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ok, I was messing around on babel fish and well the results are so funny XD.
whoo, flygon Spammy ^-^[05/04/2010 01:48:31]
Oh! I forgot the "By level up" but Butterfree is correct in any case. ^^
You know what, I'm doing a full quiz this time.
1) Which Pokemon from (originated in) Generation II is the only one to evolve with an evolution stone?
a) Which other Pokemon shares its classification?
2) How many Pokemon is the Moon Ball (more effective on Pokemon that evolve with a Moon Stone) effective on? (This does contain a technicality)
3) Which Pokemon learned Twister from an event?
4) What Pokemon have been catchable in the wild in every single region (including Orre and Ranger)? (Hint: It's the first of a three-part evolution family and is a staple of every villainous team's party.)
5) Which two Pokemon are left out of the Pokerap?[04/04/2010 23:46:08]
Commenting on: 04-03-10Wel, I see the error from before's been removed.
The one that meant it could come up with "Infinity% chance per ball; 0 Balls needed on average."
Yeah, I find things like that.
Shiny Abra for the Spam-Thingie! :D[04/04/2010 21:18:32]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBoth Spinda and Absol can.
[04/04/2010 20:25:51]
No, it just learns Zen Headbutt.
[04/04/2010 17:54:49]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-03-10Actually, that would fit just fine with the Heavy Ball specifications as they stand - while adding 20 or 30 to the catch rate of an easy-to-catch Pokémon isn't much, it is astronomical when it comes to legendaries with an intrinsic catch rate of 3. After all, a 4x multiplier will only elevate that to 12, while adding 30 brings it to 33, making it a whole eleven times easier to catch.
[04/04/2010 17:44:53]
[04/04/2010 17:15:39]
Oh, and:
Which is the only Pokemon that can learn Psycho Cut despite not being Psychic type?
…I feel kinda like Shiny Noctowl.[04/04/2010 15:55:23]
The two locations are the Indigo Plateau and Victory Road; Mount Silver is technically in Johto.
Suicune can only be found at Route 25 after seeing it at Cianwood City, Vermilion City, Route 14, and beating Misty.[04/04/2010 15:53:16]
Emerald Espeon
Mt. Silver? I don't know, I haven't played Crystal in a long time and I'm not getting one of the news games.
[04/04/2010 15:23:04]
Website: EonRidersWow. I meant 'w/o', as in without, but my typing dyslexia decided to kick in.
Hello Articuno spammy. I think you're shiny, but I can't tell. :([04/04/2010 09:13:19]
Website: EonRidersfirst of all OMG Chikorita spammy w/ constant refreshing!
Second, I just encountered a bit of in-game humor. Or more specifically, a counter to previous in-game humor. The Old Man outside of the Celadon Gym now says, "I love this gym! It's full of strong trainers!"
Kinda different from what you said (in-game wise) three years ago, Pops. xD I already have 50 hours of gameplay on SoulSilver. When does Suicune appear at the Cerulean cape where you get to battle him? I've been revisiting him there for a while and he's still not there >.< Do I need all 16 badges first? I know that you need the 16 badges for the legendary birds to appear at their respective locations, along with mewtwo, ect. Even though Serebii is usually a lifesaver, sometimes it can be slightly frustrating >,<
O-0 long post.[04/04/2010 09:11:31]
Commenting on: 04-03-10I'm so glad someone is finally looking into the catch rates, I've been feeling they weren't quite right. Particularly the Love ball. The thing seems downright useless, almost as if it never works. And I have a hunch that they may have made a few balls more effective, like the Heavy ball and possibly the Lure ball. I actually caught Groudon on Soulsilver with only 2 Heavy balls!
[04/04/2010 06:14:16]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-03-10Take a ROM, have some hacking skills, find the capture routine in the game program, ta-da.
[04/04/2010 02:46:29]
Commenting on: 04-03-10How exactly does one go about finding the exact capture formula?
[04/04/2010 02:24:25]
… I don't know. I don't even have the game yet. XD[04/04/2010 00:48:51]
Well, you can only fly to anywhere in Johto from Johto, so that's not it.
There are two locations, and Kevin has said one of them already. Yes, this is an easy question.[03/04/2010 17:20:00]
In HGSS, you mean? You can fly anywhere from the Pokemon League.
I use this all the time, as you can also fly to the Pokemon league from anywhere.[03/04/2010 16:15:47]
anywhere in the games that contain jhoto.They have the biggest maps.
grotle!whee starter chain for spammy![03/04/2010 15:07:37]
Here's another question: From which flying location(s) (as in, it's a selectable location on the map that you can fly to) can you fly to the most places?
Confusing question FTW.[03/04/2010 14:45:20]
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