. ThisHasBeenTheSamePersonSince#4111
  4117. DawnStarSunlight
  4118. Soon-to-be (spoiler) Queen Splendiferous
  4119. Hadordo
  4120. TheOneWho'sEmbarkedOnAGloriousQuest
  4121. And no one is Elsa
  4122. AndNoOneElse
  4123. Hello!
  4124. I am going to tell you something
  4125. This is a very ineffective method
  4126. of telling a narrative.
  4127. I'll just stop now.
  4128. OhBtwIt'sStillBeen(Mostly)
  4129. TheSamePersonSince#4111
  4130. WillAnyoneEvenReadThis?
  4131. IfSo,RespondStatingANameFrom4111
  4132. Mr.Flame
  4133. Eknar
  4134. Thedeciduguy
  4135. Absolute Z0
  4136. FireWraith
  4137. Loggins
  4138. King of the Sun
  4139. Bilderbeed
  4140. WellDonion
  4141. Starving
  4142. Fletcher
  4143. cutecr33per
  4144. Malloy
  4145. peppey_pep
  4146. Reetta
  4147. TheFunnySundae
  4148. My dude
  4149. Neoncloud
  4150. HiIt'sThatPersonFrom#4111(still)
  4151. ALongTimeLater,MightIAdd...
  4152. motorgeist
  4153. sophie who is now dead inside
  4154. Ashtree
  4155. oxcat
  4156. noob2star
  4157. ElvisPresgoat
  4158. Cleobel
  4159. Bulbasaur1
  4160. Cosmixx
  4161. berrypass
  4162. Aphy
  4163. DrFalchion
  4164. CheerleaderSquid
  4165. Koopa472
  4166. Hello4111!
  4167. </main>js-editing_is_fun!
  4168. Lizzie
  4169. You underestimated my boredom
  4170. Thanks for entertaining me for a while!
  4171. bee
  4172. i just did the marquee of doom twice
  4173. sorry, i meant i did it a second time
  4174. seagrot
  4175. Comrade TruthTeller
  4176. KernalSanders
  4177. Olivia!
  4178. Dallas Dastardly
  4179. Boosco
  4180. SunsetGuardian
  4181. dequbed
  4182. Bowgartsrule
  4183. Mistwing
  4184. cityscapes
  4185. Cheeto puff jr.
  4186. Carli
  4187. Arekkusu, The dino dating the villain
  4188. Starry
  4189. CC (aka Accidias)
  4190. Ephemera
  4191. ATMJAM
  4192. samanthot
  4193. CEJE
  4194. AShinyTogepi
  4195. Togepi
  4196. Blue Reef
  4197. LuckyOshawott
  4198. Sarangsi
  4199. SparkyEel944
  4200. あおい
  4201. orangepiggy
  4202. Spriter Zoroark
  4203. Mysteria
  4204. KamTros47
  4205. YT_EpicGamingGod
  4206. frxart
  4207. 4111 lmaooo i like u
  4208. Jake Belske
  4209. Emily P.
  4210. Jelly the Awesomest
  4211. Anhaelis the owl
  4212. Ribbons
  4213. Finn
  4214. Mabel Pines
  4215. Previous two entries are Odie's
  4216. 4111 Cool!
  4217. Odie entries start from 4214
  4218. Soos
  4219. Wendy
  4220. Piglet
  4221. I found Clue 4 last year =D
  4222. Winnie-the-Pooh
  4223. Stitches
  4224. Apollo
  4225. Woody
  4226. Barbie
  4227. 14 Pinkie Pies are Rulers of the Universe
  4228. Actually 15 counting the previous one
  4229. And that's a rock fact!
  4230. Odie Dog's entries end here... for now ;)
  4231. Odie's entries end at 4235 actually ;)
  4232. March 14 2020 (Pi Day)
  4233. Will actually read marquee tommorow :P
  4234. Odie says Bye now! :)
  4235. Laxus Dreyar
  4236. Skyla
  4237. >he wasted 30 min of his life not hacking the js
  4238. Roro109
  4239. The Toaster
  4240. Jackie (Rubyblaze)
  4241. Nicolas
  4242. Anhaelis the fallen
  4243. Splash
  4244. SpiffyGamer43
  4245. IndigoEmmy
  4246. Absbor
  4247. Camwoodstock
  4248. StarSash
  4249. Lost Golem
  4250. SpinyShell
  4251. Sydney
  4252. NineJirachi's
  4253. StarBorgPlays
  4254. Ysabel
  4255. Truck
  4256. AbsoluteUnit
  4257. Viiperfang
  4258. that wasn't remotely fun
  4259. JH
  4260. echxveria
  4261. coufle
  4262. ZGenius
  4263. Royal
  4264. TheLostPrisoner1
  4265. MLGBudderCD
  4266. Shayma98
  4267. Svalin
  4268. Mr.Fluffers
  4269. Xan-Teth
  4270. A copy of a previous entry
  4271. A copy of a copy of a previous entry
  4272. A copy of a copy of a copy of a previous entry
  4273. Devilrage
  4274. Pollen Puff
  4275. Graham
  4276. Greninlucarizardlup
  4277. Masochistic Wobbuffet
  4278. Isaac Peterson
  4279. KaijuCakes
  4280. JonnyTNT7
  4281. Soup
  4282. jam
  4283. Gauss
  4284. AnonJ (Formerly Rose the Magicat)
  4285. It'sMeThatPersonFrom4111
  4286. WowItsBeenAWhile
  4287. Pierre Remy a.k.a Blue Alphaville
  4288. Safireix
  4289. JSEditorBree
  4290. Glop
  4291. Sklee
  4292. Pepper Koi
  4293. Willow
  4294. Jacksonc0525
  4295. send_sleep
  4296. Kronosmos
  4299. Toguan
  4300. Izzy
  4301. Thaddeus Claggit
  4302. Squish
  4303. Brandon K.
  4304. Note
  4305. HiItsThatPersonFrom4111
  4306. Tyler Moon
  4307. Bunny
  4308. Aver
  4309. Marquis
  4310. Lord Omkey
  4311. Omkey, who should be asleep...
  4312. ...but is instead opening random bookmarks.
  4313. So many bookmarks...
  4314. Mr. Sandman
  4315. PiGi
  4316. Rebel_O
  4317. Nasko
  4318. Rurine
  4319. Typh
  4320. hmu @ Typh#5729
  4321. Rurihime
  4322. cobblestone646
  4323. LucarioRox
  4324. Cinimodder
  4325. Lenny
  4326. Kho/Dialga
  4327. TheMudkipKeeper
  4328. Pierko
  4329. AnAverageArceus
  4330. ToolboxToast
  4331. DarkLux
  4332. Mute
  4333. Kazablanc
  4334. Echo0408
  4335. Xenor
  4336. Jeremyah
  4337. Gale
  4338. Spencer Kim
  4339. Nicholas, who really just did that
  4340. 15
  4341. Micky
  4342. BigJuicy who really enjoyed the marquee actually
  4343. antialias
  4344. antialiasis
  4345. Ruby Senpai
  4346. AquaDarkness
  4347. [insert yourSuperMatt369
  4348. SuperMatt369
  4349. I720Rebel
  4350. Kyogre71
  4351. Budewfan2001
  4352. RiftSilver
  4353. WynterBlackburn
  4354. StormSurge
  4355. Andykulo
  4356. Tyler R.
  4357. I cheated
  4358. I did it
  4359. 172
  4360. Nolf
  4361. Amroth103
  4362. MythicalTiger
  4363. Khat
  4365. Discord Sparkle
  4366. Darwinist42
  4367. Crisptian
  4368. Hi4217
  4369. Glacial11
  4370. Oofington
  4371. Rigin
  4372. Shirou78
  4373. Nero
  4374. When the imposter is sus
  4375. cipher
  4376. Greninjoid 378
  4377. Solomon
  4378. Paleon
  4379. WolfCrafter55555
  4380. WolfCrafter5555
  4381. WolfCrafter555
  4382. WolfCrafter55
  4383. WolfCrafter5
  4384. Jirachi
  4385. BazyBoy100
  4386. Nedra
  4387. Moo_Maximus
  4388. LegionRaptor021
  4389. Quackers
  4390. PotatoBoi
  4391. Glorgamitch
  4392. Aiyeina
  4393. Renee Park
  4394. Metal
  4395. 4298 is a rickroll
  4396. ThatOneDolphin
  4397. zombie-powder
  4398. ElecStorm
  4399. Aether Somerset
  4400. Not Jane
  4401. gold not cool
  4402. Glace
  4403. OffKea
  4404. Not Jane Again
  4405. I Cheated On This One
  4406. Chikinugit
  4407. zerses
  4408. ShadowedEevee
  4409. KingPyre
  4410. StarlightSpectr
  4411. Pulsar
  4412. y/n
  4413. Siris Hunter
  4414. Dhairya (a.k.a. Blazing)
  4415. Take that you idiot
  4416. Dragonite Knight
  4417. Aegis :)
  4418. TimBobBill
  4419. Rowan
  4420. Mel
  4421. Private Iron
  4422. Pokemon its you and me
  4423. Delfi
  4424. Schmurr Productions
  4425. DawningWinds
  4426. DeathAidKit
  4427. ♡ Cupcake Princess ♡
  4428. RoachLizzy
  4429. jellomochas
  4430. WillowTehKitsune
  4431. Indigold06
  4432. The Holy Lord Of Bacon
  4433. I_Too_Know_Some_JS_Jokes_On_You_Marquee_Of_Doom
  4434. Moldy
  4435. Boot
  4436. Maktackle
  4437. JoeSco
  4438. Salem the Lockpicker
  4439. Kaborry SH
  4440. 2ninjasko/Cloaked_Raven
  4441. ColdPhoenix
  4442. Hatyy
  4443. dQw4w9WgXcQ
  4444. Swiftsand
  4445. BananaGengar
  4447. TunaKitty63
  4448. Mr.Sandman
  4449. ^that's ig and discord #6064
  4450. Joss
  4451. RisingEmpoleon
  4452. Techno_Dreams
  4453. SketchTarts
  4454. Caelum
  4455. OmegaDapling
  4456. Gogoat No. 495
  4457. KQ
  4458. Corsola Simp
  4459. Wolfyre_Wolfswift
  4460. Attocia
  4461. MandJTV
  4462. Imaginary
  4463. Expohko
  4464. Bishop Chaleeb
  4465. AIFreak
  4466. ThatGuyAllen
  4467. Akula
  4468. Kyran, Marquee-Slayer
  4469. Croz
  4470. wooshe
  4471. Squishington
  4472. ItsAmeYushi
  4473. InvaderMAK2016
  4474. Miss Vanilly
  4475. Lucian
  4476. vegag
  4477. The_E364
  4478. Luna470
  4479. K.R.H
  4480. プクリン
  4481. Chaery
  4482. poiltpl
  4483. Walrus Person
  4484. Froglad76
  4485. Platymundane
  4486. Birbings
  4487. Lord Azrael
  4488. Queen Vivian the Absolute Goddess
  4489. HeroDrakeor
  4490. Warphoenix1
  4491. Amarizine
  4492. Prime
  4493. Hyphen
  4494. swivel!
  4495. swivel?
  4496. Sharpnote
  4497. Cotton
  4498. GummyWizard
  4499. Tesla
  4500. I didn't pay much attention
  4501. I just left it running and went on discord
  4502. - Tesla (Formerly Not Jane)
  4503. TL The Legend
  4504. coleslaw2005
  4505. Zammers
  4506. AC
  4507. Very Tired Person No. 273648
  4508. glikcat!
  4509. TheLegendofStella
  4510. pokeluigi
  4511. Alsae
  4512. Pickle Emperor
  4513. DoctorNivag
  4514. Qwerty
  4515. LilyOrSomething
  4516. Runoisch
  4517. SAStar777
  4518. ShadowFlames
  4519. Well this was something
  4520. Skyla's Haxorus 23
  4521. you reading this
  4522. Pinballed
  4523. The Man
  4524. Neomega
  4525. Sophia Luna
  4526. ashh3b0oke
  4527. Stormie
  4528. Joey Martin
  4529. Miles
  4530. Nobleline
  4531. Elijah Lewis
  4532. King of Shedinjas
  4533. Naruto Uzumaki
  4534. |~Kaylyn/Ouniqe~|
  4535. Maya
  4536. BrickWildcat
  4537. GoronGrowlithe
  4538. Supreme Leader Zhong Xina (Croz)
  4539. fifi
  4540. Fictitious Mud
  4541. Lei
  4542. goosekite dated 22 Jan 2022 GMT+8
  4544. Bug
  4545. LuckyLemon
  4546. Samplasion
  4547. If you thought that was long,
  4548. If you thought that was annoying,
  4549. Check twitter in 2022
  4550. And then proceed to hate humanity
  4551. bob :)
  4552. Valerie
  4553. Cyrgia
  4554. desn121
  4555. RencatuiveW
  4556. Zeroroses
  4557. Cassandra Rose
  4558. RightyD
  4559. JF
  4560. Ligma
  4561. joe
  4562. whos joe?
  4563. Joe MAMA
  4564. Male_Gardevoir
  4565. Legoboy3497
  4566. Fco
  4567. Sans Undertale
  4568. Reminder - 8th of February, 2022, 1AM CLST
  4569. Stripey
  4570. G8nzal8
  4571. farfetch'd
  4572. Alcremie Man
  4574. waspear
  4575. Gage
  4576. Funtime Freddy
  4577. redrobo8
  4578. Kristannial
  4579. Fairy_Eevee
  4580. Jedward
  4581. Saffron
  4582. mimo, following the path of thousands of others
  4583. Bitchko
  4584. moonrat!!
  4585. when the when the
  4586. Thomas Rox
  4587. nessie :)!
  4588. Radiant Ike
  4589. Amber B
  4590. Eton
  4591. JaWadles
  4592. test
  4593. your anti cheat was too weak
  4594. MacNWeeb
  4595. Eleiy
  4596. Bram the Oddish
  4597. Ars Argentum
  4598. Aequinoctus
  4599. JmaesB the Porygon2 fan
  4600. multitasking (:
  4601. SoundWave58
  4602. Shaptarshi
  4603. Aryav
  4604. Mehul
  4605. Saarth
  4606. Aradhya
  4607. Archit
  4608. Ritvik
  4609. cringeguy
  4610. MithrylG
  4611. ArcticDrugDealer
  4612. dei
  4613. Liquid
  4614. Al11
  4615. Me, 11 years later
  4616. Kuroshiya
  4617. DumShroom
  4618. twix
  4619. Doduodrio
  4620. SouthAttorney26
  4621. Cassandra
  4622. Sushi
  4623. The Lord of Weirdness
  4624. Allu
  4625. marstini
  4626. [inserSalem
  4627. The weasel that you kind of know
  4628. PowderbonesAmy
  4629. Xandoofi
  4630. jjbluejays
  4631. koumarinn
  4632. Death Axe
  4633. Of Joltiks and Tyranitars
  4634. Brian Jiang
  4635. Dishonor to you, dishonor to your cow
  4636. TheOnionMan42
  4637. Classywall
  4638. Guesswho27
  4639. Virt!
  4640. Samurott is Sleeping
  4641. Btw, I got in here with JavaScript (SiS, #4641)
  4642. Curse this 50-character limit, now I can't type lo
  4643. Date is 7/3/2022 (MM/DD/YYYY), just for the record
  4644. Wolfblaze9
  4645. ras132
  4646. Calypso
  4647. Gregory Sus
  4648. Rubennoid
  4649. Bananabelle
  4650. mrswordling
  4651. Atar Lafay
  4652. [inserFlame67
  4653. [Flame67
  4654. Aspiri
  4655. Alex L.
  4656. Joaschway
  4657. texty
  4658. Moth (Rubombee)
  4659. also, trans rights
  4660. SceptIan
  4661. MADB0SS
  4662. Clarkmeister
  4663. ReaperofGender
  4664. Edie - rarimena
  4665. HizuiSneazel
  4666. GuilhemFrafrga47
  4667. A_Play
  4668. Frozen Giratina
  4669. Dracomew
  4670. >Juette
  4671. Fraser A
  4672. Logun Smith
  4673. JaydenSpellmaster
  4674. Bloxxel
  4675. CataclysmG
  4676. 1papaya2papaya
  4677. Kristy
  4678. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
  4679. Bechno Kid
  4680. Goodra the Great
  4681. ShadowWolf
  4682. Lynne
  4683. Penic
  4684. Can't Quite Think
  4685. Ash
  4686. Anya the Tired
  4687. Valor
  4688. ScriptlessFoe
  4689. Oct 13 2022 Odie again
  4690. Odie Dog
  4691. I highly recommend reading through this list
  4692. It has funny stuff in it
  4693. The End, for now ;)
  4694. Euclase
  4695. Sofia
  4696. ShadowScolipede
  4697. Crow Strider
  4698. Aura
  4699. Aura again
  4700. Aurae
  4701. AJ
  4702. tabris
  4703. Sad Scientist
  4704. MimikQueue
  4705. Hannahhasregrets
  4706. Charmanderman42069
  4707. Your mom in Soviet Russia
  4708. Girarceus
  4709. Quillax
  4710. robin
  4711. Ootdega
  4712. JerTheShip
  4713. Q1wsa
  4714. Enjoy the remaining 28 days of 2022 :)
  4715. PANDA!
  4716. GameTheoryFan42
  4717. Falinks
  4718. CitrusCustard
  4719. OnlyIvy
  4720. Casual Koopa
  4721. Flake
  4722. Please Play Live A Live
  4723. chaosnightmare
  4724. Carricx
  4725. High-Quality Moron
  4726. Crabulon
  4727. Snapdragon
  4728. 2007 Pre-Ban Four Loko
  4729. Nolanio
  4730. Nolanio again (dun dun duuuuuun(sparce))
  4731. And no one else. Seriously though,
  4732. Jacob Judt
  4733. Blackbird
  4734. LuBiStar20
  4735. Purries
  4736. Sena
  4737. Nina & Katsumi
  4738. Muse
  4739. Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus
  4740. D_DRAGON566
  4741. Eriks
  4742. Harry
  4743. Tohka
  4744. iris and bri <3
  4745. FerriteMage
  4746. Lost Silas
  4747. cooloak
  4748. Darktime_Snibu
  4749. Joe B.
  4750. Rey Silvan
  4751. eggtophat
  4752. [insert Flame
  4753. Flame
  4754. Kath
  4755. Gaius and Aulus
  4756. Alice Purin
  4757. Xiao 者學考助功學朋橋刺刺才子子田pe cho wang
  4758. Mila
  4759. ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ ﷽
  4760. Psych
  4761. MKrez1999
  4762. UnknownAssist
  4763. Fhdvhfb
  4764. Dhdvhy
  4765. Glacy
  4766. Test
  4767. Odie Dog once more
  4768. May 13, 2023
  4769. Weird dude
  4770. Kosmic
  4771. Riley!
  4772. Struggle Kitty
  4773. pissyerpants
  4774. Cylant
  4775. Astro
  4776. J0w03L
  4777. LinkingArms
  4778. Littlestarm - 6/10/2023
  4779. dante
  4780. Pachoo
  4781. slever_the_fox
  4782. potetopancakes
  4783. JoulsTube
  4784. BandannaDoo
  4785. Tide
  4786. CarMedicine
  4787. Dragomir
  4788. propa
  4789. Parker L. Shaw
  4790. KiooZaax
  4791. Hatwere(Benji)(please someone see this)
  4792. David(friend above)
  4793. Hedydd
  4794. JordanL
  4795. Rivers the Flareon
  4796. hi im elizabeth
  4797. awawa
  4798. lensdeer (found tcod in 07; just got here in 2023)
  4799. Lilith
  4800. \
  4801. Sweet Dreams the Golden Dragon
  4802. Oro
  4803. LuxrayKing
  4804. Darkrai17 (#1 Hatsune Miku Fan)
  4805. Alexand
  4806. Streamm >:3c
  4807. Also Streamm : hi Benji ! i saw this :)
  4808. אריאל
  4809. Kaiya
  4810. SilentSpectre
  4811. lily (patent pending)
  4812. FDarkrai17 is NOT the #1 Miku fan >:(
  4813. TopHatOblobble
  4814. CCeriseGD
  4815. CongoBat lost the game.
  4816. Spinyspinr
  4817. UnknownDemi
  4818. Mikey76500
  4819. Ollie!!
  4820. Vaughn Zane
  4821. Illuminati42
  4822. Joshua Schmitz
  4823. Ambiguous i
  4824. Phoenix
  4825. Sekoia
  4826. Origami
  4827. DaeValoh
  4828. your mother (aha aha aha)
  4829. Lightscythe
  4830. puddle ^_^
  4831. snowy
  4832. Dittachu
  4833. Vasco da Gama
  4834. É o melhor time do mundo
  4835. Veggeti <<<<< Cano e Gabibunda
  4836. Cordelia Jozefa
  4837. IronBoy2632
  4838. PYROGATORY / rev
  4839. Stat
  4840. Crabsoft
  4841. Huemungador
  4842. YourSuperior
  4843. Alemex
  4844. Chimmy Chungus
  4845. Tenlaven
  4846. dcmldcml
  4847. well that was a waste of time
  4848. Koli Hinokami
  4849. Charlmeleon the great and epic of cool
  4850. #1MKPlayer
  4851. Korattata
  4852. Her Greatness Stick of Omaha
  4853. LloydSalamander
  4854. Raex Calamitatis
  4855. Marshadow
  4856. ESeaTorrents
  4857. Zoe
  4858. Blurgnator
  4859. Californius B. Rasin
  4860. Wildirishboy
  4861. Why am I here I don't even like Pokemon
  4862. Eevika
  4863. Moonglow
  4864. NobleRoar29
  4865. Eelingtone
  4866. Nylith
  4867. Kirian
  4868. Nico Holmes
  4869. Sweetspot21
  4870. Dragonrain1112
  4871. GMZirconium
  4872. RippleStarShards
  4873. SpiritOfGotham
  4874. Elesqueleto2010
  4875. Lef
  4876. An actual crow
  4877. beliuga
  4878. Ctrl+U enjoyer
  4879. Henceforth, I shall be known as PokeMustQuake!
  4880. Goombablock
  4881. Hopestar
  4882. Funky Fresh Fellow
  4883. Geomagix
  4884. SHMELODIE <3
  4885. Rei
  4886. bow
  4887. Salakirby
  4888. casey cyanide
  4889. Nerin
  4890. ZuluRusty
  4891. [iLeo Hellspawnmotel
  4892. Ten years in the joint
  4893. Everest
  4894. JS1904
  4895. Pugalotl
  4896. YoshiKarter
  4897. Fishb0wl
  4898. Crimson
  4899. RSP
  4900. Bicyclarv
  4901. Lego
  4902. Salty
  4903. ChesPinwheel
  4904. spider_mankey
  4905. Wolfy_107
  4906. Copy the message Vindicelle
  4907. Digizel
  4908. redboy128
  4909. VVinny
  4910. Traedran
  4911. Copy the message [InkyflockdotAAA]
  4912. Inkyflock.AAA
  4913. Liz :)
  4914. Rosie
  4915. Majestar
  4916. Mozzaza
  4917. bexie
  4918. tamov
  4919. Sonic_Luigi
  4920. Mackus
  4921. You are awesome
  4922. Cat_Person
  4923. ADJS
  4924. Rainbow the Dragon Cat
  4925. ihdoany
  4926. TDD
  4927. 707
  4928. Gavae
  4929. The game is afoot!
  4930. Olivia Glass
  4931. Samuel
  4932. TheGamerGod™
  4933. asdy619
  4934. Jimmy
  4935. me
  4936. KunFuCutsMan
  4937. Sammybam88
  4938. dumpling_equivalent or transrites aka ALC
  4939. Thans101
  4940. Amfony
  4941. CiVe
  4942. Spewpurr
  4943. Aurora245
  4944. Icky
  4945. _sleepwalkr23
  4946. Marissa
  4947. long live the old 'net
  4948. OrigamiPichu
  4949. RatJesus
  4950. Axol
  4951. Azzie
  4952. Henos
  4953. pj13
  4954. Plambt
  4955. shinadoll
  4956. Battery Acid
  4957. Pokepeople01
  4958. ChuckECheeseLover
  4959. MrAlbania
  4960. Soren Kerl
  4961. Lydia
  4962. Harold McGrady III
  4963. Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V
  4964. Windy Landscape
  4965. Big Chungus Backpack
  4966. Ian, the Great Knave
  4967. EEETON
  4968. TheL3tterM
  4969. Indigo
  4970. Trtlel
  4971. RosaTheRad
  4972. Luthen
  4973. Doctor Jacl
  4974. FroakieGuy111
  4975. Aquila
  4976. Owen
  4977. Klutter
  4978. Odie Dog here again
  4979. Feb 1 2024
  4980. NightShade
  4981. jan Mosi
  4982. Papyrol
  4983. Harmonia
  4984. Captain_Cook
  4985. Achilles420NEO
  4986. Aizune
  4987. Jeitopia
  4988. DirtdevilNick
  4989. Tad
  4990. KingsKnight
  4991. Bola 8
  4992. Pangolin
  4993. Gannett
  4994. So close to #5000 -_-
  4995. cara do fusca
  4996. NymphiaTheLesbian
  4997. Hexelyn
  4998. Hoenn's Fury
  4999. Char
  5000. Key
  5001. Noah
  5002. Lilbookworm93
  5003. That Really Cool Guy From Across The Street
  5004. Toppztugan
  5005. Kayliqu
  5006. (o o)>

And no one else.

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC