
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Um… right… so it's not actually been translated…

o.o Google thinks Bulbasaur is Icelandic.

[01/04/2012 16:28:31]

Commenting on: 03-31-12


Just look at the Google Translate version of 'Resources'.


I wondered what would be happening here after this appeared.

[01/04/2012 16:17:15]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

My personal favorite is Stomach Karp: Cruise for Magikarp: The Gathering. Although, peningaplokk-ing your fireplace is rather funny, too.

[01/04/2012 15:12:16]

Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 03-31-12

It's sure a good thing I know some Icelandic. Thanks!

[01/04/2012 14:31:02]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

They might have some trouble with the tool-tips in the navigation bar. :)

Google Translated:

Þeir gætu hafa sumir erfitt með tól-kenndur í siglingar bar.

[01/04/2012 13:35:37]


And by fundið I mean fyndið.

[01/04/2012 13:02:08]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

Butterfree, þú ert fundið.


[01/04/2012 12:59:15]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-12

…oh, man, the Google Translate version is glorious. Yes, and now I'll never again peningaplokk your fireplace!! Joltik: sweet death, or Krut death?!

Not to mention the menu. The styleswitcher is "House style sounds". The Marquee of Doom is "Penalty Physics analog".

[01/04/2012 12:55:53]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

I do enjoy how half of these post talk about how its an April fools day event, and the other half are taking it seriously.

[01/04/2012 12:24:17]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

I fell for this hardcore. I would have been so sad! But thank you for reminding me what day it is haha. Excellence.

[01/04/2012 12:08:51]

Website: Rainbow-Starworld Forums
Commenting on: 03-31-12

It looks like you really put a lot of work into this! Cool! This site never ceases to amaze me.

I remember one time when you turned this site into a pretend "shopping" thing where you sold something called TCOD but wouldn't specify what a TCOD was. XD

[01/04/2012 10:36:07]

Website: My Deviantart
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Thankyou for this wonderful chance to learn another language, wonderful overlord! I shall pick up this lauguage with haste!

Though, it would be more wonderful if it was written in Esperanto. Just saying.

also, this is a good joke and you should feel good.

[01/04/2012 05:10:58]


Oh, god, that was a joke, wasn't it?

[01/04/2012 04:02:03]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

I'm sorry to hear this, because I don't speak Icelandic, but I used Google Translate on the site, so I can read most of it. (The results are quite humorous at times, just like with your Babelfish section)

[01/04/2012 04:01:16]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

Gotta say, pretty weaksauce compared to the last ones.

Still spooked me for a second though.

[01/04/2012 02:38:44]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

I almost fell for this. D:

[01/04/2012 02:16:12]

Commenting on: 03-31-12

I guess I'll start to learn Icelandic then! It's great to see Butterfree and the site take pride in its native language!

[01/04/2012 00:28:37]

guy standing behind you
Commenting on: 03-31-12

Best April Fools Ever!!!!!!

[01/04/2012 00:22:07]


Alright, found it. But your link to it in the updates page has a little #ads bit on the end that looks like it's supposed to jump to the item but doesn't actually do anything.

[01/04/2012 00:06:27]

Control of Dialga

The server is horrid, but Butterfree has stated it is being worked on. Unless I read that wrong. Good luck with all that jazz, Butterfree!

[31/03/2012 19:14:29]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC