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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Hey, look what I just found! Anyone care? No? Okay then.
[18/04/2010 18:33:25]
Emerald Espeon
It's probably "testing your aura", which will give you I think one of two colours based on what background colour you have set on your DS. Just hold the stylus on the screen for a while :P
[18/04/2010 01:59:36]
Suggestion: Get a new DS.
[18/04/2010 01:24:38]
dont worry, i think i figured it out.
[18/04/2010 00:44:32]
Er, my DS has a cracked top screen.
I just got Explorers Of Sky, and I'm stuck.After the quiz, there is some text at the top.I cant read it, but if i press A twice, a screen comes up with a bow on it.More text.A once more, and more text. I tap the touch screen, and it fades to black again. Could somebody pretty please with sugar on top find out what those words say?please?
Denno Senshi Porygon!(guess what I got for spammy)[17/04/2010 23:42:27]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUm, you can try mine?
[17/04/2010 18:58:24]
Website: Airy SoulAnyone know a good, basic template for a website layout? As in one menu to the left/right, multiple menus, etc. :|
Hey, Octillery! :D[17/04/2010 18:30:41]
@Unggoy: Because you live in a former British colony. :P
[17/04/2010 13:16:10]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYeah, I was just discovering that myself (since I got the game so late, I was only just getting to Celadon). I lost on level eight, so I'm not sure how high up it goes; I'll update when I find out.
[17/04/2010 01:25:03]
My mom just beat a level 5 Voltorb Flip and advanced to level 8.
What. Since when is there a level 8. And since when do you get to it from level 5.
… I was in the Celadon Game Corner, maybe that had something to do with it.[17/04/2010 01:10:58]
Emerald Espeon
YGOTAS is Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series. If you ever watched Yu-Gi-Oh when you were a kid, you should watch it :D
[17/04/2010 00:35:59]
Yeah, well… My country's currency is called "Dollar".
Why don't we get cool sounding money?[16/04/2010 23:47:29]
The Icelandic currency is called the Krona. This took 20 seconds of Wikipediaing.
[16/04/2010 18:38:23]
Confused… what the heck is YGOTAS?
@Butterfree: What's your country's currency called?
OHHH! Uxie!!![16/04/2010 16:32:42]
Emerald Espeon
I love YGOTAS <3 I've been trying to get my friend to watch it for ages.
[16/04/2010 12:33:04]
any clues for number 18?
pachirisu 4 spammy ^-^[16/04/2010 12:21:26]
I just saw that eruption on the news.
Poor Europe![16/04/2010 02:26:01]
Commenting on: 04-12-10Level 7 is the last one? Oh wow, I never knew that, because I could never beat it… but I shall. I've taken down Minesweeper and Sudoku, so I think I can definitely take down Voltorb Flip on ultimate difficulty.
[16/04/2010 02:11:52]
Everyone's heard of YGOTAS.
NEHW ECKSEPTSHUNS.[16/04/2010 02:05:00]
Heres my friends favroite part of his favorite song, Bad Influence:
So whatt if its only one o clock in the afternoon, its never too soon to send out all the invitations to the last night of YOUR LIFE!
Aaaanyway,have any of you heard of YGOTAS?
I'll give you two hints:
In America!
Screw the rules I have money![16/04/2010 01:54:48]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC