
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 03-07-20

No April Fools this year?

[01/04/2020 13:09:33]

Website: TDHF (A Pokemon forum)

I'm enjoying the new forum so far!

[23/03/2020 17:26:43]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-20-20

Thanks for the report! Should be fixed now.

[21/03/2020 21:20:02]

Commenting on: 02-20-20

Hey! When using the picker, crowned-zamazenta, crowned-zacian, and necrozma-dusk-mane do not show up as steel types, and necrozma-dawn-wings does not show up as a ghost type!

[21/03/2020 11:55:25]


I'm glad tcod is still online, even after all these years :)

Pokemon's my main life passion. Its great to be able to browse awesome sites about it ^___^

[20/03/2020 15:21:02]

Website: TDHF Forum (A Pokemon forum)

The new update to TCOD looks cool!

[19/03/2020 05:03:50]


Dunno, if I already left one, but I wanted to say, that you're super cool whoever reads this comment. :)
On top of that I love you images I can use for my forum description. (No idea, if this made sense.)

[16/03/2020 14:04:48]


Love this website, and the info about where to grind is also amazing, I haven't seen anything like it on any other site. Thank you so much!!!!!!!! :D

[13/03/2020 13:39:22]

Website: My friend's forum :3

Hikanearylup wants me to avertise his forum again (he said you allow it every few months). I hope people will check it out, i love the pokemon board there :D

[12/03/2020 07:28:27]

Lady Jirachu

That RPG you started looks interesting :O I duno if i'd be much good at it, though :P That rpg stuff can sometimes confuse me. I may be curious how other play it, though! Also, I wonder if anime style battles will become popular again xD Whether or not i'll compete in one, i really liked reading some of the old ones on there. Pokemon battles are an interest of mine.

[10/03/2020 18:35:03]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-15-20

You're right! Fixed now.

[08/03/2020 09:05:51]

Commenting on: 02-15-20

The Kanto slowpoke is actually the Galarian slowpoke sprite.

[07/03/2020 17:03:28]

Sean Garland
Commenting on: 02-20-20

I feel mega evolutions and gigantamax forms could be their own sub category. Alolan and Galorian forms as different Pokemon.

[03/03/2020 22:54:03]

Commenting on: 02-20-20

first step is dark mode.. next step.. sicko mode *fortnite dances*

[26/02/2020 06:25:22]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-15-20

Hihi: Hmm, when is this freeze happening? Does the import/export box load with content in it and you just can't copy it, or does it not show anything? What browser are you using?

[23/02/2020 15:26:49]

Commenting on: 02-15-20

I can't seem to copy what I did on the temporary Pokemon picker, it always freezes :/

[23/02/2020 01:08:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-15-20

Ah, thanks! Should be fixed now.

[20/02/2020 16:44:43]

Commenting on: 02-15-20

I think both images for cherrim are currently Overcast cherrim. Wasn't sure if this was an error, or that's how pokemon home has it, but figured I'd point it out.

[20/02/2020 14:31:24]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ooh, good idea. A dark mode shouldn't be too hard to do.

[18/02/2020 17:40:32]

Website: Nose Club

Thank you for your great work as always, Butterfree! ^^ Would a "dark mode" stylesheet toggle on the favourite picker be feasible for accessibility purposes?

[18/02/2020 15:01:29]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC