
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: Cirrumilus
Commenting on: 09-03-11

This is beautiful.

[11/09/2011 12:41:02]

Scohui the Slowpoke

I'm a Slowpoke:

Takes me 5 seconds to feel pain;

Takes me 24h+ to feel pain on my tail;

Takes me forever to see a w upside down…..thanks spunky raichu!

…………..Yawn?(Really? Nobody saw it? Good thing I'm not the only one…)

[11/09/2011 11:11:51]

MiA THe scytheR

…rhydon! at least 150 or more to see, to be a pokemon master is my destiny! IM RIGHT! what is a bachurru?

[11/09/2011 01:34:37]

MiA THe scytheR
Commenting on: 09-03-11

wow curse is deep makes me look into my soul and stuff man

[11/09/2011 00:35:03]

MiA THe scytheR
Commenting on: 09-03-11

nuff said….

[11/09/2011 00:33:26]

spunky raichu

who can tell me the next line? articuno, jynx,nidorina,beedrill, haunter,squirtle, chansey, pokemon! pidgeotto, lapras, muk…. fill in the blank!

[10/09/2011 23:28:30]

spunky raichu

1 more: anyone here have an account on bulbagardens oekai thing? i cant get an account on there but i really want to talk to a pokemon artist by the name of kango 67… i was hoping they would be on here, it seems like every one here uses Bulbapedia… rawr, to you to, frostagin. what does yamn mean??

[10/09/2011 23:11:32]

Scohui the Slowpoke

I will have to stop reading what you are talking about, or else my head explodes……………..Yamn?

[10/09/2011 23:05:41]

spunky raichu

luv it when people get my nerd inside references…. thanks Frostagin! any one gt the the thing about gengar? hint: not its japanese name! ha ha gengar spammy what are the odds?

[10/09/2011 23:05:11]

spunky raichu

good job! very good,Yamiidenryuu! to get your prize click on marquee of doom. its at the end, so pay attenton. try this one on for size… what is dragonites gender ratio?

[10/09/2011 23:01:23]


Oh, and Slowpoke: The egg steps vary from Pokemon to Pokemon. For the steps for each Pokemon, it will be on the Pokemon's page onBulbapedia. (shameless ad) EX: For Joltik, I go to Joltik's page and look in the… thingy that has the picture inside it. I now see that the steps to hatch for Joltik=at least 5355.

Random: PASTAA!


[10/09/2011 20:59:21]


I got it after the Pippi thing. I'll leave it for everyone else to guess.


[10/09/2011 20:51:31]

Scohui the Slowpoke

How many steps do I have to take til a egg hatch?

[10/09/2011 20:20:15]


It was Casey, right? See, I'm not even a Johto fan and I knew that… Sad.

[10/09/2011 15:31:12]

spunky raichu

i have decided to catch a clefairy and name it pippi, a abra named casey, and name a gengar phantom. if you dont get it, youre not trying hard enough. BACHRU 4 EVER!!!!!

[10/09/2011 01:07:13]

spunky raichu

lets see how many johto nerds are out there… we all love electabuzz, no other teams the same, the players charge the field and electrify the game! they pitch and run and catch so quick their baseball bats are thunder sticks their power heaters do the trick electabuzz our favorite team we love their yellow color and their black stripes are the best electabuzz our favorite team…. who can tell me who sung this? i wll also accept the episode it was sung in.

[10/09/2011 00:40:47]

spunky raichu

ok. thanks. this will be quite useful… i was wondering, do you have a fav region and all that entails? mine of course, is johto, with the fav gym laeder obviously being morty. duh. love me some ghost types! aww cute natu spammy!

[10/09/2011 00:30:40]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Roughly, ba (as in bar) - chu (as in Pikachu) - ru (as in ruby). Japanese pronunciation is extremely regular, though the vowels don't quite correspond to English vowels. See this Wikipedia article if you really want the full breakdown.

[09/09/2011 03:39:00]

spunky raichu

one more: now that i got over the morbid in curse i can really apreciate the writing. i like it. my new fav one shot. its funny, when i read the about me section, i was all wow, shes so much like me. she has the exact same responses to comments as i would, and we both have a long running fan fic were proud of. i even had a similar consept in mine about what really happens during the move curse. yours is better though. aww i made myself sad….

[09/09/2011 00:26:02]

spunky raichu

also, finally proved IM NOT A TOGETIC!! im now alakazam. WHERES MY SPOON?!?!

[09/09/2011 00:02:43]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC