
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: My forum if anyone wants to join lol

Happy Valentines Day Butterfree and Shadey :) <3 I hope its romantic and fun for you today :D

[14/02/2020 07:51:05]

Commenting on: 01-20-20

With the release of Home, we now have decent quality art of every single mon and all their forms in the same style:

[14/02/2020 07:37:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-20-20

I will be doing just that!

[12/02/2020 20:31:55]

Commenting on: 01-20-20

Hey, have you considered using the new artwork from Home? It's high-quality and official.

[12/02/2020 16:18:48]

no clue anymore

(By the way, I really enjoyed it!)

[12/02/2020 15:12:15]

no clue anymore

I've been working on the crossword on and off (mostly off) for the past year-ish, and I think I may finally be done!

[12/02/2020 15:11:41]

Commenting on: 01-20-20


[09/02/2020 19:25:28]



Thank you so much for your "Favourite Pokémon" tool! I've always struggled to decide which Pokémon I like best, and now I finally know not only my favourite (Milotic, if you're curious), but also my top 15.

I'm working night shift at the moment and your website has been a great distraction.

Have a great day!

[08/02/2020 13:27:37]

Chaos Theory
Commenting on: 01-20-20

This looks pretty good!

Very very late happy new year by the way. I found this website again during a nostalgia trip, glad to see it still alive and running :)

[06/02/2020 07:36:50]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-20-20

I have seen! Unfortunately, since there are no alternate forms, that's still not really good enough for my purposes - I'd have to let the forms look completely different or else remove forms mode from the picker entirely, which I don't really want to do. I'll just wait for Home.

[05/02/2020 16:14:43]

Website: Click here
Commenting on: 01-20-20

Looks like we've gotten high-quality artwork of all Pokemon! (No alternate forms though.) Search for "Pokemon of the Year" on Google and you'll come across TPC's promotional thing; it's only going to be up for a week though. If you try to view or download the artwork directly from the vote page you'll get an 80 x 80 thumbnail; to get the full artwork just delete the "w80-h80-" string from the URL.

[05/02/2020 11:29:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-20-20

Yup, that's the plan.

[01/02/2020 17:51:17]

Commenting on: 01-20-20

I've heard Pokemon Home is going to have art of every single Pokemon in a consistent style. Once it's released, maybe you can use those?

[01/02/2020 17:45:45]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yup, I'm thrilled about that. Not too long to wait! And all forms too!

[28/01/2020 14:14:01]

Website: Nose Club

Looks like Pokemon HOME will have consistent 3D renders of every single Pokemon! Really good news for the favourite picker once that's released and the images are ripped :D

Hope everyone here is having a good day!

[28/01/2020 09:42:25]


I love the time and effort put into this site. Thank you for making the world a little brighter Butterfree.

[27/01/2020 12:11:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Nothing wrong with wanting to play Pokémon Masters.

[25/01/2020 07:33:56]


Yeah, i guess i should have my last post deleted…(unless butterfree doesn't mind keeping it there. i was just stating why i would like pokemon masters o.o)

[25/01/2020 06:59:04]


I wanna play pokemon masters really badly cos korrina is in it <3

I like the idea of pokemon go too though :3 just….anything pokemon in general xD

But especially Pokemon Masters <3 *squee*

[23/01/2020 05:33:07]

Commenting on: 01-20-20

Thanks so much, I've been really looking forward to this!

[22/01/2020 00:46:31]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC