Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm already in far too many Discord servers, I'm afraid, and don't talk very much in any of them! If they've got anything they wanted to ask me about, though, they're welcome to post here or e-mail me.
[17/07/2019 19:47:03]
Kanto Champion
My phone auto corrected my name from “Kanto Champion” to “Kanye Champion”
[17/07/2019 12:09:57]
Kanye Champion
Are you up for joining any of your fan’s Discord servers? Because I have a few friends who like your site, Butterfree. And would love to have you join their Discord servers.
[17/07/2019 12:08:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPaul: That'd be feasible, sure. Will look into it.
Pokemon Fan: I logged in just to make sure I don't have any PMs or something, but I kind of just fell out of it a few years ago; I've got so many other things to do.[11/07/2019 17:51:02]
Pokemon Fan
Are you planning on returning to Pokecommunity sometime soon, Dragonfree?[11/07/2019 06:20:48]
Hey Hlín, I love your Pokémon List Generator. Do you think there's a possibility to include a variable concerning Pokémon name language? Like [%name%|german]? I would love that!
xoxo Paul[10/07/2019 22:23:31]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-30-19The clunkiness is mainly the sheer number of options for at least the Gen VI/VII picker - for your average person, getting twenty form fields shoved in your face just looks intimidating and overcomplicated, and when half of those fields are in fact not going to be relevant the vast majority of the time, I'm very reluctant to make that the default.
The chance of catching it within so and so many balls is really just a way of expressing the previously stated probability in terms that might give a more practical idea of what that probability means. I think it's kind of awkward in the first place to give a number of balls for the turn-based balls, because you set a specific turn - by the next turn, the conditions have changed, so of course the result you got based on the previous turn number no longer applies! I could guess that you're going to be throwing more of the same balls on the next several turns, but why would you necessarily - after all, if the Quick Ball misses on the first turn, would you really go for another Quick Ball next turn in the first place? If you're using Timer Balls on a sleeping target, at some point the Pokémon is going to wake up and you have to spend a turn putting it back to sleep rather than using another ball - there's no way the calculator can account for that, but it still means that a result based on the idea you throw a new Timer Ball on every subsequent turn is not actually going to be accurate.
Really what I'd want most is a better explanation of what I actually mean by this chance of catching it within so and so many balls, but it's hard to think of an explanation that'd make sense without being incredibly lengthy and, again, making all this really confusing to the average user.[04/07/2019 16:42:51]
Commenting on: 06-30-19This is really cool! I don't think the "Show All" option is as clunky as you think. Since they're ordered from most likely to least likely, and change order upon checking different boxes, it makes sense to me.
One thing that's odd though: for Quick Ball, it says something like "You have a x% chance of capturing it per ball. Thus, you have at least a x% chance of catching it within 1 ball and at least a x% chance of catching it within 2 balls." This doesn't make much sense to me given that on the second ball, the chance would change.[04/07/2019 12:41:46]
Chaos Theory
Good to see this site still running! So much nostalgia :')
[04/07/2019 07:00:00]
I wanted to make this a public post. It bothers me that I can be so emotionally sensitive over things, and that I can even get very dramatic over them :( I just want me and everyone else in this world to be friends! I hate it when people are enemies. I hate it more than you could even believe….*sigh*
[03/07/2019 06:35:38]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-20-18It was a chance that the page would break (one in twelve)! Perhaps you got lucky.
[28/06/2019 08:18:29]
Commenting on: 05-20-18Weirdly enough, I was using that page as a bookmark regularly (even before this update), yet the page seemed fine. Maybe it was me? :P
[27/06/2019 17:50:07]
Commenting on: 05-13-19oh shoot, didn't realize the formatting and didn't pay attention to Butterfree's comment in my previous message. Silly mistake, agh!
[17/06/2019 19:52:10]
Commenting on: 05-13-19I'm also interested in what Zowayix asked. I haven't really reached a conclusion about it myself and would like to hear some other opinions of it.
[17/06/2019 19:51:21]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-13-19I'm dismayed by this decision, but much more dismayed by the absurdly over-the-top vitriol and uncharitable misinformed entitlement of the fandom response to it.
[15/06/2019 20:37:54]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 05-13-19Not related, but what do you think about Masuda's comments during the E3 Treehouse? (That Sword and Shield will only have Galar regional dex Pokemon programmed in, and non-Galar dex Pokemon won't be transferable.)
[15/06/2019 11:40:40]
Lady Jirachu
Website: I wanna share this song cuz its epic i duno why lolKorrina makes my heart melt. She's such a cutie. I hope I get around to editing my fan page for her again real soon! :3
PS: I got a plusle sprite and i can't tell if it is shiny or not o.O[06/06/2019 21:14:16]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHappy Pride month to you (and everyone)!
[04/06/2019 23:52:47]
Hi Butterfree! :D Happy Pride Month! *snuggles my waifu from pokemon really tightly* I hope you've been doing well.
[04/06/2019 07:11:50]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPlease don't make snide or disrespectful comments towards anyone in here.
Iwan: No, I don't think so. I don't think there's much of a good reason for anyone who wasn't there to want to be digging around in the old forums, to be honest. It's kind of like a baby photo album: it's fun to have around for you to flip through it later, sure, but it'd just be kind of weird if a stranger knocked on your door insistently wanting to see your baby photos, you know?[03/06/2019 23:48:22]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC