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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I wanna talk pokemon psychology stuff with you on your forum again sometime (tho i duno when i'll really be in the mood again xD).
I remember us doing that sometime last year and it was pretty interesting.
I've always loved the type of stuff you posted in the AAP section x3 its fun to analyze things a bit.
I wonder if i'll ever type out that interesting psychological thing about the fighting type i planned out a while back…[19/10/2019 05:51:26]
Nice page! I like it a lot!! Especially the web stuff on the site for webmasters.
[05/10/2019 22:13:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNah, I've never been very into competitive battling! Mostly I just play the single-player and trade with people. I think competitive battling is cool in principle, but I've got too much other stuff to do to really get into it.
[01/10/2019 14:33:07]
I meant i got houndoom on the random pokemon thing for the guestbook.
I'd be interested to know if your husband is any good at pokemon battling now thanks to hanging out with you lol x3; Or if either of you play pokemon showdown at all xD[01/10/2019 05:07:09]
Lady Jirachu
Its october now butterfree! :3 Maybe i'll read one of your more scary fanficts during this month, i duno xD Though i wouldn't wanna traumatize myself…(considering how i was about some arbok thing just yesterday…o-o;; literally only toughening up 'cuz its october now lol)
I notice a lot of updates are being done on the picker xD I may do the shiny picker again sometime soon; i have a feeling, thanks to my OU team on showdown, sylveon could very well be one of my new top 5 shinies :P
Also i got houndoom on the picker. How suiting. :P lol[01/10/2019 05:05:11]
*and i seem to be learning new things a lot
Made a typo…[19/09/2019 22:07:31]
Well maybe i'm not an UBER good player just yet but i play pretty often i seem to be learning new things a lot. Battling with pokemon is fun… ;3
[19/09/2019 22:04:58]
Pokemon is fun. I do competitive battling on showdown now lol (but my battling style is different from other competitive players: I like using the pokemon i like the best, rather than what seems 'the strongest' :D sometimes my favorites even do better than one may typically think. the way CandyWhip THE SHINY SYLVEON crushed like this one team last time i played…….oh man.)
You should see how good 'my sapphire team' on there does, too….haha…..[19/09/2019 22:03:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNah, I met my husband at school (you may be thinking of my ex). But one of the first actual conversations we had was because he noticed I was drawing Pokémon on some papers. :P (He wasn't a superfan, but had enjoyed Pokémon as a kid. Obviously, being married to me means he's pretty steeped in Pokémon again now.)
[13/09/2019 14:20:28]
(and thanks for thinking of me^^ thats so nice)
I think a lot of people had lived better lives thanks to my old pokemon forum too (that place was fun, too bad i deleted it due to drama, but i did make a new forum about korrina a few years ago. though i can get scared of posting it publicly…..cuz of my dislike of dealing with trolls and drama DX you never know when they're around…o____o; )[13/09/2019 11:48:47]
I've made hundreds of online friendships through pokemon alone :) I can easily see how it could bring together couples too^^ I think it brought you and your hubby together too, maybe, butterfree? :D
[13/09/2019 11:45:50]
I don't own a mobile xD; Otherwise i'd be gladly playing the game right now! :) Oh well, whether or not i can befriend her in a physical game, I do have my daydreams…(maybe one day i'll have a mobile too^^ i hope so. its something i may even want to pray for.)
[13/09/2019 11:44:10]
Website: Nose ClubThank you so much! I can't wait to make a whole new list :D
[06/09/2019 13:43:11]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOkay, I believe this was actually an issue related to recent changes to scrolling behaviour in browsers - my Firefox started doing it too after an update. I managed to make a simple change that fixes it, though, will go up in a bit.
[05/09/2019 18:03:53]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBluwiikoon: Okay, I have no idea what's going on there; it's not happening in Firefox and I certainly didn't do anything to make that happen. Will look into, thanks for letting me know!
[04/09/2019 18:38:51]
Website: Nose ClubJirachu, have you been playing Pokemon Masters on mobile? You befriend Korrina as part of the storyline and I thought of you :D
On another note, if I may make a suggestion about the Favourite Pokemon Picker, I've noticed recently that it now automatically puts you at the top of the page when you choose Pokemon. It really disrupts my focus, so I'd love it if it could return to the way it was before where you would stay at the same spot ^^ I'm on Chrome and my screen height is 768 pixels if that helps any! Thank you Butterfree for all your hard work[04/09/2019 09:04:13]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesJirachu: I love the power Pokémon has to bring people together. I know multiple now-married couples who met on my forums, which is wild.
Barry: I haven't played any Kingdom Hearts myself, but recently have watched a Let's Play series (which hasn't done KH3 yet). I'm not a huge fan of the series as a whole, but I did love 358/2 Days, and Axel/Roxas/Xion in general a lot. I don't really have the crossover bug, though; fictional worlds are pretty separate in my head and it rarely occurs to me to mix them together, even when I was a kid. So can't entirely say how it'd work as a crossover![03/09/2019 16:58:55]
Website: Barry’s siteKingdom Hearts 2 would be a cool setting for a crossover, in my opinion,
[02/09/2019 12:05:08]
Website: Barry’s siteThis is a good site? What do you think of the Kingdom Hearts series? Do you think a crossover between Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon would work well?
[02/09/2019 12:03:46]
According to the list I got, my top 5 favorite shinies are:
1. Buneary (awwwwww!),
2. Lucario (figur'd :P),
3. Ribombee (srsly that shiny is adorable <3),
4. Slurpuff (chocolate pokemon. nuff said :P),
5. Lopunny (obviously not as adorable as buneary is; but overall a very pretty pokemon <3).
I am very happy with this list :D (also, 3 of these are basically pink ones^^)[01/09/2019 04:47:11]
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