Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Program suggestion: much like how you took the concept of the favorite Pokemon picker and polished it, an updated version of the pokedex counter that the speedrunners use ( that has more functionality. Specifically, the ability to create a custom set of Pokemon, which I don't think this one has (as is, the premade sets only include regional dexes for the main games, which cuts out side games and other uses), and the ability to incorporate different forms and genders, and potentially shinies. The Mystery Dungeon speedrun community laments the inability of this tracker to include Unown and Burmy/Wormadam forms, and when someone finally sits down to catch em all in Gates to Infinity (which only has 144 mons despite being a gen 5 era game) I suspect they'll run into issues figuring out how to represent it on stream. Could be useful for a lot more than just speedrunning/streaming if implemented properly, I'm sure.
[04/02/2019 09:57:10]
OMG, i'd be curious to know what kind of humor is in the x and y games….xDDD Not thinking there will be much relating to korrina but ya never know :P
[03/02/2019 05:06:05]
Hey Butterfree,
Was just wondering if there will be any updates to the in-game humor section. Ive been checking back for a while now and not noticed much new.[02/02/2019 11:24:02]
Lady Jirachu
Hi Butterfree!
My favorite holiday is coming up xD I hope nothing ruins it for me. MeXKorrina for life!!!!! :3[01/02/2019 20:11:40]
Cody SB
This is my third time coming back to The Cave of Dragonflies, and every time I come here I fall in love with the site again. There's just a lot of personality here, or something? I can tell there's just so much thought and effort put into the site, and each time I find something new. It's the best.
Sat through the Marquee of Doom again, which was worth it because it helped me progress in the Clue Game. Lost progress on The Secret Link – I know there was a time when I had found two or three of the clues, but for right now I only have the obvious one. (I mean, that's not quite right. I know you get all the clues once you find one, by changing the clue URL appropriately. But I want to find all the hints, and the secret link itself, as legitimately as possible, whatever that means.) Actually, that's part of the reason I sat through the Marquee of Doom again, but if a clue link was in there, I mentally glossed over it. …I think I'll try to find at least four clues before braving the Marquee again.
Your sprite work is amazing, and you have some really cool guides. (I am particularly a fan of the Gen I Capture Mechanics guide and the Voltorb Flip guide.) This is such a fun site to visit and enjoy, and I've never even brought myself to try Magikarp: tG yet, so there's a lot more in here to discover.
So, yeah! Thank you for making this awesome site and keeping it up over the years. It really is so cool.[24/01/2019 02:35:31]
This is amazing and needs to be posted in a public pokemon guest book xD
Looks like MissingNo. just visited sweet little Korrina's home region to make it even more unbareably charming for me. Seriously, Korrina, Fairy types, and now MissingNo.?! If it weren's for how awful the amour shipping community is, i would have no issues saying kalos is the number one pokemon region to me right now. Even if its not number one due to the fandom, the stuff i love about it, I REALLY love….(espcecilly korrina. oh man i love her half to deffz :[ she's too beautiful….<33333)[13/01/2019 07:11:10]
Hi Butterfree, I hope your day is going well.
[12/01/2019 10:29:58]
Hi Butterfree :3 I hope you are doing well.
[11/01/2019 05:03:20]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesEvery Pokémon is in the Zodiac; that's the whole point of it. Pokémon like Phione give me some leeway to make the whole thing fit; in this case, it fit best if Phione was treated as part of Manaphy's family and represented that way.
[09/01/2019 19:13:28]
Why Phione and Manaphy? Why not just Manaphy? I mean, Phione is not relevant in any way to the Pokemon world, so why put it in the Zodiac?🤨
[09/01/2019 18:55:33]
Hi Butterfree, how ya doin'? I hope you had a great new year, and thanks for the advice about type matchups! I hope a new personality test is coming soon!😁
[09/01/2019 18:51:41]
I enjoyed reading the new update, about the Rise of Darkrai movie.
Good job, Butterfree[08/01/2019 07:24:05]
My friend Jackster LOVES the movie "The Rise Of Darkrai"! :3 I hope your new update is making him feel happy^^
[07/01/2019 05:08:43]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-04-19That's a good point! The movie clearly establishes Palkia as being the one to bring everything back to normal, and it makes sense Palkia should clean up the mess, but really it'd make a lot more sense for Dialga to be able to restore things to the way they were.
[06/01/2019 00:32:56]
Commenting on: 01-04-19You know, I'm surprised that you didn't say anything at the end about how it was Palkia who restored Darkrai when it would have been a perfect chance to show off Dialga's time-warping capabilities. It still would have been a cop-out and also odd to fit into the rest of the movie (how would anyone remember anything and the whole event would just happen over, right?) but at least it makes more sense that reversing time restores Darkrai instead of the space-deity Pokemon being able to simply create matter.
[05/01/2019 01:21:28]
Thanks Negrek :) You too.
[03/01/2019 04:49:40]
Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 12-31-18Happy new year! May you have a relaxing and productive 2019.
[01/01/2019 16:30:58]
Lady "MilleniumPika"
Hey there Champy43. :3 This site is worth spending your christmas break on. Pokemon sites are awesome (especially ones like this one). Feel free to join the forum if you'd like to be friends with me too! (i'm Jirachu there)
I have fun making online friends still, even at the age i'm at now xD (i'm getting kinda old haha)[01/01/2019 15:08:05]
Happy New Year; I'm new to the site, but I already love it (so much so that I wasted the last days of my Christmas break here). Keep up the good work Butterfree!
[01/01/2019 14:28:35]
Lady Jirachu MilleniumPika
HAPPY NEW YEARS TO BUTTERFREE AND EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS SITE!!!!! :D finally no more holidays too yay xD *jirachu doesn't like dealing with holidays…lol….*
[01/01/2019 02:28:31]
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