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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: Wielka Brytania
Commenting on: 03-31-17All the best. Beautiful Zodiak
[26/03/2018 14:27:34]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat's just how it worked in R/B/Y - the AI doesn't work by quite the same principles as the player. Instead of deciding what it's going to do and then resolving the turn in accordance with that, the AI doesn't decide if it's going to switch or use an item until its turn, so in R/B/Y those actions don't actually have priority when taken by the AI.
[14/03/2018 18:40:38]
That doesn't explain the part where Blaine's Super Potion got used after the player attacks, though - do you know what's up with that part of it?
[14/03/2018 00:41:26]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOkay, guess it wasn't a video, but it was in a compilation of glitches Crystal_ posted. The culprit is just bad programming of Blaine's special AI, which has him use Super Potions without the usual check for whether the Pokémon's HP is below a certain fraction. See here
[13/03/2018 20:47:40]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesCrystal_ investigated the Struggle glitch here! I swear I've also seen a Crystal_ video on the AI using healing items at full health thing, but I can't seem to find it right now.
[13/03/2018 20:43:40]
Altissimo 8:50 and 14:58 - any idea what happens in these instances?
[13/03/2018 17:02:40]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm pretty INTP.
[04/03/2018 18:33:57]
Just had a thought, what is your MBTI type, Butterfree?
You can do a test here:[04/03/2018 13:09:54]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt is missing at least Dandy Furfrou! (Thanks, though!)
[01/03/2018 19:45:12]
Website: Trashy Website (working on it with a buddy)(This is regarding the post about no animated sprites)
Hey Butterfree, I found this: which is used for an online battle simulator, so it has all or almost all sprites even from past generations. They include the x+y animated, animated shiny, animated back, and animated back shiny. I have not found any missing pictures.[01/03/2018 17:49:44]
I completely understand that. It also bugs me that they haven't been properly ripped. If I ever come across a decent batch I'll definitely let you know :)
Thanks for your diligent work![28/02/2018 13:21:55]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-21-18I'm not replacing them altogether - I personally would probably find animations distracting while trying to use the picker, and I know people who get headaches looking at animations - but I could add it as an option… if I actually had a full set of animations, that is.
To my knowledge, properly ripping these from the game still isn't possible; the ones floating around the internet are "ripped" manually and one at a time using capture cards, and I've yet to find a full set including all forms, gender differences, etc. plus shinies of all of them. If you know of an actual full set somewhere, by all means send it my way, but I really don't like the inconsistency of having animations for some Pokémon but not all, so until that happens I'm probably not doing it.[28/02/2018 12:48:55]
Commenting on: 02-21-18Hi! I have commented before suggesting implementing a Type / Generation filter on the Favorite Pokémon Picker, and I'm glad you added it! It works perfectly.
I was wondering if you could maybe replace the sprites on the picker with animated sprites of the Pokémon's idle animation?[26/02/2018 12:59:54]
Website: Trashy Website (working on it with a buddy)Great website; I hope that my trashy website can be as good as yours.
Also I would like to say that I cheated on the marquee by looking in the Javascript code (oops)[25/02/2018 21:27:12]
i beat ur stooopid marquee. XD
Cool site. Wasted a lot of my time here (on a lot more than the marquee)[24/02/2018 20:36:58]
I like your website!
[22/02/2018 18:46:44]
Website: My YT channel...
Commenting on: 02-19-18Hi, Butterfree! Just putting this comment here to tell you how much I love this website, I was searching around for Pokemon movie reviews one day, and binge - read almost all of yours. Keep up the good work! -Iggy30874
[21/02/2018 16:51:05]
first [in the new system]
[20/02/2018 07:58:30]
Hi everyone!
[15/02/2018 22:19:55]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-30-18I used to let people use my fake Pokémon in fangames with credit, but I'm afraid several years back I decided to stop - they were starting to feel like the internet's 'stock fakes' and I just wasn't quite comfortable with that. Nothing against your project personally - I just feel I should stay consistent on this, since otherwise it wouldn't be fair to the other projects I've said no to over the years since. Good luck working on your games!
[04/02/2018 20:00:52]
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