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Kratos Aurion
Website: Altered Origin
Commenting on: 01-01-12I am proud. Very proud. More than you know.
TVTropes Mafia come baaaack ;-;
Happy almost ten years, anyway.[03/01/2012 00:59:04]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-12Just testing to see if I made some idiotic oversight in the comment system.
[02/01/2012 03:33:52]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI think they don't fix likely mistakes like this in order to maintain consistency, to be honest. Probably the same reason as why they take pains to introduce new evolution methods when they introduce new evolutions.
(Incidentally, I now have a male Azumarill that was born a female Azurill myself, so I can personally confirm that it happens.)[01/01/2012 03:26:54]
Azuril's gender is probably like Nidorina and Nidoqueen's ability to breed. It's probably a mistake, and the developers totally coulda fixed it… But, like, they didn't. And nobody knows why.
[01/01/2012 03:06:22]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-29-11Fixed.
[01/01/2012 01:12:14]
I've heard that before, that the female-to-male Azurill was a mistake, but I never really bought it. If it was a mistake, it would've been fixed in later generations, but it still hasn't been.
It could be argued, of course, that it may have been intentional, and the developers decided to make it official, and this is of course possible (and is most likely the case, as there seems to be no reason to choose ahead of time to make the sex ratio of Azurill different).[31/12/2011 22:36:36]
Commenting on: 12-29-11"dictats that it should be female"
You forgot an "e" in "dictates."
You may have been sleepy when you typed that, but as a perfectionist, I think you would appreciate having that error pointed out for you.[31/12/2011 22:12:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's not "official canon" in the sense that it's likely some kind of a mistake, but the fact is it does happen. A Pokémon's sex is determined by a number between 0 and 255 that's derived from its personality value (and is therefore static throughout the Pokémon's life); depending on its species' sex ratio, there is a certain cutoff point such that any Pokémon whose sex value is lower than the cutoff point is female and Pokémon whose sex value is greater than or equal to the cutoff point are male. Because Azurill has a 75% female sex ratio while Marill and Azumarill are 50% female, the cutoff point is different, meaning any sex value in between the two cutoff points will result in a female Azurill but a male Marill/Azumarill.
[30/12/2011 15:04:02]
Is it canon that Azurill sometimes switch sexes upon evolution…? I can't find anything that says they do officially, only things that seem to be people just plain guessing.
[30/12/2011 05:56:52]
If you have the time, could you make sprite packages for the backsprites of Pokemon? I know that's not really in high demand, and that you're busy, but it's just a suggestion.
[29/12/2011 21:11:55]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhen I've thought of a new poll I want answered. Might change it later, actually.
[29/12/2011 11:58:15]
When will there be a new poll?
[29/12/2011 03:36:21]
Oh, yeah, it's not meant to be taken seriously at all. I never intended it to be serious. I understand what you mean though, and I'm glad I could help you out with writing down your thoughts.
[28/12/2011 22:40:13]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, if you found evidence suggesting it was not a coincidence that the technically-666th Pokémon is Joltik, then you'd have a meta theory that Joltik was consciously created to correspond to that number. But it would be a very weak one, to be honest, unless there is something really mind-blowingly Satanic about Joltik that I haven't noticed. You started from the wrong end; instead of looking for possible explanations for something odd about Joltik and figuring out something that seemed to make sense, you first made your not very meaningful observation that it's technically the 666th Pokémon and are now reaching for something about Joltik that you can explain with it in order to be able to claim that it is meaningful. 666 just isn't a meaningful number in Japan, and even if it were it's highly unlikely the creators would choose to make their 666th set of stats special rather than making the 666th Pokémon in the National Pokédex special as all those other fans are assuming. You could make a crack theory out of it, but something that could be taken seriously? Not really.
[28/12/2011 17:15:49]
So it's more like a fact that you have to search for. But if it was added to in a way that went into detail as to WHY it's not just a coincidence that Joltik was placed there in the Unova Dex, then THAT would make it a theory and not just something left to your imagination to elaborate on. Right?
[28/12/2011 15:58:39]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat's a whole different sense of "explain", one that's simply interchangeable with "say". Theories are about the "You've got some explaining to do" kind of explaining: reasons, justifications and clarifications for something that is already there.
Your theory isn't an explanation of something that is already there. You're just making an observation that Joltik is technically the 666th Pokémon if you count forms. You're not, say, asking a question about why Joltik was designed the way it is and introducing this observation to answer it, or exploring some particular possible reason Joltik is the technically-666th Pokémon; you're just making an observation. That's not a theory, any more than "Voltorb is Pokémon #100 in the National Pokédex" or "Pidgey has wings" is a theory. They're simple facts.
A theory is a model, a set of assumptions about what you can't see that explains consistently why you observe what you observe and not something else. Your theory doesn't answer any why question, because it isn't a theory; it's just a dangling simple fact. Sure, it's a simple fact most people haven't thought about, but it doesn't become a theory unless it answers a sensible why question about the existing canon.
(This discussion is actually helping me put more of my thoughts on fan theories into words, so thanks?)[28/12/2011 14:07:59]
Hmm. Maybe it just seems to make more sense in my head then. The theory's there to explain that there are already more than that supposed number that so many dread, and therefore we wouldn't have to wait and see if theres a whole new generation for a Pokemon that matches up with it. I DID originally write it as a theory for a creepypasta site and therefore for entertainment. Maybe that's why it comes out as wierd?
[28/12/2011 06:03:54]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI… really wouldn't call that a theory. o.O Exactly what is it a theory about? What question are you trying to answer? It's an observation you could base crackfic on, sure, but as far as I can tell it isn't explaining anything or even attempting to explain anything.
[28/12/2011 01:52:15]
Speaking of theories, I have one that I don't think has been deliberated upon. I believe what I researched is very interesting, so here's the super-shortened version:
If there was to be a 6th Generation, there would be a small problem (Well, to some people it would be a problem). One of the new Pokemon would have the Pokedex number of 666, and therefore it would never be looked at the same by people who cared. But, see, there's ALREADY more than 666 Pokemon. I mean Formes; Pokemon with different stats, Types, and appearances that aren't counted as a Pokedex number. I won't put the list here for space purposes, but here's the what it adds up to.
There are 70 Pokemon unrepresented with their own Pokedex number. This, with the 649 species, makes 719. The difference of 719 and 666(therefore the number we must subtract from 649) is 53. 649 - 53 = 596. But there is one Pokemon of the 70 uncounted that comes after the Pokedex Number 596(Meloetta). So go back one. 595. The real #666 is the Pokedex number 595. Joltik.
This theory of mine had been flawed previously, as I had forgotten some of the alternate Formes and appearances. But I'm sure sure it's accurate now.
I don't mean this to be a serious condemning of Joltik, as he's one of my very favorite from the 5th Gen, but simply an interesting thought I had that I took the time to factor mathematically. This almost makes me want to write some sort of story about an evil Joltik now, though. *spooky laugh* Additionally, I do not mean to offend anyone who would take offense from the subject.
I apologize for having such a large post. If you want a list of the 70 aforementioned 'uncounted Pokemon', you may e-mail me for it. I wanted to condense my theory as much as possible. I can also include the non-condensed math equation I did, if you think I made a mistake.
Thank you for your time.[28/12/2011 00:46:50]
Someone posted their phone number??
0_o[20/12/2011 03:30:57]
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