Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Incognito Albatross
Commenting on: 03-31-19…Is this the April Fools joke for 2019?
Because if it is, great job! You put a lot of detail into these sort of things.[01/04/2019 10:44:14]
Commenting on: 03-31-19Still like it though
[01/04/2019 08:12:14]
Commenting on: 03-31-19Confused if this is april fools or not :thinking:
[01/04/2019 08:10:01]
Commenting on: 03-31-19Funny how you decided to only run with one kind of Pokemon (mostly) but still did a great job with it. The code talk for some reason reminded me of the episode of the Pokemon anime where you first saw a Scyther. Wonder if them seeing red making them angry is canon or not. Would explain why they would dislike Scizor.
[01/04/2019 07:08:49]
Commenting on: 03-31-19I never knew a Scyther could be my soulmate until now. I have officially broken up with my boyfriend. Thank you for showing me the light in my life
[01/04/2019 06:57:36]
Commenting on: 03-31-19The art on this is breathtaking, truly. The way the expressions change with each dialogue option is more detail than I expected from a demo. Actually, all of the dialogue options are. Truly a masterpiece and worthy addition to this site.
[01/04/2019 05:51:46]
I can't believe this isn't an amourshipping site!!!
(happy spril fools day butterfree xD its just jirachu :P i don't care that this isn't an amour fan site at all, i don't even like that shipping xD)[01/04/2019 04:36:08]
Commenting on: 03-31-19Amazing. Incredible artwork, gripping storyline, 12/10 would date Scizor again.
[01/04/2019 03:21:10]
agreed @Redslab
[31/03/2019 10:16:30]
Even before my crush on korrina (which started only 2 years ago!), i stayed rather loyal and detecated to pokemon pretty long past 2004.
I duno if i really will love korrina forever, but i have a feeling pokemon in general will always be a major part of who i am :D
Ahhh, memories. You'd think I was around pokemon since like, age 2, with how much it just 'clicks' with me, but, no, i'm just very in love with korrina…and i've only been playing since age 12, rather old compared to a lot of fans….
Love is an amazing thing….[31/03/2019 07:32:36]
Its amazing how I used to think i would not stay into pokemon much past 2004 (probably 'cuz i picked up, on some level, that i was a girly girl who didn't really grow up with pokemon stuff o.o; yep….)
And now i'm a 28 year old woman with a super huge crush on a pokemon character and I think about her pretty much all the time and I wouldn't want to imagine life without her at all (and kinda don't even want a real life partner either).
How did this franchise grow to mean so much to me o.o; its so weird xD
But oh well. Korrina~ <3
And, ah, 2004. The nostalgia of that year (especially when i stayed a pokemon fan long past it. i wanna be a pokemon fan forever :3 even if i am rather different from other pokemon fans xD)[31/03/2019 07:29:40]
The old type tool was good
Also bring back irregular crossword[29/03/2019 10:49:50]
Hi Butterfree! (i've been told to take a break from your guestbook for awhile, due to my autism o.o)
I hope you're having a nice spring time :3 I wonder what spring is like in iceland xD
(also i'm happy with the happiny i got for this post x3 adorable)[28/03/2019 21:08:17]
people have been discussing theoretical polygons in a discord I'm in lately and I think they'd love it lol
[26/03/2019 16:27:05]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOh yeah, that was the Ultimate Type Tool, which I retired for the Interactive Type Chart. I always meant to make the type polygon functionality available again in some form, but never got around to it. Unfortunately, the original type tool was not converted when I ported the site to Python, so I'm afraid that's one thing that's actually been lost.
I should make a new one, hrrmmm.[26/03/2019 14:52:36]
am I wrong or did there used to be a tool on this site which would let you calculate a variety of "type polygons" with different parameters, I can't seem to find it on the site (unless it was folded into the Type Tool but it didn't seem to be there either) or am I just fabricating the existence of it
[25/03/2019 21:30:06]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesAw, thank you! I do my best.
[18/03/2019 18:00:56]
I'm not sure how much encouragement you get and I bet it can feel lonely at times to put so much effort into something and maybe not have it be given the amount of attention you would had liked. So I'm just here wanting to say I am grateful for your site. A huge fan of the Favorite Pokemon Picker, The Zodiac thing and the soon to come (hopefully) April Fools joke. Adding/changing things will be a pain for you once the next gen of Pokemon hits but I just wanted you to know that personally speaking I'll at least will enjoy the effort you will be putting into the site when you decide to update it with the new information. I was planning to email you but I guess using the guestbook just to say what little I had to say is more appropriate. I wish you the best of luck in the future to come and while lurkers such as myself don't always give thanks doesn't mean we aren't grateful, just try to remember that.
[16/03/2019 05:19:04]
Thanks Butterfree :)
I get confused a lot with my autism. I try to always be good to my friends, though. They mean a lot to me.[11/03/2019 07:28:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesDeleted the posts you asked. Hope you feel better, Jirachu!
[10/03/2019 18:42:12]
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