How to make Fake Pokémon

NOTE: This guide will go into extreme detail. I will try to take it in such an order that you can simply cut off at the point where you're satisfied with the information you have - it goes from the most important to the least important.

The Idea

First off, you must of course get an idea! An idea for a fake Pokémon that's unrelated to the existing ones usually consists of some animal or thing which you think should be made into a Pokémon. A rather simple step; you just find something to base your fake on. Let's just assume that we're making a cat Pokémon. There are some cats already, but this one is going to be different.

The Evolution Line

Will the Pokémon evolve, or will it be a stand-alone Pokémon? If it evolves, you have to make up the whole chain, of course. For the sake of the example, I'm going to make the cat a baby Pokémon that can evolve into many different ones - kinda like Eevee. The logic behind that is that there are many types of very different big cats to make it evolve into, so it's a perfect opportunity to make a Pokémon that has multiple evolutions. I'm also thinking about adding a twist - instead of being two stages, it's three, and the types split between the first and second stage. This is mainly because it's hard to picture a kitten immediately evolving into something very big; it would make more sense to have something in between.

The Type

All Pokémon must have types. It is fun to think of original type combinations, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a combination that has never been done before. It can, of course, also be a single-type Pokémon.

For the example, I've already set myself some limits - an Eevee-like Pokémon will probably be a Normal type because it can evolve in different ways. The evolutions, however, will be some other types, all of them different, and probably either single-types or also with one extra type that they all have in common. Let's assume I'm going to make them single-types.

Now, the first types I can connect directly to large felines are Ice for a snow leopard, and Dark for a black panther. Let's put them in. Now, say I want a tiger and a lion. One of them could be a Fire-type; tigers are orange in color, which helps for that, but it's also easy to picture a lion with a flaming mane. Then we can think about the other possibilities for them - there already are two Electric-type somewhat tigerlike Pokémon (Raikou and Electabuzz), so we probably won't want to make another one; admittedly there is also a Fire-type somewhat-lion (Entei), but it's not a very obvious lion and has nothing that really indicates a Fire-type in it, so we can easily make a Fire-type lion that looks nothing like Entei. However, there is another idea for the tiger: one of the special things about tigers is that they like water, and the stripes are somewhat wavy, so a Water-type for the tiger is also a possibility. So, Fire-type lion, Water-type tiger.

A cheetah is a nice choice too, being another prominent cat. They are yellow and the fastest land animals in the world - what does that make you think of? Electric, of course. And there is no Electric cheetah Pokémon already, so we have a clear path.

Let's assume that we're not making more evolutions than that.

The Design

You can't just take an existing animal or thing with random types and make it perform Pokémon attacks. You have to Pokémonize it; you need to give it a Pokémon-like name, and change its design in accordance with its type.

Now, I'm designing the evolutions first, because they need the most type design. The tiger is pale blue with dark blue stripes that seem to move in soft ripples on its fur. Its front paws are a tiger's except that the toes are webbed. Its hind legs are more like a frog's, and then it has a fish-like tail like a mermaid. Maybe give it a fin along its back.

But this won't do. Right now it's like a mythological animal of some sort - a mertiger or something. The rule for Pokémon is that they look like one creature, not a clear mix of many, so we have to change that. The whole body, both the fish, frog and tiger parts, is covered with fine fur similar to a seal. Its nostrils will also be seal-like. Also, we all know how you can supposedly hear the sea by placing a shell to your ear; let's make its ears into seashells. No, wait, let's make them like long shells, so the tiger has kinda horns in place of ears, but they're still shells, if you get what I mean.

I just typed what was going through my head, and I've got a neatish Pokémon right here. Easy. Now, it's the other ones.

Fire-type lion. As we decided earlier, it is going to be a lion with a flaming mane. Just a flaming mane alone doesn't make it into a Pokémon, of course. A yellowish color like a real lion's will do. Its tail tip will probably be made of fire too. There's not much you can use to identify Fire-types in general except that there are usually some flames on their bodies and they're not blue or something like that. So we'll just give it a change in general design.

We'll throw in red, flame-shaped markings on its shoulders, hips and sides. Since we gave the tiger horns, we can as well decide that all of them will have horns, making it kinda their trademark, but the lion will have different horns from the tiger; they will be the cow type of horns just because somehow I can just picture it like that. It's not as Pokémonized as it perhaps should be, but it's not too bad either.

For the electric cheetah... now, Electric-types are often spiky in some way or another. Starting with our horn trend, let's make the ears into long spikes/horns. We can put some on the sides of the head too, and on the elbows and heels. Spiky whiskers. Of course, we must make sure to make it all somewhat streamline-shaped. It's somewhat plain, so let's exaggerate the claws and make them metallic-looking, and make some tufts of sticking-out fur here and there. We'll see how it comes out.

Now, the Ice snow leopard. First thing I think of is actually that its horns/ears will be icicles and that its spots will be light blue zeros (as in 0°C, the temperature at which water freezes, and absolute zero). Of course, its main body will be white. It will have icy blue eyes, too, icicles will be hanging from its fur, and we'll make the tail extremely flexible, but powerful; it serves as a fifth foot when it is climbing. I think that's it...

The Dark-type panther... now, obviously, it's going to be black. Let's give it red eyes, just because they're more creepy. Exaggerate the fangs and claws a bit, since Dark-types are often associated with evil. One problem is that Dark-types don't really have much else in common. Many do have lighter parts on their bodies, though... Since the spots on actual black panthers are visible if you look close enough, we can make them glow red when it attacks or something, but otherwise be invisible. Our panther's horns can be like a sheep or goat's, since such horns are often associated with demons and stuff, and we're making a Dark type. I still think the horns should be black, though, because I like the idea of it being able to creep up on you in the shadows with only its eyes visible. Heh.

Now, the Pokémon at the start of the evolution line. Now you can see why I left it until now; I for example decided to start the horn trend when I was at the lion, so I'd have had to edit the first evolution accordingly if I had already designed it before that. Obviously, it's going to be some sort of a domestic cat, and since it's a baby Pokémon, a kitten. We do not want to make it resemble Eevee too much, because this evolution type already screams out "Eevee". So, just to start with the horn trend, we can give it short stubs for ears which could be interpreted as horns or as ears. It's always nice to make baby Pokémon cute, so we can do that. Cute means big head and eyes first and foremost. Then it should probably be cream-colored or something, so that it doesn't blatantly resemble the colors of one of its evolutions. Blue eyes are cute too. And fluffiness is cute, let's not forget that either. Plainness is the main thing that Normal-types have in common, so we shouldn't make a lot more in its design.

Now, let's start with the tiger's pre-evolved form. It will just be a tiger cub - a blue one. The markings should maybe just be added on all of them when they evolve. It will have seashells for ears, but much smaller ones than those of the adult form. All four legs will be distinctly catlike, and then it will have a fish tail like the adult form. Just to make it differ clearly from Vaporeon, we'll make sure that its body proportions are different; we'll leave the adult form to be the sleek, graceful one while this one is pretty chubby and cute.

For the lion - the middle form can just have a flame on its tail, and maybe a fiery collar around its neck. Or just an orange area that can burst into flames if it's angry. Small horns and as in the tiger's case, none of the adult markings.

Hmm, the cheetah... cheetah cubs have body proportions that rather resemble adult domestic cats, which is a logical stage between the fluffy kitten and the slender cheetah, so that works. Maybe it should just be rather fluffy instead of all spiky. Of course, the ears will still be small spikes. We'll have it about as yellow as the adult form.

The snow leopard will probably have a long tail like the adult form. Icy white, of course, with small icicles as horns... the eyes should probably be colored like the kitten's so the icy blue will come with the adult form. No markings, of course, and... yeah. It can be pretty fluffy too, to keep itself warm.

Lastly, the panther. It can just be black, non-fluffy, with vampiric teeth. Obviously, the spots don't come until the last stage. Short horns bending slightly backwards.

Okay, there we have all of them. Now it's time for...

The Name

Your Pokémon need names. I'm not all that good at name-making, just to warn you, but basically, you normally take various words that have something to do with your Pokémon, and splice them somehow together. If you know another language, it can be interesting to use words from that too.

The kitten... a short and simple name should do. Words like kitty, cat, cutie or something on one side and plain, normal, etc. on the other. Malkee? 'Mal' is Icelandic for 'purr'. Hmm, sounds like milk. Which technically isn't too bad either, but it's still odd... meh, I'm just using these as an example, so I'll just call it Malkee. Normally you should think a bit more about it, though.

Now, it's going to be a pain to find names for the ten evolutions, but I'll try anyway. Maybe we could have a common ending to their names, like the Eons, but I'm kinda bad at that so I'll make up other names.

Tiger cub... Watiger? Very meh-ish name (using "Water" or "Fire" or the like is usually not very good), but again, this is just an example so I'll go with it. The adult tiger can be just Tigris; Tigris is both a river and the Latin word for tiger, so that fits well. Usually you should think of a misspelling or splice of words, but yet again, this is just an example...

Lion cub... umm, Volcub? The adult lion can be Hileos. It has a triple meaning: The Japanese word for "fire", "Leo" as in lion, and also a misspelling of Helios, the Greek titan who pulled the sun across the sky. The cheetah cub can be called Sparkeeta (spark + misspelling of 'cheetah'). Adult cheetah... you know, I kind of like the name Macheetah, which I gave to an old fake of mine. Just to make it like the cub, I can alter it to be Macheeta. The snow leopard cub can be something like Haileo and the adult Ouncier. Admittedly Haileo is dangerously similar to Hileos, but they're pronounced differently so that can slide. The panther cub can be Pandow, and the adult can be Shardus. These names are whipped up rather quickly, so they probably could have better names, but meh; yet again, they're just examples. Now we can move on...

The Evolution Method

How would these Pokémon evolve into each other if this were a Pokémon game? We know that the first form is a baby Pokémon. I just had this idea - maybe you could pick one of the middle stages somehow (probably not as a starter, though), and then you can breed for the cub and evolve into the others. ;) Sort of like how you pick either Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan in FR/LG, but ultimately it doesn't matter because you'll just breed the one you have with a Ditto, get a Tyrogue and then obtain the other ones. Because baby Pokémon aren't found in the wild, it would be either choosing one and getting the others through breeding, or making somebody give Malkee to you.

Either way, baby Pokémon don't evolve by the traditional use of evolution stones, so that's out of the picture. Most evolve by happiness, so let's look at that first. We can use the fourth-generation method of leveling up while holding an item, for instance. Good items for that would just be the Charcoal, Magnet, etc. If it holds some other item or none at all, it won't evolve no matter how happy it gets. So it's Mystic Water for Watiger, Charcoal for Volcub, Magnet for Sparkeeta, Nevermeltice for Haileo and Blackglasses for Pandow. Admittedly, though... it would technically be more interesting to make them some other, new items, but it works this way too. I just have a hard time imagining a kitten that's happy and wears sunglasses evolving into a vampire panther-thing. But it can work. If not, we can invent new items for it. Originally when I made this page, that is what I did, but since some of the items I made up sort of exist in the fourth generation, I'm not going to bother to invent completely new ones just to make them new, so let's just assume they use the type items.

Then we can just decide that the cubs evolve into adults at level 36; it's a nice level that a lot of second-to-third-stage evolutions occur on.

The Ability

It's time to decide the Pokémon's Ability. Admittedly, if you're happy with the detail that we already have, you can of course quit now, but if you want detail, go on.

Now, Malkee can just have Cute Charm or something. Watiger and Tigris can have Water Absorb. Volcub and Hileos can have Flash Fire. Sparkeeta and Macheeta can have Volt Absorb. Haileo and Ouncier are a bit more of a problem, since there is no typical Ice-type ability, really... Clear Body can work. Pandow and Shardus can have Intimidate, although it's not exactly a "typical" Dark Ability.

The Moves

Now, the Pokémon should learn some moves.

The moves are among the hardest, most time-consuming parts of creating fake Pokémon. However, it helps that the levels at which Pokémon learn moves often have a pattern. Pikachu, for example, used to learn its attacks at level 6, 8, 11, 15, 20, 26, 33, 41 and 50. If you look at the levels that Pikachu passes without learning an attack, they go 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. In the fourth-generation, this has been changed, and now Pikachu alternates between passing two and four levels between learning attacks. Other Pokémon can for example learn an attack every seven levels, or something like that. Legendaries always have a pattern. In the third generation, Ho-oh and Lugia, for example, learn their attacks at levels 11, 22, 33, etc.; Mew and Celebi learn attacks at levels 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.; Groudon and Kyogre alternate between five and ten levels between learning attacks; Raikou, Entei and Suicune learn attacks at levels 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, etc. Basically, they always have an obvious pattern, so if you're making a legendary, by all means give it one. I actually only recently discovered that most normal Pokémon also have patterns, but at least they generally do.

Well, it's good to make up a pattern first. Baby Pokémon that have two evolution stages left learn few attacks, so we'll let Malkee follow that pattern. Baby Pokémon also tend to have Charm and Sweet Kiss. If we decide to make the cubs learn attacks at seven levels apart, so will Malkee.

Note that this bit of the section was written with third-generation considerations in mind, hence the lack of fourth-generation moves even where they would be appropriate. I can't be bothered to redo the movesets for all of them just to fix that.

So, let's see what we have...

14Sweet Kiss

The dashes stand for undecided attacks at the moment. Now, the magic of finding fitting moves is to take moves of its type, and imagine how this Pokémon would attack its enemies. For example, I can easily picture a kitten learning Tail Whip and Scratch. Avoid making a baby Pokémon learn too many damaging attacks.

7Tail Whip
14Sweet Kiss

So, now we've got Malkee ready. Let's just take it in our normal order and start with Watiger. We already have the pattern for the cubs: every seven levels. Assuming that, we can make it go something like this:

7Tail Whip
14Water Gun
35Rain Dance
56Hydro Pump

I know I'm taking some liberties when I let it learn Waterfall, but hey, Seaking can learn it. :P Either way, notice how the first few attacks are like Malkee's, except that it has Growl instead of Charm and Water Gun instead of Sweet Kiss - this is a pattern I noticed in some baby Pokémon. Because it's not a fully evolved Pokémon, we can let it learn Hydro Pump somewhat early compared to when fully evolved Pokémon normally learn their most powerful attacks. Now it's just time to make Tigris's moves:

1Tail Whip
1Water Gun
7Tail Whip
14Water Gun
35Rain Dance
62Hydro Pump

Notice how it both starts with Tail Whip and Water Gun and learns them - fully evolved Pokémon do that, although it's kinda pointless so you don't need to do it - and how it learns everything up to level 36 at the same level as Watiger, but then it starts learning moves every nine levels after that. It's just a general rule about most evolved Pokémon.

Well, now that we've got the level-up moves for Watiger and Tigris, we've got half the work done, because counterpart Pokémon almost always learn similar attacks at the same levels. Basically, we can copy Watiger and Tigris's moves and use them for the other ones. If you're making a Pokémon that's a counterpart of an existing one, you can also just look up its moveset and copy it. In this case, we can make the moveset for Volcub now:

7Tail Whip
28Flame Wheel
35Sunny Day
49Fire Spin

Notice how I made it learn the Fire-type counterpart of Watiger's moves where possible. Watiger couldn't learn Surf and had to learn Waterfall instead, but Volcub can learn Flamethrower like any other Fire-type. There is no actual counterpart of Mist, so I gave it Fire Spin in its place. Also notice that I made it learn Overheat rather than Fire Blast in the last slot; I think it's more original to have a small twist in each one. For Hileos, we just copy Tigris's attacks and change the Water moves to the Fire moves we've already decided in Volcub:

1Tail Whip
7Tail Whip
28Flame Wheel
35Sunny Day
53Fire Spin

Now, let's move on to Sparkeeta.

7Tail Whip
35Thunder Wave
56Zap Cannon

Here I used Thunder Wave instead of the weather effects, and Charge instead of Mist/Fire Spin. The most powerful attack here is Zap Cannon; admittedly it's no good, with the horrible accuracy and all that, but it's still cool. Macheeta will learn them at these levels:

1Tail Whip
7Tail Whip
35Thunder Wave
62Zap Cannon

For Haileo now:

7Tail Whip
14Powder Snow
28Icy Wind
42Ice Beam
56Sheer Cold

Haileo and Ouncier will learn Sheer Cold instead of Blizzard. Mist is technically an Ice attack, but Water-types can often use it too so it can be learned by both Haileo/Ouncier and Watiger/Tigris. Hail is a weather effect, so it's in Sunny Day and Rain Dance's spot. Ouncier's full set:

1Tail Whip
1Powder Snow
7Tail Whip
14Powder Snow
28Icy Wind
44Ice Beam
62Sheer Cold

Now it's Pandow and Shardus time.

7Tail Whip
14Faint Attack
1Tail Whip
1Faint Attack
7Tail Whip
14Faint Attack

It's a bit hard to come up with a good arsenal of moves for Pandow and Shardus, but I think this should just about work. Dark isn't one of the "elemental" types we've been working with so far, so it's a bit harder to fit it into a pattern, but as I said, it's possible, if we take some liberties. Now we've got our level-up moves...

The Gender

Gender percentages. The basic rule is: If you get the Pokémon given somewhere and you only get one, it's 87.5% male. If it looks somewhat male or female, make it 75% that gender. If it looks like it would always be male or always female, make it 100%. If it doesn't look like a living creature at all, make it genderless. Otherwise, make it 50/50. In this case, it's a Pokémon that gets given to you, so we'll make it 87.5% male.

The Breeding Groups

How about giving a breeding group? The breeding groups are as follows:

  • Bug, for bugs and bug lookalikes.
  • Ditto, for Ditto. Don't put a made-up Pokémon in this group unless it's a Ditto rip-off that can also breed with all breedable Pokémon.
  • Dragon, for dragons, lizards and snakes.
  • Fairy, for "girly" Pokémon (well, basically, it's the cute and often pink creatures that don't particularly look like a specific species of animal, like Clefairy, Jigglypuff and Pikachu).
  • Flying, for birds, bats and pterodactyls.
  • Gender Unknown, for genderless Pokémon.
  • Ground, basically for Pokémon closely based on real-life mammals.
  • Humanshape, for humanoid Pokémon.
  • Indeterminate, for ghosts, gases and blobs.
  • Mineral, for Pokémon that resemble chunks of rock.
  • Monster, for Pokémon based on reptiles and some 'creepified' mammals.
  • No Eggs, for legendaries and babies.
  • Plant, for Grass Pokémon.
  • Water 1, for marine mammals or other Water-types that don't fit into Water 2 and Water 3.
  • Water 2, for fish.
  • Water 3, for Pokémon based on marine invertebrates.

Pick one or two that fit your Pokémon best. In this case, they'll be Ground.

Breeding moves are really simple to think up. You basically, unless your Pokémon is unbreedable, take some random moves, not too many, that the first stage could possibly learn. In this case, I think Malkee would be able to learn Lick through breeding, so I put that in. Maybe also Pay Day. I can't really think of anything else, so I'll let that be it...

The Stats

Now, it's time for stats! I specialize in them. ;) What is best is looking at an existing counterpart for reference, basically. In this case, we want the final forms to have stats like the Eeveelutions. I think Malkee's stats should probably all be equal, and rather low - maybe 40 base each. The cubs will be somewhere in between.

Let's see. The Eeveelutions' base stats are 130, 110, 95, 65, 65 and 60 from highest to lowest. Working from that is fine. Now, Macheeta will definitely have 130 base Speed. Here I want each Pokémon's 130 base stat to be exclusive to that one, so only Macheeta will have 130 Speed. I think the ones with the high Defenses should be Ouncier and Tigris, and I think Tigris should rather be the one with the high Special Defense and Ouncier the one with the high Defense. Now we have Hileos and Shardus left, one of which should excel in Attack and one should excel in Special Attack. Now, to be honest, I personally think we really need more Dark types with proper Special Attack, so I'll give the Special Attack to Shardus. Lions seem more like the bulky, physical type anyway.

Now, I'm just using Charmeleon for reference for the cubs, for no particular reason except that it's a nice middle-stage Pokémon. Charmeleon's base stats go 80, 80, 65, 64, 58, 58 from highest to lowest. Just because that's easier to work with, I'll tweak it so that the cubs will have 80, 80, 70, 60, 60, 55. No, wait, we want them to really excel in one stat, not two, so we'll make it 85, 80, 65, 60, 60, 55. Let's take the Watiger line first.

Sp. Atk80110
Sp. Def85130

I thought they seemed like the type to have high Special Attack too, so I made that their second highest. They also seem like they'd have good Speed, so that's third. I made Attack the lowest because they don't seem like the type to attack a lot physically. So now it's Volcub and Hileos:

Sp. Atk80110
Sp. Def6065

I thought I shouldn't really give any of them *low* Special Attack, so I made Special Attack their second best too. I thought they could be the slow ones, so I put Speed as the lowest, and HP as the third best. Defense and Special Defense are equal.

Sp. Atk80110
Sp. Def6595

Special-oriented Pokémon tend to have Special Defense as one of their higher stats, so I made that the third highest for the cheetahs. Speed and Special Attack being the highest is kinda self-explanatory, and cheetahs are weakly built, so they'd probably not have the highest physical stats ever.

Sp. Atk6595
Sp. Def80110

Obviously, they are the defensive ones of the bunch, but I'm giving them some Special Attack too. Unfortunately they have a rather low HP as a result, but you can't have everything...

Sp. Atk85130
Sp. Def6065

They've got the über Special Attack, so they get it. I can picture them as speedy too, so I put that as the second highest. And the physical attack isn't bad either... Then we have lower defenses, and the lowest is HP. Now we have our stats.

The TMs and HMs

It's time for the TM and HM moves. Now, making them is really boring, frustrating and unnecessary especially if you've got eleven Pokémon to make it for so I'm not going to give you an example, but you basically copy this TM list:

  • TM01 (Focus Punch)
  • TM02 (Dragon Claw)
  • TM03 (Water Pulse)
  • TM04 (Calm Mind)
  • TM05 (Roar)
  • TM06 (Toxic)
  • TM07 (Hail)
  • TM08 (Bulk Up)
  • TM09 (Bullet Seed)
  • TM10 (Hidden Power)
  • TM11 (Sunny Day)
  • TM12 (Taunt)
  • TM13 (Ice Beam)
  • TM14 (Blizzard)
  • TM15 (Hyper Beam)
  • TM16 (Light Screen)
  • TM17 (Protect)
  • TM18 (Rain Dance)
  • TM19 (Giga Drain)
  • TM20 (Safeguard)
  • TM21 (Frustration)
  • TM22 (Solarbeam)
  • TM23 (Iron Tail)
  • TM24 (Thunderbolt)
  • TM25 (Thunder)
  • TM26 (Earthquake)
  • TM27 (Return)
  • TM28 (Dig)
  • TM29 (Psychic)
  • TM30 (Shadow Ball)
  • TM31 (Brick Break)
  • TM32 (Double Team)
  • TM33 (Reflect)
  • TM34 (Shock Wave)
  • TM35 (Flamethrower)
  • TM36 (Sludge Bomb)
  • TM37 (Sandstorm)
  • TM38 (Fire Blast)
  • TM39 (Rock Tomb)
  • TM40 (Aerial Ace)
  • TM41 (Torment)
  • TM42 (Facade)
  • TM43 (Secret Power)
  • TM44 (Rest)
  • TM45 (Attract)
  • TM46 (Thief)
  • TM47 (Steel Wing)
  • TM48 (Skill Swap)
  • TM49 (Snatch)
  • TM50 (Overheat)
  • TM51 (Roost)
  • TM52 (Focus Blast)
  • TM53 (Energy Ball)
  • TM54 (False Swipe)
  • TM55 (Brine)
  • TM56 (Fling)
  • TM57 (Charge Beam)
  • TM58 (Endure)
  • TM59 (Dragon Pulse)
  • TM60 (Drain Punch)
  • TM61 (Will-O-Wisp)
  • TM62 (Silver Wind)
  • TM63 (Embargo)
  • TM64 (Explosion)
  • TM65 (Shadow Claw)
  • TM66 (Payback)
  • TM67 (Recycle)
  • TM68 (Giga Impact)
  • TM69 (Rock Polish)
  • TM70 (Flash)
  • TM71 (Stone Edge)
  • TM72 (Avalanche)
  • TM73 (Thunder Wave)
  • TM74 (Gyro Ball)
  • TM75 (Swords Dance)
  • TM76 (Stealth Rock)
  • TM77 (Psych Up)
  • TM78 (Captivate)
  • TM79 (Dark Pulse)
  • TM80 (Rock Slide)
  • TM81 (X-Scissor)
  • TM82 (Sleep Talk)
  • TM83 (Natural Gift)
  • TM84 (Poison Jab)
  • TM85 (Dream Eater)
  • TM86 (Grass Knot)
  • TM87 (Swagger)
  • TM88 (Pluck)
  • TM89 (U-Turn)
  • TM90 (Substitute)
  • TM91 (Flash Cannon)
  • TM92 (Trick Room)
  • HM01 (Cut)
  • HM02 (Fly)
  • HM03 (Surf)
  • HM04 (Strength)
  • HM05 (Defog)
  • HM06 (Rock Smash)
  • HM07 (Waterfall)
  • HM08 (Rock Climb)

Then you just erase the moves that your Pokémon should not learn. Just a note: generally only final evolutions (or Pokémon that were at one point final evolutions) learn Hyper Beam and Giga Impact, apart from some exceptions such as Dratini and Larvitar, and some small, weaker, single-staged fully evolved Pokémon that can't learn it at all, like Farfetch'd and Kecleon. Also, Toxic, Hidden Power, Protect, Return, Frustration, Double Team, Facade, Secret Power, Rest, Endure, Sleep Talk, Natural Gift, Swagger and Substitute can be learned by any Pokémon that can learn TM moves at all (generally, any except the basic bugs and various gimmick Pokémon that are specifically made to be able to learn only an extremely limited set of moves, such as Smeargle, Ditto, Wobbuffet and Beldum), with the odd exception of Regigigas which is unable to learn Protect and Rest, most likely to prevent it from getting around the ramifications of its hindering Slow Start ability. Additionally, Attract and Captivate can be learned by all non-genderless Pokémon that can learn TMs and HMs, plus Mew and minus, bizarrely enough, Nincada.

And, unless I forgot something, that's it... Congratulations, you've created a fake.

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC


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