
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

spunky raichu

also, been meaning to ask, how do you pronounce barchru? i want to catch a joltik and name it that unspellable word.

[08/09/2011 23:58:46]

spunky raichu

happy thought: hi, butterfree! how are you? havent been on 4 a while and was wondering how you were doing. hope you are having a good week. i wanted to give you some legit happy thoughts to hold on 2. :D

[08/09/2011 23:55:44]


I wonder what color shiny Magikarp are…*rushes to Bulbapedia*


[08/09/2011 23:26:03]

Scohui the Slowpoke

It was smarter then watching paint dry………Yamn?

[08/09/2011 22:04:44]

Scohui the Slowpoke

It doesn't evolve red? Stupid endless red gyarados eggs plan…

[08/09/2011 21:34:16]


Slowpoke: Yes Red Gyrados can breed, but I'm pretty sure that you'll get a regular Magikarp unless you're lucky enough to get a shiny baby.

[08/09/2011 19:58:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There's no need to give multiple reports. This isn't some strict protocol thing; it's just a form to make it easier to report errors.

[07/09/2011 23:32:07]

Scohui the Slowpoke

Do I have to make a report for all of the errors I find, or can I tell them all in one?

They are crawling on my eyes!

And only shows nobody gave good attention to Morphic.

……………..Yamn…Who told you that Slowpokes can't read big stuff?

[07/09/2011 22:49:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It doesn't matter, as long as it's clear which page you're talking about.

[07/09/2011 20:06:54]

Scohui the Slowpoke


On the report errors; Page where the error is: do I put the URL or just the name? Cuz I found one

[07/09/2011 17:53:31]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

The implied backstory is just that Dave was painting a wall with Mia present and made some off-hand joke about watching paint dry when he'd finished, which seems pretty simple to me. I'm not sure if you were missing something or what.

[07/09/2011 12:20:44]

Scohui the Slowpoke

yes, yes it is….I'm slow……….Yamn?

[07/09/2011 11:57:19]

Scohui the Slowpoke

Is "numb" a word?


[07/09/2011 10:16:36]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I read the extras before I read the main fic. I laughed so hard at the Dave and Mia Discuss Sex one. It's funnier out of context, although considerably more nonsensical. This one, however, doesn't appeal to me as much as the others (read:I didn't laugh). It doesn't seem like something that Dave and Mia would do, and I can't imagine how they would be in that situation.

[07/09/2011 03:43:46]

Alicia Lynn

Meow… Haha

[07/09/2011 00:19:44]

Scohui the Slowpoke


That's something I would do in 5 posts. Caterpie ain't weak! It only needs passion and care.

[06/09/2011 22:37:17]

Website: Yahoo

Togepi evolves awesomly and i like this website magickarp and caterpie are very weak anyway i took the test and i was a togetick no wonder i lobe misty bye

[06/09/2011 21:03:42]

Scohui the Slowpoke

Magikarp, you flailed me!

Oh well, I got plenty more pokemon.


What about the red gyarados? Do they reproduce?

[06/09/2011 17:41:35]


So the only options are to cheat or evolve it because Gyrados are good. My shiny Gyrados is, along with my Typhlosion, one of the powerhouses of my SoulSilver team. Not to mention my only shiny.

[06/09/2011 14:56:56]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

A level 20 Magikarp raised from level 1 will be stronger than a freshly caught level 20 Magikarp because it would have some effort points, but you could also just get it those effort points using vitamins if you really wanted to raise a Magikarp.

[06/09/2011 10:07:01]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC