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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /zodiacForms are shown in an arbitrary order. Please stop spamming my comments.
[06/02/2025 16:41:52]
Commenting on: /zodiacH O W A R E T H E M I N I O R O R D E R E D ?
[06/02/2025 00:43:23]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-i-catch-rateidk either
[05/02/2025 18:57:44]
Commenting on: /zodiacW H Y I S T H E O R D E R O F T H E F O R M S O F U N O W N M E S S E D U P ?
[05/02/2025 14:16:45]
Pikapika... Pikaaaa... CHU!
Commenting on: /zodiacPikapika. Chu! Pika! PIKA!!! CHU! Pikapikachuchu! (Where's Pikachu in a cap and spiky-eared Pichu? I'm gonna Thunder Shock you!)
[05/02/2025 14:14:24]
Commenting on: /zodiacShouldn't the Day of the Beasts be in the Reign of Necrozma?
[05/02/2025 14:10:28]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-rategod bless
[04/02/2025 03:19:53]
Commenting on: /opinions-theories/the-mew-trickYou could have been the one to rediscover the Mew Glitch… and you did not. So sad :-(
[03/02/2025 14:01:23]
Commenting on: /evolution-list@max: I think that's because there's no day/night cycle in LGPE.
[02/02/2025 15:45:11]
Commenting on: /evolution-listin lets go alolan meowth evolves at lv 28 like regular meowth
[02/02/2025 10:29:31]
Website: ddnikkii think i found this site from bulbapedia a while ago. only now i found out theres a guestbook.
i liked the quizzes and the april fools.
the quiz told me i was a ninetales, and the fan test told me i was 44% fan creator and low on everything else. i just like making fakemon[01/02/2025 21:29:22]
Halie Moss
Commenting on: /zodiacLove this site!
[30/01/2025 18:24:03]
I was OBSESSED with this website back when we got our first family computer when I was 10/11 and I am so happy to know it is still going strong now I am almost 30. < 3 Happy 2025!
[30/01/2025 17:37:26]
Fell Stinger X
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 01-01-25Late Happy New Year! I've been a lurker here on and off for years. Awesome to see the site still going strong.
[28/01/2025 12:15:10]
Commenting on: /kanto/sevii-islands-walkthroughSweet guide man, thanks
[26/01/2025 14:52:56]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-ratei threw a pokeball at taillow when it was at exactly 1 hp and it jumped out before the first shake?? omg my luck
[21/01/2025 16:46:15]
Skibidio Sigmatticanus
Website: dragon
Commenting on: /johto/places-to-trainI agree with Skibidius Sigmattica
[18/01/2025 15:11:56]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-ratecalculator says 1.598% catch rate and at least a 95% chance of catching it within 186 balls, but I've reloaded the game at least 500 times with no result. I hate statistics.
[17/01/2025 15:23:05]
Commenting on: /kanto/sevii-islands-walkthroughDude, you're awesome!
Congrats on the detailed walk through.
Just leaving a "thank you".[14/01/2025 13:18:40]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-ix-catch-rateFor net ball there should be a checkbox for having used soak on the opposing pokemon so we can see the boost it would have even if the selected mon isnt water or bug type
[14/01/2025 12:41:24]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC