Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Scohui the Slowpoke
Wait…I've been talking with the same person over and over again?……
[11/09/2011 21:46:13]
spunky raichu
AAAAAAAAAAH1!11 butterfree is inside my brain1!111…. so how was your day?
[11/09/2011 21:44:57]
Website: The Cave of Dragonfliesspunky raichu, I'm sure you're having a lot of fun pretending to be three four different people and talking to yourself, but that's really not what my guestbook is for. Please stop putting on this play and just talk to the real people in here.
Also, as a policy I don't censor words you'd hear on daytime TV, so 'hell' wouldn't be filtered (I say it on the site anyway, so filtering it in the guestbook wouldn't be very productive). Though, that said, I actually think the guestbook doesn't filter swearing right now. I'm not sure why that's still there in the instructions.[11/09/2011 21:43:17]
Scohui the Slowpoke
Wait a minute, I got an Arceus right in front of me….Pokeball! Go!
I threw my tail……Damn it![11/09/2011 21:37:52]
i am arceus, the original one.
[11/09/2011 21:37:10]
youll notice i didnt put my email address that time.
[11/09/2011 21:35:51]
Scohui the Slowpoke
Who are you?
[11/09/2011 21:34:40]
thank, you slowpoke, i was thinking the same thing.
[11/09/2011 21:34:29]
Scohui the Slowpoke
[11/09/2011 21:33:39]
thats enough. pokemon is not for personal fights. do it again, and i will smite you.
[11/09/2011 21:32:41]
Scohui the Slowpoke
What does that do? It only shows that s\he started a post frenzy
[11/09/2011 21:31:57]
porygon 2
let me prove raichus dwebbness. spunky raichu
im sorry slowpoke… i made everything horrible…. im not going to post anymore…
see? total dweeb![11/09/2011 21:29:35]
MiA THe scytheR
slowpoke, didnt u see? spunky really thinks your cool and fun to talk to. and porkygone 2 was mean to them.
[11/09/2011 21:27:37]
…Japan is coming to kick Porygon2's butt. With his katakana. or however you spell it.
Pastaa~[11/09/2011 21:27:16]
MiA THe scytheR
dont say that! mean… butterfree yell at him! no, wait, I WILL. where do you get off being a jerk like that? shes probably crying. mean… whee shinx spammy,coming to kick porygon 2s butt for being mean to my friend.
[11/09/2011 21:25:33]
Ummm…. America and China?
[11/09/2011 21:25:25]
Scohui the Slowpoke
What are you talking about?
[11/09/2011 21:23:19]
porygon 2
good ridance! what a dweeb… glad hes gone.
[11/09/2011 21:22:14]
Scohui the Slowpoke
You guys are so fast!
[11/09/2011 21:21:51]
spunky raichu
im sorry slowpoke… i made everything horrible…. im not going to post anymore…
[11/09/2011 21:21:00]
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