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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Scohui the Slowpoke
I don't know what's happening!
[11/09/2011 21:01:51]
Scohui the Slowpoke
You do know my OWN TEMPO is an ability, right? Prevents me from being confused.
[11/09/2011 21:00:32]
porygon 2
look can we just sart htis allready? oh.oh, no. its spreading! run! run to bulbapedia!
[11/09/2011 20:59:56]
spunky raichu
sart? SART? i mean START! i have allready lost…
[11/09/2011 20:57:54]
spunky raichu
i guess thts ok… just tell us all when you sart, please…
[11/09/2011 20:56:57]
Scohui the Slowpoke
You mean the fact that I can use flamethrower or my own tempo?
[11/09/2011 20:53:10]
spunky raichu
no, im gonna win cuz im a glamour battler! were cute and tuff… winning!
[11/09/2011 20:40:31]
porygon 2
no, you will not. i wll,with knowledge!
[11/09/2011 20:36:09]
MiA THe scytheR
i will win this challenge with scyther power!
[11/09/2011 20:35:00]
spunky raichu
slowpoke youre funny… bet i can go to bulbapedia and find out all of slowpokes specil abilies before you can. telll me when you start and i will. anyone else who wants to compete inthis challemge may, but hurry up!
[11/09/2011 20:32:49]
Scohui the Slowpoke
and 87.5% is male
[11/09/2011 20:23:14]
Scohui the Slowpoke
12.5% is female
[11/09/2011 20:21:31]
porygon 2
how did you respond so fast??? youre not human…. is it 60/40?
[11/09/2011 20:20:33]
Scohui the Slowpoke
Land mass? I prefer beach side, tail in the water, on a nice cozy rock and………and……..ZzzzZzzz
[11/09/2011 20:20:13]
spunky raichu
k…. what is the gender ratio all starters share? Pastaaa with cheese on it~ BYAM!!!
[11/09/2011 20:19:06]
porygon 2
i evolved! mt. coronet is the answer you want, i believe…. purple machoke!?
[11/09/2011 20:17:45]
spunky raichu
okay, heres one for ya… what is the tallest land mass in sinnoh? huh, huh? cant answer that one can you? BYAM!
[11/09/2011 20:14:46]
spunky raichu
right! nice to see you again,twas fun talking to you earlier, Frostagin. slowpoke, i dont know. how can it be inpossible for mine to have learned whirpool? awesomer catchphrase: Pastaaa with cheese on it~
[11/09/2011 20:12:14]
I think so. Again, too lazy, but my friend and I were hatching for a Totodile and it kept being a boy. We had saved after getting the egg.
Pastaa~[11/09/2011 20:06:45]
Scohui the Slowpoke
"Hell" is not a swear word, is a divine word….whatever that means.
And my question is still up[11/09/2011 19:59:34]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC