Rulers of the Universe
The following people have survived horrible trials and earned themselves the title of Rulers of the Universe:
Original Rulers
- Crystylla
- AthenaChrome
- Gameace
- Kamon
- Jolty
- uncchris
- Nightling
- Dannichu
- Mikey
- sapphire_legend
- Ferret
- Zizzo
- Geneevee
- Sarah
- Mike6426
- Aaron
- Aldo
- Gigamelon
- Dareon
- Seth
- Chris
- Mew Trainer Rose
- Kuragari
- Annoyingman
- Squirt the Squirtle
- Liz/Lyf
- Cobalt Dragon
- Furiianda
- Comrade X
- Shayla
- Tim C
- Darkdog
- Articunomew
- Sato-shi
- Alethea
- Matt
- Alderon
- Quait
- Compguru03
- Andrew
- Steven Kent Alvarez
- Jona41
- flying
- Aerostorm
- SeraphimWarrior13
- Mouse Tourmaline aka Rainbow Daydreamer
- BlueMew
- Paulina
- Mr.Mime
- Typhlosion
- Hallie Sampson
- Pokefan
- Flameow
- Alpha
- AuroraKing
- Robert The Small
- Bradley
- Chaoschao94
- MetalBlueKirby
- Dark Deoxys
- Adriel
- Spideyjvc
- SolarWolf
- stephen griffiths
- EspeonKitty
- joe
- Rayquaza Conquistador
- Jennifer/Emi
- Raven
- Jake Van Straten
- Pikagirl
- Arcanine7
- Johans
- Onimusha
- Marc van der Gaag
- Nick Gray
- Bobby Olsen
- cody towner
- tpg1989
- Sankyuu LancET
- Todd Vega
- Derek
- Scott
- Eric the Lesser
- GeeTeeOne
- Michael Leslie
- Merlijn van der Kleijn
- Kurai Osoro
- Gian-Sama
- MadBull
- Missingno the Pokemaniac
- GriffinFire
- EleScizor
- Emerson Morse Millard
- @shrimpy@!
- Champma
- Sheila "Ho"
- Latioslover
- Cody
- Joseph
- Snowy
- Edward
- Sam
- Bulbafreak9000
- wizgarcia
- Larissa
- PokéCma
- Crystallugia
- NitroTcko341
- Bannanabemo371
- HotBlaziken325
- ChronaMew
- Archangel
- Shadow
- Denise
- Justin
- Insane Scyther
- Celebi
- Shadow Nat
- Klozo
- Dark_Merlyn
- eeveechan
- Chikorita02
- Lil Espeon
- Pokemad12
- Suzzi Ward
- Charteon
- Comrade Rath
- Chaosmew
- LugiaDoom
- foxsundance
- BlackScizor
- Peter B.
- Bart Verweij
- Tom Smith
- Soul
- PokéJungle
- Gunnar Baldursson
- Zagequar
- Mario
New Rulers
- Lord Nidokingu
- Cameron
- Otaku-Kitsune
- Ball
- Keczilla
- Omar Zapata
- Stingerano
- Dale Marcon
- Flora
- Dragonpika
- Zach Hays
- Gygados
- Zcade0
- Shadow_Fusion
- Shinin
- Tod-the Online Devil
- Watergod
- Twigg
- Espeon
- Specopswing
- Veb
- Albert Hohenstein
- MissingNo
- Unown King
- "Tim"
- opaltiger
- Larissa
- Mop
- Jackson The Enigma
- ShadowDancer
- Michael(deatihsimmortal)
- Aubrey
- Mamoru
- anthony graves ben
- jack martian
- John Ray
- Sam
- Danielle
- vong
- magnetflygon
- Master Mew
- Gwydion Marandahir
- Caitlin LaBrie
- Mewbiraxys
- Pokefan Aldo
- blaziken13fire
- Hoseki
- badkidx1
- Diljabar
- agentgamma
- Keruri
- James Pratt
- Crystylla
- Ainsley
- Golde
- Meghan
- Missingnomaster
- Olga
- Golden_umbreon
- GameAW
- A-chana
- Huntress
- John Beak, the Nearly Ultimate One
- Sonny
- bomboy02
- Zoole
- Sudoku G. Chess
- Hazel
- Happy Hoppip
- Raven
- Lunachu
- Crazytails
- Salazard
- Kaya
- Shirika
- Ammiee
- Kronakitty
- Laura
- Magmabuzz
- Chiaman280
- Dan 9410
- BlackChaosMew
- Murgatroid99
- NotHuman
- Angelia
- Umbreons shadow
- Nia Nyovia
- Josh
- Jenvy
- Maye
- azkhiri
- UnkNown
- m190049
- Joshua Bishop
- CharMaster006
- Andreas
- NyteMair
- Naruga
- Poketoa
- Shadow148
- Darkness
- mew_hunter53
- ShinyMagikarp93
- Don
- Vertigo
- MythicalMoltres
- ppaaccoojrf
- Y Jedimaster
- Eddie
- Richard
- MG55 sunrise
- Tina
- layze
- Storm the Red
- Cody the Master
- Dohyun
- Andrew Gunkle
- Shyan
- Aki
- KrazyMudkipKid
- Sashin
- Cat333Pokémon
- Pokedude333
- Maria
- obsessdwthcows
- Jared
- Johanaire
- Inverted Smeargle
- Draco
- Torrie
- Ancodi
- Veritas
- Alastair Hampton
- ~Kaito~
- Jodi
- [Felix]
- Shadowcat
- Truthful Whitefoot
- ???
- Outscisor
- Wynaut
- Tweetor
- Astropanda
- J.T.
- Rex
- Crystal
- crazysk8er
- The Wee Axolotl
- Bobbyjkl
- Jared.k
- ShadowLugia222
- Reeses2150
- Graf Saecula
- Pokemaster
- Shady
- Keep
- ~Airi
- Jake
- Janssen Kotah
- Walker
- Watsonica
- ~*OliverTwist*~
- Ethan Rott
- nightmare of the twerps
- Hani
- Tora
- [Tori]
- [KhaoS]
- RB
- [Raphaella "ryoku chan" Mair]
- Ben333
- Spikefish
- Mike Haas
- Rutger
- LunarGryffin
- Sam Gamgee
- Robin and Snirpy
- Teddyz
- seth
- Pikastar7
- Minty-san
- Nickyn00
- G-Dawg
- Arcanine Royale
- [Charley]
- Saphire
- marillbuddy
- Conner
- WeavileLord
- theresa shaw
- Crazy Weavile
- Catie
- Gonga909
- umbreon
- Pwnsome
- Mistyeyedreamer
- Jarrheadd
- Ari Spiegel
- halfbreedfox
- [boomer]
- Psycopath425
- Dark Kyotoa
- Chi Arden Walker Inuyoukai
- Star Flareon
- Trickmaster
- Torchflame
- Angua
- T-man
- Eagle
- Matt
- Flameow
- [Rena]
- [Joanna]
- Dan von Doom
- Matt
- TVTMaster
- Artix709
- KaiKat
- King of Katamari
- Mew-Mix
- Chary
- [ApolloTG1]
- sinjin
- Sasukefan8992
- Paul
- RJ
- Nightshadow
- Lexinad
- Dr.Jono
- Proto
- Silvereye
- Ben, the Pokemon Master
- Eclipse
- @lex
- Shadow
- Hakura
- T.A. Dragonair
- T.A. Dragonair
- Sapphire Flame
- XFire
- Kelwin
- ME
- Ienzo
- Raine
- Zant
- Bubbalova
- Michiyo Sakaki
- Pineapple Princess
- ~Spirit
- Yoshi-chu
- Shinyho-ho
- scharfy
- Anderling
- Wolf-Queen
- Kiria
- PT
- Rory
- Sy
- Aaron Sham
- Shirosaki
- Albinobird
- [NekomimiJeffrey]
- Pinkmew
- Arceus
- [Red]
- Kendoman
- Karin
- Pseudonymous
- Ezparanzae
- Deathfire234
- The Mythical Dr. Popcorn Wizard, Palkia
- SirPainalot
- SirPainsalot*
- Laura
- Alex the charmander
- 28weirdo
- lil' T
- Eggspert1
- schugs
- Nightfly
- Wediwraith/Neon Duskull
- LunarLullaby
- [Crystal Ice Arceus]
- ashlee
- Magnus
- Light Mightyena
- Alexandra
- Zen
- [Maren]
- Ikaras
- Sharra Kat
- Hydro_Flame XZ18
- The naruto master
- Roei
- Furret
- [remou12]
- [Zepher]
- [EvilGengar]
- zexion789
- Automatistic
- Wackimind
- Sam Herring
- Karasu
- Eevee
- Trainer of Shadows
- Kat
- Strangy
- TBS - The Silver Suicune
- Evilklonoaking
- Lefthand
- Ryguy
- tails183
- Furutsune
- Peanut the Destroyer
- IrkSplee
- Patrick
- Latiaslord
- K. Kadabra
- Lucario
- Eric
- B-RY
- Vulpixgirl
- David
- Lord Snot Goo
- HobbesI
- Pikaoshi
- n4ru70h4x0r
- PikachuGoddess
- Red Tyraniar
- Yami
- Apokemaster
- Lastron
- Soup with Noodles
- Draconic Espeon
- PurpleDrake
- Kayden-San
- Libie
- Darkclaw
- Dialkia
- Upsided0wn7
- sammich the dominator
- Kitty Shinju
- Christine
- arkanik
- Sophocles
- Nikki
- Thomaqua
- Daashi
- Oranius
- mr.person
- Beth
- DannyLomas
- Jzdino
- Dio
- triforcepokeball
- Drennan
- Mz.Pikachu
- Unidentifiedkiwi
- jess
- Mei
- Articuno426
- Toogeh
- Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac
- Momoko
- CrazyRatty
- Blaztro
- Ghostsanora
- IQmew
- Will
- Wooty McWoot
- Mage Johnny
- Xelada
- Meolu
- Shumari
- Dragon_night
- Gryphon
- Typhlosion Caterpie
- Beenachu
- Mastersword94
- Zorachan
- NinjatasticNolan
- Sympathy
- Pikapower
- Never-Fading Star
- Vman
- leo
- Jonathanelliotjamespinches
- Zata
- Rich Kid Harry
- Alex
- Dialgrai
- Amy
- Soccerplayuh
- Roxas
- Rayquaza2007
- Neosierra
- Keys
- Hannah
- Tara Nightreader
- Emerald Espeon
- Chaos
- Xary
- Kelsey
- Me
- Piplup-chan
- Erika
- Schizzy
- GardevoirGirl
- Marty
- DarkAngel
- tipin
- Concert Chatot
- Janis
- Blaziken & Scizor Luver
- MissingnoHunter
- Casey
- Ryuinfinity
- Dexter
- Seaking
- Bidoof
- Mudkip
- Derp
- lolwut
- Starly
- ABSOLute
- Zero
- Blastkoopa6
- Jomama
- Spiker Man
- Forums
- mynunzym
- Demonsinc
- DanZe
- Moss
- Lullelulle
- FMAPhantomWolf
- Dragon01
- Swift_Articuno
- Jenn
- Frozen Weta
- Ren the crazy demonic wolf
- Airuku
- ProudPiplup
- MarqueeOfDoomArceus
- Blaziken
- mat8913
- Glen
- Rebekah + Sam
- Pidgeot
- Dude-sama
- AMP'd
- Catarre
- Jack Frost
- awk7
- Shiny Salamence
- DragonFire
- Shiny Umbreon a.k.a. Silverstorm
- yuginick
- DragonHax
- mitch
- fireblaze
- Jade Dragonair
- Islander Jon
- drksky_light
- Anna Claus
- pokecheese
- Miguel
- auto13rulez
- Kurai no Hikari
- Ana-chan
- Pokeaddict-0927
- Daniella
- Ragnarok
- KookyKoopa12
- Some Wierd Person Who Likes Marshmallows
- crispboy
- Deilos
- Ayame
- Magik
- A rabid lemur
- Kyrto, the sceptile addict
- Arc: The Raven's Apprentice
- Anubhav Chattoraj
- Teleporterer
- lone_badger
- Rarrylol
- PhaRaoH
- Xumahare
- chandler
- Chandler J Eigner
- pkmn
- Michelle
- Paul_Hutchings
- Kira
- Ali Moonlight
- LordofLugias
- Lordofpikachu's'
- keyblader09
- Kinghtkirby9
- Johnny Nguyen
- 1985
- Bekah_The_Pikachu
- Dragon of Fire
- dan1248
- pandaboy52
- Silver Rampardos
- SamuelKPeter
- Rackik
- Gagy the gag bunny/kid nino
- Latias
- Lucario
- Typhlosion009
- Irefe
- Angel celebi
- EvilCrazyMonkey
- locololo
- Smartguy
- The Wishing Person
- Japi-chan
- Mudskipper
- Kunai Queen The Strange
- Maron
- Miksu
- Myokai
- SkyBlitz
- Bob the Flygon tamer
- Bluecharizard
- Duncan
- Magikarpruler
- Aqua059
- Tinlion
- Tre0n
- duncan
- Verdalux
- Me..h
- Talli
- Poe
- DroxSorcerer
- Draconic Ace
- Yo Shee
- HMNISGwahahaha
- Jatyu
- Whatshername
- Gabria
- Stephi
- Yuri
- Felix the Eevee Trainer
- insert your name here
- Reesman22
- Stewman o war
- Gav
- Shayd
- shadow_lugia
- Lindy-azuril
- pokefan0234
- JacOak
- Springachu
- Glacia Neko
- Darkrai229
- Untamed
- Maple
- Conman
- Whew123
- Blazikendude
- CY
- Psyblade
- FlamingNinetails
- Chrom
- Marina
- Sird
- Sora Bedini
- Jethro_XD
- BarkAtTheMoon
- Cash
- Moonlight
- Drift
- Minty
- Markku
- Shiny-kins
- jixx
- Dragonclaw
- Lea
- Harley205
- Tom
- blax8192
- RaikouX
- Solar
- chaostres
- Emma
- turaku: barraki warlord
- k
- Karen
- Carol
- Dragonfree Admierer
- Jamie Shumacher
- elementalpenguin
- Olivia
- Jaxen
- Jirachi17
- Mhals
- Nostalgia
- Big Guy
- Ice the frosty cat
- The Eevster
- Eeveon1x
- Nazurin
- Shadow Eevee
- Nozomi
- RozenKitty20
- Ciosho The Tainted
- Cyprus131313
- Dracojosh
- Nerox
- Jaxen, if you're reading this, Nerox = Sean
- Nerox = Sean
- Abbie.E.L
- ChikoritasGarden
- Gustav
- Saphireflygon
- Fireflame
- Consindo
- Sean is Cool
- Sean
- Jaxen II
- Coolness
- CoolGuy
- Jaxen III
- 87
- DarkLugiaMaster Gir
- Jaxen IV
- Umbreon Ruler
- Tahir
- Gecko
- Shin Asuka
- Asuran Zala
- Kira Yamato
- Lacus Clyne
- Ian Hecox
- Anthony Deluca
- Lord Shyguy
- lank-e-
- Hyper~Piplup
- One who proved to be one of the most patient (wo)men
- and no one else.
- your name here
- Shadow-In-The-Night
- Nintendude61
- Megan W.
- Ginny
- aaron
- infernapexd
- Sprite Killer
- Nightmare
- Forest Destroyer
- Chaos2106
- Charizard Morph
- Pig_catapult
- xl443
- aqwaneo
- Natalia R.
- Scizor King
- Fisa
- SchweetnessGenius44
- Meririn
- Herr Käse
- Porygon-Z_Rulez
- Shpewn
- Ashlover
- Spodee
- Darkrai
- Silver Dragon
- KingRawkHawk64
- absol
- Star
- Jay
- ShinyVibrava
- Erick
- Roxxor
- Dragonite Master
- kichithewolf
- Samayoru
- Bil
- CosmosSage
- Aaron vien
- cyndiquilyain draganoid
- Becky
- [Mini Minun
- ~Max~
- NotMe
- Mageslayer99
- Christian
- Shelly
- Tim-ah
- Cooltrainer Andrew
- Jooce
- Bellossom Dancer
- Thom747
- Stanley64
- Stanley
- Pikaboo
- Gilesbrand
- littostarr
- Aero ron
- Excalibur¿
- Sike Saner
- Ariel D.
- Estelien
- finalwonder
- Tim
- Sary
- Grifstar
- sami
- thedude27
- Tessa
- C/MCPO Fugate
- Valefor
- Remaix
- Epiphany
- MizuEon
- Nakashime
- Kay
- Brandon
- Blizz
- Elna
- Lucas
- Riku
- Shoal
- Jeffrey
- kathy
- yell.o.blazeiken
- AZ
- Kayla
- Rachel M. Hagen
- Luis
- PapaLuLu27
- Superyoshi888
- Dragonair Blizzard
- Fillet-O-Fish
- Lowe
- Luigi
- 251-Celebi
- Aaron Casagrande
- Tess
- Shiny_skydragon
- missingno.
- Ramprage
- Skyler Cherry
- Tyler Maple
- Lucas Willow
- Strong Glad
- Vashack
- Falco Lombardi
- Charizard_Girl
- Teh Pwnzorz
- Yes
- Wow I Won This
- elyvorg
- Huh?
- BigSnake
- Wow, this achievement is so puny...
- No one will ever remember this...
- I'll just be washed away into the endless sea of names...
- ur mom Nah just kidding its SirPainsalot again!
- Girapvisu
- Midna (I wanna be in another game! Come on, you KNOW I'm cuute...!)
- Chloe
- FunnyBunny
- Why is this thing caokabodrf;duf
- Kai
- Sanky
- Mustardear
- Nyorg
- Ned
- NedBlah
- Wolfwings
- TorterraOats
- Blitzer
- Brahdilleone95
- Kittenchild
- Chibi Pika
- The Big W
- LynxRunner (who has sat through this Marquee back when it was a marquee and was still called 'Do Not Click Here')
- Dark Typhlosion
- Nicholas A Chung
- Nicholas E/Nichi
- Wes
- Spookyghost
- Arutoa
- alex
- Miazzy
- Clinton K.
- Murkrowfeather
- Kiev
- Lord of Cookies
- Jun Wen
- J
- D-Trogh
- KittyKat
- Devon
- Azurill
- Fisher
- Oceanfur
- Nitrogen
- Ivysaur
- Anonyman
- SwinubCakes
- Ito
- Ino
- Rapidash
- Myriam
- Rayquarian
- Dark_Pikachu
- Chamilia
- Animetriplicate
- Blastoise428
- Cirrus
- Ptereagle
- PokedrawerZ
- Ahnni
- Kree-osh
- Innocence
- Eraser
- Tbyrd11
- SilverSonata
- ShadowDragon
- Mineral Rabbit
- Gaurav
- Antipathic Zora
- Oathblivion
- Guiliant
- Charem
- mada
- Zahara
- Mosswhisker
- Flo
- Keilly
- Snowstar
- Kapeesh
- Patrick S.
- Wolfeh, the ruler of muffins
- Erindor the Espeon
- Jessie Turner
- jfox
- Kirbydudealp
- JamBot
- Code4242
- Azalil
- Blastoise Ownz YOU... here too! nice huh?
- Mika Chan
- Cepheus
- Israel Tordoya
- I
- Mew_of_Aura
- Meggie
- Icebreath
- Melissa
- Relicanth
- Pichu Pokegeek
- MisterSmeargle
- Sparky
- bookworm917
- Dreampaw
- Schmitty
- Kentuckyfriedtorchic
- Farther1
- Farther2
- Farther3
- Dark Tyranitar
- Dagger
- shadowrouge99
- CrazyAipom
- Alliniere
- Xenalith
- Dragonologest
- ShadowGamma
- Novaix
- Exo-Raikou
- Gastrodon101
- Burnie
- Amanda
- TeamLeafeon
- ilovePussy
- Bloom-Andrea Sakura-Misao Momomiya
- AlexbutIneedtoputloadsofwordssoIcanseemyselfonthepadeIamsosmart
- Owlstar
- Nobody
- The cheater
- The extreme manipulator
- The person who has way, way too much time on his hands
- Shiny Eevee
- Bakuphoon
- Hikari-chan
- Colby
- Fluffy the Eevee
- Antipathic Zora again, who happens to agree with lotsa-dots up there about the forum being down. If you ain't figured out that this is also Zora of Termina there, now you know and you know why I'm so bored. FIX IIIIIIIIIIIIIT
- Lili
- Eevee, who is bored without the forum...
- Jam707
- Eevee... again.. I've been here before I joined the forums. So, I'm listed here a few times, but not as Eevee. Why I'm I saying this? I'm still bored without the forum.
- Arylett Dawnsborough
- Dragon Fan 02
- EeveeSkitty
- elonkudden
- darkjigglypuff
- Indragon
- Evilgenius106
- Dialga111
- DoshaKenkan
- Kevin
- Skippie
- Ayra
- Numoko the Dragonite Princess
- starkaat
- Patcheresu
- Vrai Espoir
- jack
- Jerichi
- Flash Fire ZX
- Scott TM
- percy JR.
- Riah
- a boy with way to much time on his hands who wanted to torture his friend so he clicked on that page, and it SUCKED!
- i didn't read i just typed my name in the type thingy
- Raulaun
- Fern
- Nobody loves Zero, because he's weird.
- cecil
- Lufia the Awesome
- Seniko
- Migas
- Belmont
- Rayquaza7996
- boy who spelled his name wrong whos best freind whith pateince tortured
- boy named tevor whos best freind whith pateince tortured
- i am tevor's friend, I tortured him, hi t-vor
- eevee_em
- im bean, hey luke beat this im a ruler of the universe so ha!
- monster truck freak!!!
- Spencer, AKA PikaBlu the Pokemaster
- ShadowMew
- Sebastian
- take this ethan im a ruler of the universe
- i like cows!
- i'm luke, go cows!
- cow vs. monkey in boxing cow would win
- 2lala
- King of Blue
- liamh
- Odin of Hammerfest
- Kaitlin
- Caaz
- Squirtle
- Raytwo, like Mewtwo only a clone of Rayquaza who Squirtle ~no. 1008~ made up
- Pikachu_Master
- vgamer164
- phantombailey
- Mercenarylight
- Mercenary of light
- Who's
- The
- Ruler
- Now?
- I am
- The Master
- Of Light
- And Darkness
- Fear me
- For I am me
- Shadowlight me
- For I am both Light and Darkness
- I rule!
- Shade Hero
- <(o•:•o)>
- Icefire
- Shadow Queen
- Lucas755
- Calsan
- Evilempire22
- ultiomos
- Nicholas
- Apdaman
- Anikari
- death909198
- majicfrog
- Ice Fenrir
- Rainleaf
- Lantur
- Qaxis
- Feather: Wajas 74146
- Makayla (aka CharmanderandTotodile- or CaT for short)
- Haunter
- Mouseyhcu
- Ben King
- Copper
- Halcyon
- the_red_one1223
- Xinnamin
- Alex Sammon
- HyperLugia
- Marx
- Carambola
- Rayquazia
- Josh Webb
- Phoenix Wright
- Syrus
- Hellmonkey500
- Zeca
- Brian
- Vanesa
- GabberGon
- Ivan
- Sunny
- Bethan AKA Daughter of Mew
- aquaticd
- AquaticD
- An-chan
- Shadow Lucario
- Mahalo
- Fire
- Andy
- Mima
- Fairysong
- Shimmermon
- Pwootage
- Ruffledfeathers
- Nic
- Echo
- foxfangs
- PurpleKOGA
- Haru
- Newspring
- apex155(joey)
- Luxray Village HQ
- Reventhas
- Volbeatster
- Eeveefan14
- Enola
- Raylax
- 93gwen
- Erin
- Vahe
- Tails
- Zephyra
- Mimi
- Zilpo The Armaldo
- Yuki97
- Lucky_Boom
- Metaright
- Spike
- NaruHika
- Lucaria
- Luxray Village RULES (HQ)
- Billy bob joe
- Zzzzzzzzz480
- Andrew
- Grey
- Hi
- Noah, who likes to say "pie!" and "twenty-four!"
- Greategret
- Calvin
- TMAmphoroz
- Hulavuta
- Susan
- Firefox Alpha has joined the Brawl!
- Samus and Meta Ridley
- evolution666m
- Luple
- tehmariopwn3r
- Lucariking
- Maria C.
- Turner
- Ross Epling (aka NiGHtsBeta09)
- John
- Bluefox
- Nat
- houndour_lover
- Rya
- Shadow_Ninja431
- Rose
- Evoli
- Pig Koopa
- Jenna
- Eevee (Sabrina)
- James Lee King
- Krash55
- Lunar
- eatanorange PWN3D Marquee of Doom
- Dialgix
- Cailean
- s/he who is patient
- secsec
- Fredie175
- The Emperor of Justice
- Nytestryke24
- Blodh Arget
- Manaphy
- Mattsna
- Matthew
- Haley
- Jayce
- Koori Renchuu
- Mawile XD
- Inunah
- Weretemplar
- Momo1204
- Marcello
- Ian of the Plusle
- philippogiX
- Lightkit
- Izzy/rhi
- Chikaka
- Staraptor G
- Candylicious
- DarkeLourd
- Krystal-Wingwolf
- Flareth
- Diamond
- Number 100
- Jason-Kun
- Worst Username Ever
- is now officially covered in awesomesauce
- Toon Link
- Pelipy
- Raichao
- Starlight the Pikakip
- Darthjarjar
- Arianwen
- Again, Espeon
- Devyn W
- Denri
- ShadowKnight
- Rauthiss
- poketrainerKenny
- Umbreon Freak
- Dust
- Wizboy777
- H20firefly
- TrillianStorm
- MidnightRoseDG
- Ari His Royal Almightiness
- Frogo
- Catherine
- Roxane-wolf
- GG
- Shinikiss
- Rasrap Smurf
- Jaketheultimate
- scoodi
- RenoLawliet
- FlameHearts5472
- 1996PokemonZachary
- 3896
- shadowkinggiritina101
- the fork on the left
- Nami
- Indie
- Tallest Indie
- Sterling
- Pancakeswordsman
- DarkSuicune
- Snoopy
- BlazieAura
- TeamJolteon
- Cyndaquazy
- Sarah
- Seritinajii
- Keoaratr
- OrangeAipom
- Samisthebestest
- Trigger004
- JimJam 707 is so bored...
- Pokemon~pwnage
- Tharm Bood
- Gamelord
- DrPepper42
- Minka_Glameow
- Metraxx of ShadxCorp
- Mamaluigi
- LOLclikz
- LOLZ 3rd time
- Invader Zorthok Durr... Durr...
- LOL i do this too much LOLZ this is long
- Do Do Do this is long lol
- The dean of suds
- Silverfinch
- Kashie
- Rumoki Kiraku
- Ethan Aruseus
- The Alimighty Brick
- mewfairy
- Sphenodonta
- Lizardman974
- Pichu
- SatoHaru4Ever
- SatoHaru4Everhasdoneitagain
- Copy the message [insert your name here
- Copy the message Pegir
- Manaqua
- Manaphy w/ green bands
- Raibys
- Shadownc
- Jan
- Tertle
- Lord Crunch
- Pitsch
- Someone Else
- X-Sanity
- Hitaka
- Pokésaur
- Kara-sama
- yoni von baloni
- Superbird
- Anivla
- Super Jack
- TheSuicune
- Blahblahbleh
- Kairose
- Pkmn Trainer Nick
- CrystalSaurTower
- Ume-Uzumaki
- Danny
- Greta
- Holographic
- This website
- Rinoa
- Kiwi
- Jerilyn
- Cloudrunner
- Mawile pwns Billy and Cole :P
- Blade
- littleskitty
- Salamence_747
- ThePhantomCorrector
- DecoAoreste
- Dr. Dre
- SiferTH
- Jam_it
- Lucario and Raikou's Den
- I like pie
- Unoraptormon the Forerunner
- Makuta
- Kieran121
- Julia121
- Chris
- Christos M.
- GuppyForce
- Kandy
- Monique
- Vyo
- ifellalseep
- Typho
- RandomTyphoon
- Nintendude
- Firestar
- Joey
- sreservoir
- zeKieranator
- Joe
- RiddlemeThis
- Water
- Junglebook/Jessrox97
- GonDiialga
- charlietheunicorn
- Angel
- Snashyle
- LkM
- Otis
- Cookie Attak (hai peeps!)
- Ayliakn
- Rex II(same as the Rex in 148)
- Anala
- Man of Ariados
- Mishatu
- cnstrguonjcvotrnhv9clotnvio
- Volt
- Archaeic
- Chizuru
- Blueberry-Jamster
- bobandbill
- zeKieranator121
- Phatlip
- Ry
- Elijah
- Raven and Elijah Handley w00t
- Legolas
- Ignatious
- Rogue Gamer
- Miilydork
- Your Mom
- Tokyo Oranges
- DialgiX
- Lithe
- Candella
- Ferrikpm
- YoshiLink
- Brooke
- Gabby
- Adrian
- AlexJanSolara
- Oceankirby
- Kyarorain
- MeerkatVWF026
- Boy-O
- Metagrosslover
- hey you can do this more than once
- AddedToTheList
- Omega1095
- Dragoness of Shadows
- Ian
- Leopardseal12
- Voncsent
- DeckuZora
- Seth
- Kieran
- Super Trainer
- Orilean
- larry hardnett
- Bella Delta
- Elliekat
- Dame Alex
- Nakkura
- xXOstenXx
- Samantha
- Piro Mae
- LucesDarkness
- Brainuts
- Sweep
- Daikyu
- iwuvmydraggy
- Marski
- YZorker
- PinkPanda
- benjpalmer
- Kitti
- Liz Stokes
- I Are Hates Eternal Flowers
- Ragredon(Kino)
- Sierra
- Giratar
- JosJuice
- bluesilver
- Magnemite
- ReiXMinako
- Pokeman493
- The Marquee Itself
- ~1400!!!!~
- Patrick Garner
- Regice
- Sinnoh Champion
- Shiny
- Midget
- Waffersforever
- Scim
- KiwiShade
- Skippy Electrochomp
- Aethelstan
- Skiar
- Kudra
- Ialosara's Dragon Rider
- Turtwigpal
- Flaafo
- xparasite9
- Noel
- forrest4493
- Kevin Johnson
- Bani
- Persian
- Rachez
- CloudNine
- Aether
- Claudster
- Tom Nook
- Will0fD
- aruseusu7
- Lady-Leelah
- Rebecca
- Calico
- HikariYami
- Steve Jimmy Brian Michael
- Raven Kouryuu
- Ovenman
- Zackrinian
- hammerbro888
- Jordan Sanders
- Dame Celebi
- Sajun
- Insane_Physicist
- Platin
- Sydnee T.
- The Unicorn of Destiny
- Shadragon
- wyomon
- Zorloc
- Rayne
- randi
- Fullmetalfan
- Olivia (Kat)
- Firefunbro
- EvilPenguin
- Mark
- Wizsonic
- Zoltea
- EnvoyoftheSword
- Snowy
- Team Draco Rob
- kirbyking
- Cranky Kong
- Kasaraki
- Superbirdman
- AceSpade
- Martia
- Wabby
- Nightwolf117
- [Arkanik
- Smaragd Paen
- Rick
- Umbreon-dana
- Spaz
- Shrugger
- Marcus
- NeverOddOreveN
- Zemie
- Malena
- Psychic master Platin
- Firestorm95
- Kyozion
- Neel
- Pandameg199630
- Hanabi
- abs
- MusicGlitch
- Dr Frank
- Crazyboy99
- MagicCupcake
- Shade
- Ponx
- Shade FalconTalon
- Bob
- Zendude
- Layla
- AlphaBravo
- Maxxey
- Lemetia
- Nick
- VakamaTK
- Lisa
- Rukario
- Melody
- Jackie, Master Of Firebreathing Chinchillas
- Pokemonzoe
- HotTorchic
- Tomahna
- Chika
- MasterADJ
- Isaac Shaw Stiltz
- Sarion56
- Chilliporridge
- Audrey/Kittyauds14
- Jamal22
- MadMoose
- Crystal Talian
- Acedia
- Hugofowl
- Jeff
- Une Cuppy
- Ianflowforever
- Kitra
- Nintendo_6444
- Mr.C
- Naomi
- Julien
- Littlefox
- Sesstria
- Ezlo Minish
- Nixoth
- Stormshine
- The guy called Senpo
- Krutnasse
- ShirouChi
- Bartskate
- Hpkelly
- kiddy
- The Only Overlord Shinkouhyou
- Ry-13-Dota-PokeAurA
- Runey676
- BrainpanSonata
- Stephen Collbert
- eevee
- Jacob
- Z Master L, Lord of the Dance
- Crazy Linoone
- Colton O'Weekly
- Darrren
- Vermilion
- Your conscience
- Decon082
- Stormshine's_Tancats
- TheDoomThing
- TirUnit
- Tamah
- Kayla-san
- Dragon Queen
- Felix
- Alex Cane
- Samuel_Smith
- Togekiss fan
- Pikachu (of Pikachu's Plaza)
- Kitsune
- Energetic
- Qs.
- Kirbunny431
- ProgMetal_64
- mollie/dragonair
- mollie/dragonair/mawiledragonair
- lex288
- Boots and Static
- Lrmaster132
- 0uch
- Krasy10
- Stefan
- dieter
- Shaina
- eevee prince
- Acromion
- nXz
- nairnine
- Stormshine_Again
- Moonman190
- ExxManiac
- Strawberry
- Drufle
- [Ruincreater
- Fuzzle
- Moltres-wrangler
- Matt and his sister
- Demented Darkness
- Donpatch
- Sapphire
- CCKip
- Marisol
- Nathan Rounsville(aka Aziki)
- Starheart
- demon king roxas
- Carrie Clawz
- Dragom master Tryce
- Miles_Latias
- Heather2
- Joko
- SineCosineTangent
- Sammi Somara
- Red_Headphones
- PikaPunk
- Rin P.
- Drakkeon
- Alan Freeman
- Lumine
- Leafy Greens
- Bibliomanzer
- Nataki
- JS
- Rotomotor
- Jigglenubis
- Iguruwashi
- eshlie
- Sovriin
- PrinceLucario
- Psymon
- Emi-chan
- Starfire
- Zulo =
- Time Psyduck
- itinii
- Gaarafan of acanthite
- Brandman1996
- Kitsu
- KarayanK
- 9volt
- Austin A.
- Lucario251
- Liz
- Deadude
- Dean
- sillymokona
- Yamiska
- Tyler Hussey
- Jackduffybailey_The_Cheese_Lord
- Whitney
- UltimateBlaziken
- Lizzy
- M&M
- Marcus Kendal Banks Morrow
- Jae
- Jeremiah
- Artemis
- Rubes
- Koma
- Rayoku
- Speedblader03
- Rebecca Christine Stenholm
- Chris The Walrus
- Andrewdude78
- MelMelody
- Ariaria
- mikeyb
- Munchy
- XxDawn LightxX
- costerboster
- Stormshine's_Letaligon
- Sage_owl
- GardevoirRoxs
- TheZombieMurlocMudkipKnight
- Baka-Mel
- DarkMazer
- Shayminluver
- WiiGi
- Willowspark
- Teribane
- Snowbella
- Alzador
- Lisa the Dark Vulpix
- Bethany
- Andy/Speed
- Puredragon222
- Mystr22
- Jeston
- Scorpio
- Chocolate Chicken
- Terri-lynn
- Growlachu
- Sundavr Baen
- Minto
- Rhys
- ~*Starfire*~ The Wishmaker
- R0-S3
- sabrinix
- Liliana
- I'm the best ruler of the Universe
- No, I'm the best Ruler of the Universe
- No, me
- Lychee the Hedgehog
- mike
- [Pi
- [Onucitra
- kellllly
- Layren
- Pokemaniac Erika
- adamantdiamond
- platinumlucario
- ninjapenguin981
- Maplewolf
- EmeraldRayquaza
- Shadowclaw
- CyrusEmerald13
- Dimenticus
- DarknezzUnleazed
- WalnutCream
- Necro
- cookie
- Pikochu
- pokemaster345
- Rairukka
- Kaida
- Mateus
- Prof. S
- Unicornfoal
- Dogs8345
- MissingNoiscool
- Helagon
- Frostagin
- Bettadude
- A. Pearson
- geekyfreek
- Silvermoonlight
- Dragonmage
- dbz3
- thehuw
- Calista
- ClumsyD
- Foxie Girl Vixee
- Spherical Ice
- Kazmad
- SexyHarry/Manipulation/Goodies
- SolarAaron
- Pinkpanda x2
- Angelo Ryan Tianco
- Nat and Jewlz
- Jelly
- Pururu
- Ange
- 1337M4573R
- Luna
- Mr Chao
- Atman
- Sarah Mahan
- Awesome Sauce
- Stelios
- rederci939
- Golbez_743
- Joshua
- Darcy
- Jordyn (Jojo or Jojoleopard)
- Chaowzee
- veronica the golduck
- Talonos
- KuroV
- CherryBeast of DEATH
- HaishaHime
- Tamway
- Orchidbreeze of FireClan
- Mike Tancak Jr
- Purplemew12
- VelvetEspeon
- Zyxyz
- TobyTse99
- Mighdas
- Tazgirl18992
- Marquee Vanquisher
- <Joseph: Night SHADE>
- bbbbbbbbba
- Vocabulations
- Tyranitoast
- Emperor Gombessa
- Silverwolf42
- Malik D.
- bookauthor1123
- Ghrowl
- Manticore
- Theresa
- Taliax
- OmenOfDeath
- eleMENTAL55
- Arana the Rhinosaur
- Espeonna
- Simplysatisfiedwithlife
- FerretFox41
- Parakeet13
- arceus
- Josh and Deborah
- Tom the 1337
- What do I put here?
- Goldenrod
- Espeonna (again!)
- Fitzy boy
- ^__^
- Espeonna (for the third time!)
- Alexis Thompson
- Sonja
- Elizabeth
- Lucas666
- Saiki
- Feather
- insert rant here
- Madde
- insert your nMei
- Jonathon D
- Sean Pnaude
- Sean is pretty great
- Froggiecool
- P_Denton
- hunters225
- Darknessmans
- Rubellite Tigris
- Silverblaze
- MysticFirelizard
- SatiricalPsyduck
- Tate Michael VunCannon
- Sira Nightfyre
- Neverine
- Wingman11
- zephyrdragoon
- ImpyGirl
- Cathy
- Xenp
- Loopy
- Risa
- Kyle
- Burntlee
- Hekutaa Matata
- insert name here
- darkerarceus
- Kitsune Kyukon
- Kitsune Foxx
- darkerarceus (it's fun)
- Adam
- PokemonStar
- Turles
- ThePokeloadguy
- darkerarceus (third time lucky!)
- Puppys
- Chrismonster
- the muddy treecko or TMT for short
- Gidgette123
- Panda of Doom
- Just Ice
- felix,ilikeyou:Oyou'llneverseethis:x
- Stormy
- IanKAwesomeness
- RedShark
- Balloons
- Aibodax
- Blazi
- Marg0t
- Copy the message [mew4EX
- Nicko
- Tex Dodectron
- orinthol gun-gi
- Lord Crash
- The Lord Crash
- Lord Crash's Servant
- Lord Crash ( again ) ruler of the universe
- Aurora Elemtal
- AndrezZ
- o.O;;
- And no one else.
- But there's me!
- HEY!
- What?
- I said there was no one else!
- Oh. Sorry... o.O;;
- And no one else..
- LunaticWulf
- Shadow Absol
- Crystallize
- Atma
- Chatot55
- apophys
- SilverSapphireStarfireEpiccheese26keekercatt57
- nadia
- Arella
- Yoshord
- Amethyst Princess 27
- Eric Smith
- Chickenhound
- LAME! I want a cookie insted
- Jon
- Kiri
- King of the Kittens
- is awesome!!!
- Lunar_Absol
- Im all alone down here....
- Striker82z
- Is... is it over now? Yaaaaaay! - Rose
- ilikecookies
- Talyn
- chased by fruitcakes
- Taydbear
- Palidrome123
- palindrome123- again!
- StopHanded
- Sprevoic
- Anthony
- Schott
- Flareon is the best eeveelution
- Holy effing crap I did it
- mudkipz
- Jish
- BikdipOnABus
- zeKieranator12121
- Kieran W.
- Kat H
- nin10do_gamer
- Super X
- Matt Seevers
- Fangy
- Jymaru
- TrogdorRunner
- azSpriter
- Terra
- Mxlexrd
- Chaotic
- Meow, a cat has survived
- Where is my cookie? has survived
- Klokateer #216!!
- Buzz
- Corey
- adam
- PhanpyLover
- IceFireDrago
- Skitty and Kirara
- Grant
- Pratyush
- Tarukryl
- Bara_no_Uta
- Stormingphoenix
- Killemgoood
- Mystic Illusions
- Ruby and sapphire pwnz
- Sunnie
- OMG! Sunnie wants to be the millionth!!
- OwO
- Getting closer...
- ...
- 4 MORE..
- Wait wut? I can't count.
- Wait yes I can.
- 8D
- Sunnie pwns your face!!!!!
- Waiiiiit... That's only 1000. Crap.
- D8
- ...End Sunnie. Who fails. Epically.
- Rachel
- Tyler
- Dragonair907
- Queen_Islanzadi
- Dragonlady97
- Audrey
- celebi63
- Shika1929
- Paul The Panda
- Spannar
- M the Gate
- And no one else
- ShinyRedEon
- asdf
- You know, I just love being able to talk here.
- PinkDinoLeafeonMetagrossGrass
- PinkDinoLeafeonMetagrossGrassPokemonMaster
- chimchar1
- Isaac
- Mylo
- Doombringer
- Blissey
- Link3710
- ilikepie1
- Chiyo
- Venaf
- Raitora Kuro Yamiraku
- Boys
- Boys Will Be Boys,
- Hiding In Estrogen
- And Wearing
- Aubergine Dreams
- IS
- Slyakin
- The Game o.0
- Jared Pike
- Oczek
- scott
- D0T
- Shadowmere
- IcyDestrucT
- Overlord Laharl
- Asome Man
- Jethro T. and Erise R. has ruled the universe :)
- Erise R. I love you. Will you marry me? :)
- Why isn't this working?
- Oh, nevermind.
- ANYHOO. This is Clefspeare!
- That marquee was pretty interesting!
- Seriously, it was.
- VirgoMay
- SaiphCharon
- Cyramal
- Crescent Umbreon
- Xtreme boredness
- SnapDragin
- Geodude
- Jory123
- VIII: Axel, the Flurry of Dancing Flames
- XIII: Roxas, the Key of Destiny
- Btw, has anyone played 358/2 Days, by chance? :D
- Kyaserin
- Fxcking Tatertots
- Nick999
- Daring7894
- Bubble
- HellHoundoom
- eah
- Ellie
- OracleLink
- Bleached
- Bluestar
- Meg
- I am not 1337
- LolitaDoll who loves HellsingerAngel
- Gke
- savannah
- person who likes 3.14159265359879
- Mike Caron
- GhettoRanger
- Padraic
- Taylor
- Dari Ryusei
- Fullmetal
- Thonnen
- Tortellini Court Road
- StateOfDep
- Crunchy
- Scott Place
- Kieran Woodcock
- lololBladeh
- Dirk Longwood
- M'
- rose the magicat
- Suicune
- I'm no spam robot. Eevee. Boop.
- luxrayqueen
- Jessica Morgan
- Ben
- Katie
- Pichu-the-Menace
- Professor Daniel
- Chrystal Liena
- Ms. L
- Youngster Joey
- Hazem The Latios Master
- Ulises
- Wnerg
- Wire Mouse
- TDBynum is awesome
- @
- Milia (Emily)
- Ranamon
- Chuck Norris
- Run. Because Chuck Norris is watching you.
- Deinonychus
- NightDaemon aka Miss Lili Riley
- Shadow Techie
- Tornado Lava
- Chrisirhc
- Kittykat kid/ AIP
- Ringmaster10
- King Lei 798
- Overlord of Pie
- 007manyo
- Zachzab
- Jakjak
- Corey Karato
- Rijuku
- Light17
- Dragonair
- Bereft
- Matt Crawford
- Arlyn Palmer
- Uber CB
- Zorva
- Frijolero_92
- Sairi~♥
- teehee~~
- wooot!! go ricky! lol
- ~Sairi Raven Lockheart~
- Ricardo Rendon-SuperSmashChamp
- Amphy54
- Wickeddude
- LeginLegends
- Quirtynerd 42
- Metagross376
- Alakazam123
- Nathan
- Dragon33x5
- tillman45
- Ghost
- Helenoodle
- alpha0mega
- you suck. what kind of reward is this anyway!
- hi
- Lexx
- TanTanTanuki-chan
- TyranitarusRex
- Ghostofduke
- MegaTorterra
- Stephen
- Knightgirl
- space lord
- MrsHen1066
- SonicShadowBoy
- The Marvyle Rogue
- Auracle
- Remmihs
- Shimmer--the "Legend Hunter" as they call me
- SpamCat
- Culex77
- Jordan
- did this work for once?
- Yay!!this worked!...and its about time
- Chronicle2
- xXIsanemaXx
- Ketsueki Kyukon
- Josh R
- Piplup1206
- Hogia
- justthedoctor
- Christopher Pander
- Firestripe77
- Lady Gaga
- ^ not really
- Dusk252
- Lexi
- Lunarz
- akrog_27
- `Dreams
- Sage
- C.Olimar788
- Jirachi'sBFF
- Pandora42
- Zerina
- Jacky
- ShySkymin
- I should have gotten a free internet
- narkatopalipticus
- Si6x12
- Mario Gonsalves
- Mabo the Great, Eccentric, and Eternally Freakish
- Alura
- KingKairos
- Nozomi Myst
- Sawyer
- BoyangFriday
- Kitty-chan
- Tigger
- Shadow Jirachi
- AlpahaMarine
- Marcia45
- Barubu
- Aren the Spriter
- Kate (aka Rayquaza)
- Blake Legacy
- Jacob the Pokemon Trainer
- Demotei
- Pichu Chris
- Mr. Dude
- wants a pwny
- Squornshellous Beta
- Aaron Quaykos
- Sugar
- Waffledude
- Maddy
- Saytis of Deviantart
- tomato205
- Zenigame26
- XWorldApocalypseX
- Xx-Tatsuki-Emo-xX
- Pahft
- Kodkod98
- Teacher9985
- shiny eevee
- Teacher9986
- Teacher9987
- Teacher9988
- D & B
- Alex the Shiny Poochyena
- Larry34728
- Forkster, the One who Burnt the Toast
- X The Apocaliptic
- Dark the Hedgehog
- Capri
- Porygonfan
- Lihlipp
- Tavros Nitram
- Evil Link
- Anna Bella
- Holcat27
- Twilight k. Solomon
- Demyx
- Tyreasus
- Tubahero
- River
- aXl
- Maxine Coleman
- Tracy Alsop
- Drake Robinson
- Gabe
- Adam, King of Plishes
- Mawile of the TCoD forums
- Fluffydoodle
- videogmer314
- Rraska
- Steelfinmeleon
- Hoppyfred
- ero98
- The_Smash
- PkmnGod
- ^___________________________^
- Tom Cruise is here to sex you
- insert my name here
- and no one else
- Smackdoodle
- penis
- poopcicle
- Spaghettification
- And No One Else
- Lets get go looting
- Lets go looting
- This is the same person getting in
- Pulshie King
- All above PkmnGod suck....NOT NO ONE HERE SUCKS
- Shigeru Miyamoto
- Hiro Nakamura
- Cat333Pokémon
- PokémonGod
- go for 3000
- /_\XX/_\X/_\X
- That Luma spoke playstation!...FANBOY LUMA!
- Playstation Network
- The above is a Fanboy
- I solved a rubix cube
- Yukoranski vs Articuno
- Almost
- I am no spam robo, boop, beep, bop
- has proven to be among the most patient of men
- The counting is wrong, hey where is my taco?
- Mudkipz
- Swampert who is PkmnGod
- Swampert
- I herd u liek Mudkipz?
- You
- I did it by heart XD ééé
- Bargo the Bikdip
- GreenLanturn
- Atomabob
- Small Woodland Creature
- Serebii
- Lisardess
- Yo Mama
- Still the same person
- Ugly Piano
- all 493 and many more
- TopHatDunsparce
- Roz
- TheFish
- Furrtwo
- KiwiBasket
- ZoruaTheAether
- Naviy
- PikaSkies
- Aerygon
- Josephine
- Pimanrules
- Why does Adrian get to be 1337
- Gwen
- ShinyRayquaza2012
- Lugia8420
- Quest For The Legends Lover
- Luna Lovegood
- nuge
- Kitsune Riiyu-Ohku
- Robert Brown + Zoe Kaw
- Loldog
- kenniky
- Charmeleon
- cool kid master555
- Karl
- Michael Auty
- its been a month
- Just type da Pokemon names
- Marshtomp
- Bulbasaur
- Tyranitar
- Metagross
- Skymin
- Origintina(Origin Giratina)
- Kamehameha
- /\ FAIL this is not DbZ
- Justin Beiber
- Rick Astley
- FRED Figglehorn
- Tay Zonday
- aeroblast
- S.A.N.
- nickthequick2312
- Jkittycat-Charizardlover
- Harue
- Saba
- raisengen
- Timpeni
- Ellipsis
- Grimoire
- Charizard
- Tal
- rabbit153
- Ying Yang
- Hikari
- urgh
- Kawaii Cathy
- Lipa Ula (pawpaw)
- Asami Nakata and the Pocket-Sized Kitsune AZN
- Aria
- 493pkmns
- russellsrage
- Daniel Nightstalker
- Spiritkeeper
- Spiritkeeper - I look up to Theik and Dragonfree!
- Legend_of_Kanto
- Tabitha Anne LaSalle
- Gigi
- Cyberglass
- Bunny86
- Raschy
- Surfing Pikachu
- Stephey
- Lizziecat1279
- TheK
- Aeona
- Kisuke
- Kitten
- Glaceon
- Vincent
- Nommer of the Mew
- Floonspark
- Bry-sizzle McSwanson
- Enkoe
- Maiumaora
- Inei
- SkyAngel
- Starreh-chan
- is awesome and stuff
- HellDemiRose
- Malph
- Caroline
- Daski
- wolfshadowxd
- Gustav Reibo
- Ammy
- Joyce
- TheMultigamer
- Reall? 2524? Wow.
- Rachel &lt;3
- Cirque
- Jayla Curtis
- Aditya
- Miles Tails Prower
- Chu Chu
- Rayka
- Harper Dunnagie
- Seth the Shoe Slayer
- Mew Man54
- Jackalope
- Crylena
- BellaNoriji
- Legacy
- Christina
- Tezmara
- PipenPopaloPilas
- MegaMan the Man
- Person
- LCI09
- Betariolu
- EJ
- Matt B
- sv_01
- Osthato
- Viridescere
- L
- McMoots
- pachipachi6
- Dragonfang
- Kalala
- Tora aka The Sad Hairbrush
- Catty
- NinjaEspy
- Kumori Mistress
- Dragonfanghasdoneitagain
- Doomer
- brendan beard
- Palamecia
- Mitesla
- The Grammar Nazi
- charmander1241
- i dunno
- Eli
- Lamartian
- Crescune
- DeathRose9
- Darkmekmon
- YdNa_
- Wen
- NuXj
- Edward I. M.
- NinjaSecrets
- Who?
- Chibi_Muffin
- Maze-la
- danielk1502
- Darkius (JCW)
- Karaktakus
- Hélio
- Fyra Flare
- Blaze the Cat
- Ice Empress
- Soulblade
- Miles Dark
- PokemonGod777
- doominic77
- Totochu
- bojangle387
- tigerm98
- MinhL98
- Senor Anti-Sequitur
- Lazuli
- gabluey05
- Oldenmw
- Missingno
- Josie
- Hykura
- BliBBloB
- Heyhey1546
- Hooray lalala 1234imsoboredurrgh
- Pokemonplatinum and pikachuempoleonheHEY1256
- amusedandconfused
- Elliot Mitchell
- Dave and Mia
- Ayla
- Xlthuathopec
- Emeraldis
- Neozone
- Another Kevin
- Ledabot
- Warlord
- AlecGW
- OperaGhost
- zx75
- Iceguppie
- XRader
- Kalex
- Tako(That was painful to sit through D: )
- Scott Pilgrim
- Rui
- Veryxes
- Mew
- Weomur
- Soccer Angel
- Kamil
- King Jelly
- That was NOTHING!!!!!! MWAHAHA
- Rachel M.
- chuggaaconroy
- Woof, A dog has survived
- Bacaw! A chicken has survived
- Kaikookoo
- flygon344
- Crystalmew9
- Dcn3
- Malaputek
- ZonkySocks
- Little Jay
- Dis - it was a good read!
- Excellenntt~&lt;3
- Ice Dragon
- The Cookie Networker
- MothMask
- Jay Quez
- Souldevourer man
- james
- Cosmo
- Silver
- absol24
- Nexta
- Mari
- enigmalinsanity
- TehProHoboSlurpy
- cel_07
- Raksha the amazing YL :)
- Liggy
- Aura Master Neal
- gigosaurus
- Kurisutiina Icarus
- bioniclego
- Metman
- Meebtamazard
- zaydamad
- Simber
- Starfire_028
- SilverNinetales
- Dream of Nox
- Mgmassie
- Xovvo
- CHR1597
- Dark Spark
- らã£ã¡ã‚ƒ
- Nae Näätendo
- Nae Nintendo
- Andrijor
- Zane
- Myuu
- DG_Yagami
- Draco SL
- {naiYin}
- roxaslord13
- Six
- iiKali
- Rika
- uking94
- Raze
- Nicole {aka Taco}
- Myki
- Cooltrainer Andrew (#706) March 24, 2011
- rocketj
- Seagull
- Liam
- pachipachi6 (2)
- Charmander
- Fracus
- Jake Hood
- Mechagoomba
- Dobbs
- Justin S Kwak
- Justin S Kwak, who is also known as IdiotMan
- Arc
- Joshua Walton
- Firestrip77(2x!)
- Serperior Human
- Kieros
- Vli64li
- ButteredToast12
- Vic
- Vic, who was the original Idiotman
- Vic for the 3rd time
- Mai
- Vari
- Neuro (a bit late)
- Satoshi Tajiri in disguise
- You Suck
- Vic again...
- Irako of the Desert
- Esoteric Shadow
- xion52998
- Shadow Ninjask
- Lianne
- Lianne(again)
- Lianne(once more)
- Aquil
- Digita_Wolff
- Digital_Wolff (Can't believe I typo'd)
- DancinBee the most epic guy is the universe lawl
- Magic Magicarp
- Ryan the Reuniclus Obsesser
- What am I fighting fooooooooor!
- Ke$ha
- ^No seriously
- ^JK
- Jason
- ziberoo
- Etsuko Morumeru (Jhuyu26 on
- Hailz
- Benedict Arnold
- Red Samus
- Cyndaquil
- Lesumai
- RyuuKagi
- Diaglio
- Shravyanga
- kiwi
- Combusken11
- Metagrosslord
- Twister Trickster
- Pikachu - Torchic
- Namimoro
- xxgonggongxx
- Vendidurt
- Josepossum
- NightFlame
- Dockstar
- TR Delilah
- Ultragamer
- Suck it!!!
- Shit!!!
- NickEzioAuditore
- n
- Dr. Gregory House
- wave14
- Rainbowie
- Kenneth William Broughton
- BlazeGirl
- Mikawa
- Mocking Jay
- Hastymage
- who one day will rule you all
- but you will not realize it
- dree12
- Emeraldspark
- The real Matt
- Spam robot
- Oops I did it again! charmander1241
- Espeonite
- Infinity
- Everglider225
- Ever, because she has no life,
- Kiri Abgiaw
- K. Abgiaw (Ab-gee-awh)
- Everglider, who STILL has no life
- Giratwo
- Jasper&Helena
- Sare
- Takashi2000
- Reshiram
- Feowe
- Tabbii
- Jói
- JoiandAsta
- Eg er lika Islendingur
- Og mer leiddist ekkert
- A medan eg var ad lesa tetta
- Kv Johann Jorgen
- Holly
- Icerobin
- King of Awesomesauce.
- insert your names here
- Mr Amacrobie Fizzwidgit
- DarkAura
- Zam
- Wobbles
- people
- Micky mouse
- HaLoFReaK
- James Buster
- sv_01 again
- ikkyblob
- Darkrai's Shadow
- hotanddangerous
- Zubblewu
- Sky moon77
- Cresta
- James
- Bucket
- Legin
- JC, AKA TheBoyWhoCriedWalrus
- grassownsu
- Dylan Ramey
- Flare Fireheart
- LuisKcBoss
- White and Black
- Iceflow
- is an idiot
- Hikaru64
- Lupe
- Melon
- Lionhart
- SavannahC.
- TroubleSquared
- Lolkittenz5
- Ethen/jazz14456
- Sarahg
- Nanashi
- Roak
- LegendCallerL
- siggi
- harelros
- i"m here because i was bored
- Kaltho
- Sapph
- Rose99280
- Plushi
- Kathira Narae
- Tyler Puryear
- Gavin
- Gardevoir AKA Courtney
- J-Ca$h649
- GameMaster
- Fosh
- Mii
- Pikachu, the Steel Lightning Alchemist
- Bubbadoo
- Dalton Burlingame
- Watashi wa sore o yatta
- Shadowlucario64
- LotionFairy
- Darkdialga
- Gabriel Hedgiehog
- AudinoHunter
- Eythan Porter
- Yingyang
- Trunks: The Ultimate Future Warrior
- Kristen: 1/2 Wolf, 1/2 Sayian
- supergotenks667
- Wakako
- Tane
- Paul Frost
- Most Magnificent Mustache
- Oshawott97
- dylan
- Rubitora117
- ARTethia
- Anthony T
- Katarina
- Kenocka
- the guy standing behind you
- TThat marquee was fun :D
- Rinne
- Tara Doyle
- Ariana
- None of Many
- Rainbow Dash
- Rico
- Catzeye
- Professor
- Deoxor
- KakinoVulpix
- Spark Eletran
- Yoshi of Earth
- Runescape: Maturity
- I wonder... (Will give everyone this code)
- 2946 ^, your an ass
- Sikko
- Joonasm
- Cyn
- Zebu051
- serpand3
- ScytherGirl
- Kaaduguy
- Toxic Storm
- A cloud of Drifblim
- The Last of the Time Lords
- H.D. (not a TV)
- Red
- Blue, that one girl
- Did I mention Toxic?
- Runner
- Why does cyndiquil have ice?
- Latsta
- Zalia
- HollowSelf
- Erin H.
- Pink Ferret
- TheTimeofDying
- Jason Lee Blake Belles
- Alces
- Sappire
- Shadow000
- Raintalon
- Sedoriku
- Kit Carruthers
- Eriko
- SeerWalker
- Mayako
- Arekisanda
- Atori
- T.K
- han2
- CharizardHammer
- FyrebugMudkip
- Zach Carlson
- 66mc
- ShadowD
- Woohoo!
- Zaicon
- Motb777
- A Greek Man
- Gamma the Beheeyem
- Care Bear
- Carmen
- MewtwoTheMythbuster
- Ken
- Meowth of Epicness
- Eagadactyl
- Audrey (1502) lured Egadactyl here
- Focus58
- Mor'ranr
- Mikayla
- ArtemisX
- Jackm
- Lady Blackwing
- Zakom
- Zakompool
- Zakomtfpool
- Zakomttfpool
- Zakodmttfpool
- Jessica Zhong
- Nasha
- bbgirl1299
- NightWings
- Evanlyn
- PandoraChaser
- Glidget
- Haruka
- Pikablu
- 3135.
- National Pokédex No. 650
- Lol, I always say that as, like, Poke-a-c-dex
- Nyan Cat
- My Little Pony (Keldeo)
- TheChosenOne
- *facepalm*
- The Highest Order of Ninjas
- Invisible Shiny Bubasaur
- Bulbasaur* :D
- Shiny Gyarados is a gimmick
- I don't like it anymore
- Having one isn't cool
- You know for the longest time...
- I thought Noctowl had red wings
- And a light brown body
- But then I found out, it's all brown
- Now I really want a shiny Noctowl
- Cuz that's the colors I'm used to
- Prinnies and Pookas
- SkyFrog
- i have no life
- MissingNo. That's how it's spelled, dammit.
- Shadow Rush
- fufufufufufu
- 1337% of 3.14 is 42.
- I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!
- These aren't shorts! These are half-pants!
- inseShinyLugia
- Vamp-loid
- Justin Mundall
- Lina
- KawaiiHitode
- BjarneRiis
- Jessica Zhong 2
- Jessica Zhong 3
- NightShade101
- Saffronriolu
- Hanna B
- zygs
- HeeCawRoo
- I actually enjoyed reading that
- norblarchoop
- -good health
- I sat through it several times now
- and I am norblarchoop
- DarkFireDX
- Sigma
- Missy Griffith
- hyrulemaru
- Catstorm
- Your Master
- K'yoril
- Daniela
- Jake Todd
- FlameTrainer13
- Slick
- Bulbamew
- clue!
- Vixen the Ninetales
- bioniclescool
- Sepulcher64
- "22pandrew"
- SheepSlayer
- Reshiram Ex.
- Black Kyruem? Nah... White rules!!! XD
- MisterBadguy
- Kyndy
- Sparrowfeather
- Mr.Piccolo-Big Green Uncle
- Emily
- Axolotl
- No One
- rif
- PokeKirbyDeluxe
- Kaibo
- [Name
- Ãlvaro
- SuperAwesomeTwin
- Nicole
- Akinai
- Dalo2953
- CharizardMaster
- Reina
- Kayla.
- Arianna
- Mewsiica
- "22pandrew" (again!)
- Polaris
- ShadowKaiserin
- Fracus.
- Fracus,
- Fracus!
- Fracus~
- Fracus?
- Fracus-
- Fracus–
- Fracus=
- Fracus+
- Fracus'
- Fracus/
- Fracus the spammer
- 3239
- 3240
- 3241 :D
- (3242 is also Fracus)
- Codex Alera
- Pinkie Pie
- Rarity
- Twilight Sparkle
- Applejack
- Fluttershy
- Discord
- Princess Celestia
- Princess Luna (AKA Nightmare Moon)
- Rainbow Dash
- Vinyl Scratch (AKA DJ-PON3)
- Masahiro Sakurai
- Gyara
- Kiyohime
- Refaey ....Pronounced(REF-A-EE)
- username_not_found
- TheEvilBunneh
- Friendly Friend
- Coroxn
- Nemo Montoya
- Cloudkitty
- Houndoom
- Empoleon
- Meowthgirl
- Limanya
- LuckyLapras
- Yami No Kaabii
- Charles
- JT
- Jackie
- HetalianHeart83
- BirdNerd
- Lolbas
- ElectricTogetic
- Denton
- Firepanda
- Fang~Ardere
- Raivee
- MetaFawful
- Fire-Ice Fighter
- DemonRaikou
- inserAndré
- inserDrifblimy Chandelure
- Drifblimy Chandelure
- Cobalt
- HaPoZa
- starnewshq
- Larryturbo
- Reid
- Wizact
- Amy Havok
- Lily
- StarlightLily
- Noob
- Noob Again
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- K
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Z
- Now i know my ABCs
- Next time wont you sing with me?
- 17/8/2012 =)
- MaudQuickpaw
- Mrdemolisher
- Fierra Star
- Baron Felk
- August
- Bx
- Frost
- Awesome Dialga Master
- XatuRalist
- Elentir
- Chelsea
- lucyfiddle
- Kira Narcissism
- Derpy Hooves
- Doctor Whooves
- DarkNova181
- xenon
- MurillionBlue
- Mr.Jolteon
- Kirin
- Kimberly "Lumina Akari" Illumise
- Ethan
- Epic Dragonite
- Youtwo
- Dawn
- Phantom
- Totoquil
- M-Pen
- Navy
- James .W.
