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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 01-20-20Hey! I really like the party sprites, do you think that you could have a toggle for the type of image (be it model or sprite) that shows up in the future?
[21/01/2020 20:03:18]
Just a wanderer passing by on my journey, I don't know why.
[10/01/2020 22:26:51]
Joshua A
Commenting on: 01-01-20Happy New Year! I look forward to your updates favorites picker with Gen VIII pokes!
[09/01/2020 16:11:45]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-20Nope, I haven't played Pokémon Masters at all. I'm not really that interested in it; I'm not much of a mobile gamer, and whereas Pokémon Go has the novelty of the whole moving around in real life thing and is mostly just something I can bring out while I happen to be walking around, Masters would just be another distraction when I already have far too little time on my hands! I make time for the main series games, and interesting-sounding story-based games that I want to experience as stories, but by and large I otherwise can't really justify playing other video games to myself when I've got so much else I ought to be doing.
[06/01/2020 14:11:19]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 01-01-20happy new year! i found your website years ago when i was much younger and i'm glad that it's still up and running. i enjoy coming back here quite a bit, so thank you! have you played pokemon masters?
[06/01/2020 09:59:49]
Website: TDHF (not mine though)Sharing my friend's awesome forum in this book again :) pokemon and game stuff is talked about a lot there^^ and the people are really nice.
[04/01/2020 05:44:56]
Website: TDHF Forum (A Pokemon forum)Happy New Year! I hope you're all having a great 2020.
The TDHF Forum is having a great start to the new decade.[04/01/2020 05:39:57]
Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 01-01-20Happy new year! I hope you have an awesome 2020. And Colosseum research, hmm? I'm intrigued…
[02/01/2020 21:33:12]
~Cute Little Jirachu~
Happy new years my dear friend butterfree x3 2020, another new decade…wow…..
[01/01/2020 16:56:03]
Incognito Albatross
Commenting on: 12-28-19Happy 2020! It feels so good to start a new decade. Like a new dawn, you know? But a very blue dawn, because there are two twos in 2020 and two rhymes with blue! (And it just seems like a blue number). I'm probably rambling a bit, but anyway, I hope you and your website have a great decade!
[01/01/2020 13:55:14]
Website: TDHF Forum (A Pokemon forum)Merry Christmas, everyone!
[25/12/2019 05:17:48]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMerry Christmas everyone, and happy holidays to anyone celebrating other holidays!
[25/12/2019 02:19:08]
Jirachu MilleniumPika
Merry Christmas Butterfree^^
[24/12/2019 11:35:03]
That would be funny, if one day, my top 5 fav pokemon on the picker were all Pokemon Korrina owns….just cuz of how much of a crush i have on her xDDDD but that likely will never happen :P
[18/12/2019 03:28:40]
Commenting on: 12-13-19Oh I forgot to mention that I may have healed between my first and second attempt. It's been a bit since I did this, so I'm a little fuzzy on the exact details.
[17/12/2019 21:41:22]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-13-19Interesting! I will look into it further and see if I can make sense of it.
[17/12/2019 21:41:05]
Commenting on: 12-13-19Sure! I had a Yamask as part of my in-game team, so it was fully healed and around level 50 before I used the damage method. I had wild Pokémon attack it until it lost a little more than 49 HP, went under the ruins, and it didn't evolve even though I was sure to double check requirements. Its health bar was yellow at this time so I got it to red by further battling. I went under the ruins again and it worked.
I also searched twitter with the terms "49" and "yamask" and there seems to be other people who have issues with this. Though I can't personally attest to their methods.[17/12/2019 21:23:27]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-13-19Can you be more specific about what you did? A friend of mine, for example, took her Yamask out of the PC with the damage that she inflicted to catch it, but that wasn't sufficient - it had to be new damage.
[17/12/2019 18:53:19]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-01-19Yup, using menu sprites for the picker isn't great at all and I wouldn't publish an official version of the picker using them unless I was extremely desperate. It works, but it's not pretty or consistent (and also doesn't have shinies or all the forms).
[17/12/2019 18:51:08]
Commenting on: 12-01-19Oh hey, I see your menu sprite-based Favorite Picker to include the Gen-8 Pokemon, and definitely appreciate the effort you're still putting in on that little feature. That said, after trying it out, I do kind of feel like it still suffers a noticeable amount of inequality, with some sprites at double the resolution size compared to those that didn't make it onto the Switch yet. It makes me kind of wonder if using the official illustrated artwork for each pokemon would be a better way of going about things instead, to really keep things on a properly even level.
Regardless of the outcome though, thanks for your work here.[17/12/2019 01:00:08]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC