Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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YamiiDenryuu: Monochrome FTW.
Mehw: What about me?[11/04/2010 15:46:28]
Black and White, huh? So will the third game be called 'Grey' or 'Monochrome' or something?
[11/04/2010 14:43:36]
>Pikachu Goddess
Sangheili*[11/04/2010 06:32:37]
I've missed you all so much ;_;
I find it harder and harder to have time to visit anymore :(
How is everyone? I am now forcing myself to set aside a few hours a day to visit you all and this magnificent site.
I see Bob, Butterfree, Emerald Espeon, and EonRiders.
:0 Where's Pikachu Goddess?[11/04/2010 06:30:30]
I don't know about you, but I was looking forwards to Pokemon Jarosite and Pokemon Selenium. :(
[11/04/2010 00:52:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhat's so horrendously bad about Black and White? Would you have wanted them to find obnoxiously obscure precious minerals or what? :/
The gap between generations is the same length it always is, actually (four years), but it feels shorter because there have been so many games released in between this time (and specifically, HG/SS have just been released outside of Japan).[10/04/2010 23:03:13]
Emerald Espeon
I lol'd at the names of the new games. They never seem to run out of ideas for Pokémon, but games, on the other hand…
It feels like there's been a relatively short gap between the fourth and fifth generations, but I'm not sure if that's just me.[10/04/2010 21:35:00]
What makes you think that the upcoming generation is the final one? there are millions of animal species in the world, and besides, the Japanese never seem to stop having awsome ideas.
[10/04/2010 20:50:56]
So. The 5th Generation game names were jsut released on Serebii, along with some screenshots, and I am simply BLOWN AWAY. In a good way. I think I'm starting to anticipate the 5th(and most likely final) generation a whole lot more.
Shiny Staraptor spammy! Whee![10/04/2010 20:22:41]
[10/04/2010 17:30:58]
Congratulations! I'm on there too somewhere… GOSH isn't that "marquee" incredibly long and boring? Dragonfree did a good job making that boring. Except, sometimes I was just randomly interested… Gah! It still took forever.
[10/04/2010 15:15:30]
!yay! Im a ruler of the universe=D.
kadabra 4 spammy ^-^[10/04/2010 01:55:39]
Butterfree I just read the Quest for the Legends up to chapter 39 and I love it=D. The dragons are awsome, I like Thunderyu(spelling) the best, my favourite characters are scyther,lapras,jolteon and letal. But I HATE THAT GYARODOS, why did he have to kill Suicune *sobs*:{.
beldum 4 spammy ^-^[09/04/2010 10:09:46]
RAAAGE.[08/04/2010 20:12:13]
This site is quite good with it's information and updates! Keep up the good work!
[08/04/2010 17:40:06]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…not really. This one hasn't been up long enough for it to be worth it, especially when, if this keeps up, we'll be at four million in something like a couple of weeks. If whoever's been tirelessly working the hit counter was hoping to get a new splash out of it, this isn't the way. I really don't consider this a proper hit milestone, since it's obvious this isn't actually individual people.
[08/04/2010 09:54:17]
Butterfree, are you going to make a new splash page for 3.5 million front page hits?
Spinda 4 spammy ^-^[08/04/2010 08:56:06]
Ok, But whats funny is that one of their Affiliation requests say the site has to update every three months.
Milotic 4 spammy ^-^[08/04/2010 08:53:11]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesShinyRedEon, it was removed for not updating for three months, but it used to be an affiliate.
[08/04/2010 07:03:07]
Yay I was the 3,500,000 visitor =D
Bagon 4 spammy ^-^[08/04/2010 05:10:25]
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