- Azavier Pitts
- ZoeRhine
- Anna
- Sh4dowShinx (James Redfearn)
- Col
- Zucriy Amsuna, Keeper of Secrets
- Jaffa
- In the Shadow of Zoroark
- Nejaru
- Paige the Blessed
- ReallyGouda
- Shadowblaze
- Cloudcat
- CloudKitten
- Bishard
- Serefin
- Eevix
- Starlake
- Heavenly Super Sonic
- Zoey
- ZoruaNS
- pokegirl302
- "Ryu-Kage" Joey
- Ptroxsora
- Jack The Conquering Gallade
- Tommy "Mizraboy" Vogel
- R3dw1ng
- Morgan Lynn
- turntech
- Ari
- IceyPinkLemons
- ACDragonMaster
- Look, Miles! I'm on the list! :D
- derpieguy
- Michelle ;-;
- Arthur Diep-Nguyen
- We love you, Butterfree! :D
- MysticFlygon
- Jack
- FallenUrsa
- dragonair907
- Joshywooful
- Tutimetzel
- Chickensabi
- I should be working
- Álvaro
- Entei999
- Nepeta Leijon
- TordenOfItami
- Dirk De Jong
- dirkac
- FrostyChinchou
- Rawrkat
- Cycloneblaze
- Kirbymon78
- Sparrow
- wild luxray
- Wigglytuff Rocks
- ChocolateCat
- Deadman White
- kucho29
- Kariachi
- I hope your having a fantastic day
- Wondermndjr
- skissors
- Daniel
- Firepiplup
- BlueShellBeast
- GracefuGardevoir
- Animorte
- Nalamall Jarek
- Ninscycadather
- Requiem For A Dream
- Lux Aeterna
- Shucask
- Charikachu
- SPAMBOT-3005
- donotlookatdiagram
- Cookierobber
- Lucas Comoletti
- Katherine the Great
- Matkat
- Condesce
- Majafi
- 3493
- Panda
- Revolver
- zapeleepl
- Waffle
- Zowayix
- Esper13
- AngelKato
- inseDevlan J
- Dillon
- Hacker280
- Merri
- Mercerenies
- Relex
- blackthorn_city
- Mercy's Wrath
- EeveeMaster
- Hisa-Ai
- G-O Dude
- Ankaa
- Linkziken
- Ladala
- KittyEspeon
- PurpleShinx
- Hygbnju
- Max
- MewtwoInfinity, AKA SamurottRazor
- supersmew
- Pika
- Taylor K. Teague
- dewotter
- Kittyliu
- Yoshayzzle
- Soapster
- Lupinequeen13
- Minerva
- Extant
- PiHydreigon
- Similight
- Rucka Rucka ALI
- inserVeriama
- DaMaster
- BerRGP
- The NinjaTrainer
- Eclipsesilver
- Aes
- Negative Space
- Nicholas1024
- Da Bunny
- Undertaker the Legendary Grim Reaper
- Voldemort
- you know,
- i'm surprised no one
- wrote
- voldemort
- finn
- Majora95
- Gaben the Shroomish
- DetachedOwl
- IntrovertCreeper
- Hobusu
- Mia C
- Dzonewolf
- Ppotdot1
- The Luxray Trainer
- awesomeguy914
- Mirkwood579
- Scraggy
- Clement Bordereau
- steffanie smith
- Andrmedea
- a shiny shinx
- McMarkle
- Cappy the Koopa
- God-King Thomas the Venerable
- Kokara
- Aquella
- Kayelii
- Laiani
- Marta
- Nobutsuna
- Sydney The Awesome
- noah3510
- Yoshi Magamoshi Hayaboshi
- Bree213
- Joshua U.
- Nigel Thornberry
- Walt Disney
- Magikarp
- Phantom812
- Shymain
- SketchedPhilo
- Shymain (again)
- Toothy
- Wait... I sat through this before? xD
- Sara Law
- Ziggmond4
- Kozlov
- Faggins
- liambeeblebrox
- Deiniol
- Billy Quiffin
- A Cow
- Ginger Jam
- A name or nickname
- Another cow
- Xander de Souza
- Peregrine777
- Perk
- Ha
- Cleo the Cat is not amused
- MooMoo
- Gondolus
- PyrotheFlareon
- Bruss
- Red the Mudkip
- Silverheart
- thehoove
- Artemis (Dammit, somebody already used that name)
- I Like Trains
- Inferno Cop
- epicrei
- XS
- DarkMeow
- Hydra
- NatalinoXS
- Alima
- AnnaAdelmeister
- Jaz
- I gave myself a headache watching the marquee
- and now i hate you for it
- the end.
- KaiserLugia
- Willowsong
- Uki Yakan
- Star-chan
- Todris052
- Panfuuf
- i think i forgot to blink
- Easo
- The Dark Lord Stan
- 42aruaour
- Katy
- Josh Power
- K. Liu
- Golden
- I died
- C.J.B
- Arare
- Geoffery
- wondermndjr(again)
- Lairoflight
- LeafAkemi
- MintyPie
- Ty Burns
- n8
- I didn't actually watch the marquee
- floofytail
- Gafigglethorp, hero of lore
- Tsunambat
- Later Before Sooner
- Quincy0807
- Electric Blue
- Sunrise Yellow
- Megan
- BurningKarma
- Did someone delete my last win?
- Tacocat
- Tacocat159
- Tacocat159 Again
- chickenpie
- chickenpie/Tacocat/Tacocat159
- Umbreon
- Marquee Watcher
- The last ten or so entries were mine
- Too many names
- Veronica
- Purpletofucrate
- Dipper Pines
- Robert'); DROP TABLE RulerNames;--
- Leo Lights
- Miguel Á. Guillén H.
- Jough Psmythe
- Odie June 6 2016 again
- Little Nonsense
- ChaseTheProcrastinator
- TabbyCat
- YellowPie84
- SuicuneTheMilotic
- PKEndy
- Yay
- DragonFly
- Boomanizard (Tyler)
- Evan
- Cilantro
- PArkanian
- Syron
- Sohal Sudheer
- Elin the Black Sheep
- Funfun11
- Muhaha
- Tori
- Who the heck cares
- rari-teh
- Auroshen
- Benno
- Megus
- Silverclaw499
- Nishiki - I FOUND CLUE 4
- XaneRoddie
- Vatio
- Amakai
- Emzilla97
- celalec
- Starly Belle
- SuperStarly
- Kisune
- iotadart
- Aurellem
- Dena Nagy
- Fluffy Fox Of Fate
- Benjamin, slayer of carrots,
- Suzie
- JOHN CENA (ba-ba-ba-baaaaan)
- I did it FINALLY yay
- turtlelover98
- RayneV
- God its over with
- some guy named krakcurr
- Veloci
- mercuriies
- Blastermaster
- dorkzilla
- RedneckPhoenix
- Gabe The Dog
- It's easier if you put on a Gabe Remix
- Miau
- Digikitty21
- GuilTheGrey
- Frandapie
- Rekano
- KonKari
- A Shiny Machamp
- Butterfree
- Oddish, formerly windzle
- Zhiaynshyos
- Sethington
- EagleTsubasa
- Atracious]
- owentrousle
- Z.L.
- Standard Panda
- Odie Dog read marquee before so not read this time
- insert your name here]
- Emile
- Aaron Allen Jameson
- DatBoi Brandank
- Hussein]
- DarkDragonfly
- Nitra Ralts
- Awesome Sauce
- Audrey729
- Last but not least, "Yvee" for my Yveltal
- Auri
- Nistoagaitr, the Gengar lover
- Hectictude
- Robwing
- Silverclawzz
- Mr. Labo of Pyroland
- Xanthiosaurus
- Zigs98
- Satoshi Yamamoto
- EpicMew333
- Someone you (hopefully) don't care about
- Gurglesmith
- Gordon
- TheOtherGordon
- Abby
- Ultrby
- Kirby UltraSword
- MisterMystery
- Breloom
- Odie Dog who again didn't read it
- on oct 25, 2016 ruff woof roofus
- RedSabre
- Cyanide Jay
- nice new marquee -Tackka]
- Nashida Kyouko
- Fauxfyre
- Riley_Bittle
- SHSL Fangirl, who actually found it interesting!]
- A Danganronpa fanboy who really enjoyed reading it
- KaiTynack
- shydeer
- Albino Darkrai (More like Marquee of Interest)
- Raiden
- Girly Number
- Firen
- Juniper
- Katamaribob
- DarkMorph
- ganman2010
- Hydragon51
- Mulefa Telluri
- Odie, who didn't read it on Dec 5, 2016
- I read the original traveling pants version
- and this one already, so...
- testing character limit in 3, 2, 1... GO!
- OdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdie
- OdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdie
- OdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOdieOd
- Yay, it's... 50 characters! Nice. :)
- Garfield Monkey
- has proven to be among the most patient of (wo)men
- 3466
- kpwbo
- Disgusted DeDeDe
- Kikoscar
- Mada
- Noto
- Denton
- GestaltMag
- Anklefied
- Daniel
- Lmoamemesxd
- Raven the Absol
- The person right next to you
- Jeffdallama
- Aerogarde, who honestly liked the marquee.
- Jill Jillington
- Lucky
- Clue!
- Smol Nozomi
- TJ "Henry" Yoshi
- Shrek Is Love Shrek is Life
- Griffin S.
- Domy
- Viktor Nikiforov
- Miltom "since2009"
- insert your name here
- Jo
- Azaquaz
- MimiKyushu
- Galazybunny
- Brotherman Bill
- KrazyCreeperKid
- Jordan/JT
- Spirit
- A_H
- Moonlith
- Misa Ai
- Probably nobody important
- ACottontail
- ZackEmerald777
- MeWantCookie
- pikscast
- Chara
- Ari
- i wanted to finish it but i wanted the prize
- Minxrod
- Arcades the Omnipotent
- OliviaBombastic
- Zoruacrossing
- nevasarini
- Devin
- Hawkdraft
- Magicbree
- Venus the Shiny Mawile
- MCLife265
- TheRealMCLife265
- MandJTVPokevids
- TyranitarTube
- Peeko
- Zaire
- ThornWish
- Nuclear Citrus
- jerry519862
- Gliscor885
- Jacob Sujin
- Conmh
- Thrillagervk
- Emily
- Voidberry
- Mia
- Arvaid
- Jay
- Ahkrin_Bahyol
- "DarkieBlack The Pokemaniac Otaku"
- Bunnevee
- Athor
- Takumi
- TACOCAT has too much time on his hands
- TACOCAT Again Again
- TACOCAT Again Again Again
- TACOCAT, Again Seriously?
- 3544 to now is all TACOCAT
- TACOCAT is doing it again
- TACOCAT!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!!
- TACOCAT????????!!
- TACOCAT????????!
- TACOCAT????????
- TACOCAT???????
- Elena
- Tuzieuivei36
- foreveralice97
- David
- yoshi
- shaymin
- SharkinaTank
- Die
- This site sucks
- Bulbasaur the Derp
- Charmander Sucks
- Staropikmin
- Dr. Fré
- Lux
- Vicky
- UncleFlacco
- PyroWyvern
- Ilanomous
- Neo
- PieGuy73
- The Juggler
- ThunderboltNonsense
- Moonstorm
- Sentarou
- $eraphim
- Quinn
- The MagnificentSans
- shinymegaaltaria
- (X_X)
- payton
- elly
- Rooster
- lynn☆
- Jesus-Man
- MWPuppire
- Rho
- Does this still work
- Bowenamc (aka Slythe)
- StrangeJellybeans
- musicsinger
- Chiknluvr
- Bill Nye
- Sol
- solunareclipse1
- Juan Benjamin
- DJ Khari
- Seal
- Shadowed_Dreams
- LazrElectric
- InterstellarAzurite
- Goomba
- Swifteye
- Mini Bill Cipher
- Is Really Impressed
- That You Managed To Beat
- This Challenging Test
- Screenshot This Page
- And This Clever Rhyme
- Hurry Up Now
- It's Almost Time
- SoggyWaffle97
- SrKomodo
- Spartango
- MiraSofiaK
- MiraSofiaK imitates TACOCAT
- Arceus
- sesquatch
- lilacponylover125
- Pyukumuku
- Kameron
- Fudgiiibarred
- BlazinDelphox
- Matthew
- sp@ce
- Alex Faewave
- Robin Clearwater
- Thanas
- BrofistKittycat
- LuckyKitsune
- Mr.Pkmn
- Shisei
- Craig
- courtex
- Liana Camille
- Lonely Dog Song
- kegnor the grand
- Ryan McGlothlen
- Darksselia
- SammyTheBullH
- Kete Husky
- CupcakKe is my President
- SavagePansage
- Donsian
- *+. Kyrin .+*
- HeroponTotoro
- Tyren
- StormyTheEpic
- Dat1Porkchop
- Ryan
- Snarguffle
- Rossy2004
- Eevee Trickster
- QuakeOoze
- ZackSapphire
- Punkslime
- Pokenom08
- Cloudpie
- Jesús
- Nmaster1345
- Fearancesca
- JazzaDawg
- GoldFish
- Wooftydog
- OMG!!!!!!! I DID IT! YEAH!
- EthanCilfreu
- Fight
- The Fun Police
- NetImmerse
- Pufferfish Gaming
- Super cool guy 2
- An uncreative individual
- KB
- Ravenwing109
- Franziska von Karma
- Bela Rae
- Fang
- FangTheWolf
- SkySwirlCake
- Sebasti
- Zorua Luhansk
- dputz99
- Rannoch
- Julia
- Jabob
- Homo Homo Desu
- Jessi
- Jessi Stegall
- PokeJoey
- Vania
- LucarioRockz
- Macblur
- No Windows
- Crocophant
- IRLPinkiePie
- Wes13
- Hooman2004
- Kyosim
- PixelGlitch
- LordBumbo
- 27Volts
- UltraGamerYT
- Brian D.C.
- Devon Rex
- The World
- Lonely Bird
- Rockruff
- Galaxsci
- Joseph
- Pensi
- Odie again 2018
- Jan 18, 2018
- Pinkie Pie is best pony
- The marquee is pretty cool
- Pinkie Pie
- Pinkie Pie 2
- Spike
- 2944 & 3767, two Pinkies
- Pinkie Pie 3
- Pinkie Pie 4
- Pinkie Pie 5
- Pinkie Pie 6
- Pinkamena
- Pinkie Pie 7
- Pinkie Pie 8
- Pinkie Pie 9
- Pinkie Pie 10
- Q
- Luz
- Alex J.
- ChrisFroakie
- HeptapodOne
- TogepiMax
- Big Boy
- Toraion
- Far to Obsessed with Pokemon
- Princess Togezo
- Aaronthesplegger
- MegaNoob123
- DragonMan101
- Luna
- Morticia
- Oddstevie
- JonicHedgepig
- nyaanyaaowo
- LordCuskus
- Cruxin
- nooblyaf
- Filipe Costa
- Lincoln
- andrew a.d
- Huskies
- reg
- Gamer 757
- Zane
- Jeffrey
- Mez
- ViewedSourceUsedJavascriptConsoleFunChallenge:)
- Brady
- Great_Boricua_Sage
- skatecar
- Elsen Crowe
- April 1 2018
- Emar
- BanMonster
- G
- Shpleebz
- Frubble_Froakie
- JackalopeJack
- Joshua Law
- TheQuakifier
- A. Person
- David Dudovitz (Divodd)
- Conman861
- Ephoxian Blader
- SunSquash
- Ponyshment
- Jack
- Esper
- anotherbeaver
- WitheredPhoenix
- DoW
- Trazel Apeally
- Leopold
- Propane Nightmare
- Mirari
- name
- sazandora
- Star
- Ashe
- Michaela Melody
- Latris
- ThatOneEnder
- Avi
- CosmicGhostZ
- Amber
- theKINGdra01
- Forty-two hippos in America
- Selki
- Elliot
- floof
- wreien
- randomforever
- Orange
- DevilBal
- Conner Rice
- Rebel
- KainWill
- Gamptrak
- Zig
- João Morais
- Mitsuhide
- Mr Blob (second time doing this)
- DJtrainer
- Skye was bored and is still bored
- Volca
- Leviathan
- Wow
- KrazyK
- misc20
- Robert "Mr. Sux" Valdez
- Jessie H
- vgpharaoh
- Timataio
- awesomecat42
- Blue Christmas
- bruh I literally just looked at the javascript
- Batagini
- Miaaka
- Boris
- the0fromtheflag
- krek
- artichokecat
- Grizou88
- Wazz
- ArceusMaster106
- Master Hydra
- Princess Starburst
- Silverloft
- Hunt Down the Fundie
- ro_blaze
- EduX007
- Kerosene
- Maple
- Termigator69
- RyuKageChroma
- Rånare
- luccasluba
- Azim
- is
- the
- greatest
- like
- no-one
- ever
- was.
- Hero
- PrimaAria
- Bionic
- Disco
- Dragonmastergod
- send help
- Nibba
- Renmei
- ShadySpiritomb
- SgvSth
- Sam
- Abananapie
- Jolt
- Leader Arceus
- Cattafang Hydroxi
- Fyren
- Storm
- Firey
- Brightclaw
- Sean
- Slowking
- Dragoncake
- Spoons
- Cosmo
- Ceonn
- Sebastian
- Verydarklord09
- Jeff Goldblume
- Cobaltic
- Language fan, really enjoyed this :)
- Rivenix
- Bret Ladrie
- wjwjia
- Humble_Dragon
- Ewen
- Haefy
- BatterymanAAA
- The Exuberant Eevee
- Saergi Alachon
- Krentle
- Lord_Scroob
- Koyei
- LimeSlime
- We were expecting you
- Feel free to enter your name again below:
- CarlTheLime
- Shane Templemann
- Meepity Meep
- clue!
- Kila The Kitty
- Wiimonkey2
- Microte
- lmaothisisgood
- Diamond
- Ravenwing
- MarioFan64
- ushacorn
- Izzyaac
- Jucatorul
- Logan
- CrazyGuy108
- nooblyaf_again
- frostg170
- Ashwing-O-SC/StormLight2861
- The_Jango
- Kai
- jodevan
- King Boo
- I really enjoyed the Icelandic stuff!
- shiningRay123
- Cody SB
- Pink Vaporeon
- MarbleSwan666
- Agent
- Crow
- GuardianAngelfish
- IsHere Pho
- Reshiram5875
- Halois Iris
- FangtheXth
- TheTakenBacon
- Minisora
- Layleh
- No one
- Steve P
- Parker Morgan
- BlueNinty
- Parker Morgan (again)
- Michen
- Some weirdo who has way too much spare time
- Eeve3
- Y
- Previous entry belongs to Odie
- March 25, 2019 has proven to be
- among the most patient of women
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 0
- 10
- oops
- I am a
- Paul Stephens
- Xrosfyre
- nova25
- Odie actually did it again :P
- Blomma
- MaxSchnell42
- Acinaces
- Subscribe to PewDiePie
- MicahMew
- The Great Pukalonius
- pikip726
- mincerafter42
- TilaniTaliarin
- Siragon
- sky puddle
- SunstonePhoenix
- Ipfil
- (See what I did there?)
- EternityAether
- I am a PikaGirl, Pikagirl
- NoirB
- The slow but inevitable decline of privacy
- wjwjwj
- SweetWindMusic
- PixelNecrozma
- Sneaker
- Jess
- WhimsicalWanderer
- LittleUmbreon01
- Samantha C
- Bel
- Elias Rondou
- Beau
- Nintendom
- Charbomber
- Dave Strider
- Omkey
- zizzfizz
- Nedge
- Rainman
- FuzzyFoe
- Marowakfu
- Nixtarma
- ryin
- Subglacious
- ScurviedPirate
- Chevy
- Galeem (Aka lovedragons888)
- Indecisive_Mocha_Floofer
- Awa356
- Leo James W
- Runegentleman
- Mystery Joe
- Luke Foreman
- Ocaji
- LunaKara
- Germs
- Poke
- yado47
- Ghostlypups
- Superfan2018
- you owe me $20
- no, you owe me $20
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- AstroSnail
- Raptor
- Lukina
- ArcaneArgonian
- papiliodemoleus
- Astico
- Venison
- Milo
- Rachel_RSEN
- A Paranoid Insomniac
- Sushichu
- Kembo
- Joshua G.
- Monkeydsukandaru
- Someone
- Toni Kensa
- Cosmic Deoxys
- JPT79
- Whitefeather
- MathTurtle
- PunMistress
- formuoli
- A wild YouTuber MrMeowTV
- HydreigonOxide
- Darsh
- dint
- MaxAR
- FreshCrispyLettuce
- SixteenYellowFurredMonkeys
- QuiesQwerty
- ILoveCalamari
- ShellyTheSheep
- ThisHasBeenTheSamePersonSince#4111
- DawnStarSunlight
- Soon-to-be (spoiler) Queen Splendiferous
- Hadordo
- TheOneWho'sEmbarkedOnAGloriousQuest
- And no one is Elsa
- AndNoOneElse
- Hello!
- I am going to tell you something
- This is a very ineffective method
- of telling a narrative.
- I'll just stop now.
- OhBtwIt'sStillBeen(Mostly)
- TheSamePersonSince#4111
- WillAnyoneEvenReadThis?
- IfSo,RespondStatingANameFrom4111
- Mr.Flame
- Eknar
- Thedeciduguy
- Absolute Z0
- FireWraith
- Loggins
- King of the Sun
- Bilderbeed
- WellDonion
- Starving
- Fletcher
- cutecr33per
- Malloy
- peppey_pep
- Reetta
- TheFunnySundae
- My dude
- Neoncloud
- HiIt'sThatPersonFrom#4111(still)
- ALongTimeLater,MightIAdd...
- motorgeist
- sophie who is now dead inside
- Ashtree
- oxcat
- noob2star
- ElvisPresgoat
- Cleobel
- Bulbasaur1
- Cosmixx
- berrypass
- Aphy
- DrFalchion
- CheerleaderSquid
- Koopa472
- Hello4111!
- </main>js-editing_is_fun!
- Lizzie
- You underestimated my boredom
- Thanks for entertaining me for a while!
- bee
- i just did the marquee of doom twice
- sorry, i meant i did it a second time
- seagrot
- Comrade TruthTeller
- KernalSanders
- Olivia!
- Dallas Dastardly
- Boosco
- SunsetGuardian
- dequbed
- Bowgartsrule
- Mistwing
- cityscapes
- Cheeto puff jr.
- Carli
- Arekkusu, The dino dating the villain
- Starry
- CC (aka Accidias)
- Ephemera
- samanthot
- AShinyTogepi
- Togepi
- Blue Reef
- LuckyOshawott
- Sarangsi
- SparkyEel944
- あおい
- orangepiggy
- Spriter Zoroark
- Mysteria
- KamTros47
- YT_EpicGamingGod
- frxart
- 4111 lmaooo i like u
- Jake Belske
- Emily P.
- Jelly the Awesomest
- Anhaelis the owl
- Ribbons
- Finn
- Mabel Pines
- Previous two entries are Odie's
- 4111 Cool!
- Odie entries start from 4214
- Soos
- Wendy
- Piglet
- I found Clue 4 last year =D
- Winnie-the-Pooh
- Stitches
- Apollo
- Woody
- Barbie
- 14 Pinkie Pies are Rulers of the Universe
- Actually 15 counting the previous one
- And that's a rock fact!
- Odie Dog's entries end here... for now ;)
- Odie's entries end at 4235 actually ;)
- March 14 2020 (Pi Day)
- Will actually read marquee tommorow :P
- Odie says Bye now! :)
- Laxus Dreyar
- Skyla
- >he wasted 30 min of his life not hacking the js
- Roro109
- The Toaster
- Jackie (Rubyblaze)
- Nicolas
- Anhaelis the fallen
- Splash
- SpiffyGamer43
- IndigoEmmy
- Absbor
- Camwoodstock
- StarSash
- Lost Golem
- SpinyShell
- Sydney
- NineJirachi's
- StarBorgPlays
- Ysabel
- Truck
- AbsoluteUnit
- Viiperfang
- that wasn't remotely fun
- JH
- echxveria
- coufle
- ZGenius
- Royal
- TheLostPrisoner1
- MLGBudderCD
- Shayma98
- Svalin
- Mr.Fluffers
- Xan-Teth
- A copy of a previous entry
- A copy of a copy of a previous entry
- A copy of a copy of a copy of a previous entry
- Devilrage
- Pollen Puff
- Graham
- Greninlucarizardlup
- Masochistic Wobbuffet
- Isaac Peterson
- KaijuCakes
- JonnyTNT7
- Soup
- jam
- Gauss
- AnonJ (Formerly Rose the Magicat)
- It'sMeThatPersonFrom4111
- WowItsBeenAWhile
- Pierre Remy a.k.a Blue Alphaville
- Safireix
- JSEditorBree
- Glop
- Sklee
- Pepper Koi
- Willow
- Jacksonc0525
- send_sleep
- Kronosmos
- Toguan
- Izzy
- Thaddeus Claggit
- Squish
- Brandon K.
- Note
- HiItsThatPersonFrom4111
- Tyler Moon
- Bunny
- Aver
- Marquis
- Lord Omkey
- Omkey, who should be asleep...
- ...but is instead opening random bookmarks.
- So many bookmarks...
- Mr. Sandman
- PiGi
- Rebel_O
- Nasko
- Rurine
- Typh
- hmu @ Typh#5729
- Rurihime
- cobblestone646
- LucarioRox
- Cinimodder
- Lenny
- Kho/Dialga
- TheMudkipKeeper
- Pierko
- AnAverageArceus
- ToolboxToast
- DarkLux
- Mute
- Kazablanc
- Echo0408
- Xenor
- Jeremyah
- Gale
- Spencer Kim
- Nicholas, who really just did that
- 15
- Micky
- BigJuicy who really enjoyed the marquee actually
- antialias
- antialiasis
- Ruby Senpai
- AquaDarkness
- [insert yourSuperMatt369
- SuperMatt369
- I720Rebel
- Kyogre71
- Budewfan2001
- RiftSilver
- WynterBlackburn
- StormSurge
- Andykulo
- Tyler R.
- I cheated
- I did it
- 172
- Nolf
- Amroth103
- MythicalTiger
- Khat
- Discord Sparkle
- Darwinist42
- Crisptian
- Hi4217
- Glacial11
- Oofington
- Rigin
- Shirou78
- Nero
- When the imposter is sus
- cipher
- Greninjoid 378
- Solomon
- Paleon
- WolfCrafter55555
- WolfCrafter5555
- WolfCrafter555
- WolfCrafter55
- WolfCrafter5
- Jirachi
- BazyBoy100
- Nedra
- Moo_Maximus
- LegionRaptor021
- Quackers
- PotatoBoi
- Glorgamitch
- Aiyeina
- Renee Park
- Metal
- 4298 is a rickroll
- ThatOneDolphin
- zombie-powder
- ElecStorm
- Aether Somerset
- Not Jane
- gold not cool
- Glace
- OffKea
- Not Jane Again
- I Cheated On This One
- Chikinugit
- zerses
- ShadowedEevee
- KingPyre
- StarlightSpectr
- Pulsar
- y/n
- Siris Hunter
- Dhairya (a.k.a. Blazing)
- Take that you idiot
- Dragonite Knight
- Aegis :)
- TimBobBill
- Rowan
- Mel
- Private Iron
- Pokemon its you and me
- Delfi
- Schmurr Productions
- DawningWinds
- DeathAidKit
- ♡ Cupcake Princess ♡
- RoachLizzy
- jellomochas
- WillowTehKitsune
- Indigold06
- The Holy Lord Of Bacon
- I_Too_Know_Some_JS_Jokes_On_You_Marquee_Of_Doom
- Moldy
- Boot
- Maktackle
- JoeSco
- Salem the Lockpicker
- Kaborry SH
- 2ninjasko/Cloaked_Raven
- ColdPhoenix
- Hatyy
- dQw4w9WgXcQ
- Swiftsand
- BananaGengar
- TunaKitty63
- Mr.Sandman
- ^that's ig and discord #6064
- Joss
- RisingEmpoleon
- Techno_Dreams
- SketchTarts
- Caelum
- OmegaDapling
- Gogoat No. 495
- KQ
- Corsola Simp
- Wolfyre_Wolfswift
- Attocia
- MandJTV
- Imaginary
- Expohko
- Bishop Chaleeb
- AIFreak
- ThatGuyAllen
- Akula
- Kyran, Marquee-Slayer
- Croz
- wooshe
- Squishington
- ItsAmeYushi
- InvaderMAK2016
- Miss Vanilly
- Lucian
- vegag
- The_E364
- Luna470
- K.R.H
- プクリン
- Chaery
- poiltpl
- Walrus Person
- Froglad76
- Platymundane
- Birbings
- Lord Azrael
- Queen Vivian the Absolute Goddess
- HeroDrakeor
- Warphoenix1
- Amarizine
- Prime
- Hyphen
- swivel!
- swivel?
- Sharpnote
- Cotton
- GummyWizard
- Tesla
- I didn't pay much attention
- I just left it running and went on discord
- - Tesla (Formerly Not Jane)
- TL The Legend
- coleslaw2005
- Zammers
- AC
- Very Tired Person No. 273648
- glikcat!
- TheLegendofStella
- pokeluigi
- Alsae
- Pickle Emperor
- DoctorNivag
- Qwerty
- LilyOrSomething
- Runoisch
- SAStar777
- ShadowFlames
- Well this was something
- Skyla's Haxorus 23
- you reading this
- Pinballed
- The Man
- Neomega
- Sophia Luna
- ashh3b0oke
- Stormie
- Joey Martin
- Miles
- Nobleline
- Elijah Lewis
- King of Shedinjas
- Naruto Uzumaki
- |~Kaylyn/Ouniqe~|
- Maya
- BrickWildcat
- GoronGrowlithe
- Supreme Leader Zhong Xina (Croz)
- fifi
- Fictitious Mud
- Lei
- goosekite dated 22 Jan 2022 GMT+8
- Bug
- LuckyLemon
- Samplasion
- If you thought that was long,
- If you thought that was annoying,
- Check twitter in 2022
- And then proceed to hate humanity
- bob :)
- Valerie
- Cyrgia
- desn121
- RencatuiveW
- Zeroroses
- Cassandra Rose
- RightyD
- JF
- Ligma
- joe
- whos joe?
- Joe MAMA
- Male_Gardevoir
- Legoboy3497
- Fco
- Sans Undertale
- Reminder - 8th of February, 2022, 1AM CLST
- Stripey
- G8nzal8
- farfetch'd
- Alcremie Man
- waspear
- Gage
- Funtime Freddy
- redrobo8
- Kristannial
- Fairy_Eevee
- Jedward
- Saffron
- mimo, following the path of thousands of others
- Bitchko
- moonrat!!
- when the when the
- Thomas Rox
- nessie :)!
- Radiant Ike
- Amber B
- Eton
- JaWadles
- test
- your anti cheat was too weak
- MacNWeeb
- Eleiy
- Bram the Oddish
- Ars Argentum
- Aequinoctus
- JmaesB the Porygon2 fan
- multitasking (:
- SoundWave58
- Shaptarshi
- Aryav
- Mehul
- Saarth
- Aradhya
- Archit
- Ritvik
- cringeguy
- MithrylG
- ArcticDrugDealer
- dei
- Liquid
- Al11
- Me, 11 years later
- Kuroshiya
- DumShroom
- twix
- Doduodrio
- SouthAttorney26
- Cassandra
- Sushi
- The Lord of Weirdness
- Allu
- marstini
- [inserSalem
- The weasel that you kind of know
- PowderbonesAmy
- Xandoofi
- jjbluejays
- koumarinn
- Death Axe
- Of Joltiks and Tyranitars
- Brian Jiang
- Dishonor to you, dishonor to your cow
- TheOnionMan42
- Classywall
- Guesswho27
- Virt!
- Samurott is Sleeping
- Btw, I got in here with JavaScript (SiS, #4641)
- Curse this 50-character limit, now I can't type lo
- Date is 7/3/2022 (MM/DD/YYYY), just for the record
- Wolfblaze9
- ras132
- Calypso
- Gregory Sus
- Rubennoid
- Bananabelle
- mrswordling
- Atar Lafay
- [inserFlame67
- [Flame67
- Aspiri
- Alex L.
- Joaschway
- texty
- Moth (Rubombee)
- also, trans rights
- SceptIan
- Clarkmeister
- ReaperofGender
- Edie - rarimena
- HizuiSneazel
- GuilhemFrafrga47
- A_Play
- Frozen Giratina
- Dracomew
- >Juette
- Fraser A
- Logun Smith
- JaydenSpellmaster
- Bloxxel
- CataclysmG
- 1papaya2papaya
- Kristy
- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
- Bechno Kid
- Goodra the Great
- ShadowWolf
- Lynne
- Penic
- Can't Quite Think
- Ash
- Anya the Tired
- Valor
- ScriptlessFoe
- Oct 13 2022 Odie again
- Odie Dog
- I highly recommend reading through this list
- It has funny stuff in it
- The End, for now ;)
- Euclase
- Sofia
- ShadowScolipede
- Crow Strider
- Aura
- Aura again
- Aurae
- AJ
- tabris
- Sad Scientist
- MimikQueue
- Hannahhasregrets
- Charmanderman42069
- Your mom in Soviet Russia
- Girarceus
- Quillax
- robin
- Ootdega
- JerTheShip
- Q1wsa
- Enjoy the remaining 28 days of 2022 :)
- GameTheoryFan42
- Falinks
- CitrusCustard
- OnlyIvy
- Casual Koopa
- Flake
- Please Play Live A Live
- chaosnightmare
- Carricx
- High-Quality Moron
- Crabulon
- Snapdragon
- 2007 Pre-Ban Four Loko
- Nolanio
- Nolanio again (dun dun duuuuuun(sparce))
- And no one else. Seriously though,
- Jacob Judt
- Blackbird
- LuBiStar20
- Purries
- Sena
- Nina & Katsumi
- Muse
- Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus
- Eriks
- Harry
- Tohka
- iris and bri <3
- FerriteMage
- Lost Silas
- cooloak
- Darktime_Snibu
- Joe B.
- Rey Silvan
- eggtophat
- [insert Flame
- Flame
- Kath
- Gaius and Aulus
- Alice Purin
- Xiao 者學考助功學朋橋刺刺才子子田pe cho wang
- Mila
- ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ ﷽
- Psych
- MKrez1999
- UnknownAssist
- Fhdvhfb
- Dhdvhy
- Glacy
- Test
- Odie Dog once more
- May 13, 2023
- Weird dude
- Kosmic
- Riley!
- Struggle Kitty
- pissyerpants
- Cylant
- Astro
- J0w03L
- LinkingArms
- Littlestarm - 6/10/2023
- dante
- Pachoo
- slever_the_fox
- potetopancakes
- JoulsTube
- BandannaDoo
- Tide
- CarMedicine
- Dragomir
- propa
- Parker L. Shaw
- KiooZaax
- Hatwere(Benji)(please someone see this)
- David(friend above)
- Hedydd
- JordanL
- Rivers the Flareon
- hi im elizabeth
- awawa
- lensdeer (found tcod in 07; just got here in 2023)
- Lilith
- \
- Sweet Dreams the Golden Dragon
- Oro
- LuxrayKing
- Darkrai17 (#1 Hatsune Miku Fan)
- Alexand
- Streamm >:3c
- Also Streamm : hi Benji ! i saw this :)
- אריאל
- Kaiya
- SilentSpectre
- lily (patent pending)
- FDarkrai17 is NOT the #1 Miku fan >:(
- TopHatOblobble
- CCeriseGD
- CongoBat lost the game.
- Spinyspinr
- UnknownDemi
- Mikey76500
- Ollie!!
- Vaughn Zane
- Illuminati42
- Joshua Schmitz
- Ambiguous i
- Phoenix
- Sekoia
- Origami
- DaeValoh
- your mother (aha aha aha)
- Lightscythe
- puddle ^_^
- snowy
- Dittachu
- Vasco da Gama
- É o melhor time do mundo
- Veggeti <<<<< Cano e Gabibunda
- Cordelia Jozefa
- IronBoy2632
- Stat
- Crabsoft
- Huemungador
- YourSuperior
- Alemex
- Chimmy Chungus
- Tenlaven
- dcmldcml
- well that was a waste of time
- Koli Hinokami
- Charlmeleon the great and epic of cool
- #1MKPlayer
- Korattata
- Her Greatness Stick of Omaha
- LloydSalamander
- Raex Calamitatis
- Marshadow
- ESeaTorrents
- Zoe
- Blurgnator
- Californius B. Rasin
- Wildirishboy
- Why am I here I don't even like Pokemon
- Eevika
- Moonglow
- NobleRoar29
- Eelingtone
- Nylith
- Kirian
- Nico Holmes
- Sweetspot21
- Dragonrain1112
- GMZirconium
- RippleStarShards
- SpiritOfGotham
- Elesqueleto2010
- Lef
- An actual crow
- beliuga
- Ctrl+U enjoyer
- Henceforth, I shall be known as PokeMustQuake!
- Goombablock
- Hopestar
- Funky Fresh Fellow
- Geomagix
- Rei
- bow
- Salakirby
- casey cyanide
- Nerin
- ZuluRusty
- [iLeo Hellspawnmotel
- Ten years in the joint
- Everest
- JS1904
- Pugalotl
- YoshiKarter
- Fishb0wl
- Crimson
- Bicyclarv
- Lego
- Salty
- ChesPinwheel
- spider_mankey
- Wolfy_107
- Copy the message Vindicelle
- Digizel
- redboy128
- VVinny
- Traedran
- Copy the message [InkyflockdotAAA]
- Inkyflock.AAA
- Liz :)
- Rosie
- Majestar
- Mozzaza
- bexie
- tamov
- Sonic_Luigi
- Mackus
- You are awesome
- Cat_Person
- Rainbow the Dragon Cat
- ihdoany
- 707
- Gavae
- The game is afoot!
- Olivia Glass
- Samuel
- TheGamerGod™
- asdy619
- Jimmy
- me
- KunFuCutsMan
- Sammybam88
- dumpling_equivalent or transrites aka ALC
- Thans101
- Amfony
- CiVe
- Spewpurr
- Aurora245
- Icky
- _sleepwalkr23
- Marissa
- long live the old 'net
- OrigamiPichu
- RatJesus
- Axol
- Azzie
- Henos
- pj13
- Plambt
- shinadoll
- Battery Acid
- Pokepeople01
- ChuckECheeseLover
- MrAlbania
- Soren Kerl
- Lydia
- Harold McGrady III
- Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V
- Windy Landscape
- Big Chungus Backpack
- Ian, the Great Knave
- TheL3tterM
- Indigo
- Trtlel
- RosaTheRad
- Luthen
- Doctor Jacl
- FroakieGuy111
- Aquila
- Owen
- Klutter
- Odie Dog here again
- Feb 1 2024
- NightShade
- jan Mosi
- Papyrol
- Harmonia
- Captain_Cook
- Achilles420NEO
- Aizune
- Jeitopia
- DirtdevilNick
- Tad
- KingsKnight
- Bola 8
- Pangolin
- Gannett
- So close to #5000 -_-
- cara do fusca
- NymphiaTheLesbian
- Hexelyn
- Hoenn's Fury
- Char
- Key
- Noah
- Lilbookworm93
- That Really Cool Guy From Across The Street
- Toppztugan
- Kayliqu
- (o o)>
And no one else.
Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC