Shadow List

This list contains all the shadow Pokémon in Colosseum, their levels and moves at purification, their trainers and their locations. Move 1 is replaced with Shadow Rush until purified.

The "Location until snagged" is where the trainer will appear infinitely from after you defeat them at all the other locations until you've managed to snag the Pokémon; however, be sure to note that I am not 100% sure on whether all of them actually will appear infinitely or only once at that location. If you have any more information, please tell me.

Level: 30
Move 1: Foresight
Move 2: Focus Energy
Move 3: Vital Throw
Move 4: Cross Chop
Item: None
Trainer: Miror B Peon Trudly
Location 1: Mayor's House
Location until snagged: Mayor's House after beating Evice

Level: 30
Move 1: Sunny Day
Move 2: Synthesis
Move 3: Razor Leaf
Move 4: Body Slam
Item: Miracle Seed
Trainer: Mystery Troop/Cipher Peon Verde
Location 1: Phenac City/Snagem Hideout/Laboratory
Location until snagged: Realgam Tower Dome

Level: 30
Move 1: Sunny Day
Move 2: Smokescreen
Move 3: Dig
Move 4: Flame Wheel
Item: Charcoal
Trainer: Mystery Troop/Cipher Peon Rosso
Location 1: Phenac City/Snagem Hideout/Laboratory
Location until snagged: Realgam Tower Dome

Level: 30
Move 1: Rain dance
Move 2: Scary Face
Move 3: Bite
Move 4: Surf
Item: Mystic Water
Trainer: Mystery Troop/Cipher Peon Bluno
Location 1: Phenac City/Snagem Hideout/Laboratory
Location until snagged: Realgam Tower Dome

Level: 33
Move 1: Iron Tail
Move 2: Helping Hand
Move 3: Quick Attack
Move 4: Strength
Item: None
Trainer: Rogue Cail
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 30
Move 1: Psybeam
Move 2: Confuse Ray
Move 3: Mean Look
Move 4: Shadow Ball
Item: Spell Tag
Trainer: Rider Vant
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 30
Move 1: Steel Wing
Move 2: Hypnosis
Move 3: Reflect
Move 4: Fly
Item: None
Trainer: Rider Nover
Location 1: Pyrite Town
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 30
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Thunder Wave
Move 3: Cotton Spore
Move 4: Thundershock
Item: None
Trainer: St. Performer Diogo
Location 1: Pyrite Town
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 30
Move 1: Synthesis
Move 2: Sleep Powder
Move 3: Cotton Spore
Move 4: Mega Drain
Item: None
Trainer: Rider Leba
Location 1: Pyrite Town
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 30
Move 1: Mud Shot
Move 2: Amnesia
Move 3: Slam
Move 4: Surf
Item: None
Trainer: Bandana Guy Divel
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 30
Move 1: Sunny Day
Move 2: Yawn
Move 3: Rock Throw
Move 4: Flamethrower
Item: None
Trainer: Roller Boy Lon
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 33
Move 1: Detect
Move 2: Supersonic
Move 3: Sonicboom
Move 4: Uproar
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Nore
Location until snagged: Pyrite Building

Level: 20
Move 1: Bubblebeam
Move 2: Lock-On
Move 3: Psybeam
Move 4: Aurora Beam
Item: None
Trainer: Miror B. Peon Reath
Location 1: Pyrite Building
Location until snagged: Miror's Hideout

Level: 33
Move 1: Wing Attack
Move 2: Supersonic
Move 3: Bubblebeam
Move 4: Take Down
Item: None
Trainer: Miror B. Peon Ferma
Location 1: Pyrite Building
Location until snagged: Miror's Hideout

Level: 33
Move 1: Pin Missile
Move 2: Minimize
Move 3: Poison Sting
Move 4: Surf
Item: Poison Barb
Trainer: Hunter Doken
Location until snagged: Pyrite Town

Level: 33
Move 1: Detect
Move 2: Calm Mind
Move 3: Confusion
Move 4: Hi Jump Kick
Item: Twistedspoon
Trainer: Rider Twan
Location until snagged: Pyrite Cave

Level: 33
Move 1: Spite
Move 2: Glare
Move 3: Yawn
Move 4: Take Down
Item: None
Trainer: Rider Sosh
Location until snagged: Pyrite Cave

Level: 33
Move 1: Mirror Move
Move 2: Sing
Move 3: Safeguard
Move 4: Fly
Item: None
Trainer: Hunter Zalo
Location until snagged: Pyrite Cave

Level: 35
Move 1: Flail
Move 2: Block
Move 3: Low Kick
Move 4: Rock Slide
Item: Hard Stone
Trainer: Cipher Admin Miror B.
Location 1: Miror's Hideout
Location 2: Realgam Tower Dome
Location until snagged: Deep Colosseum

Level: 38
Move 1: Agility
Move 2: Focus Energy
Move 3: Triple Kick
Move 4: Rapid Spin
Item: Black Belt
Trainer: Cipher Peon Skrub
Location 1: Agate Village
Location 2: Laboratory
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 40
Move 1: Sunny Day
Move 2: Leer
Move 3: Bite
Move 4: Fire Blast
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Admin Dakim
Location 1: Mt. Battle
Location 2: Realgam Tower Dome
Location until snagged: Deep Colosseum

Level: 40
Move 1: Baton Pass
Move 2: Safeguard
Move 3: Supersonic
Move 4: Comet Punch
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Kloak
Location 1: The Under
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 40
Move 1: Rain Dance
Move 2: Leer
Move 3: Gust
Move 4: Surf
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Admin Venus
Location 1: The Under
Location 2: Realgam Tower Dome
Location until snagged: Deep Colosseum

Level: 43
Move 1: Faint Attack
Move 2: Sand-Attack
Move 3: Poison Sting
Move 4: Slash
Item: None
Trainer: Hunter Frena
Location 1: The Under Subway
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Astonish
Move 2: Hypnosis
Move 3: Leer
Move 4: Take Down
Item: None
Trainer: Chaser Liaks
Location 1: The Under Subway
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Endure
Move 2: Odor Sleuth
Move 3: Dig
Move 4: Blizzard
Item: Soft Sand
Trainer: Bodybuilder Lonia
Location 1: The Under Subway
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Faint Attack
Move 2: Screech
Move 3: Fury Swipes
Move 4: Icy Wind
Item: None
Trainer: Rider Nelis
Location 1: The Under Subway
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Baton Pass
Move 2: Tickle
Move 3: Fury Swipes
Move 4: Swift
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Cole
Location 1: Laboratory
Location 2: Laboratory
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Faint Attack
Move 2: Mean Look
Move 3: Night Shade
Move 4: Fly
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Lare
Location 1: Laboratory
Location 2: Laboratory
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Explosion
Move 2: Protect
Move 3: Bide
Move 4: Rapid Spin
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Vana
Location 1: Laboratory
Location 2: Laboratory
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Spider Web
Move 2: Scary Face
Move 3: Leech Life
Move 4: Sludge Bomb
Item: Silverpowder
Trainer: Ciphier Peon Lesar
Location 1: Laboratory
Location 2: Laboratory
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 43
Move 1: Crunch
Move 2: Screech
Move 3: Sand Tomb
Move 4: Dragonbreath
Item: Dragon Fang
Trainer: Cipher Peon Remil
Location 1: Laboratory
Location 2: Laboratory
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 40
Move 1: Rain Dance
Move 2: Leer
Move 3: Quick Attack
Move 4: Thunder
Item: None
Trainer: Mystery Troop/Cipher Peon Rosso
Location 1: Laboratory
Location 2: Realgam Tower Dome
Location until snagged: Deep Colosseum

Level: 45
Move 1: Blizzard
Move 2: Attract
Move 3: Present
Move 4: Fly
Item: Nevermeltice
Trainer: Cipher Peon Arton
Location until snagged: Realgam Tower Dome

Level: 45
Move 1: Sunny Day
Move 2: Growth
Move 3: Ingrain
Move 4: Solarbeam
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Baila
Location until snagged: Realgam Tower Dome

Level: 45
Move 1: Reversal
Move 2: Endure
Move 3: Counter
Move 4: Brick Break
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Dioge
Location until snagged: Realgam Tower Dome

Level: 47
Move 1: Drill Peck
Move 2: Metal Sound
Move 3: Air Cutter
Move 4: Steel Wing
Item: Sharp Beak
Trainer: Snagem Head Gonzap
Location 1: Realgam Tower
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 48
Move 1: Milk Drink
Move 2: Defense Curl
Move 3: Rollout
Move 4: Body Slam
Item: None
Trainer: Bodybuilder Jomas
Location until snagged: Tower Colosseum

Level: 48
Move 1: Perish Song
Move 2: Swords Dance
Move 3: Slash
Move 4: Faint Attack
Item: None
Trainer: Rider Delan
Location until snagged: Tower Colosseum

Level: 48
Move 1: Faint Attack
Move 2: Howl
Move 3: Smog
Move 4: Flamethrower
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Nella
Location until snagged: Tower Colosseum

Level: 49
Move 1: Solarbeam
Move 2: Synthesis
Move 3: Magical Leaf
Move 4: Fly
Item: None
Trainer: Cipher Peon Ston
Location until snagged: Tower Colosseum

Level: 50
Move 1: Hyper Beam
Move 2: Iron Defense
Move 3: Metal Claw
Move 4: Psychic
Item: Metal Coat
Trainer: Cipher Nascour
Location until snagged: Tower Colosseum

Level: 55
Move 1: Crunch
Move 2: Thunder
Move 3: Rock Slide
Move 4: Blizzard
Item: Nugget
Trainer: Cipher Head Evice
Location until snagged: Tower Colosseum

Level: 45
Move 1: Sketch
Move 2: Tail Whip
Move 3: Doubleslap
Move 4: Iron Tail
Item: None
Trainer: Team Snagem Biden
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 45
Move 1: Faint Attack
Move 2: Fake Tears
Move 3: Lick
Move 4: Slash
Item: None
Trainer: Team Snagem Agrev
Location until snagged: Snagem Hideout

Level: 45
Move 1: Safeguard
Move 2: Encore
Move 3: Rest
Move 4: Bide
Item: None
Trainer: Deep King Agnol
Location until snagged: Deep Colosseum

Level: 20
Move 1: Metronome
Move 2: Encore
Move 3: Sweet Kiss
Move 4: Yawn
Item: None
Trainer: Fake Hero Fein
Location until snagged: Outskirt Stand

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC


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681 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.