
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 07-04-11

Do you plan on addressing Pokémon hybrids, type-changes, or sources of inspiration in your Fakemon Guide?

[17/07/2011 01:19:49]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Fixed. Or at least I'm pretty sure I fixed it.

[17/07/2011 00:38:49]


Uhh, I keep getting this error from the type tool while trying to make or update a new type:

Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

/newtypetool.asp, line 1002

This happened after I accidentally submitted a type with a blank name. I have no idea if that's what caused it, though.

[16/07/2011 18:58:16]


ha, i was on neopets and the html guide there matches your "sections that suck" description of a suckish html guide exactly.


[14/07/2011 14:43:25]

Website: Altered Origin

There are actually only two grass-types with sap sipper, as a matter of fact. All of the other nine pokémon with that ability are non-grass.

Re: Joltik/Bachuru style: I made that mostly as a joke and I didn't expect Butterfree to keep it on the forums, let alone turn it into a site style. She's welcome to if she wants, but I'm not exactly holding my breath waiting for her to convert it for the reasons Mai already stated.

…and I probably wouldn't use it anyway, because cute as joltik is I'm honestly not too fond of yellow, or of lighter styles in general. There will likewise be no "Joltik Style" for AO (though you could theoretically do some messing around with the Stylish extension for Firefox/Chrome and make one for AO/TCoD on your own).

[14/07/2011 01:56:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Nope, Bouffalant has Sap Sipper. Meanwhile, Flash Fire is an exclusively Fire-type ability so Bug/Steel Pokémon without a weakness are highly unlikely to ever exist, but I listed it anyway because it's still possible in principle. Leaving out Sap Sipper was an oversight made when adding fifth-generation information to the page. I'll add it when I get the chance. Thanks.

[13/07/2011 10:55:50]

Mostly Armless

Kobold: But isn't Sap Sipper a Grass-type only ability? That would rule out the possibility of having a Water/Ground type with no weaknesses.

[13/07/2011 05:07:24]


Thought I'd point out that in your types fun facts, you note levitate and flash fire would negate the single weaknesses of some type combos, but haven't mentioned sap sipper for water/ground.

[12/07/2011 12:24:12]


Oh, but now I see it at the bottom of the page. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

[12/07/2011 02:31:42]


Oh. How should I know who made it?

[12/07/2011 00:31:23]

Commenting on: 07-04-11

Oh, in the B/W changes section… there isn't anymore level 100/50 wi-fi battling, as far as I could tell. Makes me sad. Because I liked it.

unless I'm just stupid and you somehow already found it…. or you put it in there and i missed it, either way.

[11/07/2011 21:04:08]


I'm almost entirely sure the Bachuru style was made by Kratos Aurion (I don't use that style myself).

And as said in the FAQ, Butterfree doesn't want someone else's content on her site. And if I had to guess, that would probably extend to styles as well. If you go to Altered Origin as well then you might be able to get Kratos to add it.

[11/07/2011 17:16:45]


You should make a Joltik style! The one on the Forums is soooo adorable!

[11/07/2011 04:45:07]

Website: Website


[10/07/2011 01:59:49]


Oh god triple post.

Another fail is:but no any affects!

Moar engrish stuffs:

The enemy's SHADO falls down!(Shado=Charmander)

Ive won the contest with [trainer]!

[me]getting 175$as prize!

[rival]:[me]!Grandpa! Well then, bye-bye!

Here is No.1hjghway, white city……, evergreen city(white=pallet and evergreen=viridian)

im a clerk of the friendship store, its a convenient prop shop. Next time when you come to the evergreen city welcome you to have a look again! Oh, yes! give you the sample……! please!

That's all for now folks!

[10/07/2011 01:28:23]


I dunno what the HIT message is.

Maybe there are two crit(or fail) messages.

Fail message is this: But failed to determine smoothly!

[10/07/2011 01:14:15]


Why does a supersonic hedgehog have a dog? One of the great mysteries of the universe, surely.

Lolwut. Now I need to find that rom again and post a new Skype status.


[10/07/2011 00:06:29]

Sonic the Hedgehog

I have a dog

[09/07/2011 19:00:07]


The Foe Deglected State!(Alakazam)

The foe's table(Mr. Mime) falls down!

[09/07/2011 17:14:24]


Actually, it sounds more like a miss message, especially since it was mentioned underneath that "critical hit" is "hit home."

[09/07/2011 13:21:31]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC