
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Can you make a section for the Alola region?

[17/08/2018 01:48:53]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Inane is also a word!

[16/08/2018 11:25:22]


Yes it's me again
Under the page "Page Pitfalls" section "Torturing Your Visitors" or something near the end of that section "insane" seems to be mispelled as "inane"

[16/08/2018 07:16:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yeah, there will be reviews for the newer films! I've been slowly making my way through my old reviews updating them and adding screenshots (I'm on the tenth one now) and when I'm done with that I'll continue with the subsequent ones.

[15/08/2018 23:21:57]


BTW, i did not mean that my site would/should be judged for being about a same sex crush. I wasn't saying anything of that nature at all, if anyone is confused (i have nothing against malexmale/femalexfemale relationships real or fictional). I know people more likely would judge me for…other things relating to my crush on korrina o_O;;; I had to point that out as it has happened before. Though I have wondered if those people were just homophobes covering it up with 'other' reasons to attack me…

[15/08/2018 13:11:22]

Website: ~Corni's Extra Mile~

Hi Butterfree. I've been sensitive to drama and avoiding pretty much all forums lately. I do however enjoy going on this site still :3 Will there be reviews for newer pokemon films sometime? It pretty much is only up to the sinnoh ones right now…So far I only read the deoxys summery but I plan on reading the others too. Once again, this site is awesome. Also, I might as well include a link to my page in this post since I avoid forums now. People can have fun looking at it. And, yes, I am a Korrina fangirl people. I personally don't see the harm in liking a fictional character so no one should feel they need to judge me for my site o.o Plus i'll be sure to keep the updates kid friendly enough. Some stuff I may add to the site as I update could end up being very interesting too! XD Like stuff relating to my overall memories as a pokemon fan. I may add stuff about 2017 and early 2018 too. As long as I can just stick to the happier stuff and not all the dramatic stuff that made me more forum avoidant ^_^;;; Maybe i'll mostly just talk about 2017…(nothing too seriously dramatic happened that year and it was a happy year that i just enjoyed starting my crush on korrina in :3)

[15/08/2018 04:07:06]


Just discovered this site and it's so neat! I recently got into stuff like spriting and romhacking and discovered the resources on this page then clicked around it a bit (a lot), and I love it so much!

[07/08/2018 20:54:00]


welp I googled it and I am wrong
apparently I have been capitalizing my titles wrong for a long time

[03/08/2018 00:40:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It seems to depend on the style guide whether "with" is capitalized in title case, but my impression is most would count it as a short preposition and thus not capitalized, the same way as "for", "by", etc.

[02/08/2018 16:33:59]


ok thanks
also small captalization mistake–
the "with"on the link on the site page for affiliating should be capitalized as "With", right?
or does it not count?

[02/08/2018 14:43:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Good question!

Basically, first I counted up how many times each letter of the alphabet appears across all Pokémon names and assigned each letter a score from 1-9 based on that, with a higher score for rarer letters.

To calculate the score for a given Pokémon name, I first add together the scores for each unique letter in the name - that is, for something like "Rattata", I just add the scores for R, A and T together, even though A and T each appear three times. (The reason for this is that every instance of each letter is revealed when you guess it - having several A's and T's doesn't actually make Rattata harder to guess.) Then I divide the result by the length of the name, multiply it by 100, 200 or 300 depending on the difficulty setting, and then round to get the final score. The reason for dividing by the length of the name is that the more letters the name has, the easier it generally is to guess - if all the letters are unique, this'll simply cancel out with the fact we added all the unique letter scores together, while if it has many repeated letters, guessing one of them will reveal more about the name than otherwise, so it makes sense that that lowers the score.

It's not a highly scientific system or anything - it's just something I came up with as a kid when I was putting this version of the game together - but I think the scores end up matching up reasonably with the actual difficulty of guessing the Pokémon. Rattata gives the fewest points (all three letters in the name are very common, and indeed, I always get Rattata right very quickly) and Jynx gives the most (you have to guess four letters, three of which are pretty uncommon; if you start by guessing common letters, you might get the N, but you'll lose before you get to any of the other ones).

[02/08/2018 00:02:17]


Just wondering how does the points work in Pokemon Hangman?

[01/08/2018 20:34:46]


Hello, my name is Dante.

[30/07/2018 16:08:17]


I'm a huge fan of your Pokemon Picker! I really love the way it works.

[27/07/2018 10:42:54]

Luca Wight
Commenting on: 07-16-18

With relatively few beta pokémon, I think it'd be nice to have the option to have them mixed in with the normal ones. But however you do it, I'm looking forward to it. I just can't bring myself to not consider them pokémon, or not consider them canon. I see them like official pokémon, but just unacknowledged like Missingno and the like. And of course Missingno isn't supposed to be seen, but it's encountered as a pokémon, so I see it as just a very volatile, strange one.

[26/07/2018 23:04:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-16-18

When I'm done with the generic picker, I'll make one for the beta Pokémon!

[23/07/2018 20:59:14]

Luca Wight
Commenting on: 07-16-18

Will the demo gs pokemon be put into your pokemon picker? (Like as spoiler pokemon or something) I think Kotora is one of my favorite pokemon now.

[23/07/2018 18:56:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-01-18

TCoD is coming up on sixteen years old! However, the Twitter account was created in 2014, when it was only eleven. A child! This child who tweeted things when it was a child must be protected.

I actually initially assumed it was locked because I believe these days you're supposed to be sixteen to sign up for a Twitter account - it had never let me set TCoD's birthyear to 2002 because of that before now. But then I found Twitter support had been tweeting about how accounts were being locked en masse because they were created before the individual turned thirteen - I think it was some sort of legal thing where they were required to wipe any potential personal data about children under thirteen, which would include any tweets people made before they turned thirteen, even if they were no longer under thirteen. So since TCoD's account would fit the bill for that, I'm assuming that was the filter that caught it.

[15/07/2018 12:48:25]

Commenting on: 07-01-18

I am confused because I thought TCoD was more than 13 years old??

[15/07/2018 11:11:50]


Hi, I just stumbled upon here and don't know what to put here.
I like the Fennekin line, especially Braixen.

[09/07/2018 00:45:16]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC