
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: Grenin's Place

I like the new updates on TCoD. The new Pickering update to The Favorite Pokemon Picker is awesome. That page is the page of TCoD that I like the most.

Jirachu told me to check out the Guestbook just now. Thanks for the mention there, Jirachu! :D It was lots of fun to make that quiz.

[31/08/2020 16:42:09]


Hi Butterfree! I would like you to check out the new update to Greninja's Place 🙂 I think that’s what Greninlucarizard's site is called. I know you affiliated to it. It has an eeveelution quiz on it now.

[31/08/2020 16:25:49]


I meant my friend Greninlucarizard, the person I mentioned in the last post in another friend. Please delete that message, Butterfree.

[31/08/2020 16:13:11]


Hi butterfree me and my friend jster would like you to check out the new update to greninjas place :) I think that’s what his site is called. I know you affiliated to it. It has an eeveelution quiz on it now.

[31/08/2020 15:17:27]


All my life I've been a Pokemon fan and I used to frequent this website way back in my preteen years when I got into making custom sprites for fun.
I was watching a YouTube video that featured your "Favorite Pokemon" finder and followed the link to try it out for myself. I was surprised to see a familiar site! Its been great reminiscing through all the cool guides and fun resources you have here. Reading through the "About Me" section I was floored to see you've been running this site for over 18 years! Incredible stuff. This place feels so home-y for me, thank you for all the great memories through the years :)

[26/08/2020 17:46:23]

Commenting on: 07-10-20

If it’s not too much trouble, could you remove the multiple Alcremie forms from the major only forms mode option?
While being able to select the multiple forms of Alcremie is nice, I don’t think I would consider it a major form like Galarian forms and gigantamax, unless you think otherwise?

[17/08/2020 20:05:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

On the forums, you mean? That's strange. Did you check your spam folder? Automated e-mails like this can get caught up in spam filters sometimes.

[03/08/2020 20:58:58]


Hello! I really adore the website, but the thing is that I never received an activation e-mail? I understand this is not deliberate, and I hope this is sorted out soon! I just want to let you know that this website is lovely, I want to congratulate you Butterfree for making such an awesome site. Thank you!

[03/08/2020 02:19:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

@Akira Kurusu: My intuition was yeah, this'd definitely be deliberate, for a more climactic final battle; it'd be highly unusual for some bug to accidentally override options for this one battle.

I found the line in question in the pokered disassembly, and yeah, it's a script in the Champion's room specifically flipping that option. If you removed that line (and the one above) and recompiled the ROM, it'd use the options you've set as normal.

[27/07/2020 05:47:01]

Akira Kurusu

I've been wondering why the Gen I games force-enable animations for the Champion fight - and *only* the Champion fight.

Was this deliberate, so the devs could make this fight feel "extra-epic" and intense? Or is this yet another Gen I bug, since I don't think Gen II had this odd feature?
Lastly, where in the game's code is this instruction stored, so the animation-enabler can be disabled?

[24/07/2020 05:02:43]

Commenting on: 07-21-20

bless starsmmd for his constant work in colosseum/xd

[22/07/2020 15:41:05]

Julian Valentin
Commenting on: 07-10-20

Thank you for updating it to the Isle of Armor DLC.

If I may request, since you have an option for fully-evolved Pokemon, could you also have an option for the first-stage Pokemon? Although thinking about it, I now realize that standalone Pokemon like Emolga would count as both a first stage and a fully evolved stage.

[22/07/2020 13:47:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-21-20

Yeah, Shadow Lugia's still 3.

[22/07/2020 06:12:45]

Commenting on: 07-21-20

Holy crap, I've always been curious about this but never thought it would be possible to datamine. The Greevil battle always seemed easier than one would expect having to make three legendary catches.

Is Lugia still at 3 though? It's not on the modified list and I've never tested it (or seen anyone test it) without the Master Ball.

[22/07/2020 03:31:06]


I forgot to reply after I saw your answer.

The fact that it already included the experience points was amazing, though I did notice that the Gen I/II locations also included the modern EV yield for the Pokemon, even though EVs worked completely differently in those games.

[15/07/2020 13:37:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

uwu Butterfree is amazing

[15/07/2020 03:10:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-30-20

@Sam: I would dearly like to! The problem is it's immensely awkward to add new data right now. I hope to get this rectified in the future.

[10/07/2020 18:54:22]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

You can see the experience points for each Pokémon by hovering over that entry in the table!

And I'm thrilled you too appreciate the encounter tables being properly split up by the actual slots! It bugs me so much that every other site combines them.

[10/07/2020 18:50:00]


Would it be possible to add the experience each Pokemon gives out to the Gen I Locations and Gen II Locations pages? Like, "20% Rattata lv.3 24 exp).

I'm trying to manipulate exp totals in the VC games (because that determines natures when transferring them), and your locations guide is extremely useful because it doesn't lump together level ranges of a particular Pokemon under a single percentage, but it'd be even better if I didn't have to use an external exp calculator.

Thank you.

[10/07/2020 18:47:42]

Commenting on: 06-30-20

Thank you so much for your hard work! Do you have plans to include locations tools for gen 6 and beyond?

[10/07/2020 04:14:54]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC