Poll results

Poll 34: What is the Pokémoniest music of all?

The opening theme from the first season of the animé.
3685 (37%)
The Red/Blue opening theme (while the Gengar and Nidorino are battling).
1888 (19%)
The R/B/Y credits theme.
132 (1%)
The R/B/Y champion battle.
623 (6%)
One of the other R/B/Y themes.
326 (3%)
Why are all the options in this poll from R/B/Y?
2321 (23%)
Music sucks.
202 (2%)
Pokémon sucks.
133 (1%)
Everything sucks.
649 (7%)

9959 votes total

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC