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Commenting on: /fake-pokemonkind of cool that you made the Tao trio before they existed
[09/12/2024 23:00:37]
Commenting on: /kanto/my-glitched-jolteonGreat essay. I've always loved your writing (I'm pretty sure that's how I found this site many years ago, by looking for interesting and well-written fanfics). I sympathize with the loss of the original Jolteon. Though I haven't played any Pokémon games in years, at the time I was also attached to my teams in the various cartridges I had.
[08/12/2024 15:23:10]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-ix-catch-ratePlease add safari and sport ball to gen 9 calculater
[07/12/2024 16:05:06]
Website: Pokemon catch rate
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-vi-vii-catch-ratecool website
[07/12/2024 09:11:45]
Do you agree that the supermarket's attempts to trademark Iceland is the worst trademark attempt ever? And how do you think it would affect the country if the supermarket did manage to get the trademark?
[06/12/2024 04:46:48]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-i-catch-rateThe Ultra Ball has a lower catch rate than the Great Ball under certain conditions, such as when the Pokémon is at full health or has a high catch rate. Under other conditions, Ultra Balls are better. You can see the Gen I Capture Mechanics page for an explanation of how it works and the ability to generate graphs of how the odds of capture change for the different balls as you lower the Pokémon's HP.
[05/12/2024 18:23:52]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-i-catch-rateSo the ultra ball has a lower catch rate than the great ball in gen 1? or is it miswritten?
[05/12/2024 05:32:44]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /mechanics/gen-i-safari-zone@Steven Mattero: In FR/LG, the mechanics work a little bit differently; in particular, the effects of bait and rocks are no longer nearly as drastic. You can find more info on Bulbapedia. I haven't yet actually made a page or calculator for that version of the Safari Zone - it might be interesting to do so.
[29/11/2024 18:17:28]
Steven Mattero
Commenting on: /mechanics/gen-i-safari-zoneDo you know if the overall strategy would differ for Gen III (FR/LG)? You mentioned that the Safari ball rng was messed up for Gen I, but I'm not sure if that would alter the optimal strategies or just improve your odds overall.
[29/11/2024 00:09:43]
Steven Mattero
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-rateFound your page, u can just delete both these comments.
Btw you rock! Thank you for this![28/11/2024 23:54:46]
Steven Mattero
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-rateHi im wondering how the Safari Zone Machanics affect the catch rate? Would throwing a rock be equivalent to HP of 50% ? But throwing bait and no rock is having the opposite affect I believe. I couldn't find any precise info on this…
[28/11/2024 23:46:51]
Commenting on: /fan-fiction/goThis reminds me of the Detective Pikachu games, the Pokemon Stadium games, and fostering a pet. I'm kind of surprised the narrator didn't give the Pidgey a nickname, though - she's just Pidgey.
[28/11/2024 16:41:45]
Commenting on: /kanto/my-glitched-jolteonSimilar thing happened playing a legit copy of HeartGold. The button for the radio on the Pokégear disappeared completely after obtaining the expansion card from Lavender Town's Radio Tower. Tapped the spot where it would be and nothing happened. The worst part was I didn't realize it had happened until I went to wake up the Snorlax outside of Vermillion City, since I never thought to check after finishing the Radio Tower shenanigans.
Now I feel the urge to dig through old Discord messages to find out if I took any photos.[27/11/2024 17:20:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe Icelandic news has followed the adventures of Iceland the supermarket chain trying to trademark the name of our country, yeah. It's all a bit absurd.
[20/11/2024 14:33:45]
Have you heard about a supermarket chain that keeps trying to trademark the word "Iceland"? They trademarked it temporarily in 2016, before it got removed. But the supermarket chain are still trying to get the trademark back?
Does this story make the news in Iceland regularly?[20/11/2024 10:13:53]
Commenting on: /opinions-theories/english-namesOne of the few English names of Gen 4 Pokemon I dislike is Gible - it's more logical to spell it Gibble, as in nibble. I keep instinctually wanting to pronounce Gible with a long I sound.
[19/11/2024 17:14:21]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-ix-catch-rateThey aren't - however, failed critical captures are no longer animated to be distinguishable from a failed non-critical capture. The capture mechanics page explains this.
[19/11/2024 13:31:15]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-ix-catch-rateCrit captured in gen 9 are 100% cr
[19/11/2024 11:49:34]
this website reminds me of what the internet used to feel like. This is the website equivalent of walking into a warmly lit front room with a roaring fire after trudging through miles of arctic snow in jeans and new balance runners. Thanks
[15/11/2024 08:20:24]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-rateI like the catch rate calculator
[14/11/2024 18:51:14]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC