Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Awesome new update! I should find out what my favorite shiny is sometime <3 I'm guessing it'll be something thats pink.
[01/09/2019 04:30:00]
I agree with Wartortle :) This website is awesome, and its also very nostalgic to me, as well. <3
Pokemon in general has been one of the most interesting things i've ever gotten into, really. I don't really wanna go into full detail so much overall….but i'll just keep this a bit short :P
I really made quite a good amount of really amazing friendships through being a fan of this series. Its clear pokemon stuff has the power to bring people together overall :D
And I know there are people who have became super close 'cuz of amazing fan pages, like this one, too. Its pretty awesome! :D[31/08/2019 03:42:07]
~Lady Jirachu~(forum member)
Hi Butterfree. I felt like making an interesting, psychological post (yay psychology) relating to some stuff i've read through this site, and things my friends have told me as a response.
See, i have friends who enjoy writing (like you do). One friend, i told her about your 'about me', and how you like dark things in ficion cuz its in a safer place, away from real life, where no one really gets hurt and anything can be acted out harmlessly.
I told my friend melanie about this, and she said she relates to darker things in this type of sense, too (she is also one of my friends who loves to write).
It made me also ponder why I like Pokemon battling so much (i even have an interest in it competitively now).
While I will agree with your article about pokemon battling not being inhumane, and that pokemon generally like to fight, I also know that pokemon may or may not still get hurt in battle. Being very sensitive by nature, this only naturally comes to my mind.
But, as pokemon is 100% a fictional setting, i do not get all bothered about this at all when i battle/watch battle stuff. I just like that its a safe zone of conflicts that no one real is really getting hurt (and, in general, by fictional standerds overall, its positive really).
I felt this would be interesting to make a comment about :) your site really does help people ponder psychological stuff as a whole. its pretty cool. :3
I may or may not of typed this all accriately enough (as i am on a clock, i need to go some where out of my house real fast and thus this is probably rushed). But hopefully the general jist of all this is pretty well understood :)
I know Butterfree in general has been a understanding person for all the years I knew her. She's a pretty cool owner for a site like this one (and, even if she has flaws, people in general have them. i try to forgive people for this, cuz hate overall is nasty. in my opinion, though, butterfree is quite cool :3 and this site in general brings back so many memories for me and my earlier days as a pokemon fan).[28/08/2019 08:06:05]
Thank you for the many good memories. Bless this site.
[27/08/2019 23:24:50]
Jirachu again
(so some younger readers of the guestbook aren't confused) I misspelled its name. Its Alcremie :3
I wonder if that thing will be good in battle. Either way I also like pokemon just for being cute too.
By the way, i read some of your old fanficts on this site last month. The Delcatty and Kingler one had a pretty intense and scary approach to battling that I found quite fun to read. I quite enjoyed that one :D Good job![26/08/2019 17:42:08]
I hope sword and shield have some pokemon you might like enough to mention on this site, Butterfree :) That would be so much fun ^_^ I hope you've been doing alright by the way.
My favorite of the new pokemon is Acreamie. They finally have a strawberry themed pokemon and its amazingly cute <3[26/08/2019 17:35:58]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYeah, please do try to keep messages less spammy. That said, also please don't be rude.
The current personality test was made in 2008 and it does have Sinnoh Pokémon. It's kind of arbitrary which Pokémon are in a test like this anyway, though. I would like to revamp the test at some point, but I can't guarantee it'd have Pokémon from every generation in it. And it's definitely be a waste to do so just before a new generation is coming out! Maybe after Sword and Shield are released. It's a lot of work making a test like this, though; it took ages to make all the results for the existing one.[25/08/2019 09:19:29]
Sorry…I guess I got a little carried away with my autistic ponderings….
I'll have something about the actual site in this comment.
Butterfree, have you ever started working on a new personality test? I'm curious what a test with sinnoh, unova, kalos and alola pokemon would be like ^_^ I think adding some mega pokemon could get confusing, though. Please give me feed back on this! I'm sure many other people are curious about the idea of a newer, more updated test now too. So many gens have came and gone since around 2003-2004ish….[25/08/2019 07:53:38]
489 lol
Hey, Jirachu.
Just a quick bit of constructive criticism.
You know how up there above this it says "please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to"?
Could you, like, do that?
At all?[25/08/2019 07:16:30]
Do you think Jirachu may be Kirby?
I'm sure plenty of you know about the nintendo game character "Kirby".
Well i've seen, around the internet, this person who claims to call herself "Jirachu" or something like that…..and i noticed something.
Her favorite color is pink.
Stars are her personal motif.
She's like ridiculously cute but also kind of a bad*** little leader of sorts? Remembering back to the days of that forum she had. This person was kiiiind of fierce…
Oh and then the way she acted on her forum. Soooo reminds me of Kirby from the Kirby: Right Back At Ya! anime. Said 'hiyo' in place of 'hi' a lot. OMFG THATS LIKE KIRBY'S "poyo!" catch phrase…
Pretty much, the only distinct difference is, i duno so much if Jirachu was the 'big eater' type…
She pretty much does have that love for all things cute, pretty, otherwise 'innocent' that kirby seems to also have. And has generally shown an upbeat personality.
If 'girly' traits weren't so associated with uhhh, females, there'd be a lot of doubts in my mind that Jirachu is, indeed, a she.
The crush on Korrina 'she' seems to have now is quite food for thought overall. Pretty dang adorable (also jirachu's kirby-like personality is also a bit korrina like too).
But yeah. Have you ever wondered if, maybe Jirachu is really a kirby in disguise…?
PS: This post was not made by Jirachu herself. And don't you start thinking it was! Muwahahahaha…yep….[24/08/2019 04:21:57]
Commenting on: 07-15-19I'm using this right now; happy to see it's still being maintained!
[15/08/2019 18:51:41]
Thanks Butterfree. :3
I'm getting quite a few pokemon things this year too^^ yay for pokemon[14/08/2019 19:39:14]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHappy birthday!
[14/08/2019 00:20:31]
~Lady Jirachu~
Its almost my birthday and i relate to avril lavigne songs lol
…thanks to the sk8r boi song i can't get the idea of me as a ballerina out of my head o.o; good thing i'm like the girliest girl ever hahahahahaha. (ahh…yes. yesyesyes)
happy birthday to lady jirachu <3[13/08/2019 06:42:12]
Posting on the forum on this site helps me feel in tune with the year 2004 again.
My life's been hard. Its nice to feel a sense of nostalgia in tough times :) It makes me feel happier.[11/08/2019 21:11:54]
*sing's madoka majika 'connect'*
Let the clocks tick by, let the days fade away…
Cuz I found the path my heart will walk today!
I'm gonna fly on forward into that blue sky BOUNDLESS AND BRIGHT!
I pray and hope that one day we'll be together.
When we connect…
(i felt like sharing all this…)[10/08/2019 17:00:52]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesRemoved the link, but: the page you asked about was made as a joke by some members of the forums sometime in probably 2005 or so. Mostly, the members wrote the bits about themselves; my boyfriend at the time wrote the bits about me. The wiki mods took notice, didn't like that people were using the wiki for some forum's in-jokes, and spammed my error report form for a while because of it. Please just leave it alone and don't draw attention to it again (hence the removed link).
[08/08/2019 16:27:32]
Jirachu: Cool, which friend bought it for you?
[08/08/2019 11:25:25]
*goes into bragging mode* I HAVE THE SECOND X AND Y MANGA WITH KORRINA IN IT NOW!!! :D
Sorry, I had to post that somewhere publicly lol
xD;[08/08/2019 07:30:36]
Its interesting to see the new updates this site gets to this day :P Such a nostalgic pokemon site from my beloved early pokemon fandom teen years…
[21/07/2019 22:50:11]
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