
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Most people know about ROMs. I don't mind if you say "ROMs exist!", but no link sharing, please.

[20/08/2011 20:27:05]


R\B\Y, I mean….

[20/08/2011 14:04:10]


Good site you got here sir! How I found it is unknown, but I sure was lucky! (How many people clicked the don't know it button just to see a shiny?)

Anyway, there must be some people that are like: Oh man, he has a lot of stuff about R\G\Y that I'd like to try, but I only have the DS games!

I know the almost perfect answer, but I don't know if I can share it…can I?

[20/08/2011 12:31:29]


And if you're cheating for the Arceus you might as well cheat for the Zorua anyway. It's Bulbapedia time!

*after scouring Zorua and Zororark's pages*

Zorua is only available from Celebi event. The Arecus was one of the Dragon trio in HGSS. As for Zororark, its the shiny dogs cats beasts. There's no way you can get one without cheating. Less you got the Celebi like my friend did. There has been much conspiring.

[19/08/2011 02:23:14]


I'm pretty sure it's the event Celebi, not Arceus, that triggers that… And the Arceus event was never distributed anyway.

[18/08/2011 13:54:51]


ANY Arceus caught in the Hall of Origin will get you a Zorua after you go talk to this one kid in Castelia while having it in your party. Other than that… IDK.

[18/08/2011 00:08:42]


I suggest Pokecheck.

[14/08/2011 16:09:56]


Black is really great. Finally beat it. Just trying to complete the Dex now. I really want a Zoroark, but I can`t get one easily tradable in the GTS and I didn`t get the shiny Raikou, Suicune, or Entei in HG/SS. If any of y`all now where I can easily get one let me know. Also, maybe a Tepig, too.

[14/08/2011 13:09:44]


You guys, check out what I found :D

(Apologies if it's been posted before.)

[13/08/2011 03:32:04]

A Double Poster
Website: DSiCade

Hey Frostagin, I found a cool website for DSi Browser. Go to I AM NOT A TROLL.

[11/08/2011 00:38:49]

the guy using ds browser


Actually, I'm posting from a DS LITE. Look up "nintendo ds browser" on Amazon. But, cool.

[10/08/2011 02:06:51]


Heh, I browse forums from my DSi sometimes. Not the best browser out there (obviously…), but it works.

[09/08/2011 20:40:42]


I've posted from a DSi before. It is possible, so no non-believers. Dontworryaboutit.

WHEE I love Flygon.

[09/08/2011 15:28:15]

the same guy that just posted


I read my post and found out that I can't prove this is from a DS. Nonbelievers, don't post about it, OK?!

*spits again*

[09/08/2011 00:37:58]

a random ds browser user

Awesome site.


I posted this from a DS, and if anyone doesn't think you can, explain this symbol:?

[09/08/2011 00:32:27]


It was third for me, right under Serebii and Bulbapedia. Still, that's very impressive!

[08/08/2011 15:23:32]


Love the site Butterfree. Only just stubled on it by searching for 'fake pokemon' on google. Where i am at, it was the top item

[07/08/2011 18:15:57]


I reported ShadowSlaer101 for Volcaryu and Letaligon. dA is a bit useless about this kind of stuff, but…

[07/08/2011 08:19:19]


Hey, has anyone been to comic-con and seen the people who actually hang around the pokemon booth?

I mean, I usually check it out for the sake of seeing stuff, but these people are true, die-hard fans. Most of them don't even live in the U.S.

Aggron Spammy! It can use Thunderbolt!

[31/07/2011 23:39:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Not viewing extremely long threads unless you absolutely have to, mostly.

[31/07/2011 20:47:00]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC