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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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This is a weird inquiry, but, since I had assumed to see that in frequently-asked mistaken error reports but did not see it, how many users have complained about your lack of use of the Oxford Comma?
[17/10/2020 16:41:44]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTesting for a random event will always be probability-based, but you can get a pretty good idea about it if you try for long enough - if something should be a 5% chance, for instance, and you try it a hundred times and it never happens, the odds of that happening just because you were unlucky are only 0.6% - it doesn't prove anything, but it gives a pretty strong hint that it's not really a 5% chance. If the supposed odds are greater than that, then you need fewer trials to come to a pretty confident conclusion. But that's why I say to be sure it's better to try to get the actual data from dataminers.
Good catch on the fan test - seems to be a bug where the assessment of the total score follows the score on the last category (creativity), rather than the actual total score. Will fix! (Although I've been meaning to update the test for a long while now… may be tempted to do that if I'm messing with it.)[17/10/2020 16:15:40]
I attempted the featured quiz and obtained the results
45% Gamer. You have some interest in Pokémon gaming.
25% Anime-Freak. You have little interest in the Pokémon anime.
60% Pokémon Know-It-All. You have quite a bit of interest in researching Pokémon.
25% Obsessed. Pokémon has some weight in your life.
5% Fan-Worker. You have no interest in Pokémon fanwork.
32% Pokémon Fan. You have no interest in Pokémon.
I would like to bring attention to the Pokemon Fan category and the Obsessed/Anime Freak category. I had a 25% in those categories and recieved that I had ¨little interest¨ in the Anime. However, a 32% in the overall made the claim that I had ¨no interest¨ in pokemon. Is this intended? If so, how does the thresholds differ for different things?[17/10/2020 15:05:36]
Suggestion for the Self-Imposed Hardships section of the Fancy a Challenge? section: Only use status moves in battles.
[17/10/2020 14:57:32]
In your explanation, you mentioned testing as a possibility. However, how does one check if a random event happens or not? Even if consistent results occur, there´s still the chance that the tester may simply be extremely unlucky.
[17/10/2020 14:53:21]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesLots of queries here! Doing my best to answer everything:
- Yes, I plan to continue the movie reviews. I've got some other things I'm focusing on at the moment but will probably get to that after. (I'd been redoing the reviews, rewriting the text and adding screenshots - I've still yet to do that for the specials, but after that I'd move on to movie 13 onwards.)
- Unfortunately I doubt I'll do the Eevee in PMD experiment, given it's something very specific reported by one person in a side game. If you have suspicions about Eevee, I think it makes more sense for you to try it out yourself!
- It was probably pretty over-the-top of me to insist OK is unacceptable on that page; English style guides generally don't seem to think so, or even prefer OK because it's the older spelling. I do personally think it's super ugly and jarring to read in serious text. It has just become a word, and I find it supremely awkward to treat it like an abbreviation when in fact everyone who says it regards it simply as a word, and it's decidedly unclear even to etymologists what it's even supposed to stand for, let alone to the people who use it. But seeing as I obviously don't dictate the English language, I should probably remove that particular gripe.
- Bulbapedia and Serebii can both be wrong, so it's hard to say exactly in the general case. To be sure I will generally either try to see if I can find this data directly from dataminers somewhere or try to test it myself on an actual game. However, if I can't do that, provisionally it's good to look into where the information seems to be coming from and what's likely to be more up-to-date. For this case in particular, I notice that Serebii's Pokédex doesn't seem to treat SOS rate as a property of each form, but of the species - so if red and blue Basculin have different SOS call rates as Bulbapedia suggests, it makes sense Serebii would be missing that info. Furthermore, I looked on the history page for the Bulbapedia page on SOS battles - you can often find who added the information and whether they cite a source for it - and they point to a GameFAQs thread where multiple people confirm blue-striped Basculin doesn't seem to ever call for help. So, without getting into testing it myself, it seems likely that Bulbapedia is correct here.[17/10/2020 14:26:12]
I´m seeing conflicting information on Bulbapedia and Serebii on whether Basculin-Blue-Stripe and Floette-Blue-Flower can call for help in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Which site should I trust and why? Is there a general solution on whether bulbapedia or serebii is more trustworthy, or is it determined on a case-by-case basis?
[17/10/2020 00:49:53]
In your section on writing content, you mentioned, ¨writing "OK" rather than "okay"¨ as a possible stylistical pitfall? What makes ¨OK¨ worse than ¨okay,¨ as they both seem to be equally bad slang terms? Is one more professional than the other or should both be avoided?
Thank you.[17/10/2020 00:35:01]
Hi Butterfree,
As per the section concerning ¨experimentation,¨ I have an idea for an experiment.
However, NOTE: this is a sidegame experiment, so it may not be the case for a main-series experimenter.
I noticed that you appear to have played MD Time. As an MD Time player, I have found Eevees abnormally strong compared to the source stating their stats in the definitive version (MD Sky), which may be something concerning a version difference. This may particularly be the case as Eevee has become a starter in MD Sky.
The experiment proposal is to attempt to run an Eevee through the dungeon Zero Isle South, Zero Isle West, or Zero Isle East and to compare the level up stats (and gains) to those listed on the MD Sky resource below.
Thank you. However, I understand if you maybe be unable to do this.[17/10/2020 00:20:12]
Hello Dragonfree,
Are there any plans for the ¨Movie Reviews¨ section to extend to the newer movies (e.g. from Zoroark: Master of Illusions to The Power of US? If so, when is it scheduled to be updated?
Thank you very much.[17/10/2020 00:04:27]
Hello everybody here! I am a fairly-new nerd when it comes to Pokémon, but I have been familiar with the franchise throughout all of my life. Only recently, upon receiving gifts from a friend on my 21st birthday, did I REALLY start getting obsessed with all things Pokémon. I have been working a lot on a project that I haven't named yet, but it's a fairly simple project; it started with me reading the Pokémon: Master Trainer board game rules and manual, as a friend of mine possesses a copy from the early 2000's and shared it with me on my birthday. As we played the game and as I read the manual to understand the game entirely, I noticed how dissimilar it really is from the REAL Pokémon games - I mean come on, set damage? No evolution? What on Earth! - so, after we played like 10 rounds and I understood the game from start to finish, my friends and I changed the rules to make the game longer and more fun. As we did this, a question continuously arose; what if we made our very own version of a Pokémon board game, which would play almost exactly like the original Nintendo games (all rulings from Gen 2, Crystal), have certain customizable elements, roleplay elements, and actual random numbers generation (including dmg calculation and catch rates)? What if we were to make something like THAT? Would that be any fun?
Well, here I am two months later. I have been working on this project a lot, taking only few breaks during production. In a sense, the game is a combination of the original Pokémon games, the Pokémon board game, with some elements of Dungeons and Dragons (character customization, character leveling, more character actions and so on). And let me say, this has been a real pain in the arse, as I have NO prior Pokémon knowledge other than sucking very bad at the original games, and generic Pokémon trivia I learned from the shows, TCG, and Pokémon: GO.
Please, if anyone is interested in this project, alert me immediately. I am looking for fanatics that know even the smallest details having to do with in-game conversions and statistics, who know the specifics of the lore that aren't readily available on the internet, and who are eager to see the creation of this thing!
I have tons of work that still needs to be done, and tons of questions that need answering!
Trainer Walker[29/09/2020 11:45:32]
Patrick Sankovet
Website: Psychic Patrickhey i really like this website. awesome job!!!! lol. my favorite pokemon is Kadabra.
[24/09/2020 11:03:30]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-06-20Probably when the Crown Tundra DLC is actually out.
[13/09/2020 11:00:01]
Two Sheds
Commenting on: 09-06-20When will the Favorite Pokémon Picker show Crown Tundra Pokémon?
[10/09/2020 16:19:15]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNot currently, no.
[08/09/2020 17:48:39]
Is there a discord out of curiosity?
[08/09/2020 09:00:52]
Website: Grenin's Place
Commenting on: 09-06-20Sounds good!
[08/09/2020 08:21:54]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-06-20Nah, it’s about how the mechanics of the RNG significantly affect capturing! It’s pretty great, but also quite complicated to explain to a layperson and to express formulaically, at least if you’re trying to do it in small sessions of like 20-50 minutes and can’t keep up a train of thought.
[07/09/2020 05:20:16]
Commenting on: 09-06-20Oh wow, more RBY weirdness to come? Can't wait! As a wild guess, does it have anything to do with opponent Trainer AI?
[07/09/2020 02:46:50]
Website: Grenin's PlaceButterfree, you do a fantastic job running TCoD. :) I enjoy this site so much.
[31/08/2020 16:46:42]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC