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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-09-19Well, 1) that'd be stealing Serebii's pictures that he manually compiled from his game, and 2) the Favorite Pokémon Picker includes all Pokémon, not just the ones in the Galar Pokédex, and therefore I need not just images of the Galar Pokémon, but reasonably consistent-looking images of all the Pokémon. (If the Galar Pokémon look different from all the other Pokémon in the picker, it's going to look weird.)
[26/11/2019 16:12:38]
Commenting on: 11-09-19You can find good pictures of all pokemon in Galar in
(I don't work for Serebii, but it is a great website!)[26/11/2019 15:07:50]
DP Master
Jirachu; Are you talking about J-ster? I'm friends with that guy. He's a cool guy.
Also, how've thins been with you?[22/11/2019 03:15:42]
Hi Butterfree :( My friend is worried i made him not sound very nice in my last post. I never meant to make him sound bad. Can you delete the other comment? I guess i was worried it would be deleted before he could see it in general, so i felt stressed. He is a very kind person though :) He got me my favorite x and y manga. I'm okay with sword and shield spoilers since i like playing showdown a lot but i look forward to buying the new games one day too^^ i love keeping up with new stuff and building teams with pokemon i find.
[21/11/2019 17:23:55]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-02-19Yes, but not quite yet. I'm playing the game mostly blind and I'm not going to look up any information about the Pokémon in it until I've beaten it.
[21/11/2019 12:47:25]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm enjoying Sword a lot! It's some of the most fun I've had with a Pokémon game, largely because I haven't been following leaks and spoilers so I haven't seen most of the Pokémon, and there are a lot of cool quality of life improvements and stuff to do. Doing some catch mechanics research right now.
[21/11/2019 12:46:23]
Hey will you be updating this for sword and shield
[20/11/2019 16:23:02]
What do you think of sword and shield so far Butterfree? :)
[20/11/2019 08:19:41]
Commenting on: 11-02-19Do you plan on adding the new Galar pokemon?
[18/11/2019 19:16:58]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-09-19It will, once I've got a reasonable set of images to use for it. It's a little problematic that since Sword and Shield don't include the entire dex, I can't actually get a single consistent set of images of every Pokémon out of that. Will investigate whether images from the games would look semi-okay shrunk down with the rest of the unified sprite set. Not yet, though; right now I'm enjoying playing through the game mostly blind.
[18/11/2019 17:25:53]
Will the favorite pokemon picker be updated with the new pokemon?
[18/11/2019 11:15:46]
Website: Pokemondb
Commenting on: 11-09-19Teamgrookey
[18/11/2019 11:14:03]
Lady Jirachu
Happy 17th birthday to Butterfree's website! :) This site has been around for fans this long, thats so cool~<3 I hope it stays online forever! Pokemon is awesome :D
[10/11/2019 10:32:06]
I wanna talk pokemon psychology stuff with you on your forum again sometime (tho i duno when i'll really be in the mood again xD).
I remember us doing that sometime last year and it was pretty interesting.
I've always loved the type of stuff you posted in the AAP section x3 its fun to analyze things a bit.
I wonder if i'll ever type out that interesting psychological thing about the fighting type i planned out a while back…[19/10/2019 05:51:26]
Nice page! I like it a lot!! Especially the web stuff on the site for webmasters.
[05/10/2019 22:13:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNah, I've never been very into competitive battling! Mostly I just play the single-player and trade with people. I think competitive battling is cool in principle, but I've got too much other stuff to do to really get into it.
[01/10/2019 14:33:07]
I meant i got houndoom on the random pokemon thing for the guestbook.
I'd be interested to know if your husband is any good at pokemon battling now thanks to hanging out with you lol x3; Or if either of you play pokemon showdown at all xD[01/10/2019 05:07:09]
Lady Jirachu
Its october now butterfree! :3 Maybe i'll read one of your more scary fanficts during this month, i duno xD Though i wouldn't wanna traumatize myself…(considering how i was about some arbok thing just yesterday…o-o;; literally only toughening up 'cuz its october now lol)
I notice a lot of updates are being done on the picker xD I may do the shiny picker again sometime soon; i have a feeling, thanks to my OU team on showdown, sylveon could very well be one of my new top 5 shinies :P
Also i got houndoom on the picker. How suiting. :P lol[01/10/2019 05:05:11]
*and i seem to be learning new things a lot
Made a typo…[19/09/2019 22:07:31]
Well maybe i'm not an UBER good player just yet but i play pretty often i seem to be learning new things a lot. Battling with pokemon is fun… ;3
[19/09/2019 22:04:58]
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