Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesDid you actually want me to be engaging you in some kind of a discussion? I got the impression you were just ranting in the hope of making guestbook viewers see the light and hate me or something. You didn't even address me; it was just a declaration referring to me in the third person with a name that isn't my name and talking about how fascist I am.
But fine, I'll humour you for now.
Most of your 'accusations' honestly aren't worth replying to, because they're so vague as to be meaningless. You keep talking about how dictatorial I am; I genuinely don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about, because as I pointed out, I barely even do anything on the forums. I've given exactly two infractions this year, one of them to ban a member who PMed me to ask to be banned. (I also reversed one infraction that I thought was unfair.) You also imply people are banned "for their views" all the time, but don't give any examples, and again I have no idea what you're talking about. You say the forums are especially uptight about members' behaviour, citing the fact the rules contain rules against things like flaming and mini-modding that are banned on most forums (and they don't have a rule against "bad English", only a guideline saying posts should be decently readable). You say I don't allow people to make mistakes (??), when mine is, I think, the only forum I know of where ban evasion is not actually a bannable offense, exactly because I think people should be able to get a second chance even if they screw up once. You insist my forums have an unusual amount of members being nervous about breaking the rules. You act as if forums having drama is a highly unusual thing. You seem to think I'm some kind of an evil mastermind. All of this just makes me scratch my head; I don't have the vaguest inkling of how you even got to these conclusions. How on earth am I supposed to respond to something that, as far as I can see, has simply been pulled out of thin air?
Other comments you make are just ludicrously outdated, such as the one about Furret and your general obsession with Nidokingu. For the record, I admined him at his insistence, because I was fifteen and stupid and bought his blather about how because we were in a relationship he should get an equal share in the site and forums, and I didn't de-admin him at all because he left the forums on his own - not that that actually makes the complaint valid, because forums aren't democracies and forum admins aren't in positions of power that warrant a democratic process behind them. There is no reason members should have a say in whether a mod becomes an admin; I can see the argument for wanting to have a say in who becomes a mod, maybe, since that could affect them, but an admin doesn't have any more power over members than a mod does, so why should they care? The added power an admin has is the power to vandalize the forums as a whole; the owner of the forums obviously has by far the biggest stake in ensuring admins are trustworthy.
Even then, like I said, forums aren't democracies - I don't think I've ever been to a forum where moddings weren't a matter of the admins (or current mods) just picking out regulars who seem to act responsibly, with no member input. Ultimately forums are a privately owned platform, and a private owner would rather mod people they view as responsible and capable, rather than whoever is most popular among the members. (Not that I've been personally involved with the last couple of moddings beyond just okaying the people that were nominated and voted on by the other mods.) I just run my forums the way forums are generally run, and I have no idea why you're trying to lynch me for it.[13/11/2011 01:12:30]
Amaterasu, I'm just as surprised myself. Banning members for their views is rather fashionable across Helen's forums.
Another problem Helen seems to face is her lack of honesty and not only with us but with herself out of all people. Helen, unfortunately, your urge to reply to our accusations is too obvious. As you have done so already, only with the refusal to address us directly in which comes off as a rather try-hard attempt to balance out between Ignoring and replying, it's in our standards to inform you that this is not getting in-tact very well and it's making you seem somewhat desperate in your attempt, and this, Helen, is what we refer to as your politics.
"to deal with people in an opportunistic, manipulative, or devious way." -
The pressure inflected on members doesn't run by you single handedly. It's in the system your forums operates. It's in your rules and it's in your absolute selectivity with who gets to become a Mod, and it's in your morality, it's in your breath, it's in every trace you make, it's the person that you just are, Helen.
If you want an example, out of the blue - An ethical person wouldn't Administrate a person all of a sudden for being a "your boyfriend", without regard to your members viewpoints, let alone - De-administrate him, out of the blue and with no warning - without regard to the members' viewpoints. Democracy 101.[12/11/2011 23:56:46]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's just some inane ramble about how apparently I DICTATE EVERYTHING on my forums even though all I ever really do on them is read threads and post an average of less than two posts a day. Also he thinks this has something to do with politics. It's too silly and vague to be threatening. In fact, I find it mildly entertaining.
[12/11/2011 23:01:35]
Website: Age of WarOkay Justice, if you have a problem, I suggest you shove it *insert rant here* and take off. This may seem as offensive, but still, you need to shut it. I haven't even been here all that long and I know you're being a jerk. I'm surprised Butterfree hasn't banned your IP yet.
[12/11/2011 19:42:01]
we are familiar with your sleazy politics Hely, it was cute when you're 15 but you're too old for such games now
It would be nice if we were inaccurate Helen but if that was the case your forums wouldn't have gone through the so-called drama it did throughout the last 10 years. Everything would've been smooth and A-okay, just like in many other forums. I think you can agree that yours was no where close to such place, our only disagreement? We believe its you that's completely at fault.
If you take a closer look you will see that most drama were centered around particular subjects; Mod Abuse and to what others identified as the "Kool Kids Krew", your forums DID witness a wave of change in the last 3 years, many mods, for starters, are now banned and even demodded which is a good step. However If your forums, or rather, your attitude was absolutely perfect, this place wouldn't have gone through a decade of instability. Better yet, there wouldn't have been major changes such as this one - but only after continuous pressure from members, of course. Remember when you and Nidokingu went as far as to ban topics that fuse drama?
Our only warning is that the so-called wave of change won't last as long as your dictatorial attitude stays where it is.
Allow people to make mistakes - just let the culture of this place grow naturally. How you think you can dictate what this place can or can't be by force is the source to all its problems.
These words are that of many. Go through your forums history and you will see a few topics talking about similar subjects. If not exactly the same subject. You can behave as if such criticism are absolutely inaccurate even though our voices have been echoing within the last 10 years, over and over - Your close-mindedness to criticism evidently proves your arrogance.[12/11/2011 18:47:52]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat guy has nothing to say on the current state of the forum, because he obviously hasn't been on it in several years (most egregiously, he still thinks Furret, a member who left years ago, is relevant).
[12/11/2011 18:10:28]
Spunky raichu
"TCoD limits creativity and freedom of thought. More to come later, take care"
…No, it doesn't. This is fact, the only place where I feel free to show others my creativty.
It's a website about pokemon, not 1984.
"Freedom of thought"
Te loca, freedom of thought…[12/11/2011 16:36:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesLolwut.
I think the most amusing thing about this is how there doesn't seem to be a sentence in it that isn't factually inaccurate in ways that parody themselves.[12/11/2011 14:59:34]
It's been a few years, and whenever I think of TCoD, I just imagine what would a country be if Helen was in control? She loves talking about liberalism all across your forums. Her attitude however, in the way she controls the forums from A to Z proves otherwise; until today, she's the most fascist individual I have ever met.
1. The so called "Rules" works as Filtering rather than actual rules. For starters, it literally doesn't let you in if you don't fully read them. I heard this addition is no longer there and I hope that's true, but overall; it dictates what kind of person you MUST be to join the forums, It's hardly about 'rules'. This comes in the degree of 'Warnings' for things such as posting to many emoticons, 'flaming' (30 points?), 'backseat modding', 'bad english', it's almost as if these forums want to be in control of it's image, and it's people, than to just give people to space to be. The number of people banned from the forums simply for being different, is a great indicator. Why is it that other forums are relaxed about how their people behave, unless it gets absolutely serious - while this one pressures people's to the tip of their mind? "Am I saying this right", "is this post in the right forums..", and the constant justification people make after they make a topic, from "I was bored" to "i'm not sure this is in the right place bu i concluded it is because ect", just reflects such pressure.
2. Selectivity in mods. You're modding method is simple: You mod people who are exactly like you. People as uptight and as aggressive and as arrogant as you are. No one would dare think he has the freedom to be himself under this great leadership.
2. Corruption. See; Furret. There's obvious selectivity in who is allowed in the forums, and who isn't.
TCoD limits creativity and freedom of thought. More to come later, take care[12/11/2011 11:12:27]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI would make one splash. Just like I didn't make a splash for 3,500,000 because that was less than a month after 3,000,000 and clearly came about because somebody was really bored and spent a few days refreshing the front page incessantly.
[11/11/2011 02:23:07]
That was supposed to say "in like 24 hours". I have no idea why Number Lock was off…
That's another thing that bugs me - people who say the only people to use the number pad are accountants and such. I use it all the time - I almost never use the ones above the letters. Even more, I prefer the Enter key over there, for whatever reason.[11/11/2011 02:17:56]
If, hypothetically, the site suddenly got insanely popular, and it went through the next, let's say six, milestones you have planned, in like hours, would you still make all six splashes? Or, would you just make one?
I know that's not likely to happen, but still.[11/11/2011 02:16:03]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhy on earth would there be a new splash? The next front page hit milestone is four and a half million.
[10/11/2011 20:41:54]
Spunky the Raichu
Now can we have a new splash?
[10/11/2011 17:15:25]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe title of the post is "Nine Years and Counting", but the first lines of the poem are "You are now just one year from a ten-year career". Both correctly imply the site is nine years old. If that's not what you're getting at, I'm lost.
[10/11/2011 03:44:35]
Website: Age of WarI just noticed; i use the Shiny Ninetales thingy and the message on the front page says "You are 9 Years away from being a 10-year-site" or something.
yeah i didnt quote it directly.[10/11/2011 03:18:52]
Yoshi of Earth
I put in my Soul Silver in and head over to my friends house that has Wifi… Go to the Plaza and no ones there… I guess it's understanable since everyones playing Black and White but I still like my Pokemon following me.
[09/11/2011 22:03:38]
Scohui the Slowbro
Didn't know TomSka had passed by…
[09/11/2011 13:15:03]
Website: Age of WarI like trains!
-everybody gets hit by a train-[09/11/2011 12:36:39]
Happy belated birthday, site! I promise to visit you more often instead of just putter about on the forums. :D
[09/11/2011 01:50:35]
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