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Oh. How should I know who made it?
[12/07/2011 00:31:23]
Commenting on: 07-04-11Oh, in the B/W changes section… there isn't anymore level 100/50 wi-fi battling, as far as I could tell. Makes me sad. Because I liked it.
unless I'm just stupid and you somehow already found it…. or you put it in there and i missed it, either way.[11/07/2011 21:04:08]
I'm almost entirely sure the Bachuru style was made by Kratos Aurion (I don't use that style myself).
And as said in the FAQ, Butterfree doesn't want someone else's content on her site. And if I had to guess, that would probably extend to styles as well. If you go to Altered Origin as well then you might be able to get Kratos to add it.[11/07/2011 17:16:45]
You should make a Joltik style! The one on the Forums is soooo adorable!
[11/07/2011 04:45:07]
[10/07/2011 01:59:49]
Oh god triple post.
Another fail is:but no any affects!
Moar engrish stuffs:
The enemy's SHADO falls down!(Shado=Charmander)
Ive won the contest with [trainer]!
[me]getting 175$as prize!
[rival]:[me]!Grandpa! Well then, bye-bye!
Here is No.1hjghway, white city……, evergreen city(white=pallet and evergreen=viridian)
im a clerk of the friendship store, its a convenient prop shop. Next time when you come to the evergreen city welcome you to have a look again! Oh, yes! give you the sample……! please!
That's all for now folks![10/07/2011 01:28:23]
I dunno what the HIT message is.
Maybe there are two crit(or fail) messages.
Fail message is this: But failed to determine smoothly![10/07/2011 01:14:15]
Why does a supersonic hedgehog have a dog? One of the great mysteries of the universe, surely.
Lolwut. Now I need to find that rom again and post a new Skype status.
SUDOWOODO ALERT[10/07/2011 00:06:29]
Sonic the Hedgehog
I have a dog
[09/07/2011 19:00:07]
The Foe Deglected State!(Alakazam)
The foe's table(Mr. Mime) falls down![09/07/2011 17:14:24]
Actually, it sounds more like a miss message, especially since it was mentioned underneath that "critical hit" is "hit home."
[09/07/2011 13:21:31]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPresumably it's a typo with the placing of the space, so it was meant to be "Whadra's HIT went down!" Which I'd wager is the critical hit text.
[09/07/2011 04:32:49]
What was it TRYING to say? Cause I doubt that the original actually cursed. (Of course, you never know. Tails says the D-word in japanese Sonic X. and he's 8, for Zekrom's sake.)
[09/07/2011 00:56:56]
More Engrish
Whadra' sHIT fell down! I am not kidding that is how it actually says it
Whadra is Dragnair BTW Dragonite is Otter O-o[08/07/2011 17:04:33]
Website: pokemon.comhi!
[08/07/2011 15:46:17]
Commenting on: 07-04-11If anything you should take the Dark-type one and make it a stand-alone. That was my favorite.
[07/07/2011 17:34:47]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-04-11I very rarely delete anything completely. The old guide will most likely stay where it is, with a huge honking link at the top saying "this guide is bad and here is the new one".
I don't like abandoning things I've done already, but I am given to redoing them because I think they're terrible, and I never quite considered the Malkee line something I'd done since I really did create them just to be examples in my guide; they weren't something I considered myself to have worked on, per se. Heck, the only one of them I ever bothered to draw in any form was Tigris, and I didn't even properly design Malkee or decide whether its name was spelled Malkee or Malkie. They were really halfhearted, thought up off the top of my head just because I wanted examples for my guide.[07/07/2011 10:10:50]
Commenting on: 07-04-11I liked the Malkee line…I kinda found some of your concepts interesting. That's why I voted for making sprites of them, since I'm the type who doesn't like to abandon anything she's done already.
Also, are you going to keep the old guide up somewhere, or delete it completely?[07/07/2011 01:40:54]
Battle Engrish:
[pkmn]'s [attack] to assail!
Crit- Hit home!
Tackle- GO ALL OUT
Tail Whip- WAG TAIL
Scratch- SCRATCH(Finally something makes sense!)
Faint screen- the enemy's [pkmn] falls down!
EXP gain-[pkmn] has got [exp] an experience value!
Level Up- [pkmn] the levelhas reached [level]!
Sorry for incompleteness, I accidentally closed the ROM.[06/07/2011 19:38:19]
Website: Pokemon Green EngrishYou guys just HAVE to hear this. There is a Green rom(link above) that has the worst engrish. From the little I can understand, the Pokemon(also reffered to as pocket monsters) are a PET and proffessor Aochider (Oak) is a studier of this PET. Here is Charmander's data when you select it's Pokeball:
burns the fire on the tail from the time it was born and ends its life as ther fire burns out.
After you exit the description screen Aochider says: Why! flame PET Is there also a shadow of human figure?
…O.o Somebody used Babelfish to translate this game.[06/07/2011 19:27:13]
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