Poll results

Poll 44: What do you think about HeartGold and SoulSilver?

5194 (44%)
Gold/Silver remakes? Awesome!
2876 (24%)
Huh, pretty cool.
632 (5%)
I never played the original G/S/C, so it will be nice to see what all the fuss is about.
1569 (13%)
Uh, okay. Why is everybody so ridiculously excited?
334 (3%)
I love Johto, but they'll probably ruin it.
303 (3%)
Ugh. Why does everybody love Johto so much?
208 (2%)
I'd love Gold/Silver remakes in principle, but from what we know of HG/SS, I'm not impressed.
191 (2%)
149 (1%)
You suck.
430 (4%)

11883 votes total

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC