
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


No, I'm pretty sure bluespirit means the "Look! My mom's health counselling website that none of you will understand a word of that is only here so that it will appear on Google!" link in the footer on TCoD.

[20/11/2011 18:36:39]

Website: Age of War

lolwut? You mean Age of War or somebody else's link?

BTW: In Soviet Russia… Cows Milk You!

[20/11/2011 14:47:50]


HAHHAHA I LOVE the link to your mom's website on the bottom!

[20/11/2011 09:23:11]

Spunky the Raichu


Pants joke, yes!

[20/11/2011 04:33:31]

Website: Age of War

In Soviet Russia… Pants wear you!

[19/11/2011 21:37:12]

Scohui the Slowbro

Everybody is russian

[17/11/2011 23:10:08]

Website: Age of War

Okay then.. we just got over the thing with Judgement and now we have another person trololololing? Grrrrrreat.

[17/11/2011 21:26:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

You were banned because you made some really creeptacular comments. Maybe you really do go around trying to get women to wear skimpier clothing in real life and this may be new to you, but telling this to women you don't know may actually make them very uncomfortable.

Add to this that your main purpose in registering appears to have been to brag about your sexual prowess with unlikely stories about all the cheerleaders at your high school being jealous of anyone who got to blow you and to share your 'expertise' with other members, and you seem pretty likely to be a troll. (Helped by the fact your IP is suspiciously similar to Judgement's.) If not, you're just a bit of a creep, but still not really somebody we want around.

[17/11/2011 14:14:16]


and man what's this pokemon shit down there why can't we just post normally and make this all easy but dude im one geniune man you ought to treat me like one i don't take ban shit personally but this is sick my friend im banned for no reason i complimented a few chicks and wtf is this a church or something it makes no sense, im here to be an inspiration to young kids and if you don't want that cause of the way i talk then you enjoy your little own shack brother you getting nothing more than a bunch of thirteen year olds and virgins lol

[17/11/2011 12:39:05]


man i got banned on the first day i don't get it and i noticed there's a topic about me, i mean i just posted on a topic that's 'sticky' or whatever and i got warning by this Cirrus chick for bumping, it makes no sense ive been to forums before and for sure i know topics with those stickys are there for you to post in forever, ive never been banned from a forum man this sick stuff, no warning no nothing just one unfair shit then one sudden ban

[17/11/2011 12:33:02]


What emotion is ":3" supposed to convey exactly? All I could ever get from it was that you feel like a cat, which probably isn't it.

[17/11/2011 12:32:06]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-02-11

Thanks! :3 (And congratulations on Rebirth's tenth, while I'm at it - I don't think I'd said so yet.)

[16/11/2011 19:51:23]

Gemma Bright
Website: Niftihalo Studios
Commenting on: 11-02-11

Congratulations on your site making it 9 years! Pokemon fan sites are a bit of a rare breed these days, so its awesome to see The Cave of Dragonflies still running. :D

[16/11/2011 15:59:04]

Website: Age of War

That's why I said as close as you could get D:

[15/11/2011 23:30:23]

Spunky the Raichu

Shinx is a lion, Raikou is a tiger.

[15/11/2011 23:18:59]

Website: Age of War

Also, Chimchar is not a rooster, though Shinx is about as close to a tiger as you can get : P

[15/11/2011 21:02:02]

Website: Age of War

Yeah, I only named her that because she was a water type. I caught a Magikarp and named her Nuregami too, so I'm probably going to trade the original away. I'm just wierd like that. : P

[15/11/2011 21:01:15]

Spunky the Raichu

Bidoof's not a snake god. Bidoof gets eaten by snake gods.

[15/11/2011 17:10:45]


Okami. And Bidoof is the furthest thing from a snake god I've ever seen.

[15/11/2011 15:46:07]

Scohui the Slowbro


[15/11/2011 14:08:19]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC