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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
Commenting on: /essays/the-mew-trickI love absolutely everything about this. Awesome article as always!
Maybe a bit unrelated, but this reminds me of a story of an easter egg in Etrian Odyssey Nexus, a secret item and skills that were disguised in the code as an unused, incomplete class.
The methods of obtaining it are very likely inspired by the rumors of old, with requirements like seeing the credits, having 100+ hours of play time, and scanning 100 QR codes of other people's party members. The steps you need to follow afterwards are similarly finicky, with speaking to a specific NPC and then going to a very precise location.
The discovery went quite similarly to that of the Mew Trick, with a GameFAQs poster swearing that it worked but being disbelieved. Dataminers had found the portraits and skills for the Vampire class, but the incomplete data made it seem like just a scrapped idea.
Eventually, enough people managed to make it work that the method became documented, the requirements became widespread, and despite the game releasing in Japan years before the west, this secret was discovered by a few determined people who initially attempted to debunk yet another rumor. All smack in the middle of the age of datamining.
I just wanted to share this story because I figured anyone reading this article might find it interesting. Stuff like the Mew Trick doesn't happen often any more, but it definitely still does[26/03/2025 12:34:46]
[26/03/2025 10:13:10]
Commenting on: /evolution-listalolan meowth is a friendship evolution it doesnt care about the time of day
[26/03/2025 10:01:51]
i just found this website from someone in a discord i'm in linking to it and this place is AWESOME!!!!! i love the vibes of this site!!! def gonna be wasting a lotta time here :3c
[25/03/2025 22:39:29]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-rate@celestialVulpine: The raw formula and all the math involved are explained on the Gen III/IV capture mechanics page linked near the top of the page!
[24/03/2025 17:58:13]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-rateThis is awesome, thank you so much for making this!!
Do you think you could include the raw formula for people to figure out how it works?
I'm a nerd who loves this kinda math and I'd love to use this to learn how the catching formula works & where to plug things in at[24/03/2025 00:08:32]
Emmanuel Rojas
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-vi-vii-catch-ratethe move is called final gambit
[23/03/2025 23:26:51]
Commenting on: /paldea/subtle-shiniesMagnemite and its evolutions are in Paldea, not introduced in Blueberry Academy
[23/03/2025 21:09:10]
Emmanuel Rojas
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-vi-vii-catch-ratei am playing a randomlocke, and the stupid gardevoir used sacrifice
[23/03/2025 20:04:12]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-ii-catch-rateHonestly I feel like the catch rates of 3 should be reserved for Mythicals and Mewtwo-tier legendaries like Ho-oh and Lugia, the the minor legendaries like Suicune and Zapdos could probably still have a low catch rate, just not as low as 3.
[23/03/2025 11:34:10]
Thought I would say hi for the sake of it :P
[23/03/2025 02:01:58]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-ii-catch-rate@Hiesetsu it’s not that ridiculous, Suicune’s catch rate is 3 😓
[22/03/2025 11:33:49]
Commenting on: /essays/the-mew-trickThis is so incredibly fascinating to me and I loved reading through it. The fact that this seemingly-fake glitch was very real is so freaking cool to me in ways I never really knew how to describe but this post puts into words exactly. The fact that you might have seen it before it got any traction is just an extra layer of cool.
Also really loved the explanation of how the glitch the works, cool to see a breakdown of that![22/03/2025 04:18:00]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /essays/the-mew-trick@SadisticMystic: Ahaha, delightful! Turns out I was looking in the wrong forum. Thanks for sharing, love to see little pieces of history like that!
[21/03/2025 18:02:47]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-ii-catch-rate2.3% chance on suicune with an ultra ball at below 10% HP?! Ridiculous.
[21/03/2025 17:19:19]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-ratethis helped me catch a regirock
[18/03/2025 23:44:56]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: /essays/the-mew-trickI had the URL saved, so it was easy to find, and was in fact a new thread of its own:;f=5;t=004126
[18/03/2025 18:18:29]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /essays/the-mew-trick@SadisticMystic: Oh wow! I had seen you still existed on the internet as of a few years ago, but it's an honor to have you actually read and comment on my article! Thank you for elaborating with the backstory behind why you in particular would take a chance on someone proposing something that sounded absurd but just might be true - that's a lovely story and makes a lot of sense.
The Azure Heights forums are actually really well preserved by the Internet Archive - I've yet to run into any page of any thread that I couldn't view - so if you wanted to go find your first post, you probably could! I made an attempt, but I'm guessing it was a post in somebody else's longer-lived thread, because I didn't find it digging through the mid-2001 threads :P[18/03/2025 18:05:59]
Commenting on: /essays/the-mew-trickHow in Giratina's hell did five people comment on this page in a single day? Also, offtopic, who created Mew in the Pokémon universe? Was it Arkoos?
[18/03/2025 09:53:01]
Commenting on: /fake-cheatsBruh. That "SECRET LINK" is so hilarious.
[18/03/2025 09:15:24]
Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC