Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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i dont know if its just my computer paying up put when ever i start up the site the background dosent show up and the navigation thing is at the bottom. also it will take me directly to the main page when i select the splash page from google, is this happening to anyone else.
[29/03/2010 06:47:59]
i dont know if its just my computer paying up put when ever i start up the site the background dosent show up and the navigation thing is at the bottom. also it will take me directly to the main page when i select the splash page from google, is this happening to anyone else.
[29/03/2010 06:47:52]
Assuming, of course, finite PP.
[29/03/2010 01:58:12]
Here's a random trivia question: Which move (in any generation) could theoretically last the most turns?
[29/03/2010 01:57:39]
I had a shiny caterpie once on an emulator (without cheats). But then I accidently deleted the savestate…
[28/03/2010 18:39:10]
Commenting on: 03-27-10I feel your pain ><; I live in Iceland too, and I hate how it's so behind on these things ;^; Can't wait to get HG, though <3
[28/03/2010 18:22:51]
Emerald Rayquaza
Website: Dragons RoostYou got shinies? Lucky… My friend has a Shiny Sandshrew. Wish my Caterpie had been shiny…
[28/03/2010 14:29:10]
hey butterfree, in the consipiracy theories i noticed that you missed two small feet-big arms pokemon. manapy and umm….. *rapidly searches through her pokemon book* phione . I guess phione dosn't really have feet but it has big arms.
[28/03/2010 08:19:09]
ur lucky sunnie it took days for me to hatch one eevee.
oh great, what's that spamifier magna-somthing… well not magnazone.[28/03/2010 01:18:24]
Does anyone else's Daycare Pokemon make an egg like every three seconds? It's a little creepy. O.o
At least I'll have lots of eevees, though… ^^;[27/03/2010 21:31:50]
Dude, that is AWESOME.
Oh noes, I got another spam-Pokemon wrong. D: It was mudkip's first evolution. XD[27/03/2010 21:29:43]
Sweet!!! I can easily get the eeveelutions, then! 8D
Plus eevee is great for Wi-Fi trading. XD[27/03/2010 21:28:11]
I have two shiny luxrays. That is all.
[27/03/2010 16:51:31]
I said found a Shiny Vulpix. This was a mistake. I hatched a Shiny Vulpix.
[27/03/2010 03:05:45]
After getting the Johto legendaries, starters, and a couple others, and trading them over to Pearl I finally completed the National Dex. To finish up my Living Pokedex I just need to breed some things.
In doing so, I found a Shiny Vulpix! My first ever shiny on Pearl! I've had other shinies, such as the Wingull on Platinum, HG's red Gyarados, LG's shiny Caterpie, LG's shiny Weedle, and the Pikachu-colored Pichu.
Plus, I legitimately got the Pokerus on my Platinum.
What are your shinies?[27/03/2010 03:04:16]
Yeah, the eggs'll have eevees in them. The baby will always be the mother's specie/pre-evolved specie. Unless the mother is a ditto.
[26/03/2010 19:36:44]
I've been breeding a male bidoof and female eevee together at the Pokemon Daycare. The eggs will have eevees in them, right? I'm gonna be so mad if I hatch the eggs to find useless HM slaves. >.<
[26/03/2010 16:22:18]
I can't remember the names of most of 'em either. Lesse, this one's…. Man…. Mantine? Maybe?
Nope. Okay, here's Beedrill.[26/03/2010 13:36:43]
Lawl, I feel special. 8D I know 2/3 of the spam-prevention Pokemon I've seen so far. I just forgot one's name even though I've seen it. XD
[26/03/2010 00:58:00]
Butterfree, your idea about why Pokemon accept capture and like battling is great! Good job, it's very rational and believeable.
[26/03/2010 00:56:08]
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