
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 02-11-12


[27/02/2012 17:29:07]


Just checked Serebii… Sounds cool, right?! It'll be at least 6 months before we see the games, but I am so psyched, like, omg! :D

[26/02/2012 17:34:33]


So guys. Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2.

[25/02/2012 23:53:26]

Website: BLURSH's Fanfics

Hey, Butterfree! I just randomly noticed a cached page on your site from… eh, 2009 or so. And, you probably don't remember me, unless you remember Stareon's Hideout that I used to actively update. Anyway, I saw that someone named ShinyRiolu was causing some trouble with you. I helped her make a site a long time ago, but I don't think she ever did do anything with it. But, I just wanted to make it clear that I never hated you or your site, and although I made a layout for Shiny, I take no responsibility for her stealing pictures. I tried to teach her about plagiarism, and I think in her case, anything that happened with that was an honest mistake of hers. Anyhow, I haven't really been online for a long, long time now–just because of personal issues and whatnot–but I still do really honor and respect you and the Cave of Dragonflies. The only reason I'm back online right now is I'm trying to open up my fanfic site again, which is actually pretty pathetic right now. But, yeah, just wanted to clarify that I never said anything bad about you, have no hard feelings, once again, and I hope that it's cool that if we ever cross paths again in the future, perhaps we could work together or help each other out, or I don't know anything. I just don't like to have any enemies; that cached post just came up in a random search for something and I know it's really old, but I just wanted to make sure that we're cool. And… I wish you the best with whatever you are doing now. The fact that CoD is still open says a lot about you as a webmistress, and I admire that. I wish we could all be as determined as you. Have a great day! Best wishes!

[25/02/2012 20:27:01]

Richie the Raichu

Lol what.

[14/02/2012 20:15:22]

Website: Click here for your award.
Commenting on: 02-11-12

You… have no idea how grateful I am for you making the featured section random again.

I was not sure what to do here, so I couldn't just pick a section.

Now, I can randomize again. It will pick a page for me.

And I get to see the Tancat picture as a bonus.

Thank you.

You deserve to be singled out for this great act.

Also, you get the highest award, the Golden Butterfree.

[12/02/2012 04:33:20]

Website: ...My Website?
Commenting on: 01-10-12

I was actually half-expecting Butterfree to fall out of the Pokeball dead or something. Not sure how it would work, but it's where I thought the story was going. Would have been a much more depressing ending. xD

Anyway, I really like what you did with it. You're very good at incorporating emotions into your work without feeling cliched or cheesy.

[10/02/2012 13:47:26]

Ydoc Revolg


[09/02/2012 15:42:01]


Crutch Character?

[04/02/2012 20:45:34]

Polymetric Sesquialtera
Commenting on: 01-10-12

There should be a name for this phenomenon - the phenomenon of "early-game Pokémon that get definitively less useful over the course of the game". Or not even just Pokémon; any similar effects in video games. Like Disc One Nuke except the nuke isn't actually necessarily strong enough to be considered a full-blown nuke. My Beautifly and Dustox are undergoing this now as I approach Flannery in my Emerald Nuzlocke. I hereby call it Butterfree Syndrome.

[04/02/2012 19:04:39]

Commenting on: 01-22-12

Must have missed it. Being a fast reader is awesome, but it's a curse sometimes.

[03/02/2012 03:48:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-22-12

The corresponding phrase is in the paragraph above the example - "Now we have the first version of our Aerobuzz, the way some spriters would leave it".

[02/02/2012 09:37:57]

Commenting on: 01-22-12

I discovered an error. Originally, the guide said something to the effect of "some spriters would just leave it like this", and then the phrase "But we're not just some spriters." After editing, the first phrase is edited out but the second remains.

[02/02/2012 04:18:29]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

Wow. Just… Just wow. I came here to kill time and wait for busy server to go away, and I'm rewarded with this. I don't even know what to say.

So I'll say it again.


[02/02/2012 04:14:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-12

I have plenty of Butterfree in the Hall of Fame. I've only ever ditched one Butterfree in my life; I've had Butterfree happily in my final team on Gold, FireRed, Diamond, SoulSilver and Black, and possibly more. :P Like I said, the fic is not autobiographical.

[31/01/2012 00:58:42]

Commenting on: 01-10-12





[30/01/2012 16:50:11]

Richie the Raichu

Wow..the Guestbook looks so pretty in Celebi style!


It just now occured to me that the Guestbook changes too, when you switch styles.

[30/01/2012 16:29:47]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

Hm, I suppose I interpreted your rowling-adage as an angry one. My apologies then.

I think there might be some kind of psychological effects to it merely because you are practically teleporting the pokemon to the future - They go into the box, and come out, not realizing that months or years have passed. It might have an effect when they try to understand what has happened. :V

[27/01/2012 13:32:04]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-12

I think you misunderstood me somewhere. I did not take it as "telling me off", nor did I defend it on the basis that it's "just a story"; I was mainly pointing out that while you said the box was very different "for you" from the way it is "for me", it isn't really like this "for me", because I might just as well write another fic tomorrow where it works completely differently.

Not that I really see how this kind of box is inherently inhumane when you aren't leaving the Pokémon on there for years. They don't have a real sense of time in there, so they'd just experience it kind of like going to sleep and then waking up a bit later. There's no reason that should automatically have some ill effects on the mind or body, unless you were to specifically decide to add this to the interpretation.

[26/01/2012 20:14:10]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

Hum, I didn't mean to sound like I was telling you off for having a box system like that. It is just crushing to think that pokemon would be treated so inhumanely with scarce a thought to it.

What would suspended animation do to a psyche and body, and could this technology be developed to dispose of troublesome humans.

Yes I know it's 'just a story'. :/

[26/01/2012 19:48:43]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC