
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Scohui the Slowpoke

Or I can waste a fortune in Medicine(not Carbos) and rare candy.

Price:around 4900000. Ouch

What is stronger:

a) a lvl20 magikarp?


b) a lvl20 magikarp raised from the begining(lvl1) ?

[06/09/2011 09:27:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Magikarp can't learn any TMs. The only moves Magikarp can learn by any means are Splash, Tackle, Flail, Bounce and Bubble, and Bubble was a New York Pokémon Center giveaway thing. (Don't ask me what possessed them to give out Magikarp with Bubble.) You could teach it Bounce with a Platinum move tutor, but then there's the fact its base Attack is 10.

[06/09/2011 02:00:20]


Go buy Platinum, beat the game, fish in that one swimming pool until you get a high level Magikarp, and go use some TMs on it. Pretty quick other than the beating Platinum part.

Or you could cheat. Just sayin.

[06/09/2011 00:51:15]


Can I have a pokemon name? Cuz I'm really a Slowpoke…

Is there anyway to get a strong Magikarp?Without the patience part?

[05/09/2011 23:14:18]


*snorts* This frost dragon's been in here a while! Seriously though, the Guestbook is my homepage.

[05/09/2011 18:41:32]

Shadow Techie


Oh! The author hath arisen from the dark and gloomy underworld where carnivine live!

Good to know people are still alive in this cave.

Excellent side fics Butterfree. My favorite stories tend to be character interactions, and you have delivered!

Mudkip spammy rocks!

[05/09/2011 16:05:19]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

However, for some reason, I like to write stories where everyone is three years older so I often think of her as 18(15). And it gets even more confusing when she gets older because she nearly stops aging at 21. Not to mention she looks 21 when she's 21 for some reason. Not to mention that I don't have this written down anywhere. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't confused myself yet.

[04/09/2011 21:03:58]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I can cope. I have a character who ages faster than everyone else, so she acts and looks 15 when she's 11.

Whee Farfech'd spammy. I love Farfech'd. It's fun to say.

[04/09/2011 20:59:04]

spunky raichu

yeah, but still. i just do not like it. i kinda liked the the parts with morty in it though. he is my fav gym leader. i love love love anything from johto. its the first pokemon i ever saw and where i feel i got my true start. ps what do you think about my suggestion to post the begining of a story and see what happens?

[04/09/2011 19:19:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Technically, according to Morty in the story, Ghost Pokémon that use it are fine because unlike other Pokémon, they can easily recover what they lost completely afterwards.

[04/09/2011 18:16:12]

spunky raichu

just read curse and cried. i had been thinking about teaching it to my sweet gengar, the one i raised from a cute little gastly i found hurt in the forest. no. no,no no, i cant do that to him. from now on i will never talk about that move again. especially around my sweet genni-gar. ):

[04/09/2011 17:48:56]

spunky raichu

arceus darn it, do more of these extras. its really fun reading them. also i read some shackles+chains+pokademy awards. SWWEET! i like pie too, majikarp. you need to issue a challenge like that to us, then we will comment on it and keep it going! if you dont wanna i could, i have a great idea to start off with.

[04/09/2011 17:32:48]

Blastoise Fortooate
Commenting on: 09-03-11

But everyone knows that Butterfree is a huge Misty/Ash shipper!

[04/09/2011 16:42:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

Is the bit about where Mia is actually physically/mentally older than she technically is actually mentioned anywhere in the extras? Because all the sex talk is kind of creepy as hell if you're thinking of her as a normal ten-year-old. o_O

[04/09/2011 14:11:29]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I think I have a general idea of what Dave and Mia are like. I also read part of the April Fools before I got bored. soo yeah. I'm ok.

[04/09/2011 12:50:06]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

@Ash/Misty romance: You could do it ironically.

[04/09/2011 04:35:02]

Ashton van Helsing
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 09-03-11

That. Was. Brilliant.

[04/09/2011 02:30:37]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I can do nothing but laugh. Yeah, you're gonna have a pretty hard time outdoing yourself on this one.

[04/09/2011 01:58:37]


I should read Morphic at some point.

Nah too lazy.

[04/09/2011 01:09:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

…do they make any sense if you haven't read the fic?

[03/09/2011 23:05:19]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC