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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesProbably between 60, 72, 73, 75 and 76, depending on by what criteria. 60 may be the one I'm most personally satisfied with as a whole, but it's a bit standalone and purely resolution for relatively minor characters; the other four each contain some of my favorite scenes and are far more relevant to the overall plot but also have parts I'm less happy with.
[06/12/2018 22:55:07]
~Lady Jirachu~
I have a fun question for you Butterfree :) If you could choose one favorite chapter for "The Quest Of Legends", what would it be? You don't have to say what the chapter is about i just felt a little curious xD it might be interesting for people who've read your whole fict to learn about too! :3 Like my friend Melanie. I'm pretty sure she's read every chapter, she's always talked about being a huge fan of your fict, Butterfree^^
[06/12/2018 13:51:17]
I agree with Jackster, the cave of dragonflies is a really awesome pokemon site :3 Its also so nostalgic for me, too, since i've hung around here since 2002 or 2003 xD :)
Jingle Bells is also a fun holiday song. And seems to get remixed a lot too xD[06/12/2018 04:17:36]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm happy to hear that! I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
Christmas songs… hmm, Silent Night is probably one of my favorites too. But I might go with Carol of the Bells. I tend to prefer the old and atmospheric sorts of Christmas tunes.[05/12/2018 15:40:55]
I agree with DrumminBeard
Your site is awesome and delightful, Butterfree.[05/12/2018 07:31:02]
I agree. You can especially learn a lot about pokemon games from taking the quizzes on this site! :D I've done the yellow one a few times, and i think i learned a few new things from it (though i can't remember WHAT at the moment, but i may play it again sometime soon to see how much i've picked up last few times i played it. its a good quiz :P).
[04/12/2018 20:35:05]
Greetings, Butterfree!
I just want to thank you for continuing to improve and maintain this site. I've been using it for over a year now, and I want you to know that I find it super-helpful and delightful. :)[04/12/2018 12:13:45]
What type of music do you like, Butterfree?
[04/12/2018 02:58:03]
Lady Jirachu
Butterfree, whats your favorite Christmas song? :)
I've always liked Silent Night a lot. Its so calming and pretty^^ I also like that it is about baby Jesus, cuz babies are just so cute IMO x3;[03/12/2018 21:21:05]
I think I thought Jolty was a girl because his fan character has eye lashes (which tend to be a female character trademark xD) o.o
Is it possible he could be a transboy? Maybe he was a female back in 2004, but disided he was actually male later on?[02/12/2018 18:43:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesJirachu: Yeah, Jolty's a guy!
Gemma: I know the feeling - I went through affiliates a short while back too. Always happy to see you still at it, though! Happy 17th anniversary to you too![01/12/2018 13:57:55]
HOLD THE PHONE!! O_o Jolty's a guy?!
I seriously always thought he was a girl…[30/11/2018 07:25:39]
I hope you are doing well Butterfree! :3 I was thinking about the 4 webmisstresses of 2004 a little while ago xD (me, MewKitty, you, and Jolty)
Jolty kinda reminds me of Korrina xD I bet she woulda thought Korrina was awesome too.[30/11/2018 07:24:06]
Hi Butterfree. I sent you a PM on TCOD FORUM. Please could that thread I made be deleted?
Also, do you like Evanescence, Butterfree?[28/11/2018 16:05:55]
Website: Niftihalo Studios
Commenting on: 11-02-18It can seem a lonely place for old fansites these days. I just had to clear a few more dead links off my affiliates roster, felt kind of sad. Nice to see some of us are still going, though - Congrats on 16 years!
[28/11/2018 15:03:25]
Oopsie, sorry, Butterfree ^_^; I looked back and it turns out i already asked you about what anime you watched…lol….
[18/11/2018 16:27:36]
~Lady Jirachu~
What anime do you like Butterfree? :3
[18/11/2018 10:21:50]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNot that either, I'm afraid.
[17/11/2018 18:23:55]
Have you watched Sailor Moon, Butterfree?
[17/11/2018 02:53:05]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI have never seen or read any Naruto whatsoever. All I know about it is there are ninjas and one of them is named Sasuke.
[16/11/2018 18:51:20]
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