
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Most people who vote "you suck" just choose it because it's the funny option. :P There is no reason to take them seriously; including the option is just a running gag.

It's not like the fact I made a shadow Arceus sprite has any bearing on whether or not there actually "is" a shadow Arceus, canonically, so I don't really think that's relevant. o_O

[14/03/2010 20:56:10]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

*unhappy* People keep saying you suck in the polls :( I don't like it. Also, on TV Tropes, someone was talking about how there had never been a Shadow Arceus, I linked them to the front page of your sprites. ^^ (The front page so they don't charge in and take everything, they have to read the TaC first.)

[14/03/2010 20:26:33]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Aww. Oh well, a storyline/game sounds just as good :D You always find a way to make it interesting, haha.

[14/03/2010 20:17:08]

Luxray Village HQ

Well, I have been gone for a while. I just got SoulSilver… but my mom took it and is keeping it for several months until my birthday *strangles*.

[14/03/2010 17:34:16]


Yay! I love the new splash. Happy 3,000,000 hits!

[14/03/2010 07:23:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-13-10

…comics? No way; there are a multitude of reasons why I would never ever be capable of drawing a comic. :/ I might make a game involving Quentin, a la Magikarp: the Gathering, or make a 'storyline' out of it in some other sense, but all such ideas are only at a very rough stage right now and I don't know if anything becomes of them.

[14/03/2010 04:33:47]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Oh, will this mean we get some comics to figure out who Mr. Time Lord is?

[14/03/2010 03:52:00]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

that's such a cute splash. x} Charizard's facial expression at this angle is priceless! :D

[14/03/2010 03:48:38]


WOOHOO! I'm getting SS too (when I have the time).

[14/03/2010 01:24:39]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

That is a cool plushie. So the mascots page will be updated too? I'd like to hear more about Quentin, he sounds kinda funny just showing up.

[13/03/2010 23:09:21]

Website: EonRiders

LOL, I love the new splash<3 Its so funny!

I'm getting SoulSilver in approximately eight hours and five minutes.

Croconaw spammy!

[13/03/2010 22:54:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-13-10

Yes, that's the plushie I got at the Expo.

A special nod must go to Dannichu for this splash page, because in addition to being why I went to the Expo in the first place, she is also the one who gave me the Charizard and Butterfree figurines seen on the splash photo. None of this would have been possible without her.

[13/03/2010 22:06:42]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Is that the plushie you got at the London Expo? That's pretty cool. o3o The Splash made me giggle.

Nya nya, we get HeartGold/SoulSilver before you. :P

[13/03/2010 21:59:43]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

… I want that plushie. D:

[13/03/2010 20:42:59]

Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons Roost

… I was the 3,000,000th hit. The new splash is AWESOME! :D

[13/03/2010 20:37:23]


Fixed it. No need to worry.

[11/03/2010 23:38:03]


OK, I need help.

The style switcher is being funny. My selected style, Hellfire style, won't change to what I wanted it to, Roar of Time style.Please help.and I promise I WON'T spam up the guestbook.

[11/03/2010 23:31:03]


I was just reading all the movie reviews for no reason, and I've decided that talking slowking did not come out of nowhere in the worst movie ever because in the Pokedex it says that they are extremely intelligent.

[11/03/2010 22:32:14]


Or maybe he was sucked in entirely for story reasons?

[11/03/2010 12:58:36]

Midnight Bear

I was re-reading the Spell of the Unown review and I have some input.

I think it is the best movie by far. It is just awesome.

I always felt that the Unown weren't truly conscious, but basically a catalyst to warp reality based on any and all of the suggestions around them.

Basically, they have no thoughts or feelings, just acting on the thoughts of other living things.

This is an interesting idea, I suppose. Except for the fact that they sucked Papa into their world, it explains their actions. I mean, did Papa just hate Molly and want to get away from her? Or, was his assistant / partner guy wanting all the glory of their discoveries?

[10/03/2010 23:37:06]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC