
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 09-03-11

Lolzorz. I only read these one-shots because I'm too lazy to read the main fic. WOOT FOR FUNNY :3

[03/09/2011 22:39:08]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

Lol. As short as the thing is, it rocks :)

[03/09/2011 20:54:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

Oh, believe me, I wouldn't write Ash and Misty romance unless you paid me for it. And then it would be a ridiculous stealth parody.

[03/09/2011 20:30:58]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-03-11

best one yet. just the simpilcity of it. I MISS MIA! ``): (sobs) please give us more of your wonderful ideas in the form of fanfic. but no ash+misty luv stuff. its the easiest to do, and youre better than that.

[03/09/2011 19:35:47]

spunky raichu

to pichupowergirl, make sure you write down that pokemon, sunkern, on your page. its move is solarbeam. practice telling it to use solarbeam okay?

[03/09/2011 18:25:09]

spunky raichu

butterfree, i totally agree on the lucario and mystery of mew thing you just said. when i saw that it was b4 i was into pokemon and i still loved it! also, I AM A VULPIX! that is all.

[03/09/2011 17:36:21]

spunky raichu

togetic?TOGETIC? HOW DARE YOU?! quiz,i am a VULPIX! VULPIX!!!!!!!! ALL MY RAGE! ….butterfree, your quiz is wrong.

[03/09/2011 15:15:50]


ok great advise thx!

[03/09/2011 14:05:01]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Uh. Just play the games? There's not much to suggest. Except that if you're going to watch any of the movies, watch Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.

[03/09/2011 05:49:34]


hey butterfree its me that pokemon nerd spunky raichu was talking new to pokemon u have any suggestions?

[03/09/2011 01:14:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Well, you know her better than I do; I wouldn't know what she's interested in.

[02/09/2011 21:15:49]

spunky raichu

hey, butterfree. as i speak, i am on my to a friend and fellow pokemon nerds house. i thought this website would be perfect for her. do you have any suggestions as to something she should see?

[02/09/2011 20:18:39]


Hey, Butterfree. SHADOSLAER101 deactivated his DeviantArt account.

[02/09/2011 12:26:08]

spunky raichu

OH MY ARCEUS!! just read the entire morphic saga! OMA!! awesome! just the kind of sick and twisted what if? story i would write but never had the courage to! ending made me sad however…

[01/09/2011 21:23:49]

spunky raichu

hey butterfree, sorry 4 posting a bunch of stupid comments last night. hope i didnt bug you too much. thanks 4 your patience. oh, and to every 1 who reads this, AVOID THE MARQUEE OF DOOM! IT EATS TIME ITSELF!

[01/09/2011 19:20:40]


Proffesor Birch, when you need to battle may/brendan for the first time, if you say no he will say "Oh don't be like that,you should really meet my kid!" Until you say yes

[01/09/2011 10:19:55]

spunky raichu

um,um,um,? stupid! you get to talk to your web hero and you say um,um?! arrrr. also that marquee of doom is cool. good night. wish i could talk to u personally on this page every day, but then, u would have to do it 4 every1. aww, i made myself sad again.

[01/09/2011 00:50:50]

spunky raichu

oh thank goodness. got worried 4 a sec there. OMG BUTTERFREE IS TALKING TO ME um um, um, the website is awsome, and um, nervous, um, the website is cool, and um, youre really cool. wish we could be real friends. aww now im sad

[01/09/2011 00:44:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-31-11

Nothing happened to the other comments; there are no other comments on the update you were commenting on. When you comment on an update you see the comment page for that update, containing only the update comments. If you want to go back to the guestbook, which also contains all the update comments, there is a "Guestbook" link at the top.

[01/09/2011 00:01:25]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 08-31-11

WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE OTHER COMMENTS?! guess ill have to fill the void myself. someone please comment. im lonely. no wait, i have the fake cheats section to keep me company. never mind!

[31/08/2011 23:48:05]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC