
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 01-10-12

Wow. Just… Just wow. I came here to kill time and wait for busy server to go away, and I'm rewarded with this. I don't even know what to say.

So I'll say it again.


[02/02/2012 04:14:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-12

I have plenty of Butterfree in the Hall of Fame. I've only ever ditched one Butterfree in my life; I've had Butterfree happily in my final team on Gold, FireRed, Diamond, SoulSilver and Black, and possibly more. :P Like I said, the fic is not autobiographical.

[31/01/2012 00:58:42]

Commenting on: 01-10-12





[30/01/2012 16:50:11]

Richie the Raichu

Wow..the Guestbook looks so pretty in Celebi style!


It just now occured to me that the Guestbook changes too, when you switch styles.

[30/01/2012 16:29:47]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

Hm, I suppose I interpreted your rowling-adage as an angry one. My apologies then.

I think there might be some kind of psychological effects to it merely because you are practically teleporting the pokemon to the future - They go into the box, and come out, not realizing that months or years have passed. It might have an effect when they try to understand what has happened. :V

[27/01/2012 13:32:04]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-12

I think you misunderstood me somewhere. I did not take it as "telling me off", nor did I defend it on the basis that it's "just a story"; I was mainly pointing out that while you said the box was very different "for you" from the way it is "for me", it isn't really like this "for me", because I might just as well write another fic tomorrow where it works completely differently.

Not that I really see how this kind of box is inherently inhumane when you aren't leaving the Pokémon on there for years. They don't have a real sense of time in there, so they'd just experience it kind of like going to sleep and then waking up a bit later. There's no reason that should automatically have some ill effects on the mind or body, unless you were to specifically decide to add this to the interpretation.

[26/01/2012 20:14:10]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

Hum, I didn't mean to sound like I was telling you off for having a box system like that. It is just crushing to think that pokemon would be treated so inhumanely with scarce a thought to it.

What would suspended animation do to a psyche and body, and could this technology be developed to dispose of troublesome humans.

Yes I know it's 'just a story'. :/

[26/01/2012 19:48:43]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

Great, great story. You really get the emotions across. I felt a bit sad reading it - it was that kind of story.

I wish the trainer wouldn't be so indecisive and just accept that her Butterfree is happy again, but I guess I'd feel different if I was that trainer. Oh well. Anyway, great work Butterfree =D

[25/01/2012 18:53:06]


So what's with this weird sprite for Wormadam in the sprite generator? (It's the HGSS shiny sprite.) Is it some sort of funky beta sprite or what? Also, that for of Wormadam is missing the second animation frame for both normal and shiny.

[25/01/2012 02:10:42]


Lol, "Meatshields"!


[23/01/2012 03:31:36]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

I remember using Butterfree against Brock so many times, having played and restarted Yellow a lot. He always ended up in the box, though.

Of course, the first time I played through and beat Yellow, I used a Pidgey, who ended up being level 100 by the time I was finished with the game. I feel bad now, about the rest of my team, who ended up just being low-leveled meatshields and HM slaves. ._.

All-in-all, great story, Butterfree. <3

[22/01/2012 05:32:27]

Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 01-10-12

I really liked the story too. It was almost making me cry… I liked the whole way it was written and it related to me as well. All too many times I've done the exact same thing and said to myself I'd train whatever Pokémon and never end up doing it and when I do, it makes me feel bad that I put it off so long. Well done, Butterfree. :)

[21/01/2012 00:49:56]

Marina Nanaju

Eh… Been a while since I been here. Can't remember what I called myself before, was it Star, or DolphinGirl, or what? D::

Anyyyways… Loved the new fanfic. Twas amazing. Great update on the fake pokemon guide. Really haven't been here in a while…

[20/01/2012 18:14:26]

Website: The Operator Boards

Hey guys remember me? :u

[20/01/2012 01:45:00]


@Butterfree and Hikaru, I'm quite scared that the forum is going to crash, so I'm trying to find some kind of document..storing thingy. I may try Yarny.

[19/01/2012 04:04:07]

Commenting on: 01-10-12

This is exactly how I feel when I use a Pokemon for a few battles, and then just dump it in the box.

You, madam, are a genius. The piece works so well, it's beautifully written, and just…wow. </worship>

[18/01/2012 23:45:21]


Richie: Have you tried Yarny!

[16/01/2012 21:37:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That's never a good idea. If you don't trust your computer, use an online document manager, like Google Docs, where you can edit it anytime and on your own time without any fear of losing it. The forum database has already been completely wiped once; as it is, if that happened again, you'd have lost the only copy of your fanfic, which would just royally suck.

[16/01/2012 04:10:36]


I can't trust my computer to save things like that. I've found it's better to spend a day typing it up.

[16/01/2012 03:31:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…why don't you have your fanfic in a file on your computer?

[15/01/2012 23:27:43]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC