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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Interesting. I've seen opening quotes at the bottom a couple times but did not know of the reason. Thanks for the explanation.
If quotes theoretically "should" be opened and closed with their respective curly quote, then is there a purpose for the straight quote?

[17/11/2020 11:34:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

"Proper" opening and closing quotes are curved and different from one another - the opening quote looks a bit like 66 and the closing quote looks like 99 (“ ” - exactly how clearly you can see the difference depends on the font you use). That's English, nota bene; proper Icelandic quotes are 99 at the bottom to open, 66 at the top to close, and other countries use entirely different quotation marks. Some writing software will auto-convert straight quotes into the appropriate curly quotes. They're used exactly equivalently - people type straight quotes where there theoretically "should" be curly quotes because for one reason or another when the typewriter was designed they decided to have just one quotation mark instead of two.

[16/11/2020 20:20:06]


What's the difference between curly quotes and regular quotes and their functions?

[16/11/2020 17:25:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I consider hyphens with spaces on either side to be an equivalent typed substitute for dashes in the way that straight quotes and apostrophes are an equivalent substitute for curly ones, or three periods are an equivalent substitute for a "proper" ellipsis character. For 100% professional typography in a published and edited book, sure, do all those replacements, but I have never found myself at all distracted by text I'm reading on the internet having straight rather than curly quotes, and I must confess to being kind of puzzled by the very recent (like, past couple years) wave of people insisting on actual em dashes, despite that they aren't on anyone's keyboard any more than curly quotes are. Hyphens with spaces around them are just a keyboard-friendly way of typing dashes, and I don't really have any plans to drop them for actual em dashes, for the same reasons I don't have any plans to painstakingly use curly quotes and apostrophes.

[14/11/2020 12:06:33]


Minor nitpick: The report errors page has a hyphen instead of a dash.

[13/11/2020 11:57:22]

Commenting on: 11-02-20

Congratulations on 18 years. I have been visiting your website since the beginning. Pokémon was my first fandom and this website has been a huge part of that experience. Thank you.

[13/11/2020 02:13:27]


The page appeared when I was clicking on the ¨featured section¨ tab for a random page.

[13/11/2020 00:20:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

As you may notice, that page is not actually on the menu today, for that reason! You can see the count in the older styles, which do link to that page.

If there's a link to this page somewhere today, it probably shouldn't be there.

[12/11/2020 21:20:59]

states that there is some place in each page which gives the number of front page hits. However, I am unable to find that place. Where is it located?

[12/11/2020 20:07:43]


Just was looking at the legacy updates and saw that you were an IMO participant. Very Impressive!

[12/11/2020 20:03:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That character bio is about the fanfics that Sutoraiku High is a kind of high school AU of; the characters are essentially the same characters, but things played out quite differently there, and what happens in the fanfics is not canon to Sutoraiku High at all (or vice versa). The fanfics in question were written in 2006/7 and are not very good; at this point I suggest you don't read them.

If you only hang out with Nightmare (or Sickle), you get the ending where you run off with Nightmare and Sickle. From Nightmare's POV, she'd be happiest with the ending where you've hung out with Shadowdart and they work together to depose the Leader. She would also prefer the endings where Razor and Stormblade join you over the one where the three of you leave alone. I'm not sure if you've gotten one of those. (There are technically two of them, one where Razor apologizes to Shadowdart first and one where he doesn't, but they both end with the same dialogue, so they appear as the same ending in the graph.)

You don't actually have any kind of romance with Shadowdart if you hit on him that first time, so it's not actually a romance flag; the actual romance flag for Shadowdart, on day three, does indeed not affect which ending you get, only some lines in it. I admit that is something that may confuse players, though, since if you're playing with the intention of staying strictly platonic, you may never try that option and never find out it isn't actually a romance flag.

[12/11/2020 14:14:17]


In addition, looking at
¨- You can romance all of your fellow students, but there is always also an option not to, and while romancing someone will affect some dialogue, it will not affect what actual ending you get. This is an on-brand Butterfree game.¨
However, I was under the impression that one cannot get the ¨shadowdart rage¨ ending if the player romances Shadowdart, because after that Shadowdart kicks out the player. Am I missing something?

[12/11/2020 00:11:07]


The two razor apology ones that I have are the one where shadowdart says ¨Leave¨ and the one when shadowdart talks about H putting Razor up to this.

Also, is this what would have happened after the ¨Shadowdart rage¨ ending? It seems interesting, considering that that was the first ending that I got.

In your tumblr, you said, ¨(and also Nightmare would actually prefer multiple of the other endings over the one you end up with if you fixate on her, just saying, do it for her if not for me)¨
I'm assuming that the ending that happens if you fixate on Nightmare is the ¨Nightmare-Shadowdart¨ collusion one which involved Shadowdart leaving. Which endings were better for Nightmare than that one? Were they the ones that I haven't gotten, as the majority of the other ones that I've gotten involve Nightmare leaving.

[12/11/2020 00:08:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The one I'd call gloomiest is the one you're presumably calling "Shadowdart rage".

There are a few different endings where Razor apologizes to Shadowdart, with somewhat different results and leadup. I suspect you're missing one of them, although your descriptions are vague so it's hard to tell.

[11/11/2020 17:17:38]


So there are 7 different endings? Interesting… So far, I've got the true apology, the not-accepted apology, Shadowdart rage, Nightmare-shadowdart collusion, and Nightmare escape. I suspect that the remaining endings were on the Stormblade path. Was any of the ones I mentioned the most gloomy ending? Which one?

[10/11/2020 23:22:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

A red arrow from A to B means that doing A is a prerequisite for doing B; a dotted (gray) arrow from A to B means that having done A affects some lines of dialogue in B. (This unfortunately doesn't convey all the information; for instance, if two red arrows are pointing towards the same node, the graph doesn't show whether you need to have done both of those things or just either.)

The convergence at the end is just the "THE END" screen!

[10/11/2020 14:37:49]


Looking at your tumblr
there seems to be this chart. What do the grey lines mean and what do the red lines mean? WHy does everything converge at one point?

[10/11/2020 14:16:36]

Odie Dog
Commenting on: 11-02-20

Huge congratulations on 18 years! That is indeed amazing :D

[09/11/2020 19:38:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Not exactly. There is one that's probably definitively the gloomiest, but not because it's a designated "bad ending" as such. The endings aren't organized on any good/bad scale. They're just different.

[08/11/2020 20:47:06]


Interesting. Is there supposed to be a bad ending?

[08/11/2020 19:34:36]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC