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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: /fan-fiction/morphic/6I honestly like all of the morphs. They are just like me. (Well, except for Mia, but she's just…)
[13/01/2025 12:52:45]
Commenting on: /zodiacThe Gen IV, Gen V and Gen VI Zodiacs suck. It's not because of you, it's because of the amount of Pokémon.
[11/01/2025 08:13:29]
Commenting on: /fake-pokemonThose sprites in the My Sprites page! Leta! Letal! Letaligon! Mutark! Spirit! Chalenor! Also I'm commenting this here because you cannot comment on the My Sprites page.
[11/01/2025 08:08:53]
Website: 101 Ways to Cheat SchoolHappy new yearrr!!!!!!!! 2024 felt like it was like a week long but we already in 2025 who knew! Also i have a question. Do you have any tips for figuring out what to name your site? Because i ditched my old site and started a new one because my old site stoped actually updating the images when i put a new one. And i have this 101 ways to cheat school website but im trying to figure out what to name my new personal site and im kinda stuck so do you have any tips on naming a website?
[10/01/2025 13:21:33]
Website: Altissimo's Site
Commenting on: /evolution-listI love this page btw this is fantastic
[10/01/2025 11:19:23]
Commenting on: /johto/places-to-traintysm!!
[10/01/2025 00:36:09]
Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 01-01-25Happy new year! Honestly feels like you got so much done in 2024, with the roulette, the jolteon article, GHD, Morphic rewrite and cowboys???? I hope it was a happy year as well as a productive one!
Here's to 2025![09/01/2025 10:01:59]
Commenting on: 01-01-25It's been over twenty years since I, as a ten-year-old, was randomly browsing Pokémon sites, many of which mentioned TCoD, and thinking: "I'll click on it and see what the big deal is about this whole Cave of Dragonflies thing". I immediately loved it and to this day it's my favorite fansite. So glad it's still around, even though the other sites I loved, Mew's Hangout, Suta-Raito, Mewtwofan's Pokémon Page, etc. are mostly all gone now. Ten-year-old me would be horrified by the state of the Internet (what do you MEAN most people don't use forums anymore???) but would at least be happy my favorite website survived. Happy New Year, and I hope TCoD lasts as long as possible.
[08/01/2025 22:12:51]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe location charts show the actual encounter slots and don't consolidate them in any way. If there's a 70% slot and a 30% slot, and they both happen to contain level 5 Magikarp, then it'll still show that there are two slots that both contain level 5 Magikarp! I did this intentionally, because I like it to be transparent when there are in fact two slots.
[07/01/2025 16:58:53]
I was just looking at the Gen 3 locations chart for Area 2 of the Safari Zone, and saw that there are 2 identical listings for fishing with an Old Rod for Magikarp, level 5. The chart says 70% of the time you'll get a Level 5 Magikarp, and the other 30% of the time you'll get a … Level 5 Magikarp. This seems redundant.
[07/01/2025 16:15:11]
Azariah Garrus
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /fun-factsMagikarp can learn Hydro Pump with the help of TR03 in Pokemon Sword and Shield :)
[06/01/2025 14:48:04]
Grimdour (Valerunner)
Commenting on: 01-01-25Ohmygod, I'm so glad Dannichu and the others are still around!
[02/01/2025 20:44:48]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-25Of Njáls saga? It's a thread on the Thousand Roads Discord, which is unfortunately not the most accessible. Maybe this link works, if you have a Discord account.
I am still also hoping to write a lengthy Tumblr essay about it, which would be a bit easier to access, but I got too distracted by cowboys in the middle of that one and haven't had the chance to pick it up again yet. It's next up, though! I have basically wrapped up my The Good, the Bad and the Ugly fanfic![02/01/2025 08:11:54]
Ethan Schoales
Commenting on: 01-01-25Is there a link to the liveblog?
[01/01/2025 22:20:22]
Commenting on: /humour/in-game-humourWell I've found it. You need to go to Melemele Island's southwest corner with a team full of Fairy-types. Then you need to go six steps north, six steps east, six steps south and six steps west, and then go to the northeast corner of Ula'ula Island, and voila! There it is!
[01/01/2025 14:08:29]
Commenting on: /humour/conspiracy-theoriesYou forget mention Lance Dragonite in Gen 1 know Barrier. Cool no.
[01/01/2025 12:35:18]
Commenting on: /humour/in-game-humourYeah, right. I've been playing Sun for years now, and I've never found this area. Plus you're name is so generic it just confirmes that you're lying immediately. (If my grammar is wrong, sorry. I am German, you know.)
[01/01/2025 10:34:58]
Commenting on: /fake-pokemonOh. I'm not THAT much into Pokémon, so I hope you understand.
[31/12/2024 15:34:21]
Skibidius Sigmattica
Commenting on: /johto/places-to-traintysm 'twas very helpful :D
[24/12/2024 12:12:44]
Commenting on: /humour/in-game-humourIn Sun and Moon, there's an area full of Beauties, and they have uhh… pretty weird dialogue if you talk to them as a boy.
[23/12/2024 05:32:00]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC