
03/31/12: Language Change/Tungumálaskipti

As interest in Pokémon in Iceland has been skyrocketing in the past few years, I've after some thought decided that this website could do more good in my native tongue than in the same language as ninety percent of the Internet. I still need to comb through the whole site to translate everything and change all the banners in all the styles and so on, but I've started off by translating the front page and menu, as well as the Zodiac script (so the date shown near the top of the page is translated, as are the Zodiac images generated by the script, even though I haven't gotten around to translating the actual page yet).

This will be the final English update; it's just here to explain to my non-Icelandic visitors what's going on. If you don't understand Icelandic, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Þar sem áhugi á Pokémon á Íslandi hefur farið stigvaxandi undanfarin ár hef ég að vel ígrunduðu máli ákveðið að þessi síða sé betur sett á ástkæra ylhýra heldur en á sama tungumáli og níutíu prósent af veraldarvefnum. Ég á enn eftir að kemba í gegnum allt til að þýða undirsíðurnar og hausmyndirnar í öllum stílunum, en til að byrja með hef ég þýtt forsíðuna og valmyndina auk dagatalsforritsins (þannig að dagsetningin efst á síðunni og dagatalsmyndirnar sem forritið býr til eru á íslensku, þótt ég hafi ekki þýtt síðuna sjálfa ennþá).

Velkomin í hinn nýja Helli drekaflugnanna!

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422 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Can't do anything about the connotations being different, then. xp

[03/04/2012 11:08:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12

(Though the too-archaic point still stands and gives it different connotations than "Þér eruð fífl." "Ye" sounds mostly old, while "þér" is mostly way ultra-formal and secondarily old.)

[03/04/2012 04:59:24]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Polymetric: Huh, you're right. My mistake. Should have thought to fact-check that, but for some reason I was really sure you and ye were the other way around (misguided by the vowels' parallel to thou/thee, I guess).

[03/04/2012 04:49:04]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Actually, on second thought - are you sure you're correct about "ye suck" being grammatically equivalent to "me suck"? For all I know, I could be wrong - I haven't exactly studied the usage of "ye" and other such English pronouns that have fallen out of use - but I went to look up the pronouns and, unless I'm misreading that chart, ye seems to fall in line with "I" in terms of usage. Like if you were to say "I present to thee…" it's roughly equivalent to "I/[you] present to me…" (except with a different pronoun) as opposed to "I/[you] present to I…". And you might say "Thou are correct" about something which, when using a first-person pronoun, becomes "I am correct" rather than "Me am/are correct". If that's the case I would think that ye would follow the same usage as I/thou since the table has it in the same column (honestly I don't know what nominative/oblique actually mean, so) - so if that's the case wouldn't "I suck", "Thou suck" and "Ye suck" all be grammatically equivalent? Like I said I could be entirely wrong but… idk, something about you saying that "ye suck" was grammatically equivalent to "me suck" just struck me in an odd way.

[03/04/2012 00:02:12]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Okay, that's fair. Man, if that doesn't work I wish there was some way to translate the idea into English :/

[02/04/2012 23:38:54]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Polymetric: It's not the same. "Þér eruð fífl" is the grammatically correct way to use the respectful "you" in that sentence, as opposed to "ye suck" which is grammatically equivalent to "me suck" - the nonsense grammar takes away from the ultra-serious air the stuffy word usage is supposed to give it. Plus, it's not quite that archaic; there are people alive today who grew up addressing (for instance) teachers that way.

[02/04/2012 23:23:32]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Could always start using "Ye suck"/"Ye are an idiot" for the poll options. :p

[02/04/2012 18:02:00]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

I was actually scared at first and had to look at the comments to find out it was just April Fools.

Cave dragon flight results. Wow. Also "front page and menu and calendar program". And it was interesting how there was sometimes an Icelandic word in the middle of an English text.

[02/04/2012 10:11:42]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12

The funny thing is that ninsheetmusic switching languages is even more ridiculous than TCoD switching languages because, while TCoD has actual information and content and it would be impossible for an English-speaking visitor to glean any sort of new knowledge from an Icelandic TCoD, whereas ninsheetmusic's purpose is to distribute, well, sheet music, and music is the same across every language so it could be in any language and still be usable by the majority of the world (even if non-Finnish-speakers would have to translate the names of certain pieces to figure out what they are). Though TCoD going Icelandic has definitely got to be one of the most amusing things I've seen in a while.

[01/04/2012 22:47:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Giratwo: The Icelandic version of the poll actually makes sense. We don't really have a common-use phrase like "best thing ever", so I went with a similarly casual phrasing that directly translates to "___ of death" (but can be used as an intensifier, though generally in a negative way). The noun I used, "krútt", means something sweet and adorable. So I can see where Google Translate gets "sweet death". That only makes it better, mind you.

As for "You are idiots", I actually like the Icelandic version of that better than "You suck", because it means "You are an idiot" but uses the mostly-archaic "respectful" version of "you", which gives it a delightfully ridiculous tone. I wish you could do that in English.

Polymetric: Haha, I guess great minds think alike? I had no idea that site even existed.

[01/04/2012 22:40:45]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Looks like you're not the only site to switch to a different language on us.

[01/04/2012 22:08:26]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

Pfff. Have you seen the latest Almighty Random Poll? The translated choices include "sweet death". And "I am unable to have an opinion on the matter". And "You are idiots". Not really as stinging as "you suck", 'm afraid. Who knows, maybe you SHOULD keep it like this!

[01/04/2012 21:45:00]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

Lol, I think I like this better than last year's prank, which was awesome XD

[01/04/2012 20:37:17]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

Dette er det beste, haha. It's a shame Icelandic is so different from Norwegian. I think you should keep it like this.

[01/04/2012 17:43:59]

Commenting on: 03-31-12


Just look at the Google Translate version of 'Resources'.


I wondered what would be happening here after this appeared.

[01/04/2012 16:17:15]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

My personal favorite is Stomach Karp: Cruise for Magikarp: The Gathering. Although, peningaplokk-ing your fireplace is rather funny, too.

[01/04/2012 15:12:16]

Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 03-31-12

It's sure a good thing I know some Icelandic. Thanks!

[01/04/2012 14:31:02]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

They might have some trouble with the tool-tips in the navigation bar. :)

Google Translated:

Þeir gætu hafa sumir erfitt með tól-kenndur í siglingar bar.

[01/04/2012 13:35:37]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

Butterfree, þú ert fundið.


[01/04/2012 12:59:15]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12

…oh, man, the Google Translate version is glorious. Yes, and now I'll never again peningaplokk your fireplace!! Joltik: sweet death, or Krut death?!

Not to mention the menu. The styleswitcher is "House style sounds". The Marquee of Doom is "Penalty Physics analog".

[01/04/2012 12:55:53]

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