
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Zora of Termina

Leafpool: I certainly hope they paid a lot.

Eevee: I've had that happen. x3


Wow, spammifier is being wierd. I got Togepi again. :/

[23/06/2008 02:02:08]


Once when I was little, I took a big bite out of an orange, only to find it was a lemon. Urgh… my mouth felt…. lemon….yy..

[23/06/2008 01:54:33]


*doesn't remember, unfortunately*

[23/06/2008 01:52:13]


I like lemonade. Although I've never had lemons…

[23/06/2008 01:51:38]

Zora of Termina

Never mind the part of that post that reads "togepi", that was the spammifier Pokemon. Put it in the wrong box. xP

[23/06/2008 01:50:58]

Zora of Termina

How much did they pay?Togepi

[23/06/2008 01:49:59]


Zora: Well, they paid for them. xD I guess it was just funny that some firefighters stopped at our stand for some cookies.

[23/06/2008 01:43:35]

Zora of Termina

Leafpool: Firefighters stole your cookies? o.o

YamiiDenryuu: YESSSSS. I love eating lemons. Especially the big huge ones.

[23/06/2008 01:41:08]


Ohh, lemons? I've eaten those before! |D

[23/06/2008 01:37:57]


Lemonlemonlemonlemon apple apple! :D

I held a lemonade-and-cookie stand quite a few years back with one of my friends, and when we were in the pool some firefighters came by and picked up all the chocolate-chip cookies. xD

[23/06/2008 01:26:30]

Zora of Termina

Yes, lemonade is awesome. My favorite quote from a TV show involves lemons. Here it is:

"Hello this is Mrs. Lemonlemonlemon from the cheese company. What time would you like your cheese, sir, today or last year at two o'clock?"

[23/06/2008 01:20:34]

Shiny Eevee

*did not notice the lemony posts*

I like licking lemons. Mm… sour… XP

Spammifier Phione! Don't eat that lemon!

[23/06/2008 01:20:34]

Shiny Eevee

Total awesomesauce. I didn't expect it to get going this fast!


[23/06/2008 01:18:09]


I have not eaten lemons, though I have had lemonade. and lemon-flavored things. Lemonade is good. :D

[23/06/2008 01:14:43]

Zora of Termina

Mm, thanks. That's all I wanted to know.

You're welcome. ^^

…So let's talk about lemons. :D

[23/06/2008 01:13:13]


The forums aren't /quite/ up yet, since Butterfree's still working on them and all (and registrations are disabled anyway), but you can view the main board.

And awww. :3 Thanks.

[23/06/2008 01:11:38]

Zora of Termina

waitwaitwait they're up now?

Leafpool: You don't have to contribute anything else. He can't bug us again, and if by some chance he does we have each other. :3

[23/06/2008 01:09:14]


The forums did go up insanely fast. 8D I hope they're open relatively soon (as soon as they can be, I mean).

Zora: He is horrible. x.x (*can't seem to contribute anything better than that*)

[23/06/2008 01:04:50]

Commenting on: 06-22-08

Uh, looks like I totally screwed up the third sentence in my last post… My god, I just realized how important the edit button is right now >_>

I meant to say: The forums went from nothing but the 'rules' section to having all the other sub-forums.

[23/06/2008 01:03:45]

Tangled Feet

Yay! Thanks so much, Butterfree! ^^ I loved the old forums, but new forums aren't a problem. I probably will sign up as something other than Tangled Feet though. Anyway, thanks again!


Tangled Feet

[23/06/2008 00:49:00]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC