Pokémon Sprites

Dozens of Pokémon websites already offer Pokémon sprite downloads - however, I have run into one problem with these downloads: their filenames are not what I am looking for.

Different people have different needs and different purposes for their game sprites - perhaps they just want to be able to type in a Pokémon's name without having to look up its number, or perhaps they want the sprites to show up in numerical Pokédex order when browsing the folder or for some other reason would prefer the sprites with numerical filenames. Up until now, there has been no way that I know of to download Pokémon sprites with the naming scheme you are looking for, and often fans have spent hours painstakingly renaming the sprites one by one.

But not anymore.

Here you will find many different compilations of sprites with many different naming schemes. Currently the Ruby and Sapphire sprites (normal and shiny), FireRed and LeafGreen sprites (normal and shiny), Emerald sprites (normal only), Diamond and Pearl sprites (normal and shiny, primary and secondary frames), Platinum sprites (normal and shiny, primary and secondary frames), HeartGold and SoulSilver sprites (normal and shiny, primary and secondary frames) and Black and White sprites (normal and shiny, front and back) are available for download in various naming schemes. There are only two rules:

  1. Do not download all of the zip files just to put them up for download on your own website and pretend that you were the one who did the work of compiling them all with the different naming schemes. If you think this is useful and want to share it with your visitors, link to me instead of offering my zip packages on your own site.
  2. However, you may do whatever else you want with them, and there is no need to give credit to me or The Cave of Dragonflies when you use them, since these are just official sprites from the games. I don't even care if you select one particular naming scheme and put those packages up for download on your own site. Just don't pretend the naming scheme was your idea.

Note that this section is made specifically because I found something like this to be lacking on the Web, so if you have suggestions for additional naming schemes (please only ones that make sense and are not something obscenely minor like naming the Deoxys forms after the stat focus rather than the version), by all means contact me.

The Naming Schemes

There are three main naming schemes here, which are as follows:

Always in relation to one particular Pokédex ordering. The ordinary sprites are named simply 001.png, 002.png, 003.png, etc. according to the Pokédex order. If there are any alternate forms, the form name will follow immediately after the number, e.g. 201a.png, 201b.png, etc.
Numbered and Named
Also always in relation to one particular Pokédex ordering. The ordinary sprites are named 001bulbasaur.png, 002ivysaur.png, 003venusaur.png, etc. (in National Pokédex ordering, that is; in Hoenn Pokédex ordering it would for example be 001treecko.png, etc.), and alternate forms follow behind the Pokémon name after a hyphen, e.g. 201unown-a.png, 201unown-b.png, etc. The Pokémon names are stripped of all non-alphanumeric characters by simply removing them, making for example Mr. Mime in the National Pokédex Numbered and Named scheme 122mrmime.png.
Irrelevant of Pokédex ordering, this scheme simply has the Pokémon names (stripped of non-alphanumeric characters as described under Numbered and Named) and alternate forms added at the end of the filename after a hyphen - for short, it's just like Numbered and Named but without the numbers. The sprites will have names like bulbasaur.png, mrmime.png and unown-a.png.

The form names used for the Pokémon that have multiple forms are the same in all of the sprite packages for the sake of consistency, and are as follows:

  • #172 Pichu: spiky (HG/SS only)
  • #201 Unown: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, em, qm
  • #351 Castform: fire, ice, water
  • #386 Deoxys: rs, em, fr, lg
  • #412 Burmy: grass, ground, steel
  • #413 Wormadam: grass, ground, steel
  • #421 Cherrim: overcast, sunny
  • #422 Shellos: east, west
  • #423 Gastrodon: east, west
  • #479 Rotom: fire, water, ice, flying, grass (Platinum onwards only)
  • #487 Giratina: origin (Platinum onwards only)
  • #492 Shaymin: sky (Platinum onwards only)
  • #493 Arceus: normal, fire, water, electric, grass, ice, fighting, poison, ground, flying, psychic, bug, rock, ghost, dragon, dark, steel, unknown
  • #550 Basculin: red, blue
  • #555 Darmanitan: standard, zen
  • #585 Deerling: spring, summer, autumn, winter
  • #586 Sawsbuck: spring, summer, autumn, winter
  • #648 Meloetta: aria, pirouette
  • #649 Genesect: fire, ice, water, electric
  • All Pokémon with both a male and female sprite in the fourth generation: f

Also keep in mind that the form Pokémon have ordinary sprites with ordinary filenames as well. Sometimes these are unused sprites that may even have errors in them; other times they're the default form of the Pokémon seen in the game.

The Sprites

Ruby/Sapphire Sprites



Emerald Sprites


FireRed/LeafGreen Sprites



Diamond/Pearl Sprites

NOTE: These use the D/P Sinnoh Pokédex in the Sinnoh ordering, not the Platinum one!

Normal, Frame 1

Normal, Frame 2

Shiny, Frame 1

Shiny, Frame 2

Platinum Sprites

NOTE: These use the Platinum Sinnoh Pokédex ordering. Originally ripped by Aeonos and Mastermind_X; frames separated, format changed to PNG-8, backgrounds on one-gender Pokémon transparentized, all renamed and compiled by me.

Normal, Frame 1

Normal, Frame 2

Shiny, Frame 1

Shiny, Frame 2

HeartGold and SoulSilver Sprites

Normal, Frame 1

Normal, Frame 2

Shiny, Frame 1

Shiny, Frame 2

Black and White Sprites

Front, Normal

Front, Shiny

Back, Normal

Back, Shiny

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.



[21/12/2024 09:04:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

@Ash: What do you mean by that? Each downloadable file is a zip archive (collection of lots of files), which you need to extract on your computer; when you have extracted them into a folder, then there will be many sprites inside. If there's one that's weird for some reason, tell me which one.

[21/12/2024 21:08:34]

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374 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.