
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


*i meant was korrina RELATED :P

[16/11/2018 13:16:57]


I've been posting about how much pokemon's helped me today on pokecommunity :) Feel free to look if you like butterfree (i defenetly plan on being a pokemon fan still when i get very old too).

Mostly what i posted about so far was korrina but that alone is a big deal to me xD

[16/11/2018 13:16:18]


Opps, forgot to add a coma between the 'Naruto' and 'Butterfree', part.

[16/11/2018 05:08:21]


Amourshippers often get mad at sites that don't mention their shipping. They even once sent death threats to the Pokemon writers, just because Serena didn't dance with Ash, in one episode.

But anyway, going on topic.
What do you think of Naruto Butterfree?

[16/11/2018 05:07:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The posts in question were from Jirachu's IP, so the brother theory looks a lot more likely. Furthermore, why would a shipper get mad at a website that doesn't even mention shipping anywhere?

Please don't use this guestbook to complain about named individuals you don't like; I'm not interested in hosting drama.

[15/11/2018 19:47:10]


I have a feeling those midget posts might be made by Manqoba, since he likes to spam up places that don't remotely praise Amourshipping.

[15/11/2018 16:15:04]


My brother did used to like starting up online trouble back in 2004….and the fact that all the midgets up to e posted in a row is just suspicious o_O;;;;;

Not to make him look bad or anything. He's a great brother to me. I just don't think he takes the net as seriously as I do.

[14/11/2018 02:21:11]


OH GREAT…the midgets got in here….

I'm posting to let Butterfree know this: My brother showed me those posts earlier. I wondered if, possibly, he created them himself -_-;

So if you find that maybe the posts have my I.P. address, then my brother made those posts for sure. I would never troll you like that Butterfree, don't worry o.o;

[14/11/2018 02:19:07]


Hey, I have that Eeveelution shirt as well! Awesome!

[14/11/2018 02:05:49]


Awwww, that eeveelution shirt is so cute ^_^ Thanks for showing me it butterfree :)

I wear dresses all the time. I don't have any pokemon clothes right now, but i used to have a colorful pikachu shirt. And hello kitty stuff :3

[13/11/2018 23:37:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I tend to wear T-shirts on a day-to-day basis. A lot of them are Pokémon-themed! My favorite has this art on it.

I was inspired to start this site by Mew's Hangout, my favorite website back in 2001 (now defunct), and a lot of poor throwaway fansites around the same time that made me think I could do better.

[13/11/2018 19:51:40]


What inspired you to start your site Butterfree?

[11/11/2018 14:12:48]


How do you like to dress? :o do you own any pokemon related clothes? :)

[11/11/2018 12:28:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

November and December tend to be pretty mild over here. Sometimes there's snow, sometimes not. I don't start getting in a holiday mood until December, though. Too earlyyy

I was interviewed for a paper once about the site, so at that point there was a sudden influx of Icelanders, but that was in… probably 2006 or so. Otherwise it's not well known in Iceland to my knowledge, other than by people related to or acquainted with me.

[11/11/2018 07:19:42]


Do many people in Iceland know about your site Butterfree?

[10/11/2018 04:44:46]


Butterfree, have you been getting ready for the holiday season? Whats november and december like where you live? :)

[09/11/2018 21:10:09]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm not much of a shipper. When I ship things it's almost invariably canon pairings, and basically always adult characters - kid romances tend to kind of weird me out even when they are canon. I don't ship Ash with anyone at all and doubt I ever will. Feel free to ship what you like, though! It's just not my thing.

[05/11/2018 19:00:19]


Hi Butterfree. I was wondering, what do you think of Pearlshipping? (Ash x Dawn)

[05/11/2018 14:25:17]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-31-18

The number of items that need to be eliminated before finding your next favorite is the number of items in the current, survived and evaluating arrays put together, minus one. So you could display that number on the page with something like:

var pickerUI = new PickerUI(myPicker, {
elements: {
pick: "#pick",
pass: "#pass",
undo: "#undo",
redo: "#redo",
evaluating: "#evaluating",
favorites: "#favorites"
onUpdate: function() {
var arrays = this.picker.state.arrays;
$("#remaining").text(arrays.current.length + arrays.survived.length + arrays.evaluating.length - 1);

…assuming that you've got an element with id="remaining".

Note that that's the number of items that need to be eliminated, not the number of choices, though; the number of choices is impossible to determine because that's going to depend on how many items the user picks in each round.

[04/11/2018 00:22:22]

Austen Weissmiller
Commenting on: 10-31-18

Is there a way to get the number of choices left before getting to your favorite?

[03/11/2018 23:56:03]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